Python Property Cheatsheet

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Python @property Decorator Cheatsheet

1. Using @property with Getter, Setter, and Deleter

class MyClass:

def __init__(self):

self._value = None # Private attribute


def value(self):

"""Getter for value."""

return self._value


def value(self, new_value):

"""Setter for value."""

if new_value < 0:

raise ValueError('Value must be non-negative')

self._value = new_value


def value(self):

"""Deleter for value."""

del self._value

2. Importance of Private Attributes

Why Use Private Attributes?

- Encapsulation: Hides the internal state of an object.

- Controlled Access: Validates and controls changes to the state through methods.

Infinite Recursion Problem Example

Incorrect Usage:

class Counter:

def __init__(self):

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Python @property Decorator Cheatsheet

self.value = 0 # Incorrectly accessing the property


def value(self):

return self._value


def value(self, new_value):

self._value = new_value

This causes infinite recursion because self.value calls the setter again.

Corrected Example:

class Counter:

def __init__(self):

self._value = 0 # Use private attribute


def value(self):

return self._value


def value(self, new_value):

if new_value < 0:

raise ValueError('Must be non-negative')

self._value = new_value

3. Accessing Properties vs. Regular Methods

| Feature | Property Access | Method Call |


| Syntax | obj.value | obj.get_value() |

| Mutability | obj.value = 10 | obj.set_value(10) |

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Python @property Decorator Cheatsheet

| Readability | More intuitive | Slightly verbose |

| Control over access | Uses decorators | Standard methods |

4. Best Practices & Tips

- Use Private Attributes: Always use a private attribute for backing properties.

- Validate Input: Ensure setters validate data to maintain integrity.

- Readability: Prefer properties for simple access; methods for complex operations.

- Avoid Side Effects: Keep property getters free of side effects to maintain predictability.

- Documentation: Document getters/setters to clarify their purpose and constraints.

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