SAP Coupa Integration Whitepaper
SAP Coupa Integration Whitepaper
SAP Coupa Integration Whitepaper
w e b w w w . c o u p a . c o m | b l o g M a k i n g C e n t s | t w i t t e r @C o u p a | l i n k e d i n C o u p a S o ft w a r e
SAP is the ERP system most commonly used by Coupa customers. The options for integrating
Coupa and SAP are varied both in their architecture (which objects get integrated and where) and
in their means (which integration technologies are used), but taken together they provide a flexible
range of proven reliability. This paper is an overview of the most common available options, and
can be used as a starting point in developing your integration strategy.
SAP Certification
Coupas applications have been certified by the SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC).
This certification includes Coupas capability to use SAPs IDoc (intermediate document)
technology for bidirectional integration.
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Data Workshop
During the early stages of an implementation, Coupa runs a data modeling workshop with the
customer to define the data flows needed to support end-to-end business processes across Coupa
and SAP. SAP landscapes vary widely due to the many ways that customers tailor SAP to address
their business requirements. The customers SAP landscape must be well understood and the
project integration approach must be adopted to fit with the customers unique landscape. The
data modeling workshop lets Coupa and the customer jointly define the data flows and integration
approach that lay the foundation for integration project success.
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Data Modeling
A key benefit that Coupa provides is the ability to replicate a customers SAP accounting model
and data segregation across one or more SAP instances (or even multiple ERP systems) in a single
instance of Coupa. Coupas Chart of Accounts allows customers to segregate accounting data,
define relationships between segments, and define accounting validation rules to ensure valid
coding of each transaction prior to integrating with SAP. In addition, vendors and users can also be
restricted to specific company codes as they are in SAP through the use of Content Groups in
Coupa. All of these relationships, validation rules, and visibility restrictions are defined during the
data modeling workshops to determine the appropriate configuration needed in Coupa. Most SAP
customers implement some variation of the following three models:
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Integration Technologies
Coupa supports various technologies to integrate with customer ERP systems. These range from
simple unidirectional flat file based on CSV formats to SAP IDocs and a rich and robust API that
allows complex integrations to be built using middleware. Coupa does not restrict customers to
one technology when integrating, but allows a hybrid model whereby flat file and API can be used
together in order to suit customer needs.
Coupa provides native support for integration with SAP using IDoc, one of the most common and
stable methods for integrating with SAP. Each business object has a specified IDoc format that can
be used to import and export data between SAP and external systems. Coupa includes the ability
to generate and consume IDoc files for a number of specific business objects. A table listing each
integration point along with the IDoc format for the most common business objects shared by
customers between Coupa and SAP ECC appears in Appendix A.
Flat File
Coupa has the ability to export flat files and make them available via SFTP to customers for import.
This approach requires the customer to translate the data files from Coupas CSV format to the
formats required for import to SAP. Coupa can also consume master data from SAP via flat file
Coupa API
Customers who rely on a middleware package for integration may choose to use the Coupa API to
pass data into and out of Coupa in a more direct, real-time fashion. The API supports all master
data objects as well as business objects such as Purchase Orders, Receipts, Invoices and Expense
Reports. The Coupa API is very open and enables complex and flexible business processes to be
extended by allowing integration into external systems. For example, a customer may require
external approval on a requisition that can only take place via a project approval step in SAP. The
API can be called through middleware to pull the requisition information out of Coupa, perform the
approval in SAP, and then call another API call to approve the requisition in Coupa.
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
Using Middleware
Coupa customers often use middleware when integrating Coupa to SAP such as SAP PI, TIBCO,
Oracle Fusion, and webMethods. Middleware is typically used to transfer CSV files, map data
between Coupa and SAP, orchestrate API-based integration, route messages to multiple ERPs and
monitor and handle any error situations.
Error Handling
As part of the Integration workshops, Coupa works with partners and customers to devise the best
strategy for error handling based on customer specific requirements. Each customer has different
requirements for handling integration errors, whether they are technical (i.e. message failures) or
application errors (i.e. Period closed for posting). Coupa supports a number of ways in which
integrations can be monitored. Issues with the load of master data are identified and reported with
email triggers. Errors and warning messages and any associated statistics regarding files loaded via
SFTP can be reported through API call. Status messages, whether successful or in error, can be
logged through attachments to transactional objects such as POs, Receipts, Invoices and Expenses
via an Integration History API. This allows for easy recovery from technical and functional errors by
re-execution of middleware processes on reported error conditions. IT teams can understand issues
by reviewing status codes that identify unique business scenarios. All of the above can be
combined to build an effective error handling process.
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P
IDoc Format
Cost Centers
GL Accounts
Internal Order
Purchase Orders
PO Confirmation
PO Revisions
2014 Coupa Software, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Coupa is a registered trademark of Coupa Software, Inc. Other names mentioned herein may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Co u p a W h i t ep a p er I n t egr a t i n g Co u pa wi t h S A P