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R. TALSORIAN Contains corrections and clarifications to CYBERPUNK, Version 2.0, including
bound-in version of SCREAMSHEETS adventures and new artwork. For a free CP
GAMES - 111111111• update to bring your Version 1.0 on line with the new data in this version, as
INC. well as a free DATA SCREEN correction overlay, just send an SASE to R. Talsorian
Games, Inc. P.O. Box 7356, Dept H, Berkeley, CA. 94707.
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Cast & Crew

Writers Matteo Resinanti Lisa Pondsmith
Mike Pondsmith Mike Hernandez Janet Piercy
Colin Fisk Fiddly Bits: Ed Bolme
Will Moss Layout & Design
Scott Ruggels Matt Anacleto Playtesters
Dave Friedland Mike Pondsmith Anders Swenson
Mike Blum (Screamsheets) Diana "Fritz" Goldman Mike Blum
Screamsheets: Janet Piercy Chris Hockabout
Cover & Ted Talsorian Kevin DeAntonio
Doug Anderson Art Recovery: Mike MacDonald Thaddeus Howze
Barton Bolmen
Illustration Typography Sean Fitzpatric
Justin Chin Diana "Fritz" Goldman Steve Isom
Paolo Parente Ted Talsorian Lucien Stalls
Chris Hockabout Ian Studebaker
Sam Liu Editing Magnus Seder
Riccardo Crosa Will Moss Rob Pruden
Angelo Montanini Derek Quintanar Brian Perry
Scott Ruggels Mike Pondsmith Jesse Vanvalkenburg
Charlie Moore
Steven Lorenz
GA/VIES - - - -...- • Randy Roosa
INC. ----
P.O.Ba,c 7356, Berkeley, CA USA 94706 To Lisa.
Copyright 11:l 1990, 1991, 1993 by R.Talsorlan Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cyberpunk® Is R.Talsorian's
Trademark name for It's adventure game of the dark future. The terms Netrunner, Chromebook and Night City are
What a long, strange trip it's been!
trademarks of R.Talsorlan Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved under Universal Copyright Convention. All Incidents,
sltutatlons, and persons portrayed within are fictional, and any similarity, without satiric Intent, of characters living or
dead Is strictly coincidental.
CP 3002 ISBN 0-937-279-13-7
•- C
Soul 6r The New Machine ............... J
Roles .................................................. 4
Special Abilities .................................. 4
Rockerboys ..................................... 6
Cyberoptics ..................................... 86
Cyberaudio ...................................... 87
Cyberlimbs ...................................... 88
Cyberlimb Cyberweapons ................ 91

