DC-module 1 - Notes
DC-module 1 - Notes
DC-module 1 - Notes
MODULE – 1 8 Hours
Introduction: Data Communications, Networks, Network Types, Internet History, Standards and Administration, Networks
Models: Protocol Layering, TCP/IP Protocol suite, The OSI model, Introduction to Physical Layer-1: Data and Signals,
Digital Signals, Transmission Impairment, Data Rate limits, Performance.
Textbook1: Ch 1.1 to 1.5, 2.1 to 2.3, 3.1, 3.3 to 3.6
RBT: L1, L2
MODULE – 2 8 Hours
Digital Transmission: Digital to digital conversion (Only Line coding: Polar, Bipolar and
Manchester coding).
Physical Layer-2: Analog to digital conversion (only PCM), Transmission Modes,
Analog Transmission: Digital to analog conversion.
Textbook1: Ch 4.1 to 4.3, 5.1
RBT: L1, L2
MODULE – 3 8 Hours
Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spread Spectrum,
Switching: Introduction, Circuit Switched Networks and Packet switching.
Error Detection and Correction: Introduction, Block coding, Cyclic codes, Checksum,
Textbook1: Ch 6.1, 6.2, 8.1 to 8.3, 10.1 to 10.4
RBT: L1, L2
MODULE – 4 8 Hours
Data link control: DLC services, Data link layer protocols, Point to Point protocol (Framing,
Transition phases only).
Media Access control: Random Access, Controlled Access and Channelization,
Introduction to Data-Link Layer: Introduction, Link-Layer Addressing, ARP
IPv4 Addressing and subnetting: Classful and CIDR addressing, DHCP, NAT
Textbook1: Ch 9.1, 9.2, 11.1, 11.2 11.4, 12.1 to 12.3, 18.4
RBT: L1, L2
MODULE – 5 8 Hours
Wired LANs Ethernet: Ethernet Protocol, Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit 08
Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet,
Wireless LANs: Introduction, IEEE 802.11 Project and Bluetooth.
Other wireless Networks: Cellular Telephony
Textbook1: Ch 13.1 to 13.5, 15.1 to 15.3, 16.2
1) Message
➢ Message is the information (or data) to be communicated.
➢ Message may consist of
→ number/text
→ picture or
→ audio/video
2) Sender
➢ Sender is the device that sends the data-message.
➢ Sender can be
→ computer and
→ mobile phone
3) Receiver
➢ Receiver is the device that receives the message.
➢ Receiver can be
→ computer and
→ mobile phone
4) Transmission Medium
➢ Transmission-medium is physical-path by which a message travels from sender to receiver.
➢ Transmission-medium can be wired or wireless.
➢ Examples of wired medium:
→ twisted-pair wire (used in landline telephone)
→ coaxial cable (used in cable TV network)
→ fiber-optic cable
➢ Examples of wireless medium:
→ radio waves
→ microwaves
→ infrared waves (ex: operating TV using remote control)
5) Protocol
➢ A protocol is a set of rules that govern data-communications.
➢ In other words, a protocol represents an agreement between the communicating-devices.
➢ Without a protocol, 2 devices may be connected but not communicating.
1) Simplex
➢ The communication is unidirectional
(For ex: The simplex mode is like a one-way street).
➢ On a link, out of 2 devices:
i) Only one device can transmit.
ii) Another device can only receive.
➢ For example (Figure 1.2a):
The monitor can only accept output.
➢ Entire-capacity of channel is used to send the data in one direction.
2) Half Duplex
➢ Both the stations can transmit as well as receive but not at the same time.
(For ex: The half-duplex mode is like a one-lane road with 2 directional traffic).
➢ When one station is sending, the other can only receive and vice-versa.
➢ For example (Figure 1.2b): Walkie-talkies
➢ Entire-capacity of a channel is used by one of the 2 stations that are transmitting the data.
3) Full Duplex
➢ Both stations can transmit and receive at the same time.
(For ex: The full-duplex is like a 2-way street with traffic flowing in both directions at the
same time).
➢ For example (Figure 1.2c):
Mobile phones (When 2 people are communicating by a telephone line, both can listen
and talk at the same time)
➢ Entire-capacity of a channel is shared by both the stations that are transmitting the data.
• Advantages:
1) Less expensive: Each device needs only one link & one I/O port to connect it to any devices.
