Aacalldayeveryday 111006230155 Phpapp02
Aacalldayeveryday 111006230155 Phpapp02
Aacalldayeveryday 111006230155 Phpapp02
every day
Charlene Cullen
Speech Pathologist
Speech Language and AAC Consultant
[email protected]
Twitter: @chacullen
Today’s Outline
9 – 1pm
• Good practice in AAC
• Apps for AAC
• Additional supports to good practice in
• PODD is a way
of organising whole word
and symbol vocabulary in
a communication book or
speech generating
device to provide
immersion and modelling
for learning.
• The aim of a PODD is to provide
• for continuous communication all the time
• for a range of messages
• across a range of topics
• in multiple environments.
• PODDs can have different formats,
depending on the individual physical,
sensory and communication needs of the
person who will use it.
• PODDs have been developed over the
past 15 years by Gayle Porter, a speech
pathologist with the Cerebral Palsy
Education Centre (CPEC) in Victoria.
Each PODD format has been shaped by
the experiences of both children with
Complex Communication Needs (CCN),
and their communication partners.
Let’s have a look....
Core Vocabulary
• Using common English words on an AAC
display to enable a user to construct their
own sentences.
• Approach used in lots of high tech
systems but not used as much in low tech
due to difficulty of arranging vocabulary for
Core Vocabulary
• High frequency • Low frequency
words words
• Can be combined • Only useful in one
to get your or two situations
message across in • Often related to a
lots of different specific topic
Core Vocabulary
Core Vocabulary
The Language Stealers
High Tech and Light Tech
• Both are just tools
• Both need good vocabulary design and
good modelling to ensure success
• High Tech can be less forgiving but can
offer more access options
• Some students more motivated by high
tech and some don’t like it!!
• Most people need both – for different
Speech Generating Devices
Static Display
• May be more durable
• Generally cheaper
• Often run off AA or AAA batteries
• Overlay based - require Boardmaker or
other tool
• Need to work out system for storing and
changing overlays
• Need to ensure vocabulary is updated
• Harder to maintain in many ways
Dynamic Display
• May be more durable
• Usually rechargeable
• Tools for generating pages in device – and
sometimes in free software too
• Can change vocabulary on the spot
• Can change pages and levels easily
• Generally offer a wider range of access
Access Options
• For a user who need alternative access,
SGDs can offer:
• Large range of access options
• Flexibility
• Complete control over device and other
Scanning and Eye Gaze
High Tech Scanning
Low Tech Scanning & Eye Gaze
• Add movie file here
Eye Gaze
Eye Gaze
Mainstream Mobile Devices for
There’s an App for that!
Over 100 AAC Apps
It started with Proloquo2Go...
• How do I choose?
• Are they worth the
• What do they offer
that traditional
speech generating
devices don’t?
• What don’t they
offer that traditional
SGDs do?
Media, Stories, Opinion
Media, Stories, Opinion
Media, Stories, Opinion
Media, Stories, Opinion
•Apple iPad2 launch
Media, Stories, Opinion
Apps with Symbols/Pictures
Apps with Symbols and Text-to-
My Voice
Apps with text only
Traditional SGDs
Other mobile devices
• www.spectronicsinoz.com/blog/apple
• http://a4cwsn.com/
• iTeach Special Education – iDevices in
Special Education (Facebook group)
• Assistive Technology (Facebook Group)
Case Study
Additional AAC options to
support good practice
• Yes/No ++++
• Small Talk
• About Me Books
• Storytelling
• Social Scripts
• Partner Focused Questions
• Introducing yourself
• Taking non-obligatory turns
Social Communication
• Social communication is a BIG part of our
• We use different forms of social
communication – small talk, storytelling,
greetings, wrap ups and farewells.
Social Communication
• Social communication is more than 50% of our
daily conversation.
• Light (1998) found that reasons for
communication between adults were (in ranked
• Social closeness
• Social etiquette
• Information transfer
• Wants and Needs
Small Talk
• A type of conversational exchange used for initiating and maintaining
conversational interaction.
