Part 63 B

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Arab Republic of Egypt ECAR Part 63

Ministry of Civil Aviation Subpart B

Licenses for Crewmembers
(Other than Licenses for Pilots)

63.31 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the requirements for the issuance of flight navigator, flight
engineer, and cabin crew licenses and the conditions under which these licenses are
necessary and the privileges of the holders of the licenses.

63.33 Flight navigator license

Requirements for the issuance of the license:
(a) Age: The applicant shall be not less than 18 years of age;
(b) Medical fitness: The applicant shall hold a current class (1) medical assessment;
(c) Knowledge: The applicant shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge appropriate
to the holder of a flight navigator license, in at least the following subjects:
(1) Air law;
(2) Flight performance and planning;
(3) Human performance and limitations;
(4) Meteorology;
(5) Navigation;
(6) Operational procedures;
(7) Principle of flight; and
(8) Radiotelephone.
(d) Experience: The applicant shall have completed in the performance of the duties of a
flight navigator, not less than:
(1) 200 hours of flight time in aircraft engaged in cross country fight,
including (not less than 30 hours at night); and
(2) The applicant shall produce evidence of having satisfactorily determined the
aircraft's position in flight, and used that information to navigate the aircraft as
(i) By night: not less than 25 times by celestial observation; and
(ii) By day: not less than 25 times by celestial observation in
conjunction with self-contained or external referenced
navigation systems.
(e) Skill: Perform duties as a flight navigator of an aircraft with a degree of competency
appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a flight navigator license and
(1) Exercise good judgment and airmanship;
(2) Apply aeronautical knowledge;
(3) Perform all the duties as part of an integrated crew with a successful outcome;
(4) Communicate effectively with the other cockpit crewmembers.
(f) Privileges of the holder of the license: The holder of a flight navigator license shall
be to act as flight navigator of any aircraft; and
(g) Renewal of flight navigator license:
(1) At least 12 hours as a navigator within the last 12 months preceding the date of
(2) Passing the periodical proficiency check twice a year according to a program
approved by the ECAA; and
(3) A current class 1 medical assessment.

63.35 Flight engineer license

Requirements for the issuance of the license:
(a) Age: The applicant shall be not less than 21 years of age.
(b) Medical fitness: The applicant shall hold a current class 1 medical assessment.
(c) Knowledge: The applicant shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge appropriate
to the privileges granted to the holder of a flight engineer license, in at least the
following subjects:
(1) Air law;
(2) Aircraft general knowledge;

Issue 2, Rev. 1 Dated January, 2007 Page 1

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ECAR Part 63 Arab Republic of Egypt
Subpart B Ministry of Civil Aviation
(3) Human performance and limitations;
(4) Flight performance and planning;
(5) Operational procedures;
(6) Principle of flight;
(7) Radiotelephone;
(8) Fundamentals of navigation, principles and operations of self-contained
systems; and
(9) Operational aspects of meteorology.
(d) Experience: The applicant shall have completed, under the supervision of an
approved flight engineer instructor:
(1) Not less than 100 hours of a flight time in the performance of the duties of a
flight engineer including (maximum of 50 hours as a part of the total flight time
of 100 hours in a flight simulator); and
(2) The applicant shall have operational experience in the performance of the duties
of a flight engineer under the supervision of an approved flight engineer
instructor, in at least the following areas:
(i) Normal procedures:
(A) Pre-flight inspections;
(B) Fueling procedures, fuel management;
(C) Normal flight deck procedures during all phases of flight;
(D) Crew coordination and procedures in case of crew incapacitation; and
(E) Defect reporting.
(ii) Abnormal and alternate procedures:
(A) Recognition of abnormal functioning of aircraft system; and
(B) Use of abnormal and alternate procedures;
(iii) Emergency procedures:
(A) Recognition of emergency conditions; and
(B) Use of appropriate emergency procedures.
(e) Skill: The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as flight engineer
of an aircraft and to:
(1) Use aircraft systems within the aircraft's capabilities and limitations.
(2) Exercise good judgment and airmanship;
(3) Apply aeronautical knowledge;
(4) Perform all duties as part of integrated crew with a successful outcome; and
(5) Communicate effectively with the other cockpit crewmembers.
Note: The use of a synthetic flight trainer for performing the procedures required
during the demonstration of skill described in this section shall be approved in
accordance with the provisions of Part 61 which will ensure that the synthetic
flight trainer is appropriate for the task being performed.
(f) Privileges of the holder of a flight engineer license:
(1) Shall be to act as flight engineer of any type of aircraft on which the holder has
demonstrated a level of knowledge and skill; and
(2) The type of aircraft must be annotated on a flight engineer license for
authorization to exercise the privileges of that license.
(g) For renewal of flight engineer license the applicant must have:
(1) New medical assessment class 1;
(2) The specified number of in flight hours is not required;
(3) The preflight inspection conducted in an aircraft;
(4) Passing the periodical proficiency check according to a program approved by
the ECAA twice a year; and
(5) Satisfactory completion of an approved simulator proficiency training program.

