CE8501-Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203







Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2019–2020
Prepared by

Mr. G.R.Iyappan/Assistant Professor/Civil Engg.

Mr. S.Karthick/Assistant Professor/Civil Engg.

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P



Objective of structural design-steps in RCC structural design process-types of loads on
structures and load combinations- code of practices and specifications-concept of working stress
method, ultimate load design and limit state design methods for RCC-properties of concrete and
reinforcing steel-analysis and design of singly reinforced rectangular beams by working stress
method- limit state philosophy as detailed in IS code- advantages of limit state method over other

methods-analysis and design of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular beams by limit state

Q. Questions BT Competence
No. Level
1 State the assumptions made for design of RC members in working BT-2 Understanding
stress method.
2 Write down the values of partial safety factor for i) concrete ii) steel. BT-1 Remembering
3 On what circumstances doubly reinforced beams are to be adopted? BT-2 Understanding
4 State the main concept of elastic method or working stress method. BT-1 Remembering
5 What are the three methods of design of reinforced concrete structural BT-1 Remembering
Elements? Which of the three methods is the best?
6 Summarize the main concept of working stress method/Elastic theory BT-2 Understanding
of reinforced concrete structures?
7 What are the different types of loads that have to be considered in the BT-1 Remembering
design of a building?

8 What are the advantages of elastic method or working stress method? BT-1 Remembering
9 Write down the advantages of limit state method over other methods. BT-3 Applying
10 Enumerate balanced section? BT-1 Remembering

11 Enlist different factors that are influencing the durability of concrete BT-3 Applying
as per BIS.
12 Define characteristic load and characteristic strength of material? BT-2 Understanding
13 Justify any two guidelines to select the cross sectional dimensions of BT-6 Creating

RC beam.
14 What are the classifications available in serviceability limit state? BT-6 Creating
15 Enumerate serviceability limit state. BT-5 Evaluating
16 Select any two assumptions are made in elastic theory method. BT-5 Evaluating
17 Mention any two advantages of introducing compression steel in RC BT-4 Analyzing
18 Define modular ratio. Examine the modular ratio of M20 & BT-4 Analyzing
M25grade concrete.
19 Difference between WSD and LSD? BT-4 Analyzing
20 Show the assumptions made in limit state of collapse by flexure. BT-3 Applying

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
21. Write short note on doubly reinforced section BT-3 Applying
22. Draw the stress strain curve for concrete in the limit state design of BT-6 Creating
23. What is the formula used to find the critical neutral axis in working BT-1 Remembering
stress method?
24. What is the formula used to find the actual neutral axis in working BT-1 Remembering
stress method?
25. List out the minimum and maximum area of tension reinforcement in BT-5 Evaluating

1. Design a rectangular reinforced concrete beam simply supported on
masonry walls 300mm thick with an effective span of 5m to support

a service load of 8KN/m and a dead load of 4KN/m without its own BT-6 Creating
weight. Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe 415 HYSD bars width of
support of beam=300mm.

2 A simply supported over an effective span of 8m carries a live load
of 15KN/m. design the beam, using M20 concrete and Fe415 grade
BT-1 Remembering
steel. Keep the width equal to half the effective depth. Use working
stress method of design.
3. A singly reinforced beam 250mmX500mm in section in reinforced
with four bars of 16mm diameter with an effective cover of 50mm.
effective span of the beam is 6m.assuming M20 grade of concrete BT-1 Remembering
and Fe415 grade of steel determine the central concentrated load that
can be carried by the beam in addition to its self-weight.
4. i).Discuss the terms of
(a) Neutral axis

(b) Moment of resistance

(c) Lever Arm
BT-6 Creating
ii).A doubly reinforced beam with b =500 mm has to carry a dead
load moment of 80,000 Nm and a live load moment of 100,000

Nm. Using M20 concrete and Fe415 grade steel, calculate the
required steel using working stress method of design.
5. Design a rectangular section for a simply supported RC beam of
effective span of 4m carrying a concentrated load of 35kN at its mid

span. The concrete to be used is of grade M20 and the reinforcement

consists of Fe415 steel bars. BT-1 Remembering
i) Self weight of beam is ignored.
ii) Self weight of beam is considered. Choose working stress
6. A reinforced concrete beam of span 5m has a rectangular section of
250 mm x 500 mm. the beam is reinforced with 3 bars of 16 mm
diameter on the tension side at an effective depth of 450 mm and 2 Evaluating
bars of 16 mm diameter on the compression side at a cover of 50
mm from the compression face. Estimate the maximum permissible

