Third Sapce - Geometry
Third Sapce - Geometry
Third Sapce - Geometry
Week 11
Year 4
Independent Recap | Year 4 | Geometry | Questions
9. Label these angles as A (acute), R (right angle) 10. Explain how you would draw an angle
or O (obtuse). of approximately 95ᵒ.
11. Label these angles as A (acute), R (right 12. Label these angles as A (acute), R (right
angle) or O (obtuse). angle) or O (obtuse).
60ᵒ 50ᵒ 110ᵒ 10ᵒ 150ᵒ 95ᵒ 57ᵒ 103ᵒ 90ᵒ 7ᵒ 91ᵒ 178ᵒ
14. Anisa has drawn two angles. Together they add up to 160ᵒ.
She says that one of the angles is less than 100ᵒ. What could her two angles be?
Give at least 3 possible pairs of answers.
1 170 + 63 233
2 305 x 3 915
3 86 + 7 93
4 7.4 – 2.9 4.5
5 Complete the sentence 90ᵒ
6 Complete the sentence obtuse, larger
7 Complete the sentence acute, smaller
8 Complete the sentence right, 90, obtuse
9 Label these angles as A Acute angles - a, c
(acute), R (right angle) Obtuse angles - b, e
or O (obtuse). Right angles - d
10 Explain how you would Pupils should be able to explain that 95ᵒ is just over 90ᵒ or a right angle. They could
draw an angle of then use this information to create an angle of approximately 95ᵒ.
approximately 95ᵒ.
11 Label these angles as A A, A, O, A, O, O
(acute), R (right angle)
or O (obtuse).
12 Label these angles as A A, O, R, A, O, O
(acute), R (right angle)
or O (obtuse).
13 Is Ibrar correct? Ibrar is incorrect, a right angle must be 90ᵒ exactly. If an angle is over 90ᵒ, it is not a right
angle, it is an obtuse angle.
14 Anisa has drawn two Accept any answers that add to 160ᵒ and where one angle is less than 100ᵒ.
angles. Together they
Example answers:
add up to 160ᵒ.
One right angle and 70ᵒ
She says that one of
the angles is less than 99ᵒ and 61ᵒ
100ᵒ. What could her 5ᵒ and 155ᵒ
two angles be?
Give at least 3 possible
pairs of answers.
1 1
1. 5 + 5 2. 4.6 + 0.8 3. 5.04 – 0.09 4. 1,600 + 984
7. Circle the smallest angle. 8. Draw two angles larger than the given angle.
a. b. c. d. e.
9. Draw two angles smaller than the given angle. 10. Which angle is a d
11. Put these angles in ascending order of size. 12. Order the angles in a d
14. Shelbie says she can draw a right angle triangle that also has an obtuse angle.
Is she right?
Prove that she is or is not correct.
1 1 2
1 5 + 5 5
2 4.6 + 0.8 5.4
3 5.04 – 0.09 4.95
4 1,600 + 984 2,584
5 Explain how you would Answers will vary. Pupils should be able to explain that they know they are looking
identify which angle is at the acute angle (not the reflex angle) as this is identified with the red mark. They
the largest. may explain that they will compare the angles by eye to see which looks larger or they
may say that they compared each angle to a right angle to see which is larger. Accept
answers that show an understanding of how to compare angles without a protractor.
6 Circle the largest angle. Angle e circled
7 Circle the smallest Angle b circled
8 Draw two angles larger Accept any answers where the angles are larger than the angle given.
than the given angle.
9 Draw two angles Accept any answers where the angles are smaller than the angle given.
smaller than the given
10 Which angle is the Pupils should be able to identify that two angles in the quadrilateral are acute angles
largest in this shape? (b and d) and two are obtuse angles (a and c). Angle a is very close to a right-angle so
How do you know? angle c is the largest angle.
11 Put these angles in b, d, a, c, e
ascending order of size.
12 Order the angles in the c, a, b, d
shape from largest to
13 Benji says he has put Benji is incorrect as he has started with a right angle. The rest of the angles are in the
the angles in order, correct order. The right angle should be the third in line.
starting with the
smallest. Is he correct?
14 Shelbie says she can Shelbie is incorrect. Internal angles of a triangle add up to 180ᵒ, as a right angle is 90ᵒ,
draw a right angle the other angles must add up to 90ᵒ. This means that the other two angles cannot be
triangle that also has obtuse angles.
an obtuse angle. Is she
right? Prove that she is
or is not correct.
