Thermal Engineering
Thermal Engineering
Thermal Engineering
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to
be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
Mechanical engineers have to work with various power producing & power absorbing
devices like boilers, turbines, compressors, pumps etc. In order to understand the principles,
construction & working of these devices, it is essential to understand the concept of energy,
work, heat & conversion between them .Hence it is important to study the subject of Thermal
Engineering which is a core subject. It includes the study of various sources of energy, basic
laws & concept of thermodynamics, gas laws, properties of steam & generation. Heat transfer
forms the basis for different power engineering application. Boilers find application in
different process industries. Steam turbines and condensers are the major component of any
steam power plant. Mechanical engineer should understand working and application of these
Learning Structure:
Contents: Theory
Skills to be Developed
Intellectual Skill:
1. Understand different sources of energy and their applications.
2. Understand various concepts and fundamentals of thermodynamics.
3. Understand concepts and laws of ideal gasses.
4. Understand vapour processes, steam boilers and different mountings and
5. Understand modes of heat transfer and concept of heat exchanges.
6. Interpret steam tables, mollier chart and relationship between different
thermodynamic properties.
Motor Skills:
1. Collect and write technical specifications of photovoltaic cells and identify
different components on panels of photovoltaic cells.
2. Conduct trial on the setup for calculation of thermal conductivity of metal rod
3. Trace path of flue gases and water steam circuit in a boiler.
4. Conduct trial on solar water heating system.
List of practical:
1. Collection of technical data and specification of photovoltaic cell by referring to
manufacturers’ catalogues.
2. Study and Trial on solar water heating system.
3. Report on visit to wind power generation plant / biogas plant / hydraulic power
4. Trace the flue gas path and water-steam circuit with the help of boiler model and
write a report.
5. Report on visit to sugar factory / Dairy / steam power plant with specifications of
boiler and list of mountings and accessories.
6. Calculation of thermal conductivity of a solid metallic rod.
7. Verification of Stefan-Boltzman’s law
8. Study and compare various heat exchangers such as radiators, evaporators,
condensers, plate heat exchangers etc.
9. Numericals on vapour processes and ideal gas processes (minimum two problems
on each)
Learning Resources:
Author Title Publication
01 Domkundwar V. M. A Course in Thermal Engineering Dhanpat Rai & Co.
02 P. L. Ballaney A Course in Thermal Engineering Khanna Publishers
A text book of Thermal
03 R. S. Khurmi S. Chand & co. Ltd.
04 R. K. Rajput A Course in Thermal Engineering Laxmi Publication, Delhi
Patel and
05 Heat Engine Vol. - I & II Acharya Publication
06 P. K. Nag Engineering Thermodynamics Tata McGraw Hill
07 B. K. Sarkar Thermal Engineering Tata McGraw Hill