P 08

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PH2102 Problem Set 8

Q 1) For some problems, it is more convenient to use the so called light cone
coordinates instead of our usual quartet of x0 , x1 , x2 and x3 . These are dened
by the following
x+ = x0 + x1 , x − = x0 − x1 ,
the other coordinates staying unchanged.

a) Try to explain why these are called light cone coordinates .

b) Write down the space-time invariant in terms of these coordinates x+ , x− , x2 , x3

Hence write down the matrix form for η in these coordinates.

c) What does the special Lorentz transformations look like in these coordinates?

d) A general 4-vector in light cone coordinates will be of the form A


+ 2 3

A , A , A , A . How will the components of its corresponding covector be
+ − 2 3
related to A , A , A , A in these co-ordinates?

Q 2) In classical (i.e. Newtonian) physics, the kinetic energy T of a point

particle is dened to be the work that needs to be done on it to accelerate it
to its current velocity ⃗u starting from rest. The calculation goes somewhat like
this :

Z Z ⃗
v =⃗
u Z
d d⃗r
T = F⃗ · d⃗r = (m⃗v ) · d⃗r = d (m⃗v ) ·
⃗ ⃗
v =0 dt dt
Z Z  2 ⃗
v 1 1
= m⃗v · d⃗v = md = mv 2 = mu2
2 2 0 2

In relativistic physics we can use something similar to dene kinetic energy.

R ⃗v=⃗u
However, instead of T = v =⃗
⃗ 0 dt
(m⃗v ) · d⃗r we have to use

Z ⃗
v =⃗
T = (mγ (v) ⃗v ) · d⃗r
v =⃗
⃗ 0 dt

a) By carrying out this integral, show that the relativistic expression for the
kinetic energy of a point particle is

T = m (γ (u) − 1) c2

b) Show that when u ≪ c this reduces to the familiar Newtonian formula. What
is next order correction to the classical formula? Estimate what is the percentage
of error that will be incurred if we were to use the Newtonian formula instead
of the classical formula for u = 0.01c, u = 0.1c,and u = 0.5c, respectively.

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