Datalink Layer
Datalink Layer
Datalink Layer
Data Link Layer
It then manages how the flow process of the
bit stream takes place to include the
Creates and recognizes frame boundaries
Checks received messages for integrity
Manages channel access and flow control
Ensures correct sequence and transmitted data
Detects and possibly corrects errors that occur in
the Physical Layer without using the functions of
the upper layers
Provides flow-control techniques to ensure that
link buffer capacity is not exceeded 3
Data Link Layer Issues
Link Configuration Addressing
Control Framing
Link Discipline Synchronization
Control Error Control
Link Management - Flow Control
bringing link up and
Link Configuration Control
Link Configuration Control refers to the
Link Topology
Link Duplexity
Link Topology
The topology of a communication link
refers to the physical arrangement of the
connection between the devices. In its
fundamental form the topology of a data
link between two devices could be:
Direct Link
Indirect Link
Direct Link - Subtypes
There are two possibilities with a direct
Multipoint Link
Point to Point Link
Link Duplexity
Duplexity refers to the fact that either one
station can transmit at a time (half duplex)
or both can transmit simultaneously (full
Link Discipline with Point to
Point Links
One device may
send an ENQ
message to see if
the other is ready
On receiving an ACK
the DATA frame may
be sent
Vertical Time
Sequence Diagram
Framing refers to the fact that the
beginning and the end of data are marked
so to be recognized and help in
A frame is a quantum of data usually at
layer two of the OSI reference model.
The size of a frame is measured in bits.
The size of a frame could range from a few
bits (5 to 8) to few hundred or even
thousand bits.
Synchronization refers to the fact the
receiver must know when the data begins
and when it ends and also the receiver
should be able to distinguish between each
bit in the frame of data.
Concerned with timing issues
Small timing difference become more
significant over time if no synchronization
takes place between sender and receiver
Synchronization occurs on the data link
layer 11
Synchronous Synchronization
Large blocks of bits (frames) are
transmitted without start or stop bits after
every 5 or 8 bits
The beginning of a frame is marked by a
preamble - flag
End is marked by a postamble - flag
Bit-stuffing is used to prevent occurrence
of flag in the data - provides data
Synchronous Synchronization
Flag is usually a bit pattern 01111110
For sizable blocks of data synchronous
transmission is far more efficient
e.g. HDLC with 1000 bit frame size and 48
control bits is only 4.8% overhead.
Two types:
bit oriented
Character oriented
Flag Fields
Delimit frame at both ends
May close one frame and open another
Receiver hunts for flag sequence to synchronize
Bit stuffing used to avoid confusion with data
containing 01111110
0 inserted after every sequence of five 1s
If receiver detects five 1s it checks next bit
If 0, it is deleted
If 1 and seventh bit is 0, accept as flag
If sixth and seventh bits 1, sender is indicating
Flow Control
Flow Control refers to mechanisms that
make sure that the sending station cannot
overwhelm the receiving station with data.
Preventing buffer overflow
Transmission time
Time taken to emit all bits into medium
Propagation time
Time for a bit to traverse the link
Stop-and-Wait Flow Control
The simplest form of flow control is Stop
and Wait Flow Control.
Stop and Wait Flow Control works like this:
The sending station sends a frame of data
and then waits for an acknowledgement
from the other station before sending
further data
The other party can stop the flow of data by
simply withholding an acknowledgement
Stop-and-Wait Flow Control
Source may not send new frame until
receiver acknowledges the frame already
Very inefficient, especially when a single
message is broken into separate frames
Stop-and-Wait Flow Control
Stop and Wait Flow control works great if
data are sent as a few large frames.
However large frames are undesirable for
the following reasons:
Large frame means one station occupies the
link for a longer time (undesirable on a
multipoint link)
There is more chance of error in a large frame
resulting in more lost data and more
Utilization under SW Flow
Utilization = U = frame time / total time
U = 1/1+2a
a = Propagation Time / Transmission Time
a = Medium length in bits / Frame length
in bits
Sliding-Window Flow Control
Allows multiple frames to be in transit
Receiver sends acknowledgement with
sequence number of anticipated frame
Sender maintains list of sequence numbers
it can send, receiver maintains list of
sequence numbers it can receive
ACK (acknowledgement) supplemented
with RNR (receiver not ready)
Error Detection
Error detection refers to the techniques
used to send extra information that can
help in indicating to the receiver if the data
might have been changed during the
course of travelling through the medium.
Parity error detection and CRC error
detection are two techniques that will be
discussed for error detection.
Cyclic Redundancy Check
For a Message block of k bits (called M)
transmitter generates n bit sequence
(Called Frame Check Sequence or F)
Transmit k+n bits which is exactly divisible
by some number called P which is n+1 bits
Receive divides frame by that number
If no remainder, assume no error
Address Resolution
Protocol - ARP
IP over Ethernet
Address Resolution
A resolves protocol address for B for protocol messages from an
application on A sent to an application on B
A does not resolve a protocol address for F
Through the internet layer, A delivers to F by routing through R1 and
A resolves R1 hardware address
Network layer on A passes packet containing destination protocol
address F for delivery to R1
Host A Host C Host E
ARP Message Contents
OPERATION = 1 for request, 2 for response
Contains both target and sender mappings
from protocol address to hardware address
Request sets hardware address of target to 0
Target can extract hardware address of
sender (saving an ARP request)
Target exchanges sender/target in response29
ARP, Bridging and Routing
ARP is transparent to bridging, since bridging will
propagate ARP broadcasts like any other Ethernet
broadcast, and will transparently bridge the replies.
A router does not propagate Ethernet broadcasts,
because the router is a Network Level device, and
Ethernet is a Data Link Level protocol. Therefore, an
Internet host must use its routing protocols to select
an appropriate router, that can be reached via
Ethernet ARPs.
After ARPing for the IP address of the router, the
packet (targeted at some other Destination Address) is
transmitted to the Ethernet address of the router. 31
Proxy ARP
Proxy ARP is a technique that is can be used by routers to
handle traffic between hosts that don't expect to use a
router as described above. Probably the most common case
of its use would be the gradual subnetting of a larger
network. Those hosts not yet converted to the new system
would expect to transmit directly to hosts now placed
behind a router.
A router using Proxy ARP recognizes ARP requests for hosts
on the "other side" of the router that can't reply for
themselves. The router answers for those addresses with
an ARP reply matching the remote IP address with the
router's Ethernet address (in essence, a lie).
Proxy ARP - Problems
Proxy ARP is best thought of as a temporary
transition mechanism, and its use should not be
encouraged as part of a stable solution. There are
a number of potential problems with its use,
including the inability of hosts to fall back on
alternate routers if a network component fails,
and the possibility of race conditions and bizarre
traffic patterns if the bridged and routed network
segments are not clearly delineated.
Reverse ARP - RARP
Sometimes, it is also necessary to find out the IP-address
associated with a given Ethernet address. This happens
when a diskless machine wants to boot from a server on
the network, which is quite a common situation on local
area networks.
A diskless client, however, has virtually no information
about itself-- except for its Ethernet address! So what it
basically does is broadcast a message containing a plea for
boot servers to tell it its IP-address.
There's another protocol for this, named Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol, or RARP. Along with the BOOTP
protocol, it serves to define a procedure for bootstrapping
diskless clients over the network.