Magnetism Notes 2

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attract each
Like poles repel and unlike poles
Earth behaves like huge magnet with its

magnetic north pole geographical south

We know that certain substances possess the
and magnetic south pole near geographical
property of attracting small pieces of iron called
magnetism. The word magnetism is originated from north.
iron are called magnetite. The natural magnet is Magnetic length (21)
Geometrical length.
called load stone.
S.I. unit of pole strength (m) is A-m.
William Gilbert (1544 1603) discovered that earth
Dimensions of the pole strength are [L'M°T°I]
is a weak magnet. Danish physicist Hans Oersted
(1777 1851) gave the link between electricity and If a bar magnet is placed such that its N-pole
magnetism which was later explained by Maxwell. is towards south pole of the earth then neutral
In electrostatics you have learnt about the points are obtained both sides on the axis of
relationship between the electric field and force due the magnet at same distance from the centre
to electric charges and electric dipoles. Analogous of the magnet
concept exists in magnetism except that magnetic If N-pole of a bar magnet is towards the north
poles do not exist in isolation, and we always have pole of the earth, the neutral points are along
a magnetic dipole or a quadrupole. Here the main equator of a magnet at same distance on both
focus will be on elementary aspects of magnetism the sides of magnet.
and terrestrial magnetism. Iftwo magnets of magnetic moment M, and M,
touching each other with like poles together
POINTS TO REMEMBER and inclined at an angle 0 then resultant
magnetic moment is given by-
The magnetic lines of force are closed loops.
The magnetic lines of force do not intersect.
M=M+M22 +2M,M, cos
Ife= 0°, then M = M, +M,
The tangent to the line of force gives the
direction of the magnetic field at that point. Ife= 90°, then M = M,2 +M,2
The number of lines of force crossing per unit If two magnets are arranged with unlike poles
area gives magnitude of the magnetic
field. touching each other and inclined at an angle
Number of lines of force passing normally 6, then
through given area is magnetic fux. M M +M -2M,M,cos
magnetic flux
I fthey touch each other 0 = 0°, M= M, - M,
Magnetic field =
area ie.B=
S.I. unit of magnetic flux is weber (Wb). Ife= 90°, then M =
yM" +M2
A magnetic needle suspended in a vertical
S.I. unit of magnetic field (B) isebe, or
plane at an angle of 'X" from the magnetic
tesla meridian makes an angle Y with the
[1 tesla = 10' gauss] horizontal then the true (real) angle of dip ()
Dimensions of B are [L'M'T2I] is given by
in tan tanY cosX]
Freely suspended magnet always points In the above relation Y is an
north-south direction in horizotal plane.
The ends of the bar magnet are called poles. apparent angle of dip. Let Y = ¢'

These are fictitious poles. tano'= an o

Monopole doesn't exist. cosX
apparent dip = o' = tan"
North seeking pole is called N pole and south
seeking pole is called S pole. cosX


Magnetic maps of the earth; Isomagnetic horizontal components of earth's magnetic