Exotic Fashion ............................ 121

Drugs ........................................ 122

Building Your Own ..................... 123
Solos .............................................. 8 Linear Frames ................................... 91
Netrunners ................................... 1 0 Body Plating .................................... 92 Netrunner ................................. 12 7
Techies12 Running Out of Cash ....................... 93 Geography ..................................... 128
Medias ......................................... 14 Islands of the Net ........................... 129
Cops ............................................ 16 Friday Night Firefight .................. 96 Regions ...................................... 129
Corporates ................................... 1 8 Rounds & Turn Order ...................... 97 Long Distance Links .................... 1 31
Fixers................ .. ... .. .. ... 20 Initiative ........................................... 97 Wilderspace ........................... 1 31
Nomads ....................................... 24 Fast Draw ........................................ 97 NetWatch ................................... 131
Actions ............................................ 98 Bulletin Boards (BBS) .................. 131
Getting Cyberpunk ...................... 2S More Than One Action ................. 98 Net Gear ........................................ 1 32
Character Points ........................... 25 Two Weapon Attacks .................... 98 Interfaces .................................... 1 32
Statistics ...................................... 2 6 Ambushes & Backstabs ................. 98 ICONS ....................................... 132
Fast & Dirty Expendables......... 30 Line of Sight/Facing ....................... 101 Interface Plugs ............................ 132
Damage ......................................... 101 Cyberdecks ... .. ............... 132
Tales From the Street (Llfepath) ... 33 Hit Locations .................................. 101 Improving Your Deck .................. 134
Origins & Style ................................ 34 Armor ............................................ 101 Deck Options ............................. 134
Family Background .......................... 35 Cover ............................................. 102 Programs ....................................... 137
Motivations & Life Events ... 36 Body Type Modifier ....................... 103 Live Link Up ................................... 141
Big Problems, Big Wins . . .. ........ 37 Wounds ......................................... 103 Program List ..................... 142-143
Friends & Enemies ........................... 38 Stun/Shock Saves ........................... 104 Running the Net ............................ 144
Romantic Life ................................... 39 Death Saves ................................... 104 Security Levels ............................... 144
Making Attacks .............................. 1 04 Tracing .......................................... 145
Worklng ...................................... 41 Ranged Weapons ........................... 105 Subgrids ........................................ 149
Skill Checks ..................................... .4 1 Automatic Weapons ................... 106 The Menu ...................................... 149
Starting Skills ................................... 43 Unusual Ranged Weapons .......... 107 Combat ........................................ 149
Career Skill List ................................. 44 Beam Weapons .......................... 1 08 Initiative ..................................... 151
Master Skill List ............................... .45 Area Effect Weapons ...................... 108 Turns & Actions .......................... 151
Pickup Skills ..................................... 46 Shotguns .................................... 108 Range ......................................... 152
Skill Descriptions ......................... 46-5 3 Grenades .................................... 108 Movement ................................. 152
Learning New Skills .......................... 53 Flamethrowers ............................ 108 Stealth & Evasion ....................... 152
IP Multipliers .................................... 53 Rocket Powered Grenades .......... 110 Attacks Against Systems/Decks .. 152
Getting More IP ............................... 54 Missiles ....................................... 11 0 Anti-personnel Attacks ................ 153
Inventing New Skills ......................... 54 Explosives ................................... 11 0 Anti-IC Attacks ............................ 153
Reputation ....................................... 54 Molotov Cocktails ....................... 111 Controllers & Utilities ................. 153
Melee Attacks ........ ............. .. ...... 111 Designing Data Fortresses .............. 154
Getting Fitted For the Future ....... S7 Martial Arts & Brawling ................. 111 Playing Artificial Intelligences ...... 155
Starting Funds ................................. 57 Dodging ........................................ 112 Fast Fortress Construction ........... 164
Encumberance ................................. 59 Parrying ......................................... 112 Programming 101 ......................... 167
Weapons ......................................... 60 Melee Damage .............................. 11 2 Virtually There ........................ 1 70-174
Weapons List ........................... 61-62 Monoknives, Mono Katanas & Slice n'
Weapons Descriptions ........ 62-63 Dice ............................................. 112 All Things Dark & Cyberpunk ..... 17S
Old Guns................. .. ........ 66 Vehicles in FNFF ............................. 112 Future Shock....... .. .......... 1 76-185
Armor .............................................. 67 Vehicle Combat .......................... 112
Special Equipment ........................... 67 Vehicle Damage ......................... 11 3 Running Cyberpunk ............ 186-189
2020 Gear List ................................. 68
Gear Descriptions ....................... 69-71 Trauma Team ........................... 11 S Never Fade Away: A Cyberpunk
Stabilization ................................. 115 Story/Adventure .................. 190-203
Putting the Cyber Into the Punk ... 72 Death State .................................... 115
Cyberfashion .................................... 72 Healing .......................................... 116 Megacorps 2020 ................. 204-208
Cyberpsychosis ................................ 73 First Aid ......................................... 11 6 Corporate Profiles ................ 209-214
Humanity Costs ............................... 74 Medical Tech ................................. 116
Cybertechnology ............................. 75 Speed Healing Drugs .................. 11 7 Night City .......................... 21S-219
Cyberware List ............................ 76-79 Nanotech ................................... 11 8 Encounters .......................... 220-221
Surgery Codes ................................. 75 Elective Surgery .......................... 118 Personalities ........................ 222-223
Fashionware ..................................... 80 Replacement Surgery .................. 119
Neuralware ...................................... 80 Trauma Teamr" ............................. 119 Face of the City .................. 224-211
Implants .......................................... 83 Body Banks .................................... 1 20
Bioware ........................................... 85 Vat Grown Tissue Banks ................. 120 Screamsheets ..................... 232-250
Cyberweapons ................................. 85 Bodysculpting ................................ 1 20


