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Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No.

27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 

Research Article 
Enhancement of Dissolution Rate of Acetaminophen Tablet using Solid Dispersions with 
Polyethylene Glycol 4000 and Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25 

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Available online at © 
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whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, 
Iran 2 
Ph.D. candidate of pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Centre, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, 
Iran. 3 
Student of pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, 
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected] 
Received: 27-02-2018; Revised: 18-04-2018; Accepted: 30-04-2018. 
Solid  dispersions  (SDs)  have  been  traditionally  used  as  an  effective  method  for  improving  the  dissolution  properties  and 
bioavailability  of  poorly  water-soluble  drugs.  Here  we  demonstrate  the  development  and  characterization  of  SD  oral  tablets, 
containing  the  poorly  water-soluble  drug  acetaminophen,  prepared  using  solvent  evaporation  technique  and  manufactured from 
two  different  polymers,  polyethylene glycol 4000 and Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25. The prepared SDs were evaluated by saturation 
solubility  test,  differential  scanning  calorimetry  (DSC),  X-ray  diffraction  (X-RD),  Fourier  transform  infrared  spectroscopy 
(FTIR),  and  scanning  electron  microscopy  (SEM).  The  dissolution  efficiency  (DE)  and  the  percentage  of  acetaminophen 
dissolved  (DP)  after  15  and  120  min  were  calculated.  After  15  min  SD  tablets  had  an  enhanced  DP  and  DE  compared  to  the 
control  tablets  (p  <  0.05).  similar  results  were  obtained  after  120  min  (p  <  0.05).  The  prepared  SDs  exhibited  a  statistically 
significant  increase  in  the  solubility  of  acetaminophen  compared to that of the pure drug (p < 0.05). The dissolution rates of SDs 
were  higher  than  those  of  the  physical  mixtures  and  acetaminophen  alone. Better results were obtained with PVP K25 than with 
PEG  4000.  The  FTIR  spectroscopic  test  revealed  the  presence  of  intermolecular hydrogen bonding between acetaminophen and 
the  polymers  in  the  SD  form.  These  interactions  reflect  the  changes  in  the  crystalline  structures of acetaminophen. The thermal 
analysis  and  X-RD  confirmed  the  presence  of  the  drug  in  the  amorphous  state  when  it  was  dispersed  in  polymers.  Therefore, 
dispersion of the drug in the polymers considerably enhanced the dissolution rate. 
Keywords: Solid dispersion; Solubility enhancement; Differential scanning calorimetry; X-ray diffraction; Scanning electron 
microscopy; Acetaminophen. 
mproving the oral bioavailability of poorly water- soluble drugs is a huge challenge in drugs’ development. A 
practical method for improving the dissolution rate of such drugs was developed by Sekiguchi and coworkers 
Acetaminophen was obtained from Alborz Bulk Company. (Tehran, Iran). PVP K-25, PEG 4000, sodium hydroxide 

.  This  method  was  later  termed  solid  dispersion  (SD),  which  generally  consisted  of  two  different 
components,  a  hydrophilic  matrix  and  a  lipophilic  drug.  The  drug  can  be  dispersed  molecularly,  in  amorphous 
particles or in crystalline particles 

. Various 
(NaOH)  and  potassium  dihydrogen  phosphate  were  purchased  from  Merck  KGaA  (Darmstadt,  Germany).  All  the 
carriers  used  were  of  analytical  grade. Fresh deionized water was obtained from Human Ultra-Pure System (Human 
Corp, Korea). 
methods, such as solvent evaporation, melting and 
Preparation of SDs kneading are available for the 
preparation of SD 
3, 4 
.  Polymeric  carriers  have  been  the  most  successful  for 
SDs because they are able to provide amorphous dispersions. This type of SD is homogeneous on a molecular-level 

.  Polyethylene  glycol  (PEG)  and  polyvinylpyrrolidone 
(PVP) are commonly used as carriers in the preparation of SDs 