63.37 Cabin crew license

Requirements for the issuance of the cabin crew license:
(a) Age: The applicant shall be not less than 18 years of age;
(b) Medical fitness: The applicant shall hold a current class 2 medical assessment;
(c) Knowledge: The applicant shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge
appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a cabin crew license, in at least
the following subjects;

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Arab Republic of Egypt ECAR Part 63
Ministry of Civil Aviation Subpart B
(1) The execution of the safety functions which the cabin crew member is
assigned to perform in the event of an emergency or an emergency
(2) The use of all emergency and life saving equipment carried or installed
on the aircraft;
(3) For aircraft operating above 10,000 ft. or pressurized aircraft, the
effects and symptoms associated with the lack of oxygen;
(4) The awareness of other crewmembers duties such that in the event of
an emergency the cabin crew member is sure to fulfill their own duties;
(5) The awareness with regard to the types of dangerous goods that may
or may not be carried on the aircraft; and
(6) The theory of human factors related to cabin safety and crew
(d) Experience: The applicant shall:
(1) Successfully complete an approved basic indoctrination ground training
(2) Successfully complete an approved initial ground training course for a cabin
crew which must consist of at least the following:
(i) 8 hours minimum, except as in (ii) below; and
(ii) Training for Group IIIJ airplanes, 16 hours.
(3) Cabin crew applicants must fly for at least 5 flight trips (10 sectors) in the
performance of the assigned duties of a cabin crewmember under supervision
of an approved cabin crew instructor.
(e) Skill: The applicant shall demonstrate a level of skill that is appropriate for the
issuance of a cabin crew license under this Part.
(f) Requirement for an aircraft type endorsement: The cabin crew applicant must have
the following:
(1) An appropriate medical assessment and a valid cabin crew license;
(2) Successful completion of differences training in accordance with 121.418; and
(3) At least 4 flight sectors performing duties as cabin crew under supervision of an
approved cabin crew instructor on the same type requested.

63.39 Certification of cabin crew instructors

The following provisions establish the requirements for cabin crew instructor
(a) Conditions for choosing a cabin crew instructor:
(1) Will hold or has held a valid license on the aircraft type requested;
(2) Have total flying time not less than 3000 hours including not less than 200 hours
on that type aircraft requested;
(3) Not less than 5 years total experience as a qualified cabin crewmember whether
continuous or not; and
(4) A cabin crew instructor may be certified on a maximum of three types of
(b) Conditions for qualifying as a cabin crew instructor:
(1) Successfully pass instructor ground training for qualification to be a cabin crew
instructor. Must attend and pass an EASA approved course on the professional
skills for cabin crew instructors acceptable to the ECAA, in at least the
(i) The learning process;
(ii) Elements of effective learning;
(iii) Student evaluation and testing;
(iv) Course development;
(v) Lesson planning; and
(vi) Classroom training techniques.
(2) Successfully pass instructor ground training on the aircraft type;
(3) Conduct an initial, transition or recurrent ground school for 2 cabin
crewmembers under the supervision of a qualified cabin crew ground
(4) For qualification as a cabin crew flight instructor the applicant must administer
two competency checks under the supervision of a certified cabin crew

Issue 2, Rev. 1 Dated January, 2007 Page 3

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ECAR Part 63 Arab Republic of Egypt
Subpart B Ministry of Civil Aviation
instructor of which one must be observed by an ECAA cabin crew inspector;
(5) Request from ECAA final approval for the applicant after which renewal will be
on an annual basis.
(c) Requirement for the recency of experience for a cabin crew flight instructor:
(1) Successfully passes the competency check on the aircraft type within the
previous 90 days; and
(2) Conducts a cabin crew (initial, transition or recurrent training course) or a
competency check under the supervision of a cabin crew instructor or an ECAA
cabin crew inspector and;
(3) Conducts at least 4 competency checks during the preceding 12 months period.
(d) Requirements for the recency of experience for ground cabin crew instructors:
Conducts ground instructions for at least 2 cabin crew courses during the preceding
12 months period.

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