Audit Policy
Audit Policy
Audit Policy
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The audit policy is frarned scrupulously following the bye-larvs of the bank,
orders /guidelines issued from time to time by the RBI with a profound hope that
this policy would ensure protection of interest of the depositors, mernbers and all
those connected, so that the Bank can function on prudential lines.
Concurrent Audit:
The concurrent audit system being an integral part of'bank's early warning
system, Chartered Accountants to be entrusted rvith the responsibility of
undertaking the concurrent audit. The Concurrent Auditor shall inter alia detect the
cases of frauds. malpractices. violation of rules and procedures and instances of
sr-rppression of facts and figures required to be submitted to the Administrative
Olfice of the Bank.
This concurrent Audit shall examine in a systematic woy, all the financial
transactions on a regular basis to ensure accuracy, authority, compliance with
rules, procedures and guidelines framed in the organization so that certain serious
irregularities such as non cornpliance of KYC while openirrg a/cs, passing of
payments without authorization of customer, non tallying of schedules, non r
econciliation of bank accounts to the books, improper credit appraisals,
disbursement without observing proper terms of sanction, failures to exercise proper
The concurrent audit report shall critically analyses and makes in depth study of the
corruption / fraud prone areas such as appraisal of credit proposals, balancing of
boolis. reconciliation of inter branch accounts, settlement of clearing transactions,
: suspense accounts and stationery accounts leaving no scope for any malpractices /
The concurrent auditor should ensure that the off-balance sheet transactions
are properly followed up by all branches and records there for are periodically
balanced, lapses I irregularities in this regard are to be commented upon critically.
The concurrent audit shall set proper functioning of the bank so that the
periodical audit and inspections conducted by the statutory auditor and Reserve
Bank of India respectively do not find any instances of lapses / irregularities.
The concurrent audit shall also comply with statutory' auditor's report and
Reserve Bank of India inspections' reports.
The concurrent audit shall strive for strengthening the credibility of the
systern in detecting cases of frauds / malpractices and suggest steps need to be taken
bank u,ho in turn forrvard them to the concerned branch for getting compliance, if
required and to place such Audit Report with compliance before the Audit Sub
Comrrittee of the bank for furlher scrutinv and necessary action.
Time limit fixed ;sion of Concurrent Audit Report and for its
malpractices, if any, immediately to the General Manager of the bank and the
General Manager is required to take immediate necessary action.
Internal Inspection:
Beside, concurrent audit system, senior officers of the Bank in the Grade not
less than Assistant General Manager shall be entrusted with the work of HIA
and he shall underlake periodical inspection of all the branches as follor,vs:
a). HIA or his sub-ordinate statf of the Bank shall inspect each branch
invariably once in a month and to ensure transactions are done as per rules
prescribed, books of accounts are properly maintained etc. and to submit
their contrary findings, if any, to the General Manager o,f the bank who in
turn send it to the Audit committee of Board.
b)., Also the General Manager of the Bank shall make surprise checks of all
branches at random to ensure that branch oft-rcials do not indulge in
c). HIA of the bank is also required to assess various risks faced by the bank
t und r.vays to mitigate such risks and to report at quarterly rest to the General
Manager of the bank, rvho in turn send it Audit Committee of the Board.
d). HIA is required the adhere to the policy adopted in this regard.
Tirne lirnit fixed for subrnission of HIAs report and for internal audit report are as
Particulars Time line fixed for Time line fixed for Time line fixed for
submission of submission of review by audit
report. compliance. committee.
HIAs report for the Within 30 days Within 15 days Within 30 days
from the date of from the date of from the date of
quarter ending June
/ Sep lDec lMar closure of quarter. receipt of HIAs receipt of HIAs H,i Ia
report. lj
report. ."
Report on Within 30 Within 15
Within 30 days i'
any days days i!
matter uncovered in from the date of from the date of from the date of
Concurrent audit by closure of quarter. such report. such report. i#
the internal
inspection for the
quarter ending June
/ Sep / Dec lMar
outside agencies.
The EDP audit report shall be submitted withi from the date of conclusion
of EDP audit to the General Manager, who in turn place it to Audit Committee of
the board with compliance in next 30 days. lB
Information System (IS) Audit
Bank has adopted technology and has been offering CBS banking, RTGS/NEFT
services, clearing/funds transfer, Rupay Cards, ATM facility etc. to its customers.
