U21CY101 - Eng. Chem - Question Bank

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Unit 1 Characteristics of Water and its Treatment
Part C
1. When water is boiled inside the boilers hard and soft precipitate thrown out of water,
discuss the nature, disadvantages and removal methods. (8)
2. Explain the demineralization or ion exchange process. How will you regenerate the
exhausted ion exchange resin? (Or) With a suitable schematic diagram, design the softening
method of boiler water using ion exchange resins. (8)
3. Compare the cold lime process and hot lime process (6)
4. Outline the various stages of domestic water treatment in sequence and discuss how the
water is disinfected by chlorine? (8)
5. What is Zeolite? How is water softened by Permutit process? Give equations. (8)
6. Illustrate electro dialysis method with the help of a neat sketch (6)
7. What is desalination? With a neat diagram describe the reverse osmosis method for the
desalination of brackish water. (6)

Unit 2 Electrochemistry and Energy Storage Systems

Part C
1. Write the construction, working and applications of a secondary reference electrode. (8)
2. Discuss lead storage accumulators with their charging and discharging reactions. (8)
3. Explain the construction and working of battery used in mobile phones with a neat
diagram. (8)
4. Compare the construction and working of SOFC and PEMFC (8)
5. Illustrate the working and applications of Dye sensitized solar cell. (8)
6. What is electrochemical series? Give its applications. (8)
7. Write the construction and working of a dry cell. (8)

Department of Chemistry, KPRIET 1

Unit 3 Corrosion and Its Control
Part C
1. What is cathodic protection? Explain the sacrificial anode and impressed cathodic current
2. Write note on heat treatment of steel. (8)
3. Describe the mechanism of chemical corrosion or electrochemical corrosion and its types.
4. Explain the mechanism of wet corrosion with suitable example. or Discuss the differential
and galvanic corrosion with suitable examples. (8)
5. Discuss the various factors influencing corrosion of a metal. (8)
6. Describe the important parameters involved in the electroplating. (8)
UNIT-4 Fuels and Combustion
Part C
1. Explain the proximate analysis of coal.
2. What is synthetic petrol? How is it manufactured by Bergius process?
3. Describe the flue gas analysis by ORSATs method
4. Explain the role of catalytic converter in preventing harmful emissions from the exhaust.
5. Explain the knocking process in petrol and diesel engines.
6. Determine the calorific value of fuel using bomb calorimeter.

UNIT-5 : Polymers
1. Classify the polymers with suitable examples based on structure, mode of polymerization,
Molecular forces, orientation or Stereoisomerism and functionality
2. Distinguish between addition and condensation polymerization. Or How will you
differentiate Thermoplastics from thermosetting plastics?
3. Explain the preparation, properties and uses of PVC b. Teflon c. Bakelite d. ABS
4. Compare Injection and compression moulding.
5. What are conducting polymers? Explain its structure and applications
6. What is a composite? Give the types of FRP and give its applications.

Department of Chemistry, KPRIET 2

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