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This should be 364 from the

Meeting Purpose meeting date

1. Initial
This should be 7-10 from start 2. Annual Review
of meeting 3. Addendum
The following information must also be included under this section of the new ECATS IEP:
● progress monitoring,
● benchmark data,
● classroom assessments,
● grades,
● last EOG/NCFE scores,
● attendance,
● etc.

This information had a separate spot on the old IEP. Although there is no longer a
designated area in ECATS, the same data must still be included in the PLAAFP.
Assessment Summary Page
Sources of Relevant Info
Click here to add
areas, You should
only selected areas
in which they have
goals in. It generates
Present Levels off of

It will take you to a page long

list of areas. All you have to do
is check the boxes for all that
apply, and then save and
Present Levels of Performance
In ECATS the same criteria still applies when
writing a Present Level. You must include the
same 5 areas:
1. Academic Strengths
2. Academic Weaknesses
3. Functional Strengths
4. Functional Weaknesses
5. Academic Impact.

In ECATS the formating just looks a little

different. It is slightly broken down.
This is where you will put the first
4 components of your Present
Level: Academic Strengths,
Academic Weaknesses,
Functional Strengths and
Functional Weaknesses.

Most people are leaving out the

functional parts. This is still
required to be here. You can list
the same functional strengths and
weaknesses (or lack of) in each of
the different present levels.
This is where you will put the last required component for
This part is new. This is where you
your Present Level: Academic Impact. This is NOT an
might talk about any medical
LRE statement. This is the statement where you talk about
information you know about the
how their disability, whether it be SLD, ID, OHI, SED
student. If they have ADHD, even if
impacts their involvement in the general curriculum or if
they aren’t labeled OHI, or if they have
they are even able to be involved in the general
seizures, etc…
curriculum (adapted curriculum students).
PLAAFP Example
Special Factors
This page asks a series of Yes/No Questions. If the it is a Yes, you must check the box that corresponds
with how the student receives those services. For example:
Speech Communication Needs= Speech. Do they have a goal? Do they get services? Or do they just
have classroom accommodations?

If the student has a Hearing Impairment, you will need to communicate with HI teachers ( Karen
Robbins or Malorie Thaggard) about a communication plan worksheet.

This is if the student is going to have any

transitions in or out of school during the
life of the IEP.

Areas in need of SDI: These come straight from what you picked on the Sources of Relevant Info.
So all of these should be YES, that they will have goals and services in those areas.
Secondary Transition
This only applies to students 13 or older.
Part 2, 16 and older.

Starting at 13, give a transition

Must write specific Education/Training and
assessment and document it here.
Employment Goals based on the assessment,
Also must choose Course of Study.
and Independently Living if needed.
Secondary Transition Continued...
Transition Activities, must fill in for every area. You have to highlight the tab for each one.
Annual Goals
Annual Goals
Districts must fashion IEPs that are “reasonably calculated to enable a
child to make progress” in alignment with the child’s “unique

This requires the IEP to use their “prospective judgment” when writing
the IEP, and the progress that the team envisions through the IEP must
be “appropriate.”

In developing the IEP, team members should be able to articulate a

“cogent and responsive explanation” in support of their decisions.
Annual Goals
Once you are on the Annual Goals Page, it will show each
present level you have typed in, and this Add/Delete Goals
will be next to it. When you Click that it will give a place to
type in as many goals related to that Present Level.
Annual Goals
Services- Direct Services
Services Goal Integration
District Wide Testing

District Wide Assessments

To add a district assessment click “Add District Assessment” in blue. The only choice at this
time is District Assessment, therefore we are not able to specify assessments by name.
State Wide Testing

State Tests
The program automatically populates any test that might be appropriate
for this student based upon grade/age, etc.. It will bring up the list and
you check the boxes that apply.
Alternative Assessment
This is for students that take the Extend 1. If your student
does NOT take the Extend 1, then click NA.

If your student is on Extend 1, then please type in your

justification statement as to WHY they are.
Implementation Specifics
Last, but not least. Implementation specifics. If you have given your
student accommodations such as multiple testing sessions, or
extended time; this is how you specify that information. At the
bottom of this page you will find these buttons:
Implementation Details
Standard Accommodations
Custom Accommodations
Check any that the student will need. If you check Other, then you must
enter it below in the custom assessment box(s) that will appear.
ESY Services/ESY Goal Intergration
This is to discuss Extended School Year Eligibility. If not eligible, pick
from the drop down box, and put the date of the meeting.

If the student is not getting ESY, then you must just Save and Continue
through the ESY Goal Intergration page.
Create IEP
Enter the date of the meeting

The team members names will appear in the drop down boxes based on who
you have added to your IEP team.

To add members to your IEP team:

1. Go to Student Information
2. Click on TEAM from the drop down
3. The click the green button that says Select Team. A long list of people will appear, and you
check the ones that will be on your team and then Update the Database.

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