charts (3 types): field and is angle of dip.
i) Isodynamic lines Lines joining places of
equal horizontal components (B,). (7) (a) At magnetic north pole, B = B, , directed
upwards, B = 0, and o = 90°.
i) Isogonic lines: Lines joining places of equal
declination. (b) At magnetic south pole, B = B
downwards, B,, = 0, and o' = 270°.
ii) Aclinic lines : Lines joining places of equal
incination or angle of dip. (c) Anywhere on the magnetic great circle B = B,
along south to north, B, = 0 and ¢' = 0.
It is found that magnetic elements
vary in
magnitude from place to place and are also
different at different times. It is found that MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
many places have the same value of magnetic (1Mark Each)
elements. The magnetic state of the earth is
therefore best shown by constructing charts (1) Whichofthe followingis the characteristic
upon which lines are drawn through places of magnetic lines of force outside, due to
having same value of magnetic elements. Such bar magnet?
maps or charts are called isomagnetic charts. (a) North pole to north pole
Magnetic Induction due to a bar magnet (b) North pole to south pole.
(1) At point along the axis of a bar
magnet (Baxis (c) South pole to north pole.
2M (d) South pole to south pole.
Baxi4T 3 (2) The magnetic field at a distance 'd' from a
short bar magnet along the axis and along
In vector form Baxis 2 M the equator position are in the ratioo
4T 3 (b) 3:2
(a) 1:1
This is directed along the axis S- Ni.e. in the
(c) 1:2 (d) 2:1
direction of magnetie moment M. (3) The angle between the magnetic meridian
(2) At a point along the equator of the bar magnet and geographical meridian is called
(a) angle of dip b) angle of declination
B (c) magnetic moment (d) critieal angle
4) S.I. unit of pole strength is
M (a) A m (b) A m2
Invectorform Be=-
4T3 (c) A m (d) A m
Negative sign shows that direction of Beq is (5) A bar magnet of pole strength X' unit is
opposite to direction of M. divided into two equal parts by cutting
it perpendicular to its length. The pole
(3) At an arbitrary point.
strength of each piece will be
B- 3cos0+1 X
4T (a) Zero

where is angle between M and r

(c) 2X (d) X
Direction, tan a = tan (6) A bar magnet of magnetic moment 'M is
divided into two equal parts by cutting it
where a is angle between directionof B and . perpendicular to its length. The magnetic
(4) For the same distance from the centre of a bar moment of either piece will be
Baxis 2Be (a) Zero (b) (c) 2M (d) M

(5) Dimensions of M are [L'M°T°I] (7) Which one of the following is NOT the SI
unit of magnetic field?
(6) Earth's magnetic field B= B + B
N Wb
By tano where B, and B are vertical and (a) (b) (c) N Am (d) tesla
Am m
Physies XI

(8) Two points A and B are situated (17) Magnetic meridian is the plane
a x i s of earth
perpendicular to the axis of bar magnet (a) perpendicular to the magnetic
of length 2 x 10' m at large distances d earth
to geographic axis of
and 3d from the centre on opposite sides. (b) perpendicular
axis of earth
The ratio of magnetie fields at (c) passing through the magnetic
pointsA axis
and B will be equal to (d) passing through the geographic
vertical component
(a) 1:27 b) 9:1 (c) 1:9
d) 27:1 (18) The horizontal and
a r e s a m e at
(9) Which one of the following is NOT a of magnetic field of earth
The earth.
magnetic element? someplace on the surface of
will be
magnetic dip angle at this place
(a) Magnetic meridian (d) 90
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c)0
b) Angle of dip field
*(19) Inside a bar magnet, the magnetic
(c) Declination
(d) Horizontal component of earth's magnetic (a) are not present
field. sectional area of
b) are parallel to the cross
(10) The vertical1 and horizontal the magnet
components of earth's magnetic
field at a place are 2 x 10 T and (c) are in the direction from N pole to S pole
3.464x 10T respectively. The angle of (d) are in the direction from S pole to N pole
dip at a place is (20) A place where the vertical components
(a)0° (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60° of earth's magnetic fleld is zero has the
angle of dip equal to
(11) A bar magnet is of geometrie length 12
cm, its magnetic length will be (a)0 b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90

