Reading. Population Growth and The Food Crisis
Reading. Population Growth and The Food Crisis
Reading. Population Growth and The Food Crisis
Dr Nafis Sadik is Executive Director of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities
(UNFPA). Having trained in gynaecology and obstetrics, she directed national family planning
programmes in Pakistan before joining UNFPA, the world's largest source of multilateral
assistance to population programmes. Dr Sadik has written extensively on family planning and
A country's ability to feed itself very much depends on three factors: availability of arable land,
accessible water and population pressures. The more people there are, especially in poor
countries with limited amounts of land and water, the fewer resources there are to meet basic
needs. If basic needs cannot be met, development stalls and economies begin to unravel. In
some poor countries, attempts to increase food production and consumption are undermined by
rapid population growth; migration from rural to urban areas; unequal land distribution; shrinking
landholdings; deepening rural poverty; and widespread land degradation. Lower birth rates,
along with better management of land and water resources, are necessary to avert chronic food
Not long ago, in 1984, it seemed as if the rate of population growth was slowing everywhere
except in Africa and parts of southern Asia. Today, the situation looks less promising since
progress made toward reducing birth rates has been slower than expected. The world's
population, now 5300 million, is increasing by approximately 250 000 people every day. It is
estimated that 1 000 million people will be born during this decade. Over the next ten years, the
population of the industrialized world will grow by 56 million, while the number of people living in
developing countries will expand to over 900 million (United Nations Population Division, 1989;
UNFPA, 1989). By and large, the biggest increases will occur in the poorest countries - those
societies least equipped to meet the needs of the new arrivals and invest in their future.
Worldwide, enough food is produced to feed everyone, yet this food and the technology to
produce it do not always reach those in need. As a result of food deficits, nearly 1 000 million
people do not get enough to eat and over 400 million are chronically malnourished. Every year
11 million children under the age of five die from hunger or hunger-related diseases (Lean,
Hinrichsen and Markham, 1990).
In recent decades there has been impressive growth in food production, which has been
attributed to the development of improved, disease-resistant varieties of staple crops; the
increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; and the expansion of irrigated cropland.
Nevertheless, per caput food production actually declined in 51 developing countries while rising
in only 43 between 1979-1981 and 1986-1987. Among the African countries, 25 experienced a
drop in per caput cereal production. In Latin America, production was also disappointing: 17
countries suffered a decline (UNFPA, 1990). In Asia, food production has managed to keep
slightly ahead of population growth largely because of new breeds of Asian rice and the use of
tremendous amounts of agricultural chemicals. However, in some areas losses from poor land
management have erased the benefits which had been gained (Repetto et al., 1989).
Consequently, developing countries' food imports are rising dramatically to compensate for local
To confront the immense population and resource challenges facing humanity, the United Nations Fund
for Population Activities has launched a major initiative for the 1990s. 1 The purpose of this effort is
outlined in the Amsterdam Declaration which calls for the following goals to be achieved by the year
[1 The Amsterdam Forum on Population in the Twenty-first Century was held in November 1989. A result
of this forum was the Amsterdam Declaration which calls for annual funding of US$9000 million for
population and family planning programmes by the end of this decade and the linking of population
concerns with overall development objectives.]
increase the number of couples practising contraception from the current 381 million to 567 million;
increase average life expectancy at birth to 62 years or more for men and women in countries with high
mortality rates;
ensure that couples and individuals are guaranteed their basic human right to decide freely and
responsibly the number and spacing of their children;
ensure that the results are taken into account in the formulation of the development strategy for the
Fourth United Nations Development Decade.
The food crisis equation has three main components. First, life-styles, incomes and social
organization determine levels of consumption. Second, the technologies in use determine both
the extent to which human activities damage or sustain the environment and the amount of
waste associated with a given level of consumption. Poverty may prevent the adoption of more
appropriate technologies that could halt or slow down environmental degradation. These two
factors determine the impact on individuals. Inequality enters as a third factor when, for
example, most land is in large holdings and the poor are forced to live on smallholdings or in
marginal areas. A fourth factor, population, acts as the multiplier that determines the total
impact. Population is always part of the equation. For any given type of technology, level of
consumption or waste and poverty or inequality, the more people there are, the greater the
impact on the environment is and, in turn, the greater the impact on food production capacity will
Land fragmentation affects food production and is a direct result of rapid population growth in
many poor countries. Often landholdings which are too small to provide a tolerable livelihood
have been turned into part-time farms, with some household members (usually the women and
children) staying at home to tend crops while others (often the men) migrate in search of wage
employment. Alternatively, land is sold to wealthier landowners, making land distribution more
uneven and adding to the creation of a large pool of landless labourers. In addition, rapid
population growth can lead to inappropriate farming practices that impoverish and erode the
soil; reduce vegetation; over-use and improperly use agrochemicals; and frustrate water
resource management. The result of such practices is severe land degradation.
A way ahead
Population pressures continue to tip the balance against proper land and water management in
many developing countries. While agricultural production is critical for any form of sustainable
future, focusing on the agricultural sector alone without regard for other important factors which
influence food production is certainly not the way to tackle the problems. Population
programmes must be integrated into overall development objectives and be linked to other
resource issues.
In order for hard-pressed developing countries to come to grips with falling per caput food
production and resource degradation, they need strategic plans that incorporate population
concerns such as population growth, distribution and rural-urban migration patterns. Wherever
possible, community development strategies which integrate essential social services as well as
production resources should be encouraged.
Given the current levels of population and likely trends, it is imperative to anticipate future
needs. At the same time, improved resource management would go a long way toward
increasing crop yields, preventing land degradation in the first place and providing sustainable
livelihoods for millions of rural poor. The management of natural resources will require an equal
commitment to the development of human resources: this means, among other things,
extending population programmes and family planning services to the millions who currently
lack them. National population programmes should include comprehensive and accessible
maternal and child health care programmes and family planning services in order to reduce the
size of families and improve the health and well-being of the entire community. With such
efforts, there is a chance of increasing food production while protecting the environment and
easing the burdens of the rural poor.
Overall, women are responsible for half the food production in developing countries (N. Sadik, 1989). The
time and energy required of women for cultivation and harvesting, food processing and preparation as
well as the fetching of fuel and water rarely figure in national labour statistics. Their central place in
resource use and crop production has yet to be recognized by most governments. Women rarely
participate other than in rather peripheral ways in shaping their countries' economic and social policies.
Successful policies will secure women's involvement from the outset and will also ensure that
development does not merely mean additional burdens for women.
By formally recognizing women's pivotal role, governments will be taking a big step toward safeguarding
food production. First, recognition of the dual role of women is needed. It is imperative that family
planning services, improvements in nutrition, access to education and health care be made available to
those women who lack access to them. Insuring women's health by implementing family planning and
maternal child health services will not only bring down fertility rates, it will also mean that women will have
more time for other activities including growing food and tending the land. If women have improved
access to family planning services - accompanied by changes in traditional beliefs and attitudes about the
role and status of women - they will bear fewer children. The downward spiral of large families, poverty
and landlessness can be broken.
In addition, special agricultural and environmental extension services available to women (who carry out
most of the land and water management in poorer areas of the developing world) should be developed.
There must be assurances that women can inherit, buy and have full legal title to land and that they have
access to credit and marketing facilities. Better educated women are more effective as farmers and
environmental managers and they have smaller families (UNFPA, 1989); therefore, education for women
and girls in rural areas should be emphasized.