English Q2-W1-Day 1 - Noting Detail
English Q2-W1-Day 1 - Noting Detail
English Q2-W1-Day 1 - Noting Detail
8:20-9:10 LOVE
9:40-10:30 KIND
I. Learning Objectives:
A. Content standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of text types to
listen for different purposes from a variety of texts.
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses linguistic cues to effectively construct
meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of purpose.
C. MELC/Objective
Note down relevant information from text heard-
EN6LC-IId-2, EN6LC-IIe-2
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Attendance
3. Reading Activity
Read the FRY words
English Phrases
1. inform readers on true
2. information displayed in graphs
3. a number of factual information
4. fact-based information
5. a wide range of nonfiction
B. Discussion
What is Noting Down?
Noting down is useful to get the key information. It
makes you retain, remember, recite and recall relevant
C. Controlled Activity
a. Guided Activity
Listen as the teacher reads the story and take down
notes relevant details.
Guide Questions:
1. What is meant by duped?
2. Who duped by wicked sons?
3. How were they duped?
4. How did the sons treat their father?
5. Who would help the poor old man?
6. What did he bring the old man?
7. What would they do with the four bags?
8. What excuse did the friend suggest to justify his visit
that day?
9. What instructions did the friend give the old man?
10. Did the sons change their conduct toward their
11. How do you think the sons feel when they
opened the bags?
12. What lesson does the selection teach you?
b. Independent Activity
Listen and take note of the important details found in
the story. Afterwards, answer the questions. Choose your
answer in the box.
Narcissus was out of breath from running when he came
to clear pool. He stopped to drink. Just as he was about to sip
the cool water, he saw a face in the pool. It was handsome
and he was attracted to it. “Who are you?” he asked. “Who
are you?” echoed someone. “Why are you mocking me?”
asked Narcissus. “Mocking me,” said the voice. Narcissus was
puzzled. He wanted to talk with the face in the pool but would
not answer. He tried to catch it but to no avail. At last, he lost
hope and plunged into the pool to see the owner of the face.
D. Generalization
What is noting down?
What are the things to remember in noting down?
V. Evaluation:
Read the passage carefully. Take note of the relevant information in
it and answer the questions that follow.
The Grade Six pupils decided to make their room clean, orderly and
beautiful. Here are some of the rules everyone needs to follow: wipe your
shoes on the doormat before entering the room. Put the waste papers,
fruit peelings and candy wrappers in the waste basket. Keep the walls,
desks, and tables free from pencil and chalk marks and scratches. Put the
cleaning materials in a box. Arrange the furniture properly. Put away your
pencils, books, notebooks after using them. Hang umbrellas and raincoats
in one corner of a room. Keep book clean and well-covered.
VI. Assignment:
What is the importance of noting down relevant information in
listening to a story or passage?
VII. Remarks
VIII. Reflection