. A high-energy amorphous form of a molecular dispersion could affect the solubility and absorption of the drug 
. Acetaminophen is very slightly soluble in cold water 
;  hence,  the  preparation  of  acetaminophen  SDs  could  improve  the  dissolution  characteristics  of  the 
drug. This study was designed to evaluate the physicochemical properties of SDs of acetaminophen. In 
SDs  of  acetaminophen  in  PEG  4000  or  PVP  K25  was  prepared  in  different  ratios  (Table  1)  by  the  solvent 
evaporation  method.  The  drug  and  the  carrier  were  dissolved  in  a  minimum  volume  of  ethanol  and  water  mixture 
(1:1).  The  solvents  were  removed  under  vacuum  in  a  rotavapor  at  40°C  and  50  rpm  for  24  h.  Subsequently,  the 
resulting  residue  was  freeze-dried  to  remove  the  residual  water.  The  dried  dispersion  was  stored in a desiccator for 
24  h  and,  then,  pulverized  in  a  mortar  and  passed  through  a  160  μm  sieve.  The  concentration  of  acetaminophen in 
the dispersion was determined by UV spectrophotometer model v-630 (JASCO) at 250 nm. 
addition, an experiment was conducted for achieving the incorporation of the prepared SDs in oral tablets. 
Asgarirad H 

, Farmoudeh A 

*, Mohammadi J 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
Solubility test 
Solubility  determination  of physical mixtures of drug and polymers, solid dispersions, and pure acetaminophen were 
carried  out  by  adding  an  excess  amount  of  each  sample  to  conical  flasks  containing  40  ml  of  deionized  water  and 
subjected  to  shaking  on  a  rotary  shaker  for  24  hours  at  25°C.  Subsequently,  the  mixture  was  filtered  through  a 
220-nm  membrane  filter,  and  the  filtered  solution  was  analyzed  to  determine  the  drug  content  using  UV 
Drug release test 
Dissolution  studies  were  carried  out  using  United  States Pharmacopeia (USP) II apparatus (paddle type). One tablet 
equivalent  to  500  mg  of  the  drug  was  added  to  the  dissolution  medium  containing  500  ml of phosphate buffer (pH 
6.8).  The  dissolution  medium  was  maintained  at  a  temperature  of  37°C  ±  0.5°C,  and  it  was  stirred  at  50  rpm.  At 
predetermined  intervals,  aliquots  of  sample  were  withdrawn,  filtered,  and  analyzed  for  drug  release  by  measuring 
the  UV  absorbance  at  250  nm.  The  sample  withdrawn  at  each  time  interval  was  replaced  with  the same volume of 
the  fresh  medium.  To  evaluate  the  dissolution  profiles,  the  dissolution  efficiency  (DE)  of  the  samples  can  be 
calculated  as  the  area  under  the  dissolution  curve  up  to  a  certain  time  and  expressed  as  a  percentage  of the area of 
the rectangle described by the area of 100% dissolution in the same time 
.  In  this  study,  the  DE  from  0  to  15  or  120  minutes  (expressed  as 
%DE15 and %DE120, respectively) was calculated using the trapezoidal method. 
Thermal analysis 
Differential  scanning  calorimetry  (DSC)  measurements  were  carried  out  using  a  differential  scanning  calorimeter 
model  pyris6  (PerkinElmer,  Norwalk,  USA). Samples (2 ± 0.2 mg) were sealed in hermetic crimped aluminum pans 
and  heated  at  a  constant  rate  of  10°C/min  over  a  temperature  range  of  30°C–300°C,  and  nitrogen  was  used  as  a 
purge  gas.  An  empty  aluminum  pan  was  used  as  reference  material  to  calibrate  the  DSC  temperature  scale  and 
enthalpic response 

Infrared spectroscopy 
Fourier  transform  infrared  spectroscopy  (FTIR)  studies  were  performed  to  determine  the  interaction  between  the 
components using FTIR-One spectrometer (PerkinElmer, Norwalk, USA). The scanning range was 450–4000 cm 
, and the resolution was 1 cm 

