Ece Qus Model Xam
Ece Qus Model Xam
Ece Qus Model Xam
11.(a) What is electromagnetics? Give the advantages and disadvantage of field and circuit
theory. ?
(b) Explain the difference between irrotational and solenoidal field using Helmholtz theorem.
12. (a) Describe the electric potential due to electric dipole in spherical coordinate system?
(b) (i) Write the equation of continuity in integral and differential form. (8)
(ii) Discuss the energy stored and energy density in a capacitor wit supporting expressions? 5
13. (a) State about magnetization? Describe the classification of magnetic materials with
examples. ?
14. (a) Show Maxwell’s equation for static fields. Explain how they are modified for time
varying electric and magnetic fields?
(b) Illustrate the integral and point form of Maxwell’s equations from Faraday’s law and
Ampere’s law ?
15.(a) Write short notes on plane waves in lossy and lossless medium.
(b) Estimate the group velocity of a signal that propagates in a lossy dielectric medium.
16. (a) A narrow band signal propagates in a lossy dielectric medium which has a loss
tangent 0.2 at 550 KHz, the career frequency of the signal. The dielectric constant of the medium
is 2.5
a. Compute α and β
16.(b) Given the two points A (x=2, y=3,z=-1) and B (r=4,θ=250,φ=1200). Solve the spherical
coordinates of A and Cartesian coordinates of B.