2) Easy installation & reconfiguration: Nodes can be added/removed w/o affecting the network.
3) Robustness: If one link fails, it does not affect the entire system.
4) Easy to detect and troubleshoot fault.
5) Centralized management: The hub manages and controls the whole network.
• Disadvantages:
1) Single point of failure: If the hub goes down, the whole network is dead.
2) Cable length required is the more compared to bus/ring topologies.
3) Number of nodes in network depends on capacity of hub.
• Advantages:
1) Easy installation and reconfiguration.
To add/delete a device, requires changing only 2 connections.
3) Fault isolation is simplified.
If one device does not receive a signal within a specified period, it can issue an alarm.
The alarm alerts the network-operator to the problem and its location.
3) Congestion reduced: Because all the traffic flows in only one direction.
• Disadvantages:
1) Unidirectional traffic.
2) A fault in the ring/device stops all transmission.
The above 2 drawbacks can be overcome by using dual ring.
3) There is a limit on
i) Cable length &
ii) Number of nodes that can be connected.
4) Slower: Each data must pass through all the devices between source and destination.
• Advantages:
1) Congestion reduced: Each connection can carry its own data load.
2) Robustness: If one link fails, it does not affect the entire system.
3) Security: When a data travels on a dedicated-line, only intended-receiver can see the data.
4) Easy fault identification & fault isolation: Traffic can be re-routed to avoid problematic links.
• Disadvantages:
1) Difficult installation and reconfiguration.
2) Bulk of wiring occupies more space than available space.
3) Very expensive: as there are many redundant connections.
4) Not mostly used in computer networks. It is commonly used in wireless networks.
5) High redundancy of the network-connections.
1.3.1 LAN
• LAN is used to connect computers in a single office, building or campus (Figure 1.8).
• LAN is usually privately owned network.
• A LAN can be simple or complex.
1) Simple: LAN may contain 2 PCs and a printer.
2) Complex: LAN can extend throughout a company.
• Each host in a LAN has an address that uniquely defines the host in the LAN.
• A packet sent by a host to another host carries both source host’s and destination host’s addresses.
• LANs use a smart connecting switch.
• The switch is able to
→ recognize the destination address of the packet &
→ guide the packet to its destination.
• The switch
→ reduces the traffic in the LAN &
→ allows more than one pair to communicate with each other at the same time.
• Advantages:
1) Resource Sharing
➢ Computer resources like printers and hard disks can be shared by all devices on the network.
2) Expansion
➢ Nowadays, LANs are connected to WANs to create communication at a wider level.
2) Switched WAN
➢ A switched WAN is a network with more than two ends.
➢ The switched WAN can be the backbones that connect the Internet.
➢ A switched WAN is a combination of several point-to-point WANs that are connected by
switches (Figure 1.10).
➢ When a host in the west coast office sends a message to another host in the same office, the
router blocks the message, but the switch directs the message to the destination.
➢ On the other hand, when a host on the west coast sends a message to a host on the east
coast, router R1 routes the packet to router R2, and the packet reaches the destination.
¤ As shown in Figure 1.13, the 4 telephones at each side are connected to a switch.
¤ The switch connects a telephone at one side to a telephone at the other side.
¤ A high-capacity line can handle 4 voice communications at the same time.
¤ The capacity of high line can be shared between all pairs of telephones.
¤ The switch is used for only forwarding.
➢ Advantage:
A circuit-switched network is efficient only when it is working at its full capacity.
➢ Disadvantage:
Most of the time, the network is inefficient because it is working at partial capacity. Packet Switched Network
➢ In a computer network, the communication between the 2 ends is done in blocks of data
called packets.
➢ The switch is used for both storing and forwarding because a packet is an independent entity
that can be stored and sent later.
¤ As shown in Figure 1.14, the 4 computers at each side are connected to a router.
¤ A router has a queue that can store and forward the packet.
¤ The high-capacity line has twice the capacity of the low-capacity line.
¤ If only 2 computers (one at each site) need to communicate with each other, there is
no waiting for the packets.
¤ However, if packets arrive at one router when high-capacity line is at its full capacity,
the packets should be stored and forwarded.
➢ Advantages:
A packet-switched network is more efficient than a circuit switched network.