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 
The  surface  morphology  of  the  raw  materials  and  SDs  was  investigated  by  a  scanning  electron  microscope  model 
VEGA  TESCAN  (Brno,  the  Czech  Republic),  under  an  accelerating  voltage  of  10  kV. Samples were coated with a 
thin gold layer before investigation. 
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X-ray diffraction (X-RD) analysis 
The  diffraction  patterns  of  the  raw  materials  and  SDs  were  obtained  using  an  X-ray  diffractometer  model  D8- 
Advance  (Bruker  AXS,  Karlsruhe  Germany).  Measurement  conditions  included  target  cu  k-alpha,  voltage  40  kV, 
and current 30 mA. The samples were analyzed in the 2θ angle range of 4° to 45° at a scan speed of 1°/min. 
Powder mixing and tablet production 
Acetaminophen  SD  tablets  were  prepared  according  to  the  proportions  mentioned  in  Table  3.  The  raw  materials 
were  screened  through  a  170-mesh sieve prior to mixing. Powdered SD, containing an amount equivalent to 125 mg 
acetaminophen,  was  mixed  with  the  other  excipients  and  compressed on a single-punch tablet machine model EKO 
(Korsch  Pressen,  Berlin,  Germany)  equipped  with  10-  mm  diameter  flat-faced  punches.  The  tablet  weight  was 
adjusted to 500 mg. 
Evaluation of the prepared tablets 
Physical  parameters  of  the  tablets,  including  weight,  drug  content,  breaking  force  (hardness),  and  disintegration 
time, were evaluated. The drug content was evaluated by the weight variation test based on the USP standards. 
Determination of weight variation 
A  weight  variation  test  is  applicable  to  demonstrate  the  uniformity  of  dosage  unit  for  tablets  containing  25  mg  or 
more  of  a  drug substance comprising 25% or more, by weight, of the dosage unit. Ten tablets from each formulation 
were  chosen  and  then  weighed  individually,  followed  by  calculation  of  the  mean  weight  and  standard  deviation. 
According to the USP 34, the deviation should not be more than 15% for each tablet to be accepted (USP, 2015). 
Determination of tablet hardness 
The  mean  hardness  (n  =  10)  of  various  tablets  was  measured  with  a  Erweka  hardness  tester  type  TBH  30  MD 
(Heusenstamm, Germany). The maximum force in newton required to break each tablet was measured (USP, 2015). 
Determination of the disintegration time 
For  analyzing  the  disintegration  time  of  tablets,  six  tablets  were tested according to the USP standard method using 
an  Erweka  type  TZ  121  apparatus  (Heusenstamm,  Germany).  The  time  taken  for the complete disintegration of the 
last tablet at 37°C ± 0.5°C in distilled water was noted (USP, 2015). 
Results  are  expressed  as  mean  of  three  determinations  ±  standard  deviation  (S.D.).  Statistical  analysis  was 
performed  using  one-way  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA)  (SPSS  software,  version  22.0,  SPSS  Inc.).  Post-hoc 
comparisons of the means were performed using Tukey's Honestly Significance Difference test. In all tests, a 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
probability value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 
Solubility studies 
Table  1  shows the effect of increasing concentrations of PEG4000 and PVP K25 on the solubility of acetaminophen. 
The  solubility  of  acetaminophen  in  deionized  water  at  25°C  was  found  to  be  12.2  mg/ml.  Phase  solubility  studies 
showed  that  the  solubility  of  acetaminophen  increased  as  a  function  of  concentration  of  polymers.  PVP  K25 
demonstrated a statistically significantly higher solubility than that of PEG4000 (p < 0.05). 
Kanakam  and  coworkers  analyzed  the  enhancement  of  dissolution  rate of atorvastatin calcium using SD. Saturation 
solubility  study  in  phosphate  buffer  solution  (pH  6.8)  showed  an  increase  in solubility of both the physical mixture 
and  the  SD  containing  the  polymers (PEG4000 or PEG6000), but the increase in drug solubility was much higher in 
the SD form 
.  Garekani  and  Sadeghi  (2003)  reported  an  increase  in  aqueous  solubility  of 
acetaminophen in the presence of PVP 