"I'm not a man /or a machine.
I'm just something in betwe£!n.
As a Cyberpunk, you grab technolog y by the throat and l"m al/ love I a dynamo
So push the button and let me go."
hang on. Yau 've got interface plugs in your wrists, Lovin' Every Minute of It
weapons in your arms, lasers in your eyes. biochip pro- 1984 Zomba Enterprises Inc (ASCAP)

grams in your brain. You become the car you drive, the So you wanna be a Cybtrpunk? Or
maybe just look like one?
gun you shoat ... With cyborged fingers you pick com-
Before you pitch off your sleepmat and
puter locks; with enhanced senses, you see into the jump in, there's ll few things we need to
Future. tell you. First of all, the name. Cyberpunk
comes from two words. Cyber-from
the term cybernetic, or a fusion offlesh
and machine technology. Punk-from
an early l 980's rock music style that
epitomized violence, rebellion and
social action in a nihillistic way. The
term was popularized in the Pre-Col-
la pse days by a group of writers who
specialized in writing science fiction
with this kind oftechno-melange . Their

works featured II streamlined blend of
rock, pop, sex, drugs and the highest,
hippest technology-usuall y grafted
onto your body somewhere. The
archetypical cyberpunk heroes of the
80's ranged from technobarbarians

roaming a Postholocaust world, to
cyberchipped jet setters with designer

Of course, from our enlightened view-

point here in 2020, this all looks pretty
dated. After all, you probably accessed

MA CH INE this article from your personal database

'comp. You used a Kiyoshiru 1300A
interface cable with a direct link from
your wristplugs. You're used to hard-
wiring into the appliances to make
coffee, "studding" into the 'Benz to
The world of Cyberpunk is a violent, they can. Whether it takes committing drive down to the corner store. But
understand-in 1987, this was all
dangerous place, filled with people crimes, defying authority or even outright considered pretty visionary stuff. No
who'd love to rip your arm off and revolution, the quintessential Cyberpunk char- one had plugs. You couldn't dial Luna
acter is a rebel on the cellular. Designer drugs were
eat it. The traditional concepts of illegal. You could walk down most city
with a cause. As streets without an armor jacket. There
good and evil are replaced by the "Always take a Cyberpunkrole- wasn't even a Net.
values ofexpedience -you do what
It to the player, it's up to Now we know better. History books
you have to do to survive. If you you to find that
can do some good along the way, Edge. It's the cause and go to can tell you in detail about the Crash of
1994, when the Euro-Combines estab-
great. Cyberpunk the wall with it. lished the World Stock Exchange and
the economies of the United states and
way." Old Sov Russia collapsed.
But don't count on it. -Johnny This is the essence
of Cyberpunk- In those days, both were ranked as
Silverhand superpowers, instead of II couple of
Cyberpunk characters are survivors in a playingyourchar- overarmed second-raters waving
tough, grim world, faced with life and acter with the nuclear weapons around under the
death choices. How they make these choices proper disaffected, cynical-yet-idealistic style. watchful eye of the EuroSpace Defense
will have a lot to do with whether they end Agency. As long as the Tycho
Whether you're a biker with leathered skin and massdrivers are ready to throw rocks at
up as vicious animals roaming a ruined metal claws, or a debutante in satin sporting the Moscow and Washington, we'll
world, or retain something of their basic latest in designer cyberoptics, you're going to probably avoid having the nuclear war
humanity. Cyberpunk characters are the everyone's been expecting since 1944.
need a certain panache-a certain flair, in por- After all, rocks are cheap.
heroes of a bad situation, working to make traying yourself. To achieve the essence of the
it better (or at least survivable) whenever 2000's, you need to master three concepts: Now, of course, everything's more or