Practice: Triangles
5. Recap: Which type of triangle is this? 6. E (equilateral), S (scalene), I (isosceles) or R
How do you know? (right-angled)? a. all sides and angles different.
b. has a right-angle. c. all sides and angles the
same. d. two sides and angles the same
9. Tick the isosceles triangles. 10. This triangle could be two types of
Which two? How do you know?
11. Using a ruler, draw two different right- 12. Using a ruler, draw two different scalene
angled triangles. triangles.
14. Use these lines to draw at least one right-angle triangle, one isosceles triangle and
1 6.3 x 10 63
2 804 – 700 104
3 33 x 9 297
4 1,217 – 800 417
5 Which type of triangle This is a right angle triangle. Pupils should be able to identify this because there is a
is this? How do you right angle labelled in the triangle.
6 E (equilateral), S a. S, b. R, c. E, d. I
(scalene), I (isosceles)
or R (right-angled)?
7 Label each as E, S, I First - right-angled triangle, Second - equilateral triangle, Third - isosceles triangle,
or R. Fourth - scalene triangle
8 Tick the scalene Second and fourth triangles ticked.
9 Tick the isosceles Fifth and sixth triangles ticked.
10 This triangle could be The triangle could be a right angle triangle or an isosceles triangle. It has a right angle
two types of triangle. (making it a right-angle triangle) but also an isosceles triangle as it has two equal sides
Which two? How do and two equal angles.
you know?
11 Using a ruler, draw two Correctly drawn right-angle triangles.
different right-angled
12 Using a ruler, draw Correctly drawn scalene triangles.
two different scalene
13 Mae says she has Mae is incorrect, she has drawn an isosceles triangle. Pupils can prove this by
drawn an equilateral measuring the sides in the triangle.
triangle. Is she correct?
14 Use these lines to draw Answers will vary depending on the triangle pupils draw. As there are 5 starter lines,
at least one right-angle pupils will need to repeat at least one type of triangle.
triangle, one isosceles
triangle and one
scalene triangle. Label
the triangles you draw.
Practice: Quadrilaterals
5. Recap: Explain the properties of a 6. Square, rhombus, trapezium or rectangle?
quadrilateral. a. parallel lines - 2 pairs, sides/ angles - all the
same. b. parallel lines - 2 pairs, sides - 2 paris the
same, angles - same. c. parallel lines - 1 pair
9. Using a ruler, draw a trapezium. Mark any 10. Explain the difference between a
parallel lines and right-angles in your shape. square and a rectangle.
11. Using a ruler, draw a parallelogram. Mark any 12. Using a ruler, draw a rhombus. Mark any
parallel lines and right-angles in your shape. parallel lines and right-angles in your shape.
1 9x7 63
2 9,811 – 723 9,088
3 504 – 9 495
4 403 – 201 202
5 Explain the properties A quadrilateral is a four sided polygon. Quadrilaterals have four sides and four angles.
of a quadrilateral.
6 Square, rhombus, a. square
trapezium or b. rectangle
rectangle? c. trapezium
7 Trapezium, rhombus or a. rhombus
parallelogram? b. parallelogram
8 Name each shape. First - trapezium, second - parallelogram, third - rhombus, fourth - rectangle, fifth -
9 Using a ruler, draw a The trapezium drawn should have the properties identified in question 7: parallel lines
trapezium. - 1 pair
10 Explain the difference A square has four equal sides. A rectangle has two pairs of sides of the same length.
between a square and
a rectangle.
11 Using a ruler, draw a The parallelogram should have the properties identified in question 7: parallel lines - 2
parallelogram. pairs, sides - opposite equal length, angles - opposite equal
12 Using a ruler, draw a The rhombus should have the properties identified in question 7: parallel lines - 2 pairs,
rhombus. sides - all the same, angles - opposite equal
13 Pollyanna says she has Pollyanna is incorrect. She has drawn a pentagon, which has 5 sides and angles.
drawn a quadrilateral. Quadrilaterals have 4 sides and angles.
Is she correct? Explain.
14 Which one is the odd Answers will vary depending on the choice the pupil makes.
one out?
Example reasons for the odd one out:
Explain your choice.
Rectangle - has right angles/ all angles are the same
Rhombus - all sides are of equal length
Trapezium - only has one pair of parallel lines