Drug release 
Dissolution  data  were  evaluated  according  to  cumulative  percentage  drug  release.  The  DE  and  the  percentage  of 
acetaminophen  dissolved  (DP)  after  15  and  120 min are depicted in Table 2. Fig. 1 shows the dissolution profiles of 
pure  acetaminophen,  physical  mixtures,  and  SDs  in  phosphate  buffer  at  37°C.  Drug  release  profile  of  all  samples 
revealed  two  phases,  an  initial  rapid  release  phase  followed  by  a  slower  one  (Fig.  1a  and  b).  After  15  min,  solid 
dispersions  of  acetaminophen  in  PVP  K25  or  PEG  4000  showed  significantly  increased  DP  and  DE  compared  to 
those of the physical mixtures and the pure drug (p < 0.05); in addition, DP 
and DE 
were  higher  for  SDs  than  those  for  the  physical  mixtures  and  pure 
acetaminophen  (p  <  0.05).  Dissolution  enhancement  of  SDs  was  observed  by  increasing  the  concentration  of 
carriers.  Akiladevi  and  Shanmugapandiyan  (2011)  prepared  acetaminophen SD by melting method and observed an 
enhanced release rate with increasing proportions of carriers (PEG 4000 and 6000) 
.  The  release  profile  of  the  SDs  was  shown  to  be improved by 
drug molecular dispersion in polymers 
,  better  wettability  of  the  drug  caused  by  drug−carrier  hydrogen 
, and inhibition of crystal growth of the drug molecules 
.  Another  study  showed  that  PVP  K25  could  significantly  prevent  the  recrystallization  of  amorphous 
.  Papageorgiou  et  al.  (2006)  showed  that nimodipine dispersed in PEG 4000 exhibited faster release 
compared to that of the physical mixture 
.  The  authors  concluded  that  drug  amorphization  is the primary reason 
of this behavior. 
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However,  in  all  formulations,  there  was an improvement in the dissolution profile of the physical mixture compared 
to  that  of  the  pure  drug,  but  the  dissolution  rate  of  SDs  was  higher  than  that  of  the  physical  mixture  and 
acetaminophen alone (Table 2; Fig. 1a and b). 
DSC  curves  obtained  for  pure  acetaminophen,  PEG 4000, PVP K25, SDs (Drug / PEG SD and Drug /PVP SD), and 
their  corresponding  physical  mixtures  are  shown in Fig. 2. The DSC curve of pure acetaminophen powder exhibited 
a single endothermic peak at 169°C−171°C, indicating its crystalline nature 
.  PEG  showed  a  sharp  peak  at  58°C,  whereas  scanning  of  PVP  revealed  a  broad  endotherm 
ranging from 50°C to 130°C, representing the evaporation of water due to the hygroscopic nature of this polymer 
.  Drug-polymer  binary  mixtures  (Drug  /  PEG  PM  and 
Drug  /  PVP  PM)  exhibited  the  same  endothermic transitions corresponding to the melting of the polymer and of the 
drug  (Fig.  2A  and  2B).  As  shown  in  Fig. 2A, acetaminophen in the physical mixture of the drug and PEG exhibited 
a  very  broad  melting  endotherm  at  a  lower  temperature  compared  to  that  at  the  melting  point  of  the  drug  in  the 
crystalline  form.  Earlier  studies  suggested  that  a  drug  may  dissolve  in  molten  PEG  during  the  test  which results in 
the appearance of the drug melting peak at lower temperatures 
.  As  shown  in  Fig.  2B,  acetaminophen  in  the  physical  mixture  of  the  drug  and  PVP  exhibited  a 
sharp  melting  peak  (unlike  SD  endotherm).  This  could  be  because  the drug has less time to dissolve in molten PVP 
as  the  glass  transition  temperature  of  PVP  K25  is  155°C  (SDS,  Merck)  and  the  melting  point  of  acetaminophen  is 
169°C–171°C.  The  Absence  of  the  drug  melting  peak  in  the  DSC  thermogram  of  SDs  indicates  the  destruction  of 
the crystalline phase during melting or dissolution 