1) Style over Substance this side of the Postholocaust. Each character

less run by the Corporations, which are
pretty much governments in theITT- It doesn't matter how well you do some- in this world is playing a Role-a face that
selves. You can go anywhere on one thing, as long as you look good doing it. If person projects to the outside world as the
passport-one worldism at its best. The you're going to blow it, make sure you look real thing. There are 9 Roles in Cyberpunk:
currencies of most nations are stabilized
to each other, and the Eurodollar is a like you planned it that way. Normally, Rockerboys, Solos, Netrunners, Corpo-
world currency. Hardly anyone com- clothes and looks don't matter in an ad- rates, Techies, Cops, Fixers, Medias, and
plains anymore about Corporate Life- venture-in this world, having a leather Nomads. As a Cyberpunk player, you must
time Contracts or the abolition of
unions. It's the price ofliving in a stable, armor jacket and mirrorshades is a serious select one role for your character.
safe society, rig ht? consideration.
After alt, you could be living in the
Projects. Sixteen people to an apart- 2) Attitude is Everything Special Abilities are skills usable only by specific
ment, sharing ration chips every week It's truth. Think dangerous; be dangerous. character Roles; for example, Rockerboys have
to buy food, with eight thousand Think weak; be weak. Remember, every- the Special Ability of Charismatic Leadership,
apartments per city block? Sure, it isn't
the best life, what with the booster- one in the 2000's is carrying which represents the vast
gangsroaming the Malls and the major- lots of lethal hardware and amount of power they
league crime problems, but it beats high-tech enhancements. have over their legions of
actually being on the Street. At least the
mega-arcologies have cops (okay, They won't be impressed THE RULES: fans. When using a Special
rented Corporate cops, but its easier by your new H&Ksmartgun "1) Style Over Ability, you will add it's
than fronting the euro for your own unless you swagger into the value to the specific stat as
personal Solo!). Besides, the media-
nets make sure that every apartment club looking like you know Substance. if it were a skill.
has direct cable access to 1V, radio and how to use it-and are just 2) Attitude Is
sensory feed, so there's always itching for an excuse. Rockerboy Special
something to do on a Saturday night. Everything.
Ablllty: Charismatic
Where were we? Oh yeah-you want Never walk into a room 3) Always take it Leadership. This skill
to be a Cyberpunk. · when you can stride in. to the Edge. allows the Rocker to sway
Here's more background for you to Never look at someone 4) Break the crowds equal to his
think over. When the grand old Mas- unless you can make it your ability level squared,
ters of the Movement first started best "killer" look. Use your Rules." times 200.
writing the cyberpunk genre, they as-
sumed that most of the things they best "I'm bad and you -RlpperJack
wrote about would either never hap- aren't." smile. Don't sit Solo Special Ablllty:
pen or would happen in the far future. around the flat or cube Combat Sense.Added
No one knew that the West Germans
were already developing "organicn cir- waiting for the next job. to all Initiative and
cuitry in the late 1980's, or that the Get on out and hit the clubs and hangouts. Awareness checks, this makes the Solo the
United States Air Force was developing Make sure you're where the party starts. fastest reacting person in a situation.
mentally controlled weapons systems.
Synthetic myomar muscle fibres were
just starting to be used to control 3) Live on the Edge Netrunner Special Ablllty: Interface.
prosthetics, and very few people could The Edge is that nebulous zone where risk This Skill reflects the Netrunner's ability to
project ahead into the 1990's when
organic chipped arms and legs would takers and high riders go. On the Edge, you'll manipulate Interface programs, and is the
be possible. There were a few primitive risk your cash, your rep, even your life on skill used when operating Menu functions
experiments with bioengineering- something as vague as a principle or a big such as Locate Remote, Run Software, Control
things like FrostbanTM and a few new
types of com-nothing like the bio- score. As a cyberpunk, you want to be the Remote, LDL Link, Load, Create and Delete.
engineered animals that we'll use to action, start the rebellion, light the fire. Join Other players can enter the Net, but can't
terraform the Martian colonies. great causes and fight for big issues. Never use the Menu.
It took about fifteen years for the drive slow when you can drive fast. Throw
newtech to catch up with the vision. yourself up against danger and take it head Techle Special Ablllty: Jury Rig. This
First, the militllry started using cy- on. Never play it too safe. Stay committed general repair skill allows the Techie totem-
bertechnology to create "perfect s9I·
diers" and pilots. Some of the spin-off to the Edge. porarily repair or alter anything for 1 D6 turns
led to prosthetic limbs, eyes and other per level of skill.
body parts. Organic circuitry led to ROLES: The Core of CYBERPUNK
direct hookups between men and com-
puters. Combined with advanced tele- Role-playing Medtech Special Ablllty: Medical Tech.
communications technology and sat• The world of Cyberpunk is a combination of This is the skill used to perform major surgery
ellite downlinks, the basis for the now savage, sophisticated, modern and retro- and medical repairs.
ptanetwide Net, was established. As
each new technological advancement grade. Fashion-model beautiful Techies rub
slammed into place, a sort of cultural shoulders with battle armored road warriors, Media Special Ablllty: Credlblllty. The
technoshock set in. all of them making the scene in the hottest ability to have people believe what you are
dance clubs, sleaziest bars and meanest streets saying while in your on-air persona.
lfi'Jl:ii: 1J:1MSl 11 :11
Technoshock: When technology out-
strips people's ability to comprehend
or fit it into their lives. Suddenly, people
freak out. They get irrational; violent.
Families shatter; relationships tear apart.
People feel helpless in the face of the
Universe. Eventually, the whole society
grinds to a halt, the victim of a mass
psychosis. That's what we now call the