(a) 0.1 m b) 0.12 m (21) A place where the horizontal component

of earth's magnetic fleld is zero lies at
(c) 0.144 m (d) 0.2 m
(12) Lines joining the places of equal (a) geographic equator
inclination or angle of dip () are called (b) geomagnetic equator
(a) isodynamic lines (b) isogenic lines (c) one of the geographie poles
(c) aclinic lines d) isoclinic lines (d) one of the geomagnetic poles
(13) The SI unit of magnetic moment is *(22) Amagnetic needle kept nonparallel to the
magnetic field in a nonuniform magnetie
(a) Wb/m b) Wbm field experiences
(c) Am (d) Am (a) a force but not a torque
(14) The vertical and horizontal components
of the earth's magnetie field at a place are (b) a torque but not a force
2x 10 T and 2 3 x 10 T respectively. The (c) both a force and a torque
resultant earth's magnetic field at a place (d) neither force nor a torque
(a) 2x 10T (b) 4 x 10T
(1) (b) (2) (d) (3) (b) (4) (e) (6) (d)
(c) 6x 10-T d) 8x 10T
(6) (b) (7) () (8) (d) (9 (a) (10) b)
(15) Angle between earth's magnetic field at a

place and its horizontal is

(11) (a) (12) (c) (13) (d) (14) (b) (15) (c)
(a) magnetic axis (16) (b) (17) (a) (18) (b) (19) (d) (20) (a)
b) critical angle
(21) (b) (22) (©)_
(d) magnetic declination
(16) Let r be the distance of a point on the
(1Mark Each)
axis of a bar magnet from its center. The (1) What is magnetism?
magnetic field at r is always proportional Ans. Property of a body by virtue of which it attracts
to small pieces of iron, is called magnetism.
(a) 1/r2 (b) 1/r3 (c)1/ (2) Does monopole exist?
(d) not necessarily 1r® at all points Ans. Monopole does not exist in
mangetic dipole.

(3) State the relation between geometric and of opposite types and equal strength separated
magnetic length of a magnet. by a finite distance is called magnetic dipole.
Ans. Magnetic length =x Geometric length (10) Define : Magnetic flux and magnetic field.
Ans. Magnetic flux :It is defined as the number
(4) State SI unit and dimensions of pole
of magnetic lines of force passing normally
Ans. SI unit of pole strength is Am and through the given area.

dimensions Magnetic field The magnitude of magnetic

are [L'M°T°I'].
field is equal to the magnetic fux per unit area
(5) State SI unit of magnetic flux, also state at that point.
its dimensions.
Ans. SI unit of
(11) Define the following terms:
magnetic flux is weber (Wb). (a) Magnetic axis
Dimensions of magnetic flux are [L?M'T-]
b) Geographic meridian
(6) Define magnetic length and geometric
length of a bar magnet. (c) Magnetic meridian
Ans. Magnetic length is defined as the distance (d) Magnetic equator
between two poles of a magnet. (e) Magnetic declination
Geometric length: The distance between ( Magnetic inclination or angle of dip
two ends of a bar magnet is called
geometric Ans. (a) Magnetic axis: The straight line passing
length. through the magnetic poles of the earth is
Equator called magnetic axis.
(b) Geographic meridian: A vertical
Geometrical length . plane perpendicular to the surface of the
earth, perpendicular to geographic axis is
geographic meridian.
-m m
Magnetic (c) Magnetic meridian A plane
s N:
perpendicular to the surface of the earth
and passing through the
Magnetic length (vertical plane)
magnetic axis is magnetic meridian.
(d) Magnetic equator: A great circle in the
Fig. 12.1: Some important definitions plane perpendicular to magmetic axis is
of a magnet.
magnetic equator.
(7) Define magnetic axis and equator of a bar (e) Magnetic declination : The angle
magnet. between the geographic and magnetic
meridian at a place is called magnetic
Ans. Magnetic axis: It is a line passing through declination.
both the poles of a magnet.
Equator : It is plane passing through centre ( Magnetic inclination or angle of
of the magnet and perpendicular to its axis. dip: The angle made by the direction
(8) Define isodynamie lines, isogonic lines of resultant magnetie field with the
horizontal at a place is inclination or
and aclinic lines.
angle of dip.
Isodynamic lines Lines joining the places
of equal horizontal components are known as
Isodynamic lines.
Isogonie lines : Lines joining the places of Decination
equal declination («) are called isogonic lines.
Equator ***
Aclinic lines : Lines joining the places of Equator
equal inclination or dip are called aclinic lines.
(9) Define : Poles of magnet and magnetic
dipole. Lineof
Ans. Poles of the magnet : The parts of magnet force

where there is maximum force of attraction

Fig. 12.2 :N, and S, are Geographic meridian
are called magnetic poles of the magnet.
N and S are magnetic meridian.
Magnetic dipole: A pair oftwo magnetic poles
Physics- XI 231

12) What is the unit of Magnetic Intensity?