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
live load on the beam. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe250 grade
steel by using working stress method.
7. Determine the position of neutral axis and the moment of resistance
of a beam 300mm wide and 550mm effective depth. It is reinforced BT-5 Evaluating
with 3 bars of 16mm diameter. Use M20 grade of concrete and
Fe415 grade of steel. Adopt working stress method
8. A rectangular RC section having a width of 350 mm is reinforced
with 2 numbers of 28 mm diameters at an effective depth of 700mm.
BT-3 Applying
adopting M20 grade concrete and Fe415 HYSD bars. Determine the

ultimate moment of resistance of the section.
9. A beam of rectangular section of width 225mm and effective depth
500 mm is simply supported over a span of 5m is reinforced with
four members of 20 mm dia mild steel bars in the tension side.
Determine the position of neutral axis and the stresses in the top BT-2 Understanding

most compression fiber of concrete and tension steel. If the beam
carries a UDL of 9KN/m (including self-weight) for the entire span.
Use working stress method of design.
10. Compare and explain detailed notes on under reinforced section and

BT-3 Applying
over reinforced section for LS method.
11 Identify the expression for the depth of neutral axis and moment of
resistance of a singly reinforced beam section under flexure and
obtain design constants K, j, Q for M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
BT-3 Applying

Use working stress method.

12 A singly reinforced section having following details:
breadth=200mm, effective depth=450mm and reinforced with 3 nos.
of 16mm dia mild steel. Concrete grade M15 and effective BT-3 Applying
cover=35mm, effective span=4m. Determine the maximum imposed
load the beam and carry per meter length.
13 Design a doubly reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section

using the following data:

Effective span=5m
Width of beam=250mm BT-4

Over all data=500mm

Service load (DL+LL) =40KN/m.
Effective cover=50mm
M20 grade of concrete and Fe415 HYSD bars.

14 A doubly reinforced beam of size 250mmX550mm is provided with

a compression steel of 900mm 2 with an effective cover of 50mm at
top and bottom. The neutral axis depth is equal to limiting neutral BT-4 Analyzing
axis depth. Find the total area of steel provided. The concrete of
beam is M 20 grade and Fe 415 HYSD bars are used and moment of
resistance is 460KNm.


Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
1. Explain working stress method with limit state method and ultimate BT-2 Understanding
load methods of design of R.C structures.
2 Explain the detailed design procedure of singly reinforced BT-2 Understanding
rectangular beam by WSM.
3. A rectangular beam is to be simply supported on supports of 230mm
thick; the clear span of the beam is 6m. the beam is to have a width
of 300mm. the characteristic super imposed load of 12KN/m. Using Creating
M20 concrete and Fe415 steel, design the beam adopt limit state

design method.
4. A rectangular beam of span 7m (C/C of supports), 250mm wide by
550mm deep is to carry a uniformly distributed load (excluding self-
weight) of 15 KN/m and LL of 20KN/m. using M20 grade concrete
and Fe415 HYSD bars, Design the beam section at mid span, check BT-1 Remembering
the adequacy of the section for shear and perform a check for

deflection control.


Analysis and design of flanged beams for – use of design aids for flexure- behavior of RC
members in shear, bond and anchorage- design requirements as per current code- behavior of
rectangular RC beams in shear and torsion- design of RC members for combined bending, shear
and torsion.
Q. Questions BT Competence
No. Level
1. Enumerate the advantages of flanged beams. BT-1 Remembering
2. List the important factors that influence bond strength. BT-4 Analyzing
3. Write the formula for effective flange width of isolated L-beam BT-1 Remembering
and T-beam?
4. Write down the formulae for calculating effective width of BT-4 Analyzing

flanged beams.
5. What are the stresses produced by torsion? BT-1 Remembering
6. Discuss the four components for which design are to be made in BT-6 Creating

7. Write down the value of design bond stress for M 30 grade BT-1 Remembering
8. Define development length. BT-4 Analyzing