• Some conversation never progresses beyond small talk e.g. at a cocktail
So…. Let’s get more social!
Small Talk
Small Talk
• Small talk is used as a transition between the greeting
and information sharing stage, especially when people
don’t know each other well or don’t possess a lot of
shared information.
• Small talk is often the first step towards social closeness.
• A quick check at Amazon showed 16 books aimed at
helping people improve their small talk skills. Including
“How to get people to like you in 90 seconds”.
• There are even websites to teach you how to small talk!
e.g. www.ehow.com, www.englishclub.com,
www.ivillage.co.uk and many more!
AAC Users and Small Talk
• Many AAC users use little or no small talk
• This can be because
• They don’t have access to small talk in their
communication system
• They don’t see the need for it
• They think it is a waste of time.
• Light and Binger (1998) found that AAC
users were seen as more intelligent,
valued and competent communication
partners if they used small talk.
Generic Small Talk
• Generic small talk is small talk that people can use with a variety
of different conversational partners because it doesn’t refer to
specific shared information.
• Particularly effective for many AAC users as it has many
different uses.
Generic Small Specific Small
Talk Talk
How is your How is your
family? wife?
What’s What are you
happening? doing?
Don’t you look Nice haircut.
She’s great. She’s a great
Generic Small Talk
• Several groups of researchers at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln looked at the frequency and types of
generic small talk used by speakers of various ages
without disabilities.
• 3 – 5 year olds - 48% of all utterances at both home and
pre-school/school were generic small talk
• 20 – 30 year olds - 39% of all utterances were generic
small talk
• 65 – 74 year olds – 31% of all utterances were generic
small talk
• 75 – 85 year olds – 26% of all utterances were generic
small talk
Generic Small Talk
• Most of the age groups used continuers as
the most common form of small talk.
• Really? Yeah? Great! Cool!
• Go to aac.unl.edu for more detailed
Differences in Small Talk
• The small talk vocabulary lists showed that
some words were used more frequently than
others e.g. OK
• Some words were common across all age
groups e.g. great
• Some words were specific to certain age groups
e.g. “bummer” was used by the 25 – 35 year age
group but not by the others.
• Small talk also differs based on your friendship
groups, your geographical location, your
interests and life experiences.
Small Talk and Mealtimes
• Balandin and Iacono (2000) found that it was
nearly impossible to script the content-specific
vocabulary needed for mealtimes for an adult in
the workplace (although there was a good
chance on Mondays and Fridays that footie
would be the topic during the footie season).
• In this situation, the only predictable thing was
small talk.
Pre-school Generic Small Talk
Adult Generic Small Talk
George’s Small Talk
George’s Small Talk
• 21 year old male with athetoid cerebral
• Attends a day centre for young adults
• Uses a Dynavox 3100 but only uses the
spelling page
• Controls communication device with a
head switch
George’s Small Talk
• Over 20 other people with disabilities and 6 staff
attended George’s centre, most of whom talked.
• George rarely used his device during the day.
• Staff requested a review of his device because
he didn’t “ever” use it.
• George had previously had a setup with core
vocabulary on his device but found it frustrating
to find words he wanted when he could just spell
George’s Small Talk
• A speech pathology student observed him in two
sessions. He “used” his device constantly but only
spoke with it twice.
• George was accessing his device with a head switch and
block/row/column scanning. She observed that by the
time he had formulated a message the conversation had
moved on and he erased and moved onto a new
• A two pronged approach was used. Firstly, a
conversational topic was established before each group
e.g. “What are your favourite films?”. This allowed
George to compose messages in advance.
• A small talk page was programmed and George
practiced using this in one-to-one and then small group
George’s Small Talk
• At the end of 8 weeks the same speech
pathology student observed George in the same
two sessions.
• George used his device 46 times. Five of these
were topic setters, 41 were small talk continuers.
• Several other people in the centre commented
spontaneously that “George was much cleverer
than they thought” or that “They enjoyed talking
to George much more”.