There were three major responses to

technoshock. The vast majority of
people, their lives uprooted and
changed by the advancements, sat
passively waiting for their leaders to tell
them what to do next. One smaller
group tried to turn back the clock,
founding the basis for what we call the
Nee-Luddite movement. The remain-
ing group--they decided to hit the
future head on. With the old 1980's
visionary writings as their guide, they
established the movement we now call

Okay, so now you're ready.

As II cyberpunk, you grab technology by

the throat and hang on. You're not
afraid to check out the newest in
"enhancements", cybertech and bio•
engineering. You've got interface plugs
in your wrists, weapons in your arms,
lasers in your eyes. biochip programs in
your brain. You become the car you
drive, the gyro you fly, the guns you
shoot. You dive headfirst into the Net,
using your mind to hurtle at lightspeed
all over a vast network of Data Fortresses
and Artificial Intelligences. With
Cop Special Ablllty: Authority. The cyborged fingers you pick computer
locks; with enhanced senses, you see
ability to intimidate or control others A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT into the Future.
through your position as a lawman. THIS PRINTING Cyberpunk is also an attitude. You wear
Ahem! It's NOT a Third Edition. In this the most "in" clothes, know the right
Corporate Special Ablllty: Resources. reprint, we've taken extra time to fix all people, and follow the right crowds.
This represents the Corporate's ability to the corrections and typos we could find, You plan your crimes in the most select
command corporation resources. It is used clubs and bars; your enemies are
plus squared away a few of the problems Corporate armies, cyborg bike gangs,
as a persuasion skill, based on the scale of and inconsistencies. But these rules are power-armored assassins and
resources requested. the same rules you've been using since computer-wired Netheads. Yourweap-
ons are nerve, streetsmarts, bravado
the 2020 edition of the game was printed. 1md the Minami 10 smartgun on your
Fixer Special Ability: Streetdeal. The hip.
ability to locate people, information, etc. But there is one big change- the art.
This is a higher form of making a connection One of the great joys of publishing Are you ready now? Of course you are.
You can't wait.
(Lifepath, pg. 27); instead of knowing only international editions is that sometimes
one person, you have connections every- your licensors come up with cool stuff Now you're Cybupunk.
where. In game play, a successful use of you really wish you'd put into your game.
Streetdeal allows you to locate and acquire The new art in this printing is from the
a desired person, place or thing. great guys at Stratelibri, who publish the
Italian Cyberpunk (many thanks to Paolo,
Nomad Special Ability: Family. This Matteo, Riccardo, Angelo, Silvio and of
allows the Nomad to call in as many Family course, Giovanni). We hope all of you out
members to aid him as his current Family there like it as much as we did!
Ability level x 2.
-Maximum Mike




If you live to rock, this is where you belong. place to challenge authority, whether in
Rockerboys are the street poets, social con- straight-out protest songs that tell it like it is,
sciences and rebels of the 2000's. With the or just by playing kick-ass rock n' roll to get
advent of digital porta-studios and garage the people away from the TV sets and into
laser disk mastering, every Rocker with a the Streets. You have a proud history as a
message can take it to the street; put it in the Rockerboy-Dylan, Springsteen, Who, Elvis,
record stores, bounce it off the comsats. the Stones-the legions of hardrock heroes
who told the truth with screaming guitars
Sometimes, this message isn't something and gut-honest lyrics.
the Corporations or the Government wants
to hear. Sometimes what you say is going to As a Rockerboy, you have the power to get
get right in the faces of the powerful people the people up-to lead, inspire and inform.
who really run this world. But you don't care, A song from you can give the timid courage,
because as a Rockerboy, you know it's your the weak stren-gth, and the blind vision.
Rockerboy legends have
led armies against Corpo-
rations and Governments.
Rockerboy songs have ex-
posed corruption, brought
down dictators. It's a lot of
power for a guy doing gigs
every night in another city.
But you can handle it. After
all-you came to play!