9. What do you understand by the term anchorage? BT-1 Remembering

10. When pure torsion is to created? BT-1 Remembering
11. Give any two structural members subjected to torsion? BT-3 Applying
12. Differentiate bond and anchorage. BT-3 Applying
13. What are the types of reinforcement used to resist shear and write BT-3 Applying
down expression for shear resistance offered by each type.
14. Enlist the types of shear failure in reinforced concrete beams? BT-6 Creating
15. Define torsional shear. BT-2 Understanding
16. Define flexural bond BT-2 Understanding

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
17. Draw sketches for different types of shear reinforcement. BT-2 Understanding

18. What you mean by diagonal tension? BT-2 Understanding

19. Define limit state of collapse in shear. BT-5 Evaluating
20. State minimum requirement of shear reinforcement? BT-5 Evaluating
21. Differentiate shear failure and bending failure. BT-2 Understanding
22. What is the importance of anchorage value of bends? BT-3 Applying
23. Define shear friction BT-2 Understanding
What is the formula used to find the spacing of inclined stirrups? BT-3 Applying

25. How to overcome torsion on beams? BT-5


1. A tee beam slab of an office comprise of a slab 150mm thick
spanning between ribs spaced at 30 centers. The effective span of
the beam is 8m. Live load on floor is 4KN/m2. Design one of the BT-3 Applying
intermediate beams. Using M20 grade concrete and Fe415

HYSD bars.
2. Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of t beam having
width of the flange, bf= 800mm; depth of flange, Df=150mm; width
of the web (bw)=300mm; effective depth, d=420mm Ast=1470mm2,
fck=25N/mm2 ; fy=415N/mm2 .
BT-6 Creating

3. Recommend the Design value of reinforcement for a T-beam for

the following data:
Effective span : 8m BT-5 Evaluating
Spacing of beam = 3m, Thickness of slab = 130 mm
Total depth = 450 mm, Live load 10 kN/m2.
4. Calculate the moment of resistance of a T beam having a flange
width 1250mm, web width 300mm, flange thickness 125mm and an

effective depth 550mm. the beam is reinforced with 8 bars of 25 BT-6 Creating
mm dia on tension side, concrete grade M20 and steel grade Fe415
are used.

5. Analyze and Design a T- beam section with a flange width of

1200mm, a flange depth of 100 mm, a web width of 250 mm and
an effective depth of 500 mm, which is subjected to a factored BT-4 Analyzing
moment of 550 kNm. The concrete mix is to be used is of grade
M20 and steel is of grade Fe415. Use LSM.

6. Determine the are of steel required for a T beam with following

Depth of slab=100mm
Breadth of flange=750mm
Width of web=250mm BT-2 Understanding
Total depth=600mm
The beam is subjected to an ultimate moment of resistance of
525KNm. concrete grade M20 and steel grade Fe415 are used with
cover 50mm

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
7. Design a T beam section with a flange width of 1250mm,a flange
depth of 100mm, a web width of 250mm and an effective depth of
500mm, which is subjected to a factored moment of 560 KNm. The BT-3 Applying
concrete mix is to be used is of grade M20 and steel is of grade
Fe415. Use limit state method.
8. A simply supported beam is 6m is span and carries a characteristic
load of 60KN/m. if 6 numbers of 20 mm bars are provided at the
center of the span and 4 numbers of these bars are continued into BT-2 Understanding
the supports, check the development length at the supports

assuming grade M15 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
9. Check for the development length at support of a doubly reinforced
beam 400mmX750m (effective) the clear span of the beam is
5.25m. The beam carries UDL of 46KN/m (including self-weight).
The beam is reinforced with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter (4 bars are BT-4 Analyzing
bent up near support) on tension side and 4 bars of 16 mm diameter

on compression side. Adopt M20 grade of concrete and Fe415
HYSD bars.
10. A simply supported one way slab of 4 m span carries a live load of

3 N/m2 and the load of floor finish as 1.25 KN/m2.the slab having
a total depth of 150mm is reinforced with 8 mm dia bars @100
mm c/c at a nominal cover of 20 mm. assuming a permanent load
pa BT-3 Applying
equal to dead load plus 20% of live load, compute the total
maximum deflection and check it as per code requirements. Use
M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
11 A simply supported RC beam of size 300x500mm effective is
reinforced with 4 bars of 16mm diameter HYSD steel of grade
Fe415. Determine the anchorage length of the bars at the simply
BT-2 Understanding
supported end if it is subjected to a factored fore of 350 KN at the
Centre of 300mm wide masonry supports. The concrete mix of
grade M 20 is to be used. Draw the reinforcement details.