• And….he’s still using it!
Sequenced Social Scripts
Sequenced Social Scripts
• Sequenced social scripts can really help a
user to
• Get a 'feel' for the anatomy of a conversation
• Develop turntaking skills
• Learn to interact with a variety of partners.
What are Social Scripts?
• They support students in learning to claim,
start, and maintain turns in a conversation.
• Much of the information in this section is
taken from “Can We Chat? Co-Planned
Sequenced Social Scripts: A Make It /
Take It Book of Ideas and Adaptations” by
Caroline Musselwhite and Linda Burkhart
• Also called Participation Scripts
What are Social Scripts?
• Social Scripts are interactions such as
joke-telling, sharing life stories and general
• They help persons using augmentative
and alternative communication (AAC)
move beyond wants and needs to using
'real' communication for conversational
• Often give developing communicators a
sense of the power of communication.
Anatomy of a social script
• Attention getters
• Starters
• Maintainers, holders and interjections
• Turn transfers
• Closings
Attention Getters
• These are the phrases that start an
interaction and make sure that someone is
ready to listen.
• Creative attention getters can motivate a
listener to be interested in hearing more.
They can also change perceptions of
others about the child who is using the
script, by conveying, humor, age
appropriateness, and initiative.
• AND they can be very motivating to use!
Hey, you guys
Waz up
Come here
Let’s talk
• Starters are used once attention is gained. They
set the stage for what the child will be talking
• Setting the context further prepares the listener
and allows the child to take charge of the
• Like attention getters, creative starters pique the
interest of the listener and often get a natural
response that encourages the child to go on and
tell the story, complete the joke, etc.
Guess what I did?
I have a secret!
Wait till you hear what I heard!
You won’t believe this
Did you see the game?
I’ve got something to show you
Wanna hear a joke?
Maintainers, Holders and
• These are phrases such as "Shall I give you a
hint?", "You know what happened next", "You
will never believe what she said after that", "It
was so awesome", It was really scary", etc.
• They allow the child to add interest to the basic
story line while maintaining control of the
• They also prompt the listener to make comments
and naturally encourage the child to tell the rest
of the story.
And then
It was so funny
Guess what happened next?
Wanna hint?
I hate that!
Can you guess?
I’ll give you a clue
It was so embarrassing
And then it got even worse
Turn Transfers
• After the child has communicated his story, or
sometimes in the middle of a longer story, turn
transfers invite the listener to comment or give
their opinion.
• They give the child the power of turning the
conversation over to a partner, without ending
the conversation.
What do you think?
Isn’t it amazing?
Can you believe it?
You won’t tell anyone will you?
How about you?
Is that amazing or what?
What did you see?
• Closings allow the child to take the initiative of
ending the conversation. This helps the listener
and also avoids that awkward feeling of “well is
that all?”
• Again the child’s personality and humor comes
through in the choice of closings used.
• Often several closings in sequence are
appropriate, because people typically take
several turns when finishing a conversion.
Nice chatting with you
Enough about that
What have you been up to?
Catch you later
Can you find someone else for
me to tell about this?
Hasta la vista baby
• In pairs pick a topic e.g. Joke, prank,
gossip, message
• Generate a sequenced social script
• Find another pair and try your script out
Anatomy of a social script
• Attention getters
• Starters
• Maintainers, holders and interjections
• Turn transfers
• Closings
About Me Books
• Communication Passports
• Personal Photo Stories
Communication Passports
• Template available from CALL Centre
• www.communicationpassports.org.uk
• iPhone App coming soon
• Also from SCOPE UK at
Communication Passports
• Useful for exchanging information about
an AAC User between others
• Often not a tool used by the AAC user
Personal Storytelling
• As we get older the percentage of small talk
decreases and the percentage of storytelling
• Older adults, in particular, use stories to
entertain, teach and establish social closeness
with their peers.
