101-Article Text-298-1-10-20151213
101-Article Text-298-1-10-20151213
101-Article Text-298-1-10-20151213
gradients using a Varian. The spectra obtained were randomly selected. All rabbits were fasted over night
measured at 298 K with an operating frequency of with ad libitum access to water. All rabbits received
499.742 MHz. The 90 o pulse width for 1 H was 10.8 at rifampicin solution by intravenous administration into
a transmitter power of 50. Solutions were purged prior marginal vein at a dose of 30 mg/kg. Rabbit’s in-group
to data collection under a stream of argon for 1 hour to 1 received pure rifampicin plain powder suspension in
reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen. 1% sodium carboxy methyl cellulose while rabbit’s in-
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) group 2 received rifampicin complex powder
suspension in 1% sodium carboxy methyl cellulose by
The surface morphology of pure materials, oral feeding tube at a dose of 30 mg/kg, followed by 1
their treated counterparts, and all binary systems were ml of deionized water. Rabbit’s in-group 3 received
examined by scanning electron microscope. The pure rifampicin intravenous injection. Blood samples
samples were fixed on a brass stub using double-sided were collected from the marginal vein at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1,
tape and then gold coated in vacuum by a sputter 2, 3, 5, 7 and 24 h. Immediately the samples were
coater. The pictures were taken at an excitation voltage precipitated the plasma proteins by adding methanol
of 20 Kv. JSM-840A Scanning Microscope, Jeol-Japan (200 µL), followed by 1 M potassium dihydrogen
with JFC-1100E Ion Sputtering Device was used. phosphate in 0.2% ascorbic acid (1mL) to adjust the pH
Fast Atomic Bombard (FAB) Mass Spectra: were to 4.2.
recorded on a JEOL SX 102/DA-Mass Extraction of Rifampicin: To 2 ml of plasma in a 15-ml
Spectrometer/Data system using argon/xenon (6kV, test-tube 0.4 ml of 10 % (v/v) aqueous acetic acid was
10mA) as the FAB gas. The accelerating voltage was added to adjust the pH to 4.2. Rifampicin was extracted
10kV and the spectra were recorded at room by shaking with 7 ml of diethyl ether:dichloromethane
temperature and m-nitrobenzyl was used as the matrix. (2:1 v/v) that, after centrifugation for 10 min at 2059 g,
Solubility Studies was transferred to a tapered test-tube and evaporated
under nitrogen at 40o C. The residue was dissolved in
The solubility of pure rifampicin and the 200 µl of methanol of which 20 µl aliquot was injected
complexes was determined as reported. Excess of pure into the HPLC column and eluted with system. The
drug or the complex was added in 25 ml conical flask elute was detected at 248 nm. A simple, specific and
and the mixture was shaken for 24 hours in a sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography
thermostatic shaker water bath (REMI Model) at RT at (HPLC) method was developed for the determination of
the rate of 110-120 strokes/min, till a saturated rifampicin in human plasma. Rifampicin and sulindac
solution in distilled water was obtained. The sample (internal standard) are extracted from human plasma
was filtered using Whatman filter paper No 44. The using a C 2 Bond Elutextraction column. A 100-µl
filtrate was suitably diluted and the concentration of volume of 0.1 M HCl is added to the plasma before
drug was determined spectrophotometrically. extraction to increase the retention of the compound
Bioavailability Studies on the extraction column. Methanol (1ml) is used to
elute the compounds and 0.5 ml of 3-mg/ml ascorbic
Eighteen male New Zealand rabbits weighing
acid in water is added to the final elute to reduce the
1.5 to 2.5 kgs were used. The following formulation was
oxidation of rifampicin. Separation is achieved by
tested (1) I.V. Injection of pure rifampicin, (2)
reversed-phase chromatography on a Zorbax Rx C 8
rifampicin-M ethyl-β-cd inclusion complex (CS)
column with a mobile phase composed of 0.05 M
suspension in 1% sodium carboxymethylcelulose, (10
potassium dihydrogen phosphate-acetonitrile (55: 45,
mg rifampicin/kg) in 1%, (3) rifampicin suspension in
v/v). Detection is by ultraviolet absorbance at 340 nm.
1% sodium carboxy methyl cellulose (low viscosity)
The retention times of rifampicin and internal standard
given orally.
are approximately 4.4 and 7.8 min, respectively. The
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): assay is linear in concentration ranges of 50 to 35 000
The liquid chromatography consisted of a Waters 6000 mg/ml. The quantitation limit is 50ng/ml. Both intra-
A pump, a U6K injector with a 25 loop (Waters Assoc., day and inter-day accuracy and precision data showed
Milford, MA, U.S.A.) and a variable-wavelength Hitachi good reproducibility.
