Spartan Task - Fast Food Among Teenages

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ReadingforAcademic Purposes

izethemalong withtheirmeaning.

The line graph compares the fast food consumption of teenagers in Australia between
1975and2000,aperiodof25years.Overall,theconsumptionoffishandchips declinedovertheperi

In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being
eaten100 times a year. This was far higher than Pizza and hamburgers, which were
consumedapproximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from
1980 to1985,theconsumption offishand chipsgraduallydeclined
overthe25yeartimescaletofinishatjustunder 40.

Insharpcontrasttothis,teenagers atetheothertwofastfoods atmuchhigherlevels.Pizza

consumption increased gradually until it overtook the consumption of fish and chipsin
1990. It then levelled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgersas
the occasions they were eaten increased sharply throughout the 1970’s and
1980’s,exceeding that of fish and chips in 1985. It finished at the same level that fish and
chipsbegan,with consumption at100 timesayear.

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ReadingforAcademic Purposes

tothetextentitled“TheYouthPledgeDay”andexpressyourown opiniontoQ5 &Q6.

1. WhydidIndonesiangovernmentinsisttogatheryouthorganizationsinIndonesiaatthatti
2. Whataretwounderlyingobjectiveswhichstickedall
3. HowlongdidittakeforPPPIandtheintellectualstodecide
4. Howlongdidittakeforthecongress toformulateSumpahSetia?
5. DoyouthinkthatthespiritofindependenceintheIndonesianyoungergenerationsisstillspar
king?Inwhatarea/aspectoflife,doyou thinkwearestillcolonized?Why?
6. Whatwouldbetheactivity(-
tivitiesofyourownexperience toariseyourawareness.

Name|NPM : Rico Aditya Mubarok 2311040193

Semester|Class : 3A


1.The Indonesian government, at the time, insisted on gathering

youth organizations to foster a unified spirit among the young
generation and to reduce divisions caused by ethnic and religious
differences. By bringing together various youth organizations, the
goal was to create a shared commitment to achieving Indonesian
independence and establishing a sense of national unity. This
initiative eventually led to the creation of the Youth Pledge,
which symbolized the unity of one homeland, one nation, and
one language.

2. The two underlying objectives that united all youth

organizations to carry out the meetings were:

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ReadingforAcademic Purposes
- Achieving Indonesian independence: The youth organizations
recognized the need to work together to free Indonesia from
colonial rule.

- Reducing divisions due to ethnic and religious differences:

They aimed to promote unity among diverse groups by
establishing a common identity as Indonesians, which was vital
to the goal of independence.

3.It took about two years for PPPI and the intellectuals to decide
on organizing a congress. The meetings were held between 1926
and 1928, and by August 12, 1928, they reached the decision to
hold the congress in October of that year.

4. the Youth Congress was held on October 27th and 28th, 1928.
Therefore, it took two days for the congress to formulate the
Youth Pledge (Sumpah Setia).

5. Spirit of Independence in Younger Generations

* Social Activism: Indonesian youth are actively involved in
social movements and advocacy for various causes. This includes
environmental conservation, human rights, gender equality, and
social justice.
* Critical Thinking: Many young Indonesians are engaging in
critical thinking and questioning established norms. They are not
afraid to challenge the status quo and advocate for change.
* Cultural Expression: A vibrant youth culture is flourishing,
with young artists, musicians, and filmmakers expressing their
creativity and identity.

Areas of Potential Colonization

It's important to note that the concept of colonization has evolved
beyond the traditional sense of territorial control. Here are some
areas where the influence of past colonialism might still be felt:
* Education System: The education system in Indonesia has
been heavily influenced by Western models. While this has its
benefits, it can also lead to a neglect of indigenous knowledge
and cultural values.
* Economic Dependency: Indonesia's economy is still heavily
reliant on exports and foreign investment. This can create a sense
of economic dependence and vulnerability.
* Cultural Influence: Western culture, particularly through media
and consumerism, has a significant impact on Indonesian youth.
This can lead to a loss of cultural identity and traditional values.

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ReadingforAcademic Purposes
6. Cultural Immersion Experiences:
* Traveling within your country: Exploring different regions of
your country can expose you to diverse cultures, languages, and
traditions. This can foster a sense of national pride and
appreciation for the rich cultural tapestry of your nation.
* Participating in cultural festivals and events: Attending
celebrations like national holidays, ethnic festivals, or historical
reenactments can provide a tangible connection to your country's
heritage and traditions.

Community Engagement and Volunteering:

* Joining community service organizations: Volunteering for
causes that benefit your community or country can instill a sense
of civic duty and responsibility. It can also foster a deeper
understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing your

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