➢ Disadvantage:
The packets may encounter some delays.
1) Proposed Standard
➢ Proposed standard is specification that is stable, well-understood & of interest to Internet
➢ Specification is usually tested and implemented by several different groups.
2) Draft Standard
➢ A proposed standard is elevated to draft standard status after at least 2 successful
independent and interoperable implementations.
3) Internet Standard
➢ A draft standard reaches Internet standard status after demonstrations of successful
4) Historic
➢ The historic RFCs are significant from a historical perspective.
➢ They either
→ have been superseded by later specifications or
→ have never passed the necessary maturity levels to become an Internet standard.
5) Experimental
➢ An RFC classified as experimental describes work related to an experimental situation.
➢ Such an RFC should not be implemented in any functional Internet service.
6) Informational
➢ An RFC classified as informational contains general, historical, or tutorial information related
to the Internet.
➢ Usually, it is written by a vendor.
(ISOC → Internet Society IAB → Internet Architecture Board)
1.5.1 Scenarios
First Scenario
• In the first scenario, communication is so simple that it can occur in only one layer (Figure 2.1).
• Assume Maria and Ann are neighbors with a lot of common ideas.
• Communication between Maria and Ann takes place in one layer, face to face, in the same language
Second Scenario
• Maria and Ann communicate using regular mail through the post office (Figure 2.2).
• However, they do not want their ideas to be revealed by other people if the letters are intercepted.
• They agree on an encryption/decryption technique.
• The sender of the letter encrypts it to make it unreadable by an intruder; the receiver of the letter
decrypts it to get the original letter.
• As shown in the figure 2.6, the duty of the application, transport, and network layers is end-to-end.
• However, the duty of the data-link and physical layers is hop-to-hop. A hop is a host or router.
• The domain of duty of the top three layers is the internet.
The domain of duty of the two lower layers is the link.
• In top 3 layers, the data unit should not be changed by any router or link-layer switch.
In bottom 2 layers, the data unit is changed only by the routers, not by the link-layer switches.
• Identical objects exist between two hops. Because router may fragment the packet at the network
layer and send more packets than received (Figure 2.7).
• The link between two hops does not change the object.
Application Layer
• The two application layers exchange messages between each other.
• Communication at the application layer is between two processes (two programs running at this
• To communicate, a process sends a request to the other process and receives a response.
• Process-to-process communication is the duty of the application layer.
• TCP/IP model defines following protocols:
1) SMTP is used to transport email between a source and destination.
2) TELNET is used for accessing a site remotely.
3) FTP is used for transferring files from one host to another.
4) DNS is used to find the IP address of a computer.
5) SNMP is used to manage the Internet at global and local levels.
6) HTTP is used for accessing the World Wide Web (WWW).
1.6.5 Addressing
• We have logical communication between pairs of layers.
• Any communication that involves 2 parties needs 2 addresses: source address and destination
• We need 4 pairs of addresses (Figure 2.9):
1) At the application layer, we normally use names to define
→ site that provides services, such as vtunotesbysri.com, or
→ e-mail address, such as [email protected].
2) At the transport layer, addresses are called port numbers.
➢ Port numbers define the application-layer programs at the source and destination.
➢ Port numbers are local addresses that distinguish between several programs running at the
same time.
3) At the network-layer, addresses are called IP addresses.
➢ IP address uniquely defines the connection of a device to the Internet.
➢ The IP addresses are global, with the whole Internet as the scope.
4) At the data link-layer, addresses are called MAC addresses
➢ The MAC addresses defines a specific host or router in a network (LAN or WAN).
➢ The MAC addresses are locally defined addresses.
LAYERS IN THE OSI MODEL (Detailed OSI layers not in syllabus, it’s for your reference)
Physical Layer
• Main Responsibility:
Physical-layer (PL) is responsible for movements of individual bits from one node to another node.
Session Layer
• Main Responsibility:
Session-layer (SL) establishes, maintains, and synchronizes the interaction between 2 systems.
• Other responsibilities of session-layer (Figure 2.12):
1) Dialog Control
➢ SL allows 2 systems to start communication with each other in half-duplex or full-duplex.
2) Synchronization
➢ SL allows a process to add checkpoints into stream of data.
➢ The checkpoint is a way of informing the status of the data transfer.