12. A rectangular beam of 300mm wide is reinforced with 4nos.#25mm

dia at an effective depth of 600mm. a beam has to resistant of BT-1
factored shear force of 400KN @ support section. Assume
fck=20N/mm2 ; fy=415N/mm2. Design the vertical stirrups.

13 A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section has a width of

250mm and an effective depth of 500mm the beam is reinforced
with 4 bars of 25 mm dia on the tension side. Two of the tension
bars are bent up at 450 near the support section. In addition the Remembering

beam is provided with two legged stirrups of 8mm dia at 150mm

centers near the supports. If fck=25N/mm2 ; f y=415N/mm2. Estimate
the ultimate shear of the support section.
14 Find the reinforcement required for a rectangular beam section for
the following data. Size of the beam 300mmX600mm, factored BT-1
moment=115KNm, Factored torsion=45 KNm, Factored
shear=95KN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

1. Briefly explain the procedure for design of beam for torsion BT-1 Remembering

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
according to IS456:2000.
2 Find the reinforcement required for a rectangular beam section for
the following data. Size of the beam 300mmX500mm, factored
BT-2 Understanding
moment=80KNm, Factored torsion=40 KNm, Factored shear
force =70 KN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
3. Design torsional reinforcement in a rectangular beam section,
350mm wide 750mm deep, subject to an ultimate twisting
moment of 140 KNm combined ultimate shear force of 110KN. BT-3 Applying
Assume M-25 grade concrete, Fe415 grade steel and mild

exposure condition.
4. Calculate the ultimate moment of resistance of a singly reinforced T BT-4 Analyzing
beam having flange width of 1200mm, flange thickness of 120 mm
and rib width of 300mm. the effective depth of beam is 600mm. the
beam is reinforced with 8 numbers of 25mm diameter Fe415 steel
bars. The grade of concrete is M20.


Analysis and design of cantilever, one way simply supported and continuous slabs and
supporting beams-Two way slab- Design of simply supported and continuous slabs using IS code
coefficients- Types of Staircases – Design of dog-legged Staircase.

Questions Competence
No. Level
Draw yield line pattern for one way slab with simply supported
1 BT-5 Evaluating
edge condition
2 Write the various types of slab. BT-1 Remembering
3 Mention the parameters governing slab moments coeffecients. BT-5 Evaluating

4 Write the different types of staircase BT-1 Remembering

5 What is the importance of two way slabs over one way slab? BT-3 Applying
6 Enumerate structural requirement of slabs. BT-4 Analyzing
7 Which direction of slab takes maximum moments? BT-4 Analyzing

Distinguish between the behavior of one way slab and two way Creating
8 BT-6
State the approximate value of total shrinkage strain of concrete
9 to be taken for the design purpose and mention the relevant clause BT-5 Evaluating

no. of IS code.
Why is secondary/distribution reinforcement provided in one way
10 BT-1 Remembering
RC slab?
Why corner reinforcement are provided in a two way slab? And
11 BT-3 Applying
sketch the edge and middle strips of a two way slab.
12 Define tread and rise BT-2 Understanding
Why is necessary to provide transverse reinforcement in one way
13 BT-6 Creating
14 Formulate the expressions recommended by IS 456 for Youngs BT-1 Remembering

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
modulus and flexural strength.
15 Show the formula used to find the spacing of inclined stirrups?
16 What is stair case? BT-1 Remembering
17 Show the value of partial safety factor for (a) concrete (b) steel. BT-2 Understanding
Outline the codal provisions for minimum reinforcement to be
18 provided main and secondary reinforcement in slab and their BT-2 Understanding
maximum spacing.
What is the minimum rise and tread in residential and
19 BT-5 Evaluating
public building?