• As individuals lose their spouses and move to
retirement and care facilities the need to socially
connect with individuals their own age becomes
important and storytelling becomes a vehicle for
Personal Storytelling
• Schank (1990) discussed story formulation,
refinement and storage in detail. He found a few
different “types” of stories in common use:
• First person stories
• Second person stories
• Official stories
• Fantasy stories
• Marven et al (1994) found that for preschoolers,
9% of their communication at home and 11% at
preschool involves fantasy of some sort.
AAC and Storytelling
• Storytelling with AAC systems has
become practical and possible with
improved technology.
• However, we must be careful that the
stories are ones which the person would
choose to tell.
• Storytelling is very personal and must be
John’s storytelling
John’s “chat” cards
• John is an 11 year old with autism spectrum disorder.
• John uses words (which are mostly intelligible to familiar
people), signs and a multi-page communication book.
• John also has some challenging behaviour.
• Five years ago, John had challenging behaviour every
night when he got home from school.
• His mum felt that this was due to his frustration over
trying to tell her about his day.
• His team decided that “chat” cards about his day would
• They setup a process to write a sentence about each
John’s “chat” cards
John’s “chat” cards
John’s “chat” cards
John’s storytelling
• Many of John’s old chat cards are in a milk crate in his
• John began spontaneously using them with new people
a couple of years ago.
• He selects a few cards and then brings them to the new
person. They read them with him and if they show
particular interest in one topic e.g. playing basketball he
will go and get more things around this topic.
• He brings out fewer chat cards as people become more
familiar with him and understand more of his speech.
Ted’s Storytelling
Ted’s Storytelling
• Ted is a 78 year old who had a CVA when he was 72.
• Following the CVA he regained some spontaneous
speech, mostly small talk. He can understand
everything that is said and can read the paper and
magazines. He cannot speak (apart from small talk) and
he cannot write.
• Prior to the stroke he was president of his local RSL
Club. His wife and his friends miss his storytelling.
• His wife was able to work with him and write out many of
his stories. These have now been stored in a Macaw,
with one of his friends doing the recording.
• He and his wife are delighted as he is once again able to
tell stories and delight his family and friends.
Personal Photo Stories
• A series of photos about a person to give
the “listener” a sense of who the person is
• Can be used to let them have a
“conversation” with their “listener”
Sarah’s Storytelling
Sarah’s Storytelling
• Sarah is a woman in her sixties who lives in her own
• In her forties she was in a motor vehicle accident and is
now a quadriplegic.
• She has a good understanding of spoken English but
very limited expressive communication, including very
little facial expression.
• She has control of a single switch with her left thumb, but
tends to fatigue quickly, although her stamina is
• She has a multi-level communication book which she
accesses with eye pointing.
Sarah’s Storytelling
• She has a range of in-house care staff
who tend to stay around for between 5
months and 3 years.
• Many of these staff assume she doesn’t
understand what is said to her because
she doesn’t give body language feedback.
Sarah’s Chat Book
Inside this book are some of my photos. The writing tells you
about them. The questions are things I am interested in about
you. Please read out the writing and the questions and we can
find out about each other together - but be warned - it might
take more than one visit!
•I was born in 1943, but this is the first decent photo of me -
sitting at the piano when I was 11 like a good girl! You won’t
see that often.
•Did you learn an instrument? If so, what was it?
•Me and my cat in 1955. I’m the one on the right.
•Did you have a pet as a child. If so, what was it?
•What was its name?
•This is me in 1957 with my family. My brother and I are up
the back, my mother and sister are in the middle and my
father is at the front.
•Who is in your family?
•And here starts the party girl era….
•20 years old and ready for anything
•Party, party, party.
•Are you a party person?
•Recognise me? I’m one of the goddesses at this toga party.
•Have you ever been to a toga party?
•There’s me (left), Bob, Delilah, Juno, someone’s back and Helen.
•And here we are - Peter and I in late 1978 just after we’d
•And here’s the wedding invite. It all happened very quickly
- we were married less than a year after we’d met, in
October 1979. It was a wonderful time.
•The wedding day - myself and Pete.