In view of the above and having regard to risks emanating from adoption
oftechnology, there is need to introduce IS audit,
The bank has to adopt appropriate systems and practices for conducting IS
audit on annual basis covering all the critically important branches (in terrns of
nature and volume of business).
Such audits shall be undertaken preferably prior to the statutory audit so that
IS audit reports are available to the statutory auditors well in time for examination
and for incorporating comments, if any, in the auditreports.
IS audit report shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of conclusion IT
of IS audit to the General Manager and he shall place such report with compliance
The Audit Committee for Audit & Vigilance shall review the implementation
of the guidelines issued by RBI and appraise the Board at quarterly intervals.
The other duties/ responsibilities of the Audit Committee fbr Audit & vigilance
are as tbllows:
The Audit Committee shall provide direction and oversee the operations ofthe total
audit function in the bank. The total audit function will imply the organization,
operationalisation and quality control of internal audit and inspection within the bank
and follow1up on the statutory audit of the bank and inspection of the Reserve Bank.
I Inter-branchadjustmentaccounts.
I Frauds.
Statutory Autlit :
For appointrnent of statutory Auditor, the Bank shall take prior approval of
RBI (Department of Supervision) on an annual basis as per guidelines issued by
For this purpose, the Bank shall apply to the Regional o'f RBI (Department of
Supervision) before 31" July of the reference year.
3.Independence of Auditors.
3.1.The Board of Directors shall monitor and assess the independence of the
auditors. Any concerns in this regard may be flagged by the Board to the concerned
RO of RBI.
3.2.In case of any concern rvith the Management of the Banks such as non-
availability of infbrmation/non-cooperation by the Management, r,vhich may hamper
the audit process, the SAs shall approach the Board/ACBi of the Bank, under
irrtimation to the concerned RO of RBI.
3.3. Concurrent auditors of the bank should not be considered fbr appointment as
3.4. The restrictions as detailed above, should also apply to an audit firm under the
same network of audit f-rlms or any other audit firm having common partners.
l'rof'essional Standards of SAs.
The Board of the Bank shall review the perfonnance of SAs on an annual
basis. Any serious lapse/negligence in audit responsibilities or conduct issues on
part of the SAs or any other matter considered as relevant shall be reported to RBI
u'ithin trvo tnonths fiorn completion of the annual audit. Such reports should be
sent r,viththe approval/recommendation of the Board r,vith the full details of. the
audit tirrn.
In order to protect the independence of the auditor audit firms, Banks will
have to appoint the SAs for a continuous period of three years, subject to the firms
satistying the eligibility nonns each year. Further, bank can remove the audit firms
during the above period only rvith the prior approval of RBI Regional oftlce
(Departrnent of Supervision).
An auclit t-rrm rvould not be eligible tbr reappointment in the same Bank for
six years (trvo tenures) after completion of full or part of one term of the audit
tenure. In case an audit firm has conducted audit of any Bank forpart-tenure (1 year
or 2 years) and then not appointed for remainder tenure, they also would not be
eligible tor reappointment in the same Bank for six years tiotn completion of part-
The audit fees for SAs of all the Banks shall be reasonable and
colllllensurate with the scope and coverage of audit, size and spread of assets,
accounting and administrative units, complexity of transactions, level of
cornputerization, identified risks in financial reporting, etc.
The Board of Bank shall make recommendation to the Annual General
Meeting(AGM) tbr fixing audit fees of SAs.
Eligibility Criteria for Appointment as Statutory Auditor.
Basic Eligibility
Asset Size of Bank AS Minimr-rur No. Out of total Minimum Minimum Minimum
ou 31st March of of Full-Time FTPs, Minimum No. of Full No. of years No. of
PreviousYear paftners (FTPs) No. of Fellow Time of Audit Professiona
associated with Chartered Partner Paid. Experience I staff
the firm for a Accountant CAs with of the firm
period of at least (FCA) Partners CISA/ISA Note 4
three (3) years associated with Qualification Note 3
the firm for a Note 2
Note 1 period ofat least
three (3)years
Upto Rs 1,000crore 2 1 1* 6 8
* Not mandatory for UCB with asset size of up to Rs. 1,000 crore.
For UCBs with asset size upto Rs 1,000 crore, there is no minimum
requirement in this regard. However, such Banks may give priority to firms with
fulltime partners or full time CAs having CISA/ISA qualification. There shall be at
least one-year continuous association of Paid CAs with CISA/ISA qualification with
the firm as on the date of empanelment for considering thern as Paid CAs with
CISA/ISAqualifi cation for the purpose.