Justify the IS code provision for maximum strain in the tension
20 BT-4 Analyzing
reinforcement in the section at failure.
21 Enumerate the circumstances under dog- legged stair cases used. BT-3 Applying
22 Draw the moment distribution diagram for slab along length BT-2 Understanding
23 Write the advantages of cantilever slab. BT-1 Remembering

24 Enlist the advantages of deep beam. BT-6 Creating
25 Justify the different end conditions for slab with coeffecients BT-4 Analyzing

Q. No. Questions BT Competence
Design a cantilever slab projecting 1m from the support
using M20 & Fe415 HYSD bars. Adopt live load of 3 BT-6 Creating
Design a slab over a room 5 m x 7 m as per I.S. code. The
slab is supported on masonry walls all round with adequate
2 restraint and the corners are held down. The live load on BT-4 Analyzing
the slab is 330 N/m2. The slab has a bearing of 150 mm on
the supporting walls.
Design a simply supported RCC slab for a roof of a hall 4m
x 10m width 230mm wall thickness all around.Assume a

3 BT-2 Understanding
live load of 4 Kn/m2 and a finish 1KN/m2.Use M20 &
Design a one way reinforced concrete slab - simply

supported at the edges for a public building with a clear

4 span of 4 m supported on 200 mm solid concrete masonry BT-6 Creating
walls. Live load on slab is 5 kN/m2. Adopt M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 HYSD bars.
Design a continuos one way having 3 equal span of 3m

5 BT-2 Understanding
each having imposed load of 2.5 KN/m2.Use Fe415 & M15
Design a cantilever balcony slab projecting 1.2 m from a
6 BT-5 Evaluating
beam. Adopt live load of 2.5 KN/m2
Design a dog legged stair for a building in which vertical
7 BT-3 Applying
distance between floor is 3.6m.Assume any relevant data
Interpret the following details and design the one way slab:
size=3m x 9m, width of the support =230mm, live load=
8 BT-6 Creating
3kN/m2, floor finish as 1kN/m2 use M20 concrete and
Fe415 steel bars.

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
Calculate the reinforcement details of a one way slab for an
office floor which is continuous over tee beam spaced 3.5m
9 BT-6 Creating
intervals. Assuming a live load of 4 kN/m2. Adopt limit
state design. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415 steel bars.
A simply supported one way slab of 4 m span carries a
live load of 3 N/m2 and the load of floor finish as 1.25
kN/m2.the slab having a total depth of 150mm is
reinforced with 8 mm dia bars @100 mm c/c at a nominal
10 BT-6 Creating
cover of 20 mm.assuming a permanent load equal to dead

load plus 20% of live load, compute the total maximum
deflection and check it as per code requirements. Use M20
concrete and Fe415 steel.
Design a two way slab for an office floor size 3.5m x 4.5m
with discontinuous and simply supported edges on all the
11 sides with the corners prevented from lifting and supporting BT-3 Applying

a service live load of 4.4kN/m2. Adopt M20 grade and Fe
415HYSD bars.
Design one of the flight of a dog-legged stairs spanning

between landing beams using following data
Number of steps in a flight = 10
12 BT-6 Creating
Tread = 300 mm pa
Rise = 150mm
Width of landing beams = 300mm
Design and draw the reinforcement details of a two way
slab for the following data:
Size = 7 m x 5 m
Width of the support = 300 mm
13 BT-2 Understanding
Edge condition = two edges are discontinuous, live load =5
Floor finish as 1 kN/m2

Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

Design a R.C. slab for a room measuring 5m x 6m size. The
slab is simply supported on all the four edges, with corners
14 held down and carries a superimposed load of 30 N/m2. BT-6 Creating

Inclusive of floor finishes etc.use M20 mix, Fe415 steel and

IS code method. Draw the reinforcement details.


Q. No. Questions BT Competence

1 Write about structural classification of slab and staircase BT-3 Applying
Design a floor slab for an interior room with interior dimension
2 of 3.5 x 9 m for a building located in Chennai. The slab is BT-3 Applying
resisting on 230mm thick masonry walls
Design a cantilever portico slab of 5m width and 2m clear
3 BT-6 Creating
span. Assume moderate environment with M25 &Fe415
4 Explain about continuous slab with neat diagram BT-6 Creating

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
Types of columns –Axially Loaded columns – Design of short Rectangula Square and circular columns –
Design of Slender columns- Design for Uniaxial and Biaxial bending using Column Curves

Q. Questions BT Competence
No. Level
1 State the behaviour of slender column BT-1 Remembering
2 Name the two code requirements on slenderness limits. BT-2 Understanding

3 Sketch the salient points on a typical axial – moment
BT-1 Remembering
interaction curve of a column.
4 Write the few points about specification of circular column BT-4 Analyzing