FTIR spectroscopic analysis 
Fig.  3  shows  the  FTIR  spectra  of  acetaminophen.  The  characteristic  peaks  in  the  spectrum  of  pure  acetaminophen 
were assigned as follows: 3324 cm 
(O-H stretching), 1657 cm 
(C=O stretching), 1560 cm 
(N-H bending), 1227 cm 
(C-N bending), and 1171 cm 
(C-O stretching) 
. The PVP K25 spectrum showed significant bands at 2957 cm 
(C-H stretching) and a broad peak at 1654 cm 
(C=O stretching). A very broad band at 3460 cm 
was  attributed  to  the  presence  of  water,  confirming  the  broad  endotherm  detected  during  the  DSC  test.  The 
PEG 4000 spectrum showed peaks at 3384 cm 
(O-H stretching), hydrogen bonding at 2887 cm 
(-CH3 stretching), and C-O (ether) stretching at 1110 cm 
.  In  the acetaminophen/PEG SD spectrum, the hydroxyl peak 
characteristic  for  PEG  and  the  carboxyl  group characteristic for acetaminophen disappeared. These changes suggest 
the  formation  of  hydrogen  bonds  between  the  drug  and  the  polymer.  Similar  studies  on  acetaminophen  and 
ibuprofen SDs containing other types of PEG demonstrated comparable results 
. PVP is capable of forming a hydrogen bond through carbonyl 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
group on the aromatic ring 
. In SD of acetaminophen 
those that could be assigned to pure acetaminophen 
and and PVP, the absence of the hydroxyl peak of the drug 
PEG 4000 were detected in the SDs, indicating the 
and a significant decrease in the carbonyl group of PVP 
absence of chemical interactions in the solid state 
refer to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the 
between the drug and the polymers. hydroxyl group 
of acetaminophen in the PVP pyrrole ring. 
and the carbonyl group 
Characterization of the SD tablets 
Weight variation values for all the tablets are shown in Table 4, and their drug content was in the acceptable The 
SEM images of acetaminophen powder, PEG 4000, 
range and close to their theoretical value of 150 mg 
(p > PVP K25, and the SDs are shown in Fig. 4. The untreated 
0.05). All tablets had similar hardness (p > 0.05) in 
the acetaminophen crystals are rod like or needle-like (fig. 
range of 60–80 N, and all tablets disintegrated in 
5–8 min 4A) 
, whereas PEG 4000 and PVP K25 have been 
in the USP test (p > 0.05). Fig. 6 shows the 
dissolution reported to be composed of amorphous particles (fig. 4B 
profiles of tablets containing pure acetaminophen 
and and 4C) 
. In contrast, electron micrographs of SDs did 
SDs in phosphate buffer at 37°C. After 15 min, SDs 
not show the original crystal morphology of 
showed significantly increased DP and DE 
compared to acetaminophen, and there was a drastic change in the 
those of the pure drug (p < 0.05); in addition, after 
120 appearance of the polymers (fig. 4D and 4E). 
min DP and DE were higher for acetaminophen SD tablets 
than those for the pure drug (p < 0.05). 
The solid-state of acetaminophen, the polymers, and the 
prepared SDs were analyzed by X-RD (Fig. 5). Pure PEG 
This study demonstrated the improvement in 
solubility 4000 produced crystalline peaks at 2θ values of 15.4°, 
and dissolution rate of acetaminophen when 
dispersed in 17.96°, 19.81°, 23.42° and 26.51° 
. PVP K25 being 
PEG 4000 and PVP K25. Compared with the pure 
drug, the amorphous did not show any peaks. The powder 
dissolution rate with the physical mixture was 
enhanced, diffraction patterns of pure acetaminophen showed 
but the dissolution rates of SDs were significantly 
greater characteristic high-intensity diffraction peaks at 2θ values 
than those for the physical mixtures and 
acetaminophen of 12°, 13.77°, 15.33°,16.65°, 18.09°, 18.89°, 20.19°, 
