Midterm Exam

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1st Trimester 2024

Class Schedule : SUNDAY (8:00-12:00)
Semester : 1ST
Course :

1. Describe Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Method. Give an example of a

research using Quantitative and Qualitative Method (present only the doi) and
explain what makes it as an example of Qualitative and Quantitative Method?

A quantitative method involves the collection and analysis of numerical data
to understand phenomena, relationships, and patterns. It typically employs
statistical techniques to analyze data and draw conclusions. This approach
aims to quantify variables and test hypotheses, often using structured
methods such as surveys, experiments, or observational studies. Then a
qualitative method involves the exploration and understanding of complex
phenomena through the collection and analysis of non-numerical data. It
focuses on interpreting meanings, experiences, and perspectives using
methods such as interviews, focus groups, or observations. This approach
aims to provide rich, in-depth insights into the studied phenomena, often
through open-ended and flexible method and also the mixed methods of
research is a combination in both quantitative and qualitative approaches
within a single study to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the
research question. Which involves collecting and analyzing both numerical
and non-numerical data, integrating findings from both approaches to
address the research objectives effectively.


Quantitative Research: "The impact of educational games on student performance:

Evidence from an experimental study on a university-level economics course" DOI:

-This quantitative research study investigates the impact of educational games on

student performance in a university-level economics course. The researchers conducted
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal Campus
Población West, Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. No. 4748196

an experimental study where students were randomly assigned to either a treatment

group that used an educational game as part of their coursework or a control group that
followed traditional teaching methods. The study collected numerical data on student
performance, including exam scores and course grades, throughout the semester.
Statistical analysis, such as t-tests or ANOVA, was used to compare the performance of
students in the treatment and control groups. The findings of the study provide
quantitative evidence regarding the effectiveness of educational games in enhancing
student performance in economics courses.

Qualitative Reaserch: "Exploring the experiences of women in leadership

positions in the hospitality industry: A qualitative study" DOI:
- This qualitative research study explores the experiences of women in
leadership positions within the hospitality industry. The researchers
conducted in-depth interviews with women holding leadership roles in
various sectors of the hospitality industry, such as hotel management,
restaurant ownership, and event planning. Through open-ended questions
and probing techniques, the study gathered rich, detailed data about the
participants' experiences, challenges, and strategies as female leaders in
a male-dominated field. Thematic analysis was employed to identify
common themes and patterns across the participants' narratives. The
findings of the study provide insights into the unique experiences,
barriers, and opportunities faced by women in leadership positions within
the hospitality industry, contributing to a deeper understanding of gender
dynamics in organizational leadership. This study exemplifies qualitative
research as it focuses on understanding and interpreting the lived
experiences and perspectives of the participants in their natural context.

2. Explain the Descriptive, Experimental, and Historical Research Designs. Give an

example of Descriptive Experimental Research Design (present only the doi) and
explain what makes it as an example of Descriptive and Experimental design.


A descriptive research design describes characteristics or phenomena,

experimental research design manipulates variables to establish cause-and-
effect relationships, and historical research design investigates past events to
understand their significance and impact on the present. Each research
design has its own strengths and limitations, and researchers select the most
appropriate design based on their research questions, objectives, and
available resources.
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal Campus
Población West, Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. No. 4748196


Descriptive Experimental Research Design: “The Effects of Temperature on the Growth

Rate of Lettuce Seedlings: A Descriptive Experimental Design”
DOI 10.1016/S0043-1354(87)80010-9
- This study is a descriptive experimental design study, since it allows researchers to
systematically investigate the impact of various factors, such as temperature, on the
growth of plants like lettuce. By sharing their findings, scientists contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in the field of plant biology and agriculture, ultimately
benefiting society through improved crop management and food production.

3. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the education sector has implemented online
teaching. A researcher researches on the Factors Affecting the School
Preparedness towards Online Education. What is the dependent variable in the
statement above? If you were the researcher, what would be your independent
variables? Provide a good discussion of your independent variables.

Answer: The dependent variable is the School Preparedness towards Online

Education. If I where the researchers my independent variables are
Infrastructure since the availability and quality of technological infrastructure,
such as reliable internet connectivity, devices (e.g., laptops, tablets,
smartphones), and software, play a crucial role in determining a school's
preparedness for online education. Teacher Training and Support for teachers'
readiness and ability to adapt to online teaching methods are essential for
successful online education. Independent variables in this category could include
the extent of training provided to teachers, their comfort level with technology,
and the availability of resources and support to help them develop their online
teaching skills. Curriculum Adaptation for the flexibility and adaptability of the
school curriculum to accommodate online learning formats can significantly
impact preparedness. Independent variables in this category could include the
degree of curriculum modification required for online delivery, the availability of
digital learning materials, and the ease of assessing student learning in an online
environment. Then Student Access and Support because students' access to
technology and support at home can influence their ability to participate in online
education. Independent variables in this category could include the availability of
devices and internet connectivity for students, the presence of a conducive
learning environment at home, and the provision of additional support services
(e.g., counseling, tutoring) for students during online learning. Lastly are School
Leadership and Policy through the level of commitment, vision, and
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal Campus
Población West, Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. No. 4748196

preparedness demonstrated by school leaders and policymakers can significantly

impact the overall preparedness of an institution for online education.
Independent variables in this category could include the availability of resources
and funding for online education initiatives, the development of clear policies and
guidelines, and the degree of collaboration and communication among school

4. Why are theories and legal bases important in making a research? Discuss


Theories and legal bases are essential components of the research process,
because it provides conceptual framework, guide the research process, promote
the integration of knowledge, enhancing validity and reliability, facilitating
communication and collaboration, and contributing to practical implications. By
incorporating these foundational elements into their research, researchers can
produce high-quality, meaningful, and impactful work that advances knowledge
and benefits society.

5. If you plan to prepare a research instrument for your study, how will you ensure
the validity and reliability of the results obtained with this instrument? Explain


As a researcher, I must follow a series of steps and employ various techniques.

Like defining the Research Objectives and Questions, Developing the Research
Instrument, Reviewing Literature and Established Theories, Pre-testing the
Instrument, Establishing Reliability, Establishing Validity, Pilot Testing, Data
Analysis and Interpretation and Report and Document by following these steps
and employing various techniques to ensure validity and reliability, I can develop
a robust research instrument that generates accurate and meaningful results.

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