•Peter loved sailing. This was a fantastic day. It would have
been sometime in 1984.
•Have you ever been sailing? Do you like it?
•On the 12th of July 1985, Pete and I were hit by a car as
we were walking to a restaurant for dinner.
•My life completely changed after that. Pete died as a
result of the accident and I am now severely physically
•Pete and I had over six wonderful years together. I still
miss him very much as you can imagine.
•Luckily, I have many great friends and they, and my own
determination, have helped me to keep going.
•And in 1991, getting familiar with the options in
communication technology at the time.
•And on to 2002 - some things never change. Recovering
from a party and Melbourne Cup day.
•Do you enjoy a flutter on the cup?
Sarah’s Chat Book
• Sarah’s chat book has completely
changed the way staff see her.
• Each new staff member sits down and
goes through the book with her over a few
different sessions.
• They realise how interested Sarah is in
them and they gossip with her more.
• It also gives them topics to talk about that
they think will interest her.
Maggie’s Storytelling
• A series of photos about a person to give
the “listener” a sense of who the person is
• Can be used to let them have a
“conversation” with their “listener”
Just how important is social
• In Building Communicative Competence
with individuals who use Augmentative
and Alternative Communication Light and
Binger (1998) looked at just three different
social communication skills.
• 1. Use of an introductory strategy when
meeting new people
• 2. Use of nonobligatory turns to increase
participation in social interactions
• 3. Use of partner-focused questions to
demonstrate an interest in the partner.
Use of an introductory strategy
when meeting new people
• Teaching a 35 year old with a closed head injury to use
an introductory strategy to explain his use of AAC and
his communication resulted in much more positive
interactions with unfamiliar people, with fewer
breakdowns and made the new partners more at ease.
• Teaching a 44 year old with cerebral palsy to use an
introductory strategy allowed her to be more confident
and assertive with new people. Twenty adults with no
previous experience of AAC viewed tapes of Maureen
meeting new people pre and post. 100% of them
reported she was a more competent communicator when
she used an introductory strategy.
Use of nonobligatory turn taking
• Teaching a young (4½ year old) child with cerebral palsy
to use non-obligatory turn taking via AAC meant that the
child was initiating more frequently and was more eager
to participate in group activities. One of her peers said
she was more fun to play with. Her speech improved and
she acquired 30 new words.
• Teaching a 14 year old with autism to take non-
obligatory turns also resulted in a increase in initiating
and turn taking. There was a decrease in his
inappropriate behaviours and he was less disruptive in
class. 20 adults who were not familiar with AAC rated his
pre and post videotapes and rated him as a much more
competent communicator in the post tapes (although
they didn’t know which were pre or post).
Use of partner focused
• Teaching a 13 year old child with developmental
disability to use partner focused questions
produced a change in the focus of his
interactions. His partners began to see his
communication as more appropriate.
• Teaching a 24 year old with athetoid cerebral
palsy to use partner focused questions meant
that he became a more valued communication
partner with those he regularly communicated
So how do I decide what’s
important in an AAC system?
• Beukelman (2004) wrote that
“vocabulary selection in AAC can be
viewed as the process of choosing a
small list of words or items from a
pool of all possibilities”
Choosing vocabulary for pre-
literate individuals
• For people who are pre-literate those designing
an AAC system face a hard task. Generally we
consider there are two forms of vocabulary for
this group – vocabulary that is needed to
communicate essential messages and
vocabulary to develop language (which includes
small talk and narratives).
• Many people like to make this decision around
core vocabulary ie words and messages which
are commonly used and occur frequently. Small
talk vocabulary fits well within these criteria.
Choosing vocabulary for non-
literate individuals
• Aim to meet their daily, ongoing
communication needs in a variety of
Choosing vocabulary for literate
(Kraat, 1985)
Four main issues
• Lack of Modelling
• Lack of Access to Vocabulary
• Communicative Competence
• Passivity/Learned Helplessness
We know how to fix this...
• We just need to do it!