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259 Freebie
How would you like your audience to hang on every value-soaked word you say about your
product on your webinars, from the stage, in podcast interviews, in your emails, and on
Facebook Lives? That would be amazing, right? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll create when
you dive into this worksheet!
Use this worksheet as a way to create the perfect language around your product, program,
or service so that you’ll be able to talk about it with clarity and ease in any situation.
NOTE: All infomercial examples below are taken from the Bye Bye Foundation Infomercial
with billionaire product creator, Jamie Lima. I’ve also included examples from my course,
Digital Course Academy.
A verbal tagline is a simple statement that you will use to talk about your product,
program or service. This is something you will say over and over again. This tagline
is generally an inspirational or motivational statement that frames up what is most
important about your product, program or service.
Infomercial Example: “Bye Bye Foundation is not about concealing, it’s about revealing
your most beautiful you and your most beautiful skin ever. You deserve it.”
Example Variation Used: “Bye Bye Foundation does the work for you, even if you don’t
know how to apply makeup, you can still get your most beautiful skin and your most
beautiful you. You deserve it.”
Digital Course Academy Verbal Tagline Example: “Digital Course Academy is the only
implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create and
deliver your online course like a pro -- but how to get it into the hands of dozens or even
hundreds of customers every month.”
You’ve got to be clear on exactly what it is you’re selling. It may seem obvious to you, but
it may not be to your potential customer. You want to highlight what is most important
about your product, program or service through the use of very concise phrases or words.
Infomercial Example:
` Anti-aging moisturizer
` SPF 50 physical sunscreen
` Full coverage
Here’s how Jamie Lima wove her product descriptors into her presentation: “Bye Bye
Foundation is your full coverage moisturizer, so what that means is that it takes the place
of your anti-aging moisturizer, your SPF 50 physical sunscreen plus it’s your full coverage,
all in one step.”
What are the three most important things you want people to know about your product,
program, or service?
Remember to keep it short and sweet because you’re going to be saying these over and
over again. You may feel awkward repeating yourself, but don’t!
You want to repeat yourself when talking about your product, especially during a webinar
Q&A because you’re always bringing it back to your product.
It’s important to highlight what your product is NOT because that allows you to then move
into what it IS in an inspirational way. This contrast can be very powerful.
Verbal incorporation about what her product is not: “It’s not about concealing, it’s
about revealing your most beautiful you and your most beautiful skin ever. You deserve it.”
(Notice how she also wove in her verbal tagline here: ...your most beautiful you and your
most beautiful skin.)
Variation mentioning what they don’t want: “You need coverage, but you hate the feel
of makeup and you don’t like what it does to your skin, but you want your most beautiful
Digital Course Academy Example: “It’s not about just creating a course and hoping it
sells a few units to make some extra revenue on your business. Digital Course Academy
shows you how to create a digital course business so that you can consistently generate
revenue . . . this allows you to only say yes to the projects that light you up and no to the
ones that drain you.”
There are likely multiple ways your product, program or service is unique, but it’s
important to highlight ONE specific way it’s very unique to set you apart from your
Infomercial Example: “Bye Bye Foundation has 3-D Skin Flex technology so the flexible
pigments actually float above your skin and they move with your skin and they don’t
crease or crack so your skin stays fresh and radiant and natural looking.”
Variation stating how her product is unique: “You deserve to have your most beautiful
skin and if you’re tired of your old foundation creasing and cracking or making your
skin look older or maybe having to reapply it….Bye Bye foundation has our 3-D Skin Flex
technology with flexible pigments designed never to crease or crack and I’m going to
show you what that means for you right now.”
Now, incorporate that into a sentence or two that you can naturally say when talking
about your product, program or service.
It’s important to have some themes that are constant when talking about your product,
program or service. In the Bye Bye Foundation infomercial, Jamie highlighted a couple of
themes throughout.
Infomercial Examples:
` So Bye Bye Foundation helps to Correct, Perfect and Protect your skin all at the
same time.
` Bye Bye Foundation is “completely different.” It’s “so different” because…
` Bye Bye Foundation is designed to never crease or crack.
` You deserve to have your most beautiful skin….
Now, incorporate your theme words or phrases into a sentence or two that you can
naturally say when talking about your product, program or service.
Future pacing by beginning a sentence with “Imagine…” will help your potential customer
look at what’s possible, or what’s ahead for them. You want them to get excited and future
pacing will help them to envision a better future for themselves if they purchase your
product, program or service.
Digital Course Academy Webinar Example: “Imagine what it would feel like to build
a digital course business that’s generating revenue so that you can then say yes to only
the projects that light you up and no to the projects that deplete you. Imagine what that
would look like?!”
Imagine _________________________________________________________________________________________
Your testimonials should repeat all of the secrets that I’ve outlined in this worksheet: your
tagline, what your product is, what it’s not, and what makes it unique.
One way to make sure this happens is to ask the right questions when you ask for
testimonials so that your customer will naturally speak about your product just like you do.
Ask your students or clients to tell you their three favorite things about your product and
then zero in on one specifically that will highlight the words and phrases you use when
you talk about your product.
Remember, if your product does what you say it does, these words will naturally come
right out of your customer’s mouth. Your testimonials should mirror how you talk about
your product.
Infomercial Example: Jamie says… “I’m wearing one life-changing product...Skin loving,
anti-aging moisturizer that’s clinically shown to make your skin look even better, even after
you’ve taken it off. It can cover everything but looks and feels like you’re wearing nothing.
Plus it’s your SPF 50, physical sunscreen and full coverage, all in one simple step. I believe
that great makeup can give you great skin.”
The testimonials in the infomercial highlight everything that Jamie shares above, but in a
more conversational tone. Here are a few examples:
` “It feels like nothing, like I’m not wearing anything on my face…”
` “It has moisturizer in it and SPF.”
` “It’s good for my skin.”
` “It does not get into the creases in my skin.”
` “It’s so light.”
1. Go through all of the “It’s Your Turn…” prompts above and complete the exercises.
2. Practice saying each of your statements out loud. Practice a little every day leading up
to your launch or your next Facebook Live so it becomes second nature and you can
speak intentionally about your product, program or service with clarity and ease.
3. Use the statements that you create over and over again: Say them in your webinars
(especially in the Q&A section), your FB Lives during your launch, in your sales video (if
you have one) and even in your email copy.