Note de Cours 23 10 Français
Note de Cours 23 10 Français
Note de Cours 23 10 Français
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R. TALSORIAN Contains corrections and clarifications to CYBERPUNK, Version 2.0, including
bound-in version of SCREAMSHEETS adventures and new artwork. For a free CP
GAMES - 111111111• update to bring your Version 1.0 on line with the new data in this version, as
INC. well as a free DATA SCREEN correction overlay, just send an SASE to R. Talsorian
Games, Inc. P.O. Box 7356, Dept H, Berkeley, CA. 94707.
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grams in your brain. You become the car you drive, the So you wanna be a Cybtrpunk? Or
maybe just look like one?
gun you shoat ... With cyborged fingers you pick com-
Before you pitch off your sleepmat and
puter locks; with enhanced senses, you see into the jump in, there's ll few things we need to
Future. tell you. First of all, the name. Cyberpunk
comes from two words. Cyber-from
the term cybernetic, or a fusion offlesh
and machine technology. Punk-from
an early l 980's rock music style that
epitomized violence, rebellion and
social action in a nihillistic way. The
term was popularized in the Pre-Col-
la pse days by a group of writers who
specialized in writing science fiction
with this kind oftechno-melange . Their
works featured II streamlined blend of
rock, pop, sex, drugs and the highest,
hippest technology-usuall y grafted
onto your body somewhere. The
archetypical cyberpunk heroes of the
80's ranged from technobarbarians
roaming a Postholocaust world, to
cyberchipped jet setters with designer
If you live to rock, this is where you belong. place to challenge authority, whether in
Rockerboys are the street poets, social con- straight-out protest songs that tell it like it is,
sciences and rebels of the 2000's. With the or just by playing kick-ass rock n' roll to get
advent of digital porta-studios and garage the people away from the TV sets and into
laser disk mastering, every Rocker with a the Streets. You have a proud history as a
message can take it to the street; put it in the Rockerboy-Dylan, Springsteen, Who, Elvis,
record stores, bounce it off the comsats. the Stones-the legions of hardrock heroes
who told the truth with screaming guitars
Sometimes, this message isn't something and gut-honest lyrics.
the Corporations or the Government wants
to hear. Sometimes what you say is going to As a Rockerboy, you have the power to get
get right in the faces of the powerful people the people up-to lead, inspire and inform.
who really run this world. But you don't care, A song from you can give the timid courage,
because as a Rockerboy, you know it's your the weak stren-gth, and the blind vision.
Rockerboy legends have
led armies against Corpo-
rations and Governments.
Rockerboy songs have ex-
posed corruption, brought
down dictators. It's a lot of
power for a guy doing gigs
every night in another city.
But you can handle it. After
all-you came to play!
"Music always
gets hammered
down to the Three
A's. Axe, Attitude
and Audience. Me,
I had an Axe and
an Attitude. All I
had to do was get
the third onewu,,
-Kerry Eurodyne,
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Sounds good? There's a price-a heavy one. And you're willing to pay it. Because you're
You've lost so much of your original meat a Solo.
"After a few
months on the
Street, I got Into a
dustdown with a
local Booster lord.
I flatllned him and
went back to my
drink. Within ten
minutes, the
recruiter from
MIi/tech came up
to me and
dropped a
business card...
"Now I'm a
Company man. The
pay's good, the
Work steady, and
they pay for my
spare parts. So
far, I'm still alive.
So far, so good."
-Morgan Blackhand
At three, your parents bought you an old Sometimes you uncover important things-
Apple IV GS with a Radius 241 wall screen, Corporate treachery or deadly secrets. But
and your life was changed. By fifth grade, that's not why you Netrun. You live for the
you'dalreadymasteredeverythi ngtheschool new program, the next satellite downlink-
computer literacy lab could throw at you- the next piece of hot data that comes your
youwerealreadyusingCand META-LINGUA way. It's only a matter of time, you think-
to crack into the district's mainframe and every year, the counter intrustion programs
change your grades. When you were thir- get better, theArtificiallntelligencessmarte r.
teen,youshiftedenoughfunds outofunpro- Sooner or later, a faster program or
tected TransAmerican Bank accounts to fi- programmer's going to catch up; reach out
nance your first neural interface plugs. with electronic fingers through your inter-
face plugs, and stop your heart. But time's on
Now, nothing can stop you. With your direct your side, and until the ride runs out, you'll be
mental link to the computer, you can plunge there, barebrained and headfirst in the Net.