➢ For example:
A checkpoint after first 500 bits of data will ensure that those 500 bits are not sent again
in case of retransmission at 650th bit. (Checkpoints → Synchronization Points)
Application Layer
• Main Responsibility: The application-layer (AL)
→ provides services to the user
→ enables the user to access the network.
Example 1.1
Example 1.2
Example 1.3
B) Better Approximation
¤ To make the shape of the analog signal look more like that of a digital signal, we need
to add more harmonics of the frequencies (Figure 3.23).
¤ We can increase the bandwidth to 3N/2, 5N/2, 7N/2, and so on.
¤ In baseband transmission, the required bandwidth is proportional to the bit rate;
If we need to send bits faster, we need more bandwidth.
Example 1.5
Example 1.6
1.10.1 Attenuation
• As signal travels through the medium, its strength decreases as distance increases. This is called
attenuation (Figure 3.27).
• As the distance increases, attenuation also increases.
• For example:
Voice-data becomes weak over the distance & loses its contents beyond a certain distance.
• To compensate for this loss, amplifiers are used to amplify the signal. Decibel
• The decibel (dB) measures the relative strengths of
→ 2 signals or
→ one signal at 2 different points.
• The decibel is negative if a signal is attenuated.
The decibel is positive if a signal is amplified.
Example 1.7
Example 1.9
Example 1.10
1.10.2 Distortion
• Distortion means that the signal changes its form or shape (Figure 3.29).
• Distortion can occur in a composite signal made of different frequencies.
• Different signal-components
→ have different propagation speed through a medium.
→ have different delays in arriving at the final destination.
• Differences in delay create a difference in phase if delay is not same as the period-duration.
• Signal-components at the receiver have phases different from what they had at the sender.
• The shape of the composite signal is therefore not the same.
• SNR is actually the ratio of what is wanted (signal) to what is not wanted (noise).
• A high-SNR means the signal is less corrupted by noise.
A low-SNR means the signal is more corrupted by noise.
• Because SNR is the ratio of 2 powers, it is often described in decibel units, SNRdB, defined as
Example 1.11
Example 1.12
Example 1.13
Example 1.14
Example 1.15
Example 1.16
Example 1.17
In figure 3.13, the signal has a minimum frequency of F1 = 1000Hz and maximum
frequency of F2 = 5000Hz.
Hence, the bandwidth is given by F2 – F1= 5000 - 1000 = 4000 Hz
(2) Bandwidth of a Digital Signal (in bps)
➢ Bandwidth refers to the number of bits transmitted in one second in a channel (or link).
➢ For example:
The bandwidth of a Fast Ethernet is a maximum of 100 Mbps. (This means that this
network can send 100 Mbps).
Relationship between (1) and (2)
• There is an explicit relationship between the bandwidth in hertz and bandwidth in bits per seconds.
• Basically, an increase in bandwidth in hertz means an increase in bandwidth in bits per second.
• The relationship depends on
→ baseband transmission or
→ transmission with modulation.
Example 1.18
1) Propagation Time
➢ Propagation time is defined as the time required for a bit to travel from source to destination.
➢ Propagation time is given by
Example 1.19
2) Transmission Time
➢ The time required for transmission of a message depends on
→ size of the message and
→ bandwidth of the channel.
➢ The transmission time is given by
Example 1.20
Example 1.21
➢ Let us assume,
Bandwidth of the link = 1 bps Delay of the link = 5s.
➢ From the figure 3.32, bandwidth-delay product is 1 x 5 = 5. Thus, there can be maximum 5
bits on the line.
➢ There can be no more than 5 bits at any time on the link.
Case 2: The following figure shows case 2 (Figure 3.33).
➢ Let us assume,
Bandwidth of the link = 4 bps Delay of the link = 5s.
➢ From the figure 3.33, bandwidth-delay product is 5 x 5 = 25. Thus, there can be maximum
25 bits on the line.
➢ At each second, there are 5 bits on the line, thus the duration of each bit is 0.20s.
• The above 2 cases show that the (bandwidth X delay) is the number of bits that can fill the link.
• This measurement is important if we need to
→ send data in bursts and
→ wait for the acknowledgment of each burst.
• To use the maximum capability of the link
→ We need to make the burst-size as (2 x bandwidth x delay).
→ We need to fill up the full-duplex channel (two directions).