Geo Form Two Holiday Assignment 2024 December Geography
Geo Form Two Holiday Assignment 2024 December Geography
Geo Form Two Holiday Assignment 2024 December Geography
1. (a) Name the two types of earth movements that occur within the earth’s
crust (2 mks )
(b) Describe the origin of the continents according to the Theory of continental Drift
(3 mks )
3. Explain four evidences put forward to proof continental drift theory. (8 mks )
1. (a) In your answer booklet, draw a diagram to show a simple fold and on it
(i) An anticline. 1 mk
(ii) A limb. 1 mk
(iii) A syncline 1 mk
(b) Name two fold mountains in Africa. 2 mks
(i) Asia
(b) (i) Apart from Fold Mountains, name three other features resulting
from folding.
(ii) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the formation of an overthrust fold.
(d) (i) How would students in your school prepare themselves for study
8. Fill in the table provided details on age, period and features formed in each named orogenies.
Orogeny Years (age) Period Mountains/features built
Charnian 1 Pre-cambrian 2
Caledonian Old 440 million years ago -Akwapim Hills of Ghana
- Scottish highlands
Hercynian 3 Upper Carbon- Cape ranges
Ural mountains
Alpine Youngest 70 million years 4
6 mks
1. a) A part from the Rift Valley name two other relief features that were
b) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe how a Rift Valley is
5. Explain two ways in which features resulting from faulting are of economic importance
(4 mks )
6. (a) (i) With aid of diagrams outline formation of rift valley by tension
theory. (5 mks )
(b) Students are planning to carry out field study of an area affected by
10. Explain ways in which features resulting from faulting are of importance.(8 mks )
(8 mks )
study. (4 mks )
ii) State two problems they are likely to have experienced during the field study
(4 mks )
(c) (i) Name three volcanic features found in the rift valley of Kenya
(ii) Explain four negative effects of vulcanicity in Kenya
(ii) During your field work, you intend to study volcanic rocks, state
3. Name three volcanic features found in the Rift Valley of Kenya. (3 mks )
1. (a) Name two scales used to measure the intensity of an earthquake (2 mks )
2. The diagram below represents the internal structure of the earth. Use it to answer
3. Name the part marked U and V.
i. The crust
(iii) State the five ways in which the earths’ crust is affected by
i. Give two sources of information that you would use in preparation for the
ii. Explain two factors that would make it difficult for you to collect accurate
9. Students from your school intend to carry out a field study of an area recently affected by
intense earthquake.
(i) Give two sources of information that you would use in preparation for the
(ii) Explain two factors that would make it difficult for you to collect accurate data
2. The table below represents rainfall and temperature figures for a town in Africa. Use it to
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp 27 28 28 28 27 25 25 24 25 26 27 26
( 0C)
Rainfall 25 38 99 140 277 439 277 69 142 201 71 25
( mm)
( a) Calculate the annual range of temperature for the town (2mk)
(b) Calculate the total annual rainfall for the town. (2 mks
(2 mks
(c) State two characteristics of the climate experienced in the town.
3. Use the map below to answer questions (a) and (b)
(a) Name:
(8 mks )
(d) (i) Describe a suitable site where you would locate a weather station
(ii) Latitude.
(8 mks )
9. Describe the characteristics of the natural vegetation found in the shaded area marked
10. i) Explain four ways in which the vegetation found in the area
11. You are required to carry out a field study of the vegetation within the local
other activities you will carry out during the field study.
• Canada (1 mk )
• Russia (1 mk )
• Australia (1 mk )
b) Explain three causes of the decline of the areas under forest in Kenya.
(6 mks )
c) You are supposed to carry out a field study on the uses of vegetation in the area your
(i) State three reasons why it would be necessary to visit the area
(ii) Give four uses of you are likely to identify during the study (4mks)
4. Explain three measures that the Kenyan government has taken to reduce the
(iv) Aspect
(v) Soil
ii) Explain three factors that favour the growth of natural forests on the slopes of
iii) State five factors that have led to the reduction of the area under forest on the
b) Explain four measures that the government of Kenya is taking to conserve forests in
the country. (8 mks )
c) Give the differences in the exploitation of softwood forests in Kenya and Canada under
6. Explain four problems that are being experienced in exploitation of hardwood forests in
(8 mks )
7. Explain three reasons why only a small part of Kenya is forested. (6 mks )