Roever College of Engineering & Technology: Unit-1 Thermal Power Plant Two Marks Questions

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Part – A- Two marks questions
1. What is steam turbine?
2. Why the overall efficiency of a thermal power plant is very low?
3. What is the function of deareator in the thermal power plant?
4. Why thermal power plants are not used for fluctuating loads?
5. Write the various modern Ash handling systems?
6. What are the factors affecting cooling of water in cooling towers?
7. What are the merits and demerits of thermal power plants?
8. What are the various steps involved in coal handling system?
9. Define Draught. What is the purpose of Draught?
10. List the different components used in thermal power plant?
11. Write the advantages of belt conveyor?

Part – B 16 marks questions

1. a .Give the layout of a modern steam plant and explain it briefly.
b.What are the factors which affects the selection of site for the thermal power plant?
2. A.How cooling towers are classified and explain about them with neat diagram?
b.Explain the various types of condenser.
3. A.With the help of a neat sketch describes the working of ash handling plant.
b.With the help of a neat sketch describes the fluidized bed combustion process.
4. A.Explain with the aid of neat sketches forced draught and induced draught system.
b.Why is coal pulverized? Explain any two type of pulverized system.
5. A.Write the classification of boilers Explain.
b.Draw and Explain flue gas flow diagram and water steam flow diagram.
6. A.Discuss the different types of pulverized coal burners and mention the advantages,
disadvantages of using pulverizing coal in steam power plant.
b.Write short notes on air preheater and chimney.


Part – A- Two marks questions
1. What is the use of surge tank?
2. What are advantages and disadvantages of hydro power plant?
3. Specify the turbine suited for high, medium and low head hydro power plants.
4. How can hydro plants be classified?
5. What is hydro graph?
6. What is specific speed of a turbine in a hydroelectric plant?
7. What are the factors for selection of hydro turbines?
8. What are the types of spillway?
9. What civil engineering part is necessary for hydro power plant?
10. List the advantages of pumped storage power plant.
11. What is draft tube in a hydro power plant?
12. List the advantages of water power.
13. What are the advantages of impulse turbine in hydro power plant?

Part – B 16 marks questions

1. a. Draw the schematic diagram of a hydroelectric power plant and explain its
b.Discuss the classification of hydro power plants based on load.
2. Draw and explain the construction and working principle of Francis turbine?
3. Draw and Explain Pelton wheel?
4. Draw and explain the construction and working principle of Kaplan turbine?
5. Draw and explain the construction and working principle of pumped storage plants?
6. Explain different types of spillways?
7. Explain types of dams and factors selection for dams.


Part – A- Two marks questions

1. What are the requirements of the fission process?
2. What are the essential components of nuclear reactor?
3. Define chain reaction and Give the requirements of chain reaction?
4. What are the functions of moderator and give example?
5. What is the half life of nuclear fuels?
6. Define the term “Breeding”?
7. What decides the selection of particular type of reactor?
8. List down the nuclear waste disposal method?
9. What are the different types of reactor?
10. What are the components of supercritical water reactor nuclear power plant?
11. Differentiate nuclear fission and nuclear fusion…
Part – B 16 marks questions
1. Write a short notes
(a) Fission Energy
(b) Chain Reaction
(c) Fusion Energy
2. Write the types of Reactors?
3. Draw and explain the construction and working principle of Pressurized Water
Reactor (PWR)?
4. Draw and explain block diagram of Nuclear power plant and write few advantages
and disadvantages?
5. Draw and explain construction and working principle of Boiling Water Reactor


Part – A- Two marks questions
1. Define heat engine?
2. What are the essential components of diesel power plants?
3. What are the injection systems are used in diesel power plants?
4. List the various Liquid Cooling System?
5. What are the various Lubricating system’s are used in I.C Engines?
6. What are the purification methods of lubricating oil?
7. Explain efficiency and heat balance sheet in diesel power plant?
8. Mention three starting systems for Large and Medium size engines?
9. What is the purpose of super charging?
10. How the solid injection system is classified?
11. What do you mean by regeneration and inter cooling in gas turbine power plant?
12. What are the classifications of Heat Engine?
13. How can the efficiency of an open cycle gas plant improved?
14. What are the advantages of using diesel power plant?
15. What are the fluids used in gas turbines?
16. Explain any three parts in diesel engine?
17. List the various factors which influencing the performance of gas turbine.
Part – B 16 marks questions
1. (a) Explain different components of gas turbine plant with neat sketch and give the
performance characteristics.
(b) Discuss the effect of intercooling and reheating in a gas turbine plant.
2. (a) Explain water cooling system in diesel power plants with neat sketch.
What is an engine day tank? State the functions of a fuel injection system.
3. Explain the working of closed cycle type gas plant?
4. Explain different components of diesel power plant with neat sketch and give the
performance characteristics.
5. Explain the Environmental impact of diesel and gas power plant?
6. Advantages and disadvantages of both gas and diesel power plant


Part – A- Two marks questions

1. Mention the various types of solar collectors.

2. How the tides are originated?
3. What is tidal range?
4. How can wind energy be converted into electrical energy?
5. List the non - conventional energy sources?
6. In which system the power is intermittently generated?
7. What are the consistencies ‘Solar farm’ and ‘Solar tower’?
8. Define See beck effect?
9. What is working principle of thermionic?
10. What are the classifications of geothermal energy?
11. What is Photo voltaic effect?
12. What do you understand by zero energy houses?
13. Write a short notes on MHD - generator?
14. Write short notes on Fuel cell?
15. Write the advantages of non - conventional Energy sources?
Part – B 16 marks questions
1. Draw and Explain two basic design of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC).
2. Explain the construction and working principle of Tidal power plants?
3. Explain the construction and working principle of solar power plant?
4. Discuss what are the difficulties in the large scale utilization of geothermal energy?
Also with the neat diagram explain the vapor turbine cycle.
(a) State the advantages of the MHD power generation
(b) What problems exist in utilizing ocean thermal energy?

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