G) Linesjoining the places ofequal horizontal
Also state its dimensions. called isodynamic
components (B) are

Ans. Unit of magnetic intensity is A/m and its lines.

dimensions are L'M°T°I']. (ii) Lines joining the places of equal
isogonic lines.
declination are called
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (ii) Lines joining the places
of equal
(2(2 Marks Each) inclination or dip o are called

(1) In a magnet, poles are not situated at the lines.

What is
ends of the magnet. Why? (6) State Gauss' law of magnetism. it with
the conclusion when you compare
Ans. Each magnet has two poles where the force of
Gauss' law of electrostatics.
attraction is maximum. They are imagined to
states that the
be present inside the magnet. It is observed Ans. Gauss' law for magnetic fields
that magnetic lines of force are closed loops. net magneic flux through a closed Gaussian
The magnetic lines of force starting from N surface is zero.
pole and ending in S pole. These two points OR B.ds =0. Gauss' law of electrostatics,
inside the magnet from where they start or end
are imagined to be magnetic poles. op =E ds =where q is positive charge
(2) Why does a freely suspended magnet enclosed.
always points in north-south direction? We conclude that in magnetism, only dipole
Ans. The earth behaves like a magnet with its exists, monopole does not exist.
magnetic north pole near geographical south *(7) A circular magnet is made with its
pole and magnetic south pole near geographical north pole at the centre, separated from
north pole. surrounding circular south pole by an air
For a magnet, its north seeking pole is called gap. Draw the magnetic field lines in the
N pole and south seeking pole is called S pole. gap.
We know that like poles repel and unlike Ans.
poles attracts so freely suspended magnet
aign itself in geographically north-south SPole

moment. State its Air gap
(8) Define magnetic dipole
unit and dimensions.
Ans. The product of pole strength and magnetic magnetlc feld lines

length of a magnetic dipole is called magnetic

dipole moment (M).
M mx2
SI unit of M is Am2
Dimensions of M are [LAM°T°T] Fig. 12.3: Magnetic field line for
*(4) What could be the equation for Gauss' circular magnet.
law of magnetism, if a monopole of pole
p is enclosed by
a surface? ANSWER IN BRIEF
Ans. The Gauss' law for magnetic field states that (8Marks Each)
the net magnetic flux o, through a closed *(1) Explain the Gauss' law for magnetic
Gaussian surface is zero.
B.ds0 Ans. The Gauss' law for magnetic fields states that

The Gaussian surface does not include poles. It the net magnetie fux through a closed
with any closed Gaussian surface is zero.
means that the flux associated
surface is equal to zero. An isolated magnetic Bd-0
pole does not exist. The magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet
(5) Define the elements of magnetic maps. starts from N-pole and ends on S-pole. These
Ans. Elements of magnetic maps a r e : lines are continuous. The number of lines
i) Isodynamic lines (i) Isogonic lines entering in and leaving out of the surface are
equal. The Gaussian surface does not include
ii) Aclinic lines.

poles, i.e. the flux associated with any closed

surface is equal to zero. (Refer fig. (a)
below) B =

3cos* 0+1
The magnetic lines of force of current
carrying (a) For magnetic field along the axis of a bar
finite solenoid, we are enclosing the north
As even a thin bar
pole. magnet = 0° or 6 = 180° then cos6 = 1.
magnet will have north
and south pole associated with
it, the closed Bxiso 2M
Gaussian surface will also include south
pole. 4T r3
(Refer fig.(b) below). directed from for S N
From the above, conclude that
we an isolated (b) For magnetic field along the equator of a
magnetic poles do not exist. short bar magnet 0= 90° or 0 = 270° then
cose= 0.
directed from for N -S
Relation between them