220-S UV detector with a chart recorder (Hitachi, STABILITY STUDIES
Tokyo, Japan). Analyses were performed on a reversed-
Solid-state Stability studies: Accelerated Thermal
phase C 8 Column (Hibar, LiChroCart RP-8, 250 mm x
Stability studies (ICH): For rifampicin the 25o C ± 2o C
4.6 mm I.D., Merck).
/60% RH ± 5% are used as it is stored at cool
The operating conditions for the HPLC system temperature.
were: a mobile phase of a freshly prepared mixture of
Photostability Studies: Photostability studies are
acetonitrile and 10 mM phosphate buffer at pH 3.5 (1:9
carried out in Newtronic chamber. Studies are carried
v/v); flow-rate 1.5 ml/min; temperature, ambient (25
in UV light and tube light 1.2 million lux hours and an
±1o C); UV detector wavelength, 340.
integrated near ultraviolet energy of not less than 200-
Design: The rabbits were divided into three groups of watt hours/square meter to allow direct comparisons
six rabbits (n = 6). The order of administration was
were 47 peaks and 29 peaks in powder X-ray as well as complexes of rifampicin, but, in case of wild
diffraction patterns of β-CD and pure rifampicin strain No.10934, MIC was found to be 64µg/ml for pure
respectively that showed their crystalline nature. One rifampicin. However, a reduction in MIC from 64µg/ml
peak at 12 o of 2 θ angles was observed in pure M β-CD to32 µg/ml was observed in all the complexes of
and 12 peaks were observed in the range of 2 θ angles rifampicin. 28 M β-CD complexes were showing no
from 11 o to 27.5 o in pure rifampicin. As expected 13 growth at all concentration thus exhibiting maximum
peaks is their mixture, provided there is no interaction. effectiveness.
However X-ray diffraction pattern showed 4 peaks in BIOAVAILABILITY
the physical mixture and single peak each in the
complexes prepared by KN and CS. Plasma profiles are given the in Table 8. AUC
IV, 0-24 of rifampicin (Fig. was found to be 90.34 ± 1.54
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-NMR) hr µg/ml (Kinetica Software was used. The AUC 0-24 of
1H-NMR studies are used to investigate rifampicin CS complex was 85.86 ± 2.98 hr µg/ml
whether the type of interaction is hydrogen bond (prepared by M β-CD (common solvent) and AUC 0-24
formation, van der Waals forces or dipole-dipole for pure rifampicin (oral) was 64.52 ± 3.6 hr µg/ml.
interaction. It also helps to interpret the geometry, The C max found to be 25 ± 0.73 µg/ml, 14.4±
stoichiometry and alignment of the guest molecule in 0.13µg/ml, and 15.7 ± 0.35 µg/mlfor IV, oral pure drug,
the CDs cavity. 1H-NMR study is used to investigate the and CS respectively. The T max was found to be 1.15
type of interaction. The changes in the chemical shift hrs in case pure rifampicin and CS complex. The half-
were positive (desheilding) and negative (shielding). In life was found to 6.2 ± 1.2 hrs, 6.5 ± 1.3 hrs, and 6.96 ±
this study the changes in chemical shifts to second 1.32 hrs for IV, oral pure drug, and CS respectively.
decimal were taken. The 1H-NMR studies revealed that Stability Studies in Solution
changes in chemical shift of group, –CH=N of rifampicin
molecule in the complexes are given in Table 23. Thermal Stability Studies: The thermal degradation
Another group, >NH group ppm of pure rifampicin has constant for pure rifampicin on the basis of first order
been changed to second decimal (Table 24). The 1H- kinetics was found out to be 8.9535 ± 0.2795 x 10 -5
NMR spectra of rifampicin, cyclodextrin complexes day -1, the KN complex of M β-CD showed the least
prepared by different methods are given in Fig. 6, Fig. 7, value, 6.101 ± 0.190 x 10 -5 day -1. The reduction in
Fig.8 degradation constant found to be statistically
significant (p <0.05).
Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies
Photostability Studies: The photostability studies
SEM studies reveal change in the morphology revealed that there is no physical changes were
of particles and homogeneity of the product. Even if observed. There is no observable colour change in
there is a clear difference in crystallization state of the samples. The reduction or decrease in purity for
raw material and the products, this study is inadequate rifampicin and the least of all rifampicin-CD in 6
to confirm inclusion complexation, but helps to assess months were observed in 6 months is 1.69%, 1.50%
the existence of homogeneity of single component in respectively.
the preparations obtained. SEM observed that SEM of
the M β-CD (Fig. 9) had shown ball shaped in pure CONCLUSION
compound and these ball shaped particles are Thus it can be concluded that rifampicin
disappeared in the complexes. Both the drug and pure complex rifampicin could be successfully prepared by
rifampicin particles were observed in the PM. KN the kneading and common solvent methods. The
complex has shown small crystals while irregular complexes were found to have enhanced solubility, and
shaped crystals were seen in the CS. It was observed dissolution rate when compared to the pure drug. FAB
that complex is single component indicating the mass spectrometry, FTIR, and 1H-NMR methods
interaction in KN and CS. confirmed the intactness of drug in the complexes. In
Mass Spectroscopy case of rifampicin a part of rifampicin molecule i.e. 4-
methyl piperazin-1-ylimino-methyl chain was
Mass spectrometry of CS complex of M β-CD interacted with cyclodextrin molecules as indicated by
and rifampicin reveals that mass of theadduct formed FTIR and 1H-NMR. Powder x-ray diffraction, DSC and
out of complexation and also supports that the SEM studies confirmed the change in crystallinity of
stoichiometry of the complexes. The FAB mass both drugs. The M β-CD complexes had shown
spectroscopy showed that adduct, with molecular maximum stability constant, solubility, and anti
weight 2126 +, which is sum of M β-CD, 1303 +and, mycobarium activity. In case of DSC of M β-CD
rifampicin, 822.95 +. This supports the stoichiometry of complexes, the endothermic peaks of rifampicin were
rifampicin and M β-CD for the formation of complex is almost disappeared. The thermal and photostability of
1:1. rifampicin was improved significantly. Increased i n
In vitro Anti-tubercular Activity vitro anti-tubercular activity of the rifampicin was
The MIC for laboratory strain (H 37 RV) was observed and it is concluded that these complexes have
found to be identical that is 4µg/ml for pure rifampicin a potential of increased anti-tubercular activity.
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Table: 1 Comparison of the stability constants (K s) of complexing agents with the rifampicin
Types of cyclodextrin Stability constant(Ka)
By solubility method(m-1)
M β-CD 294.27±21.4
Each value is an average of three determinations with SE
Table: 2 Drug content in complexes of rifampicin (Binary Mixtures) (% molar ratio ± SE)
Complexing agent Methods of preparation Theoretical (%) Actual (%)
PM 50 49.78 ± 0.18
Mβ-CD KN 50 48.89 ± 0.12
CS 50 49.70 ± 0.14
Each value is an average of three determinations with SE
Table: 3 Solubility of rifampicin and its complexes in water
S.N. Complexing agent Methods of preparation Solubility (mg/ml)
1 Methyl-β-cyclodextrin Physical mixture 3.200 ± 0.058
2 kneading 2.760 ± 0.058
3 Common solvent 2.960 ± 0.048
Each value is an average of three determinations with SE
Table 4: 1H-Chemical Shifts corresponding to CH=N group of rifampicin (δfree = 8.826) in the Presence and
Absence of complexing agents
Complexing agent Cmplex δcomplex Δδa
PM 8.834 +0.008
M-β-CD KN 8.862 +0.036
CS 8.866 +0.040
Table 5: H-Chemical Shifts corresponding to >NH group of rifampicin group (δ free = 12.533) in the presence
Fig: 1 Phase solubility studies of rifampicin and M Fig. 4: DSC Thermograms of rifampicin, M- β-CD
β-cyclodextrin. their inclusion complexes.
mcd is M –β-CD, y = 0.2216 x + 1.5573, R 2 = 1 DSC thermogram of (A) pure rifampicin; (B) M β-CD;
(C) M β-CD-rifampicin physical mixture; (D) M β-CD-
rifampicin prepared by kneading; (E) M β-CD-
rifampicin prepared by common solvent method.
Fig. 7: 1H-NMR spectrum of rifampicin-M- β-CD Fig. 8: 1H-NMR spectrum of rifampicin-M-β-CD (CS)
(KN) in DMSO (D 6) in DMSO (D 6)
Fig 9: Scanning electron microscopy of rifampicin, M- β-CD and their inclusion complexes
Scanning electron microscopy of rifampicin (A) pure rifampicin; (B) M β-CD; (C) M β- CD-rifampicin physical
mixture; (D) M β-CD-rifampicin prepared by kneading and (E) Mβ-CD-rifampicin prepared by common solvent
Fig. 10: Mass spectrum of rifampicin-M- β-CD at 10 kV, m-nitrobenzyl was used as matrix
Fig. 11 : Bioavailbility of rifampicin IV, its oral and CS of M - β-CD I.V. - Plasma profiles Intravenous Injection
Pure drug oral- Plasma profiles of rifampicin Oral CS- Plasma profiles of CS complex of M β-CD