5 Enumerate compression members with helical reinforcement. BT-1 Remembering
6 Differentiate between uniaxial and biaxial column. BT-4 Analyzing
7 Write the importance of column curves. BT-3 Applying
Write down the expression for minimum eccentricity BT-1 Remembering
9 According to IS code all the columns shall be designed for
BT-5 Evaluating
minimum eccentricity. Justify the reasons for this statement.
10 Why specifications are limited in column? BT-3 Applying
11 Write the basic assumption for the combined axial load and
BT-1 Remembering
uniaxial bending on columns.
12 On what condition intermediate column is more suitable? BT-5 Evaluating
13 What are the types of reinforcements used to resist shear
BT-6 Creating

force in columns?
14 Show the effective length of different columns BT-6 Creating
15 Describe about the function of the traverse reinforcements in a
BT-2 Understanding
reinforced concrete column.

16 Write the pitch and diameter of lateral ties for columns as per Remembering
IS 456
17 Write the expression for eccentricity of columns BT-3 Applying
18 Describe about the function of lateral ties in a RC column. BT-2 Understanding

19 What is pedestal ? BT-3 Applying

20 Explain the function of the traverse reinforcements in a
BT-2 Understanding
reinforced concrete column.
21 Give the minimum number of steel rods for different types of Remembering
22 Differentiate a circular column and rectangle column BT-4 Analyzing
23 Enumerate the behavior change on the account of height and
BT-2 Understanding
24 Outline the different end condition of column as per IS 456 BT-5 Evaluating

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
25 Why minimum and maximum reinforcement id restricted in
BT-3 Applying
column ?

1 Design an axially loaded tied column 400 mm x 400 mm
pinned at both ends with unsupported length of 3m to carry a BT-5 Evaluating
factored load of 2300KN.Use M 20 & Fe 415
2 Design a uniaxial spiral circular short column with details as

given below.
(i) Factored axial load = 300kN
BT-3 Applying
(ii) Factored bending moment = 80kNm
(iii) Column size = 400mm
Use M20and Fe415 combination
3 A circular column, 3m high is effectively held in position and

restrained against rotation at both ends. Design the column, to
BT-4 Analyzing
carry an axial load of 750kN, if its diameter is restricted to
350mm. Use M25 and Fe 500 grade.

4 Determine the ultimate load carrying capacity of rectangular
column section 400x600mm reinforced with 10nos of 25mm BT-6 Creating
dia. Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel.
5 Design the longitudinal reinforcement in a short column
400mm x 600mm subjected to an ultimate axial load of 1600
kN together with ultimate moments of 120 kN-m and 90kN-m
BT-6 Creating
about the major and minor axis respectively. The
reinforcements are distributed equally on all four sides. Adopt
M20 grade concrete and Fe415 steel bars.
6 Design a rectangular column, 5m long restrained in position
and direction at both ends, to carry an axial load of 120 kN. Use BT-2 Understanding
M20 and Fe415 grades.

7 Design of short column subjected to biaxial bending. Determine

the reinforcement for a short column for the following data.
BT-1 Remembering
Column size: 400mmx600mm, Pu=2000kN Mux= 160kN,
Muy=120kN.Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.

8 Discuss various assumptions used in the limit state methods of

BT-3 Applying
design of compression members.
9 Design the reinforcement in short column 400x600mm

subjected to an ultimate axial load of 1600kN together with

ultimate moments of 120kNm and 90kNm about the major and BT-3 Applying
minor axis respectively. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415
grade steel.
10 Determine the ultimate load carrying capacity of circular
column of section500mm diameter reinforced with 8 nos of
BT-2 Understanding
25mm diameter bars adequately tied with lateral ties. Use M25
and Fe415 steel.

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
11 Design a biaxial eccentric loaded braced circular column
deforming in single curvature for the following data: Ultimate
load=200kN. Ultimate moment in longer direction at bottom
Mux1=178 kNm and at top Mux1= 128kNm.Ultimate moment
in shorter direction at bottom Muy1=108 kNm and at top BT-3 Applying
Muy2= 88kNm. Unsupported length of column = 9m.Effective
length in long direction lex=8m.Effective length in shorter
direction ley= 5.8m.Diameter of column = 550mm.Use
M25&Fe415 grades.