*(3) What happens ifa bar magnet is cut into
two pieces transverse to its (1) length (2)
along its length?
Ans. () If bar magnet is cut into
a two pieces
transverse (perpendicular) to its
length then each piece behaves like an
independent magnet with some what
weaker magnetic field. Pole strengthof
each piece remains the same. Magnetic
moment of either piece becomes half of
Fig. 12.4: (a) the original magnetic moment.
bar magnet.
(i) If a bar magnet is cut into two
along its length then each piece behaves
like an independent magnet with some
what weaker magnetic field. The pole
strenght of each pole becomes half.
Magnetic moment of either piece becomes
half of the original magnetic moment.
(4) State the properties of magnetic lines of
Ans. Properties of magnetic lines of force.
() Magnetic lines of force form closed loops.
(i) The direction of magnetic field at a point
is given by the tangent to magnetic lineof
force at that point.
(i) The magnetic lines of force do not intersect.
(iv) The number of lines of force crossing
per unit area decides the magnitude of
Fig. 12.4: (b) current carrying solenoid. magnetic field.
(2) State the expression for the magnetic (v) Magnetic lines of force contract in length,
field due to short magnetic dipole at any explains attraction between unlike poles.
point. Hence deduce the magnetic field at ( Magnetic lines of force exert lateral
(a) an axial point (b) an equatorial point. pressure on each other, explains repulsion
State the relation between Bi, and
B between like poles.
Ans. Magnetic field at any point due to short
magnetic dipole is
Physics - XI
B = Bcos
(5) Explain in detail magnetic declination ().
Ans. The angle between the geographic and
magnetic meridian at a place is called magnetic
declination (8).
The magnetic meridian does not coincide with
geographic meridian.
The magnetic declination changes from place
to place on the surface of the earth.
It varies from geographic meridian by certain V.... **
* * * * * * * * *

By = Bsin¢
Fig. 12.6
The angle of declination is small in India.
and (2)
e.g 0°58 west at Mumbai and 0°41' east at Squaring and adding equation (1)
Delhi. B+B' Bcos+B'sino
Geographic B (cos+sin 0)
Angle of
meridian B
-Angle of No B B +By2 (3)
Magnetic Taking ratio By Bsin tan . . . (4)
- meridian
field of the earth
It gives direction of magnetic
* * ******
at a given place.
(8) Explain Terrestrial Magnetism.
elements of earth's Ans. A study of earth's magnetic field is
Fig. 12.5 : Magnetic terrestrial magnetism.
magnetic field.
It is extremely useful during navigation.
*(6) Define angle ofdip. What happens to angle
When a bar magnet is suspended freely in
of dip as we move towards magnetic pole
air it always aligns itself along geopraphic
from magnetic equator? N-S direction. The direction and magnitude
inclination or
OR Explain in detail magnetic of earth's magnetic field at any place is
angle of dip (). [Ref. fig. 12.5] given by (i) declination (i) angle of dip
Ans. Angle made by the direction of resultant (iii) horizontal component of the earth's
at a place is
magnetic field with the horizontal magnetic field.
inclination or angle of dip at the place. The axis of rotation of the earth and the axis of
It changes from place to place on the surface of earth's magnetic dipole is inclined at an angle
the earth. of approximetly 11.5° to it.
It is zero at the magnetic equator. The strength of earth's magnetic field is of the
of the earth, order of 10 tesla.
It is 90° on the magnetic poles
form 90° at What is a geographic meridian? How
i.e. the angle of dip decrease *(9)
equator. does the declination vary with latitude?
magnetic poles to zero at magnetic
the horizontal Where is it minumum?
It is useful to determine
component of earth's Ans. A plane perpendicular to the surface of
(B and vertical (B,)B
magnetic field. cosp and
B,B, B sino.
the earth (vertical plane) perpendicular to
the angle geographic axis is geographic meridian.
dip needle can be used to measure
of dip. Magnetic declination or magnetic variation
detail, the horizontal is the angle on the horizontal plane between
(7) Explain in
magnetic field (B,). magnetic north and true north. The angle
component of earth's
varies depending on position on the earth's
is resolved into
Ans. The earth's magnetic field (B) surface and changes over time. It is expressed
two components. in degrees and minutes east or west, to indicate
horizontal (B)
Components along the the direction of magnetie north and true north.
B, Bcos
. (1) Declination is positive, when magnetic north
Component along the vertical (B,)
is east of true north and negative when it is to