alone. Physical characterization by DSC and FTIR 
studies 23.31°, 24.24°, 26.47°, 32.57° and 38.35° that matched 
demonstrated that dissolution enhancement of the 
known patterns of acetaminophen 
. All the principal 
acetaminophen from SDs was caused due to the 
peaks of acetaminophen were found in the diffraction 
destruction of the crystalline phase of the dispersed 
drug. patterns of SDs but at lower intensity, indicating that the 
FTIR studies revealed hydrogen bonding of drug 
was in the amorphous state. These observations are 
acetaminophen with PVP K25 and PEG 4000, 
indicating compatible with the above-mentioned findings obtained 
the formation of solid solution resulting in a greater 
DE through the DSC study. Moreover, no peaks other than 
than that with PEG 4000 SDs. 
Table 1: Solubility test of pure acetaminophen, physical mixtures and solid dispersions after 24 hours. (data shown 
as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3). 
Formulation number Drug:polymer Ratio Acetaminophen (mg) Solubility in 24 h (mg/ml) 
13.75 ± 0.09 F2 
14.07 ± 0.09 F3 
14.63 ± 0.08 F4 
14.48 ± 0.13 F5 
15.71 ± 0.05 F6 
16.53 ± 0.12 
F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 
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PM PEG 5:1 
500 PM PEG 5:3 
500 PM PEG 5:5 
500 SD PEG 5:1 
500 SD PEG 5:3 
500 SD PEG 5:5 
PM PVP 5:1 
16.43 ± 0.03 PM PVP 5:3 
19.14 ± 0.06 PM PVP 5:5 
19.77 ± 0.08 SD PVP 5:1 
17.53 ± 0.04 SD PVP 5:3 
19.82 ± 0.03 SD PVP 5:5 
22.14 ± 0.06 
F13 Pure acetaminophen 500 12.19 ± 0.05 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
Table 2: Dissolution characteristics of pure acetaminophen, physical mixtures and solid dispersions after 15 and 120 
min in phosphate buffer at 37°C. (Data shown as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3). 
Formulation %DE15 %DE120 %DP15 %DP120 
F1 18.41 ± 0.99 63.37 ± 0.65 36.83 ± 1.98 78.85 ± 4.28 
F2 21.45 ± 1.88 68.49 ± 0.7 42.9 ± 3.77 84.8 ± 4.52 
F3 22.8 ± 1.55 69.28 ± 1.72 45.6 ± 3.1 83.48 ± 2.46 
F4 23.32 ± 1.24 71.26 ± 1.08 46.65 ± 2.47 85.45 ± 2.03 
F5 25.71 ± 1.83 74.29 ± 0.46 51.43 ± 3.65 86.11 ± 2.58 
F6 28.32 ± 2.37 75.98 ± 0.64 56.64 ± 4.75 89.07 ± 2.98 
F7 22.26 ± 2.83 69.32 ± 1.77 44.52 ± 5.66 86.15 ± 2.47 
F8 25.38 ± 1.58 72.44 ± 2.66 50.76 ± 3.15 88.29 ± 2.7 
F9 27.61 ± 1.68 76.57 ± 1.13 55.23 ± 3.35 91.41 ± 3.11 
F10 34.49 ± 1.89 79.81 ± 0.66 68.98 ± 3.78 93.75 ± 3.26 
F11 38.18 ± 1.32 82.91 ± 0.53 76.36 ± 2.64 92.49 ± 3.09 
F12 40.71 ± 1.1 85.3 ± 1.04 81.43 ± 2.21 94.65 ± 1.93 
F13 16.9 ± 1.57 57.89 ± 2.01 33.8 ± 3.15 72.81 ± 2.16 
Table 3: Ingredients used in preparation of acetaminophen solid dispersion tablets 
Acetaminophen number 
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PEG4000 (mg) 
Maze starch 
Talc (mg) 
Magnesium Stearate (mg) 
Aerosil (mg) 
1 125 125 - 235 5 5 5 
2 125 - 125 235 5 5 5 
3 125 - - 360 5 5 5 
Table 4: Average weight, hardness and disintegration time of blank and solid dispersion tablets. 
Formulation number 
Weight (mg) (n = 10, ± SD) 
Hardness (N) 
disintegration time (min) (n = 10, ± SD) 
(n = 6, ± SD) 
1 495.16 ± 5.75 71.6 ± 2.31 5.27 ± 0.67 
2 496.36 ± 5.6 73.5 ± 2.79 4.51 ± 0.49 
3 497.04 ± 6.02 73 ± 2.58 5.46 ± 0.61 
Table 5: Dissolution efficiency (DE) and percent acetaminophen dissolved (DP) from tablets containing pure 
acetaminophen and solid dispersions in phosphate buffer at 37°C. (data shown as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3). 
Formulation number %DE15 %DE120 %DP15 %DP120 
1 26.32 ± 1.62 73.83 ± 1.78 52.64 ± 3.23 88.33 ± 2.89 
2 40.63 ± 2.6 85.52 ± 1.96 81.26 ± 5.2 95.01 ± 1.62 
3 15.07 ± 1.81 57.97 ± 0.74 30.14 ± 3.63 71.78 ± 3.13 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 