12 Design a short column subjected to biaxial bending. Determine
the reinforcement fora short column for the following data.
BT-5 Evaluating
Column size: 450mmx600mm, Pu=100kN Mux=260kN,
Muy=120kN.Use M25 grade concrete and Fe250 grade steel.
13 Design the reinforcement in a circular column of diameter
350mm with helical reinforcement of 8mm diameter to support

a factored load of 1400kN. The column has an unsupported BT-2 Understanding
length of 3.5 m and is braced against side sway. Adopt M20
grade concrete and Fe415 steel bars.

14 A circular column, 4.6m high is effectively held in position at
both ends and restrained against rotation at one end only to
BT-1 Remembering
carry an axial load of 1200kN, if its diameter is restricted to
450mm. Use M20 and Fe415 grades.

1. Explain the design procedure of column and give specification on

the same BT-6

2. Design a square column subjected to an ultimate axial load of

1000kN.Consider concrete grade M20and steel of grade Fe415. BT-1 Remembering

3. Design the reinforcements required for a column which is

restrained against sway using the following data. Size of

column=530mm. Axial load=1600kN.Factored moment about

major axis= 45kNm at top and 30knm at bottom. Factored Analyzing
moment about minor axis =35kNm at top and 20kNm at bottom.
Use M25 grade concrete and Fe500 grade HYSD bars. Column is

bent in double curvature and reinforcement is distributed equally

on all the four sides of the section.
4. Design the reinforcement required for a column which is
restrained against sway using the following data.
Size of column=530x450mm, l
eff=6.6m, unsupported length=7.70m. Factored load =1600kN.
Factored moment about major axis =45kNm at top and 30kNm at Analyzing
bottom. Factored moment about minor axis=35kNm at top and
20kNm at bottom. Use M25 grade concrete and Fe 500 grade
HYSD bars. Column is bent in double curvature and

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
reinforcement is distributed equally on all the four sides of the


Concepts of Proportioning footings and foundations based on soil properties-Design of wall
footing – Design of axially and eccentrically loaded Square, Rectangular pad and sloped
footings – Design of Combined Rectangular footing for two columns only.

Q. Questions BT Competence
No. Level
What are the factors that influence the selection of number of
1. lifting and hoisting locations of a long beam during its erection BT-1 Remembering

2. Compare punching shear and normal shear in RCC footing. BT-6 Creating
3. Define punching shear. BT-1 Remembering

Write any two situations in which combined footings are
4. BT-3 Applying
preferred to isolated footings.
5. What is the main advantage of combined footing?
pa BT-1 Remembering
6. When you need a combined footing? BT-1 Remembering
Why check for transfer of load at the base of the column over
7. BT-2 Understanding
footing is done?
How is the main steel distributed in wall footings and two way
8. BT-5 Evaluating
rectangular footings?
9. Explain about eccentric loading on a footing. BT-4 Analyzing
Sketch the placement of steel in rectangular footing with a non-
10. BT-3 Applying
central load.
On what circumstances combined rectangular footings are

11. BT-2 Understanding

12. Draw a neat sketch of a wall footing. BT-3 Applying
Under what circumstances a trapezoidal footing become
13. BT-2 Understanding

What is slenderness ratio in masonry wall? State the maximum
14. BT-1 Remembering
15. Compare the behaviour of tied and spirally reinforced column. BT-4 Analyzing

16. List out the different types of footing BT-2 Understanding

17. Sketch the reinforcement detailing of footing. BT-3 Applying
18. What is meant by proportioning of footing? BT-1 Remembering
19. Why dowel bars are provided in footing? BT-4 Analyzing
20. Compare one way and two way shear in footing. BT-6 Creating
21. Why punching shear is not encouraged in design of footing? BT-4 Analyzing
22. Draw the cross section of strip footing. BT-3 Applying
23. Enlist the different condition for usage of footing. BT-2 Understanding

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
24. State the behavior of wall footing BT-2 Understanding
25. Give the different types of combined footing. BT-1 Remembering

1. A rectangular RCC column of size 400 mm x 600 mm carrying
an axial load of 1800kN.If the safe bearing capacity of the soil is
150kN/m2.Design a suitable footing. Use M25 concrete and Applying

2. Design the 20 mm diameter bars as top steel for maximum
hogging moment for a RC rectangular combined footing using
the following data:
Centre to centre distance between the columns is 4m.Each

column is square in shape with 400 mm side. Each column BT-3
carries an axial load at service state = 1200kN.The projection of Applying
footing parallel to the length beyond the axis of each column is