B, B s i n ) . . .
= ) the west.

The declination reaches

max1mum of
23.45° on June 22 (Summer solstice in 2Mcos0
northern hemisphere) and minimum
Brial 41t

on December 21-22 directed along Mcose

(winter solstice in the
northern hemisphere). e
Declination is zero on B =o M sin (2)
September 21 and
March 21. The places very close to

i.e. magnetic declination is close to

agonic line directed opposite to Msin .
zero. Resultant magnetic field (B) is given by
On the world map the variations
are usually
indicated by isogonic lines which show
the same magnetic declination.
sharing B B B,
Without these
variation, the
magnetic declination on the B- 2 cos+sin 0
meridian south of the magnetic south pole 47T
would be zero because both the
magnetic and ( cose+ sin*0 = 1)
geographic poles are due north.
4T 3

(4 Marks Each) To find direction of B, let a be the angle

(1) Show that the magnitude of
field at any
magnetic between the resultant B and OP.
point due to a short magnetic
dipole is given by
tan a QRPT- Beg
PO PQ Baxial
B 4T
N3cos0+ 1
and its direction is Ho Msin 0
given by tano =
tane. 2 sin tan
Ans. Ho 2Mcos6 2cos6 2
4T r°
tana tan
. . (4)

The angle between B and M is (0 + a).

M c o s .
B V3cos 9+1
. --- -

(2) Obtain an
expression for the magnetic
field at a point along axis of bar magnet.

ine i
Fig. 12.7: Magnetic field due to bar magnet at B
any point.
Fig. shows a bar magnet of magnetic moment Fig. 12.8: Magnetic field along axis.
Mwith centre at "0. Let P be any point at a Consider a bar magnet of dipole length (2)
distancer from centre 0, along a line making
and magnetic dipole moment Mas shown in
an angle 6 with the axis of dipole. fig. 12.8. Let point P be along the axis at a
Magnetic moment M is resolved into two distance r from the centre O of the magnetic
components. dipole.
(i) Component Mcos6 along OP, point P is on OS ON =l
axial point. NP =(r- ) and SP = (r+D
(ii) Component Msine perpendicular to op. The magnitude of magnetic field due to
Using result of axial and equatorial point at of pole strength (+m) is
same distance r, we have magnetic fields.
B, =Ho m m
47T NP 4t (r -l)
Physics- XI
poles) force of
(c) Two bar magnets (Unlike

Similarlarly due to S pole of pole strength (-m)

1S attraction.

Ba = =Ho-m (2)
4T Sp2 4T
Resultant magnetic field B. =B,+B,
Basin4T(r-2 (r +]
Hm (21)(2)
Baxis 47 (2-122

Fig. 12.11. (a) : Two bar magnets placed
. (8)
Basin47 (2-12 parallel to each other with (Unlikes
force of attraction
for short magnet r >>l, P is neglected poles)

P a47i 2
a 2M
47 3 ******** (4)
directed along the axis of magnet along S-N. Fig. 12.11. (b)
*(3) Two bar magnets are placed on a
horizontal surface. Draw magnetic lines
around them. Mark the position of any
neutral points on your diagram.
Ans. Diagrams with like poles together and unlike
poles together
(a) Two bar magnets (like poles S-S)
repulsive force.