"I always knew

what I had to do. It
was really obvious.
fflere were these
scum out there
who were messing
with the world.
ffley were killing
people, raping the
land, and lying In
our faces when we
caught 'em.

"So I decided I had

to put the heat on
'em and make 'em
sweat. That's why I

"Music always
gets hammered
down to the Three
A's. Axe, Attitude
and Audience. Me,
I had an Axe and
an Attitude. All I
had to do was get
the third onewu,,

-Kerry Eurodyne,
1-t·M I :j;: i 1~ tB: Hi
1 11



You were re-born with a

gun in your hand-the flesh
and blood hand, not the
metallic weapons factory
that covers most of your
other arm. Whether as a
freelance guard and killer-
for-hire, or as one of the
Corporate cybersoldiers that
enforce business deals and
the Company's "black op-
erations", you're one of the
elite fighting machines of
the Cyberpunk world.

Most Solos have put in mili-

tary time, either in a Corpo-
rate army or in one of the
Government's continual
"police actions" around the
world. As the battle dam-
age piles up, you start to
rely more and more upon hardware-cyber- body that you're almost a machine. Your
limbs for weapons and armor, bio-program killing reflexes are so jacked up that you have
chips to increase your reflexes and aware- to restrain yourself from going beserk at any
ness, combat drugs to give you that edge moment. Years of combat drugs taken to
over your opponents. When you're the best keep the edge have given you terrifying
of the best, you might even leave the ranks addictions. You can't trust anyone-your
of Corporate samurai and go ronin- mother, your friends, your lovers-no one.
freelancing your lethal talents as killer, body- One night you sleep in a penthouse condo in
guard or enforcer to whoever can pay your the City-the next in a filthy alley on the
very high fees. Street. But that's the price of being the best.

Sounds good? There's a price-a heavy one. And you're willing to pay it. Because you're
You've lost so much of your original meat a Solo.

"After I got out of

the Army, I had
this problem. I
was. good at what
I did, but no one
was hiring. I
mean, what do
you do when
you 're a highly
trained killer with
a background In
demolitions? Read
the want ads?

"After a few
months on the
Street, I got Into a
dustdown with a
local Booster lord.
I flatllned him and
went back to my
drink. Within ten
minutes, the
recruiter from
MIi/tech came up
to me and
dropped a
business card...

"Now I'm a
Company man. The
pay's good, the
Work steady, and
they pay for my
spare parts. So
far, I'm still alive.

So far, so good."
-Morgan Blackhand


headfirst into the dizzying data-winds

of the Net; the worldwide telecommu-
nications system that joins humanity
together. As an electronic wraith, you
are the ultimate "hacker", your brain
wired into special modems and com-
puter links. You slip into the "hardest"
mainframe systems with ease. Your de-
fense and offense programs are arrayed
at a touch of your mental fingertips-a
quick jolt of Demon or Vampire and the
data fortresses fall. EBM. ITT. Sony-
Matsushita-Ford. You've tackled them
all, buying, trading and selling their
deepest secrets at will.

At three, your parents bought you an old Sometimes you uncover important things-
Apple IV GS with a Radius 241 wall screen, Corporate treachery or deadly secrets. But
and your life was changed. By fifth grade, that's not why you Netrun. You live for the
you'dalreadymasteredeverythi ngtheschool new program, the next satellite downlink-
computer literacy lab could throw at you- the next piece of hot data that comes your
youwerealreadyusingCand META-LINGUA way. It's only a matter of time, you think-
to crack into the district's mainframe and every year, the counter intrustion programs
change your grades. When you were thir- get better, theArtificiallntelligencessmarte r.
teen,youshiftedenoughfunds outofunpro- Sooner or later, a faster program or
tected TransAmerican Bank accounts to fi- programmer's going to catch up; reach out
nance your first neural interface plugs. with electronic fingers through your inter-
face plugs, and stop your heart. But time's on
Now, nothing can stop you. With your direct your side, and until the ride runs out, you'll be
mental link to the computer, you can plunge there, barebrained and headfirst in the Net.

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