Fol UCBs, audit experience shall mean experience of the audit firm as
Professional stalf includes audit and article clerks with knowledge of book-
keeping and accountancy and rvho are engaged in on-site audits but excludes
typist/steno/corr"tputer operator / secretaries/subordinate staff etc. There should be at
least one-year continuous association of professional staff with the firm as on the
datc of empanehnent for other Banks for considering them as professional staff for
the purpose.
Additional Consideration
i). The audit firm, proposed to be appointed as sAs for Bank, should be duly
qualified for appointment as auditor of a company in terms of Section 141
ofthe Companies Act, 2013.
ii). The audit firm shall not be under debarment Uy uri Government Agency,
National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (ICAI), RBI or Other Financial Regulators.
iii) The Bank shall ensure that appointment of SAs is in line with the ICAI's
Code of Ethics/any other such standards adopted and does not give rise to
any conflict of interest.
In case any audit firm (after appointment) does not comply with any of the
eligibility norms (on account of resignation, death etc. of any of the partners,
employees, action by Government Agencies, NFRA, ICAI, RBI, other Financial
Regulators, etc.), it may promptly approach the Bank with full details. Further, the
audit firm shall take all necessary steps to become eligible within a reasonable time
and in any case, the audit firm should be complying with the above noflns before
commencement of Annual Statutory Audit for Financial Year ending 31't March
and till the completion of annual audit.
In case of any extraordinary circumstance after the commencement of audit, like
death of one or more partners, employees, etc., which makes the firm ineligible with
respect to any of the eligibility norrns, RBI will have the discretion to allow
1. The Bank shall shortlist minimum of 2 atdit firms for every vacancy of SAs
so that even if firm at first preference is found to be ineligible/refuses
appointment, the firm at second preference can be appointed and the
of appointment of SAs does not get delayed. However, in case of
reappointment of SAs by UCBs till completion of tenure of- continuous term
of 3 years, there would not be any requirement of short listing and sending
names of multiple audit flrms to RBI while seeking approual to appointment.
2. The Bank shall place the name of shorttisted audit firms, in order of
preference, before the Board for selection as SA. Upon selection of SAs by
the bank in consultation with the Board and veriffing their compliance with
the eligibility norms prescribed by RBI, the UCBs shall seek RBI's prior
approval for appointment of SAs.
3. The Bank shall obtain a certificate, along with relevant information as per
Form B, from the audit firm(s) proposed to be appointed as SAs by the Bank
to the effect that the audit firm(s) complies with all the eligibility norms
prescribed by RBI for the purpose. Such certificate should be signed by the
main partner/s of the audit firm proposed for appointment of SAs of the
Banks, under the seal of the said audit firm.
4. The bank shall verify the compliance of audit firrn(s) to the eligibility norms
prescribed by RBI for the purpose and after being satisfied of their eligibility,
recolllrlend the names along with a certificate, in the format as per Form C,
stating that the audit firrn(s) proposed to be appointed as SCA/SA by thern
iomply r,vith all eligibility norrrs prescribed by RBI lbr the purpose.
5. While approaching the RBI for its prior approval for appointment of SAs,
bank shall indicate their total asset size as on March 31't of the previous year
(audited figures), forrvard a copy of Board Resolution recommending names
of audit firms for appointment as SAs in the order of preference and also
furnish information as per Form B and Form C as mentioned above, to
facilitate expeditious approval of appointment/re-appointment of the
concerned auditfirm.
Illigibility Certificate from (Name and Firm Registration Nurnber of the finn)
(ii): Whether the firm is a member of any network of audit firms or any
partner of the firm is a partner in any other audit firm? If yes, details thereof.
(iii): Whether the firm has been appointed as SA by any other Commercial
Bank (excluding RRBs) and/or A11 India Financial Institution
(AIFI)/RBI/NBFC/UCB in the present financial year? If yes, details thereof.
(iv): Whether the firm has been debarred from taking up audit assignments
by any regulator/Government agency? If yes, details thereof.
The banlJUCB has obtained eligibility certificate (copy enclosed) from (name and
F-imr Registration Number of the audit firm) proposed to be appointed as Statutory
Auditor of the bank / UCB for FY along with relevant inforrnation (Copy
enciosed), in the fbrmat as prescribed by RBI.
The firm has no past association / association for years with the bank/UCB as
The bankruCB has verified the said firm's compliance with alt eligibility
normsprescribed by RBI for appointment of SAs of UCBs.
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