Neutral Neutral
S point

Fig. 12.12. Resultant magnetic field due to bar

magnet and earth.
Fig. 12.9: Neutral Point: Point where the North pole of magnet pointing north pole of
resultant magnetic field/force is zero the earth]
The points '* are neutral points along the
(b) Two bar magnetic (N-N like poles)
equator of the bar magnet.
repulsive force.


(1) A bar magnet has geometrical length

s N 3.6 cm. Determine the magnetic moment
of bar magnet, if pole strength of each
pole is 40 Am.
Sol.: Data: Pole strength (m) = 40 Am
geometrical length 3.6 cm = 3.6 x 10 m
Fig. 12.10: Neutral Point (x) : Point where the
resultant magnetic field/force is zeroo
Magnetic length (2 x length
x3.6x 10*

3 x 10m =
5) Calculate earth's magnetic field at the
Magnetic moment (M) = m(21) equator where earth's dipole moment is
approximately 1.2 x 102 Am.
40 x 3x 102
Given radius of the earth (R) = 6.4 x 10m,
M 1.2 Am
(2) Calculate the pole H. 4Tx 10-7 SI units]
strength of bar magnet Sol.: Data : M
having magnetic length 12 cm and 1.2x
103 Am
magnetic moment 60 Am?. R= r= 6.4 x 10°m, u.= 4r x 10-7SI unit
Sol.: Data:
Magnetic length =
12 cm =
12x 10m HoM
Magnetic moment = 60 Am2 B s
Magnetic moment (M) = m{2/) 4Tx10x 1.2x 1023
M 4Tx (6.4x10$)*
m -
60 1.2x106
12x102 262.1x10s

m =5x 103 = 0.004578 x 102

m =500 Am
= 4.578 x 10-"T
(3) Vertical component of earth's magnetic
field is 6 x 10 T and angle of inclination (6) Caleulate the magnetic field produced by a
is 60°. Calculate horizontal bar magnet at a point 20 cm from the
component of
earth's magnetic field. centre of the magnet and making an
Sol.: Data: B= 6x 10-T angle = 60°
angle of 60° with the axis. A bar magnet
has magnetic moment 2 Am?.

[Given: = 47 x 10-7 SI units]
Sol.: Data: r = 20 cm = 0.2 m
6x105 6x10 60
tan 60° 1.732
M2 Am2
Wb H. 4T x 10-1 SI units B=?
3.464 x10-
(4) Calculate the earth's magnetic field at a
place where angle of dip is 45° and
horizontal component of earth's magnetic B= 47x10 2 3 cos 60+1
4T (0.2
field is 3.6 x 1052
B-10x x- 31
Sol.: Data: Angle of dip (0) = 45° tano=1
B 3.6 x 10- m2
(7 2.65)
By 2.65
BH B-x10

tan 45 By .B,=B B 3.313 x 105


Earth's magnetic field (B) B +B

(7) Magnetic field at a point X' along the axis
is 16 times the magnetic field at point 'Y
y2B on the equator of a short magnetic dipole.
Find the ratio of distances of X and Y
2x(3.6x1o-5)3 from the centre of the dipole.
3.6 x 10-s 2 B.
Sol.: Data: B 1 6 B axis 16
= 16
Wb B
5.090 x 10 m2 Magnetic field at point X at distance r, along
the axis is
Physics XI

o 2M 41)x101
BaxisAT (1)
V5x 10-7T
Magnetic field at point Y at distance r, along
B = 5x 10-1T
equator is with pole
of bar magnet
M *(9) A magnetic pole from the
strength 100 Am is
c m away
(2) Bar magnet has
centre of a bar magnet. 5
200 Am and has length
Taking ratio of equation (1) and (2) pole strength of the axis of
c m . If the magnetic
pole is o n
Baxi 2x bar magnet, find the
force acting on

Bea magnetic pole.