1m.The limiting bearing capacity of soil is 440kN/m2.Use M20
grade and Fe 415 steel bars.
3. Design a suitable footing for a 500 mm x 500 mm square column
transferring 100kN axial load and a moment of 35kN-m.The safe
bearing capacity of soil is 190 kN/m2.Use M20 concrete and
Fe415 steel. Adopt limit state design method.
4. A square column of size 400mm carries a service load of 600kN.
Design an isolated footing for the column by limit state method,
BT-3 Applying
if the safe bearing capacity of the soil is 250kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe415 steel.
5. Design a rectangular isolated footing of uniform thickness for
R.C. column bearing a vertical load of 600kN, and having a base

size of 400 x 600 mm. The SBC of soil is 120kN/m2. Use BT-5 Evaluating
M25grade concrete and M.S grade‐I bars. Draw the
reinforcement details.

6. 7. Sketch the standard detailing of the following:

(i) Two spans one‐way continuous slab with curtailment details
BT-2 Understanding
(ii) Curtailment details in a tapered cantilever beam.(6)

7. (i) Write down the different types of footings and their

BT-1 Remembering
(ii) Enumerate the procedure for the design of combined
rectangular footing for two columns only.
8. A rectangular column of size 300x450mm transmits a limit state
load of 600kN at an eccentricity of 150mm about the major axis.
Design a suitable isolated footing for the column by the limit BT-2 Understanding
state concept. Safe capacity of soil is 200kN/m2. Use M30 grade
of concrete and Fe415 grade of steel.

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
9. Design a suitable footing for a R.C. column of size 300x500mm.
Supporting a factored axial load of 1500kN. Assume safe bearing
capacity of soil as 200kN/m2. Adopt M20 grade of concrete and BT-2 Understanding
Fe415 grade of steel. Sketch the details at reinforcements in
10. Design a combined footing for the two columns at a multi‐storey
building. The columns of size 400mmx400mm transmit a
working load of 300kN each and they are spaced at 5m c/c .The
BT-1 Remembering
safe bearing capacity of soil at site is 200kN/m2. Adopt M20

grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Sketch the details of
reinforcements in the combined footing.
11. Design a footing for 250 mm thick masonry wall which supports
a load of 130 KN/m at service state for the following
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 150 KN/m2 BT-1 Remembering
Angle of repose of soil = 30 degree

Unit weight of soil = 20 KN/m3
12. Design an isolated square footing for a column 500mm x 500m
transmitting a load of 600kN and a moment of 30 kN‐m. The Remembering

SBC of soil is 1230kN/m2. Use M20 grade concrete and M.S.
grade –I bars. Draw the reinforcement details.
13. A 230 mm thick masonry wall is to be provided with reinforced
concrete footing on a site having soil with SBC, unit weight and
angle of repose of 125kN/m2, 17.5kN/m3 and 30˚ respectively.
BT-1 Remembering
Use M20 grade of concrete and HYSD steel bars of grade Fe415.
Design the footing when the wall supports at service state, a load
of 150 kN/m length.
14. Design an isolated square sloped footing for a column 500 x 500
mm, transmitting an axial load of 1200 KN. The column is Applying
reinforced with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter. The safe bearing
capacity of soil is 120 KN/m2.Use M20 & Fe415


Explain about proportioning of footings and foundations based on

1 soil properties with suitable example BT-6 Creating

A solid footing has to transfer a dead load of 900kN and an


imposed load of 500kN for a square column of size

2 BT-5 Evaluating
400mm.Assume safe bearing capacity of soil as 200kN/m2.
Design a square footing to support the above column.

Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P
A reinforced concrete column of 500 x 650 carries the axial dead
load of 670 kN, axial imposed load of 330kN and dead load
moment of 66kNm, imposed load of 34kNm. If the SBC of soil is
3 BT-2 Understanding
150kN/m2 and use concrete grade of M25and steel grade of Fe415.
The foundation has to be designed to resist the ultimate moment
and shear resulting from these loads.
Design a reinforced concrete footing for a 345 mm thick masonry
wall which supports a characteristic load of 250kN/m including

4 self-weight. Assume safe bearing capacity of soil is 150kN/m2at a BT-3 Applying
depth of 1.2m below ground level. Assume M20and Fe415 steel


Prepared by
Mr. G.R.Iyappan, A.P Mr. S.Karthick, A.P

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