0 50 100 150 
A. Acetaminophen: PEG physical mixture (F1 – F3) and pure drug 
B. Acetaminophen: PEG solid dispersion (F4 – F6) (F13) 
C. Acetaminophen: PVP physical mixture (F7 – F9) and pure drug (F13) 
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D. Acetaminophen: PVP solid dispersion (F10 – F12) 
Figure 1: Dissolution profiles of tablets containing pure acetaminophen, physical mixtures and solid dispersions 
(data shown as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3). 
A B Figure 2: Dissolution efficiency of pure acetaminophen, physical mixtures and 
solid dispersions (A) after 15 and (B) 60 min in phosphate buffer at 37°C. 


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 


0 50 100 150 

Time (minutes) 

Time (minutes) 

Number of formulation 
80 F7 
60 F8 

0 50 100 150 
F1 F2 
F3 F13 

0 50 100 150 

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 

53.03 50 
40 30 

65.71 55.06 

Time (minutes) 

Time (minutes) 

Number of formulation 

Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
A B 
Figure 3: Differential scanning calorimetric curves of (A) acetaminophen, PEG4000, acetaminophen-PEG SD and 
Physical Mixture. (B) acetaminophen, PVP K25, acetaminophen-PVP SD and Physical Mixture. 

Figure  4:  FTIR  spectra  of  pure  materials,  solid  dispersions,  inclusion  complexes  and  corresponding  physical 
mixtures.  (A)  pure  acetaminophen,  (B)  PVP  K25, (C) physical mixture of acetaminophen/PVP, (D) solid dispersion 
of  acetaminophen/PVP  K25,  (E)  PEG  4000,  (F)  physical  mixture  of  acetaminophen  /PEG,  (G)  solid  dispersion  of 
acetaminophen /PEG. 
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Available online at © 
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Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 50(1), May - June 2018; Article No. 27, Pages: 188-196 ISSN 0976 – 044X 
Figure 5: SEM images of (A) acetaminophen powder; (B) PEG 4000; (C) PVP K25; (D) drug / PEG 4000 solid 
dispersion (1:1); (E) drug / PVP K25 solid dispersion (1:1) 
Figure 6: Powder X-ray Diffractograms of (A) acetaminophen powder; (B) PEG 4000; (C) PVP K25; (D) drug / 
PEG 4000 solid dispersion (1:1); (E) drug / PVP K25 solid dispersion (1:1) 
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None. 


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