Sol.: Data: (i) Pole strength
100 Am
16 2x
(i) Pole strength q,m200 Am
0.2 m
(iii) r 20 cm

8 (iv) (21) 5 cm
= = 5 x 10 m

(v)= 4n x 10-7 SI
2 = Magnetic field along the axis given by

(8) Two small and similar bar magnets have B M

magnetic dipole moment of 1.0 Am' each. 4TT3
They are kept in a plane in such a way where M = q(20
that their axes are perpendicular to each
200 x 5x 102
other. A line drawn through the axis of
one magnet passes through the
centre of 10 Am2
the other magnet. If the distance between 10 x10
their centres is 2 m, find the magnitude of 8x10-3
magnetic field at the mid point of the line

joining the centre.
Data: M = 1Am2
21 2m B 1.25X 10m
r= Im
Force on the magnetie pole.
Civ) B=? () =10-SI units F
4T 9xB
Magnetic field along the axis 200x 1.25 x 10
F = 2.5 x 10- N
B 2M
*(10) A magnet makes an angle of 45° with the
horizontal in a plane making an angle of
10- x2x1
30 with the magnetic meridian. Find the
Wb true value of the dip angle at the place.
B = 2x 10 m2 Sol.: Angle made by magnet with horizontal (0) =
Angle made with magnetic meridian ( ) = 30°
True angle of dip = tan' [tano cosx]

10x1 tan [tan45 cos30°]

= tan (cos30°]
101 m tan = tan"(0.866
Resultant magnetic field
tan (0.866)
B B+B 40°54
(11) Calculate the geometical length of a bar (7) If the horizontal component of earth's
magnet whose half magnetic length is magnetic field is 3.5 x 10T. The angle
5 cm. of dip at that place is 60. Calculate the
vertical component of earth's magnetic
Ans. Magnetic length =
x geometric length' field.
6x2x5x102 Ans. (B, = 6.062 x 10-T
geometrical length
(8) Two bar magnets of magnetic moments
12 x 10m = 12 cm
6 Am and 8 Am are placed at right
angles to each other with opposite poles
aPROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE touching each other. Find the resultant
magnetic moment of the system.
(1) Apoint is situated at distance of 0.2 m from Ans. (M = 10 Am)
thecentre ofa bar magnetofdipole moment
8 Am along a line making an angle of
60° with the axis of the dipole. Find the
magnetic field at that point.
(B = 1.322 x 10
Ans. and a= 40°54)
(2) Ashortbarmagnethavingmagneticfieldof
4x 105 T at an axial point at a distance
of 20 cm from its centre. Calculate its
magnetic dipole moment.
Ans. (B= 1.6 Am")
(3) A short bar magnet has magnetic moment
of 2.5 x 10 Am. Calculate the magnetic
field produced by the magnet at a
distance of 50 cm along the equator from
its centre.
Ans. (B =2 x 10-3m?
(4) If a magnet is suspended at an angle of
30 to the magnetic meridian, the dip
needle makes an angle of 30° with the
horizontal. Calculate the real value of dip
at that place.

Ans. (tan ; ) )
(5) A bar magnet of magnetic moment 4 Am
is situated in uniform magnetic field of
m aforceof
6x 10 N, find the magnetic length.
Ans. ( (2)=0.2 m)
(6) A short bar magnet has two points 'P' and
Q' along its axis at a distance of 6cm and
18 cm on the opposite sides. Calculate the
ratio of magnetic fields at these points.
Also caleulate the ratio of magnetic field
if 'P' and Q are along the equator at
the same distance 6cm and 18 cm on the
opposite sides.
Ans. (27:1 in both cases)

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