Unbraced Length Requirements For Steel Special Cantilever Column Systems

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Technical Note

Unbraced Length Requirements for Steel Special

Cantilever Column Systems

AISC Seismic Provisions Section E6.4b for steel special cantilever column systems (SCCS) requires clarification based on inquiries to the
AISC Steel Solutions Center. In the 2016 edition, it is unclear if bracing is required for all special cantilever columns or for columns with
unbraced lengths that exceed the maximum beam brace spacing of Lb per Section D1.2a for moderately ductile members. Instead of using
Equation D1-2, which is applicable to I-shaped beams only, equations for SCCS columns have been derived for both I-shaped members and
rectangular HSS or box-shaped members. The proposed revision provides specific situations when bracing is required.

Keywords: AISC Seismic Provisions, steel special cantilever column system, bracing.

INTRODUCTION referred to as the AISC Specification (AISC, 2016b). First,

columns shall be designed using the load combinations,
A SCE/SEI 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated
Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, hereafter
referred to as ASCE/SEI 7 (ASCE, 2016), specifies two steel
including the overstrength seismic load. Second, the required
axial strength, Prc, shall not exceed 15% of the available
axial strength, Pc, for the load combinations, including the
cantilevered column systems: special cantilever column
overstrength seismic load.
systems (SCCS) and ordinary cantilever column systems
SCCS are intended to provide a limited level of inelastic
(OCCS), where the values of the response modification fac-
rotation capability at the base of the column. This system is
tor, R, are 22 and 14, respectively. Although these systems
permitted in Seismic Design Categories B through F but is
have an R factor less than 3 due to a lack of system redun-
limited to heights not exceeding 35 ft. The required axial
dancy, they are required to satisfy the requirements in the
strength has the same limitation as OCCS to help reduce the
AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings,
likelihood of collapse. The column members are required to
hereafter referred to as the AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC,
satisfy the width-to-thickness ratios for highly ductile mem-
2016a). OCCS are intended to provide a minimal level of
bers. However, the lateral bracing requirement for moder-
inelastic rotation capability at the base of the column. This
ately ductile members is required due to the relatively low
system is permitted in Seismic Design Categories B and C
inelastic demand expected and the practical difficulty in
and to heights not exceeding 35 ft. OCCS are also permit-
achieving bracing in many of these structures. The purpose
ted in Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F with a height
of the bracing is to restrain lateral-torsional buckling (LTB)
limit of up to 65 ft when meeting the requirements of ASCE
of the column.
7, Section A low R value of 14 is assigned due
According to AISC Seismic Provisions Section D1.2b, the
to the system’s limited inelastic capacity and lack of redun-
maximum beam brace spacing for highly ductile members is
dancy. OCCS have two requirements beyond those in the
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, hereafter Lb = 0.095ry E (Ry Fy ) (1)

and according to Section D1.2a, the maximum beam brace

spacing for moderately ductile members is
Lb = 0.19ry E ( Ry Fy ) (2)
Robert J. Walter, Principal Structural Engineer, McDermott, Plainfield, Ill. Although not specifically stated in AISC Seismic Provisions
Email: [email protected] (corresponding).
Section D1.2, these two requirements are intended for dou-
Chia-Ming Uang, Professor, Department of Structural Engineering, University
of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. Email: [email protected].
bly symmetric I-shape beams. For the next edition of the
AISC Seismic Provisions, new maximum brace spacing for
SCCS with I-shaped columns as well as rectangular HSS or
Paper No. 2019-20 box-shaped columns are proposed.


BASIS OF CURRENT SEISMIC BEAM To include the Ry factor in Equation 5 with an assumed
BRACING REQUIREMENTS value of 1.1, Equation 5 becomes Equation 1 for highly duc-
tile beams since the 2016 edition of the AISC Seismic Provi-
A review of the historical development of Equation 1 for
sions, which is required for beam design in special moment
beam design is first presented. The maximum spacing lim-
frames (SMF).
its for lateral bracing of beams in the earlier editions of the
The requirement for the maximum beam brace spacing
AISC Seismic Provisions are based on the lateral bracing
of I-shaped beams in systems like intermediate moment
requirement for I-shaped sections using plastic design from
frames (IMF) is more relaxed than that in SMF because,
AISC LRFD Specification Section F1.1 (AISC, 1986):
according to the Commentary of the 2005 AISC Seismic
3,600 + 2,200 ( M1 Mp ) Provisions (AISC, 2005), a lower story-drift angle (0.02 rad)
L pd = ry (3)
is required in comparison to that required for SMF (0.04
rad). The AISC Seismic Provisions assume that the maxi-
where M1 is the smaller moment at the end of the unbraced mum beam brace spacing for IMF is twice that for SMF (i.e.,
length, Mp is the plastic moment (replaced by M2 in later edi- Equation 2).
tions), and M1/ Mp is positive when moments cause reverse
curvature. Note that Equation 3 is based on tests of continu-
ous beams for a target rotation capacity of 3, where the rota-
tion capacity is defined as the ratio between plastic rotation The AISC Seismic Provisions specify a maximum brace
and yield rotation (Bansal, 1971; Yura et al., 1978). Introduc- spacing for SCCS (Equation 2), which was developed for
ing the modulus of elasticity, E, to normalize Fy, Equation 3 I-shaped beams in IMF with an assumed moment gradient.
is converted to the following form, which is AISC Specifica- Instead of using Equation 2 for columns in SCCS, the maxi-
tion Equation A-1-5 (AISC, 2016b): mum brace spacing can be derived directly from the original
formula (Equation 3) by using the actual moment gradient.
⎛ M ⎞ E
L pd = 0.12 − 0.076 1 ry (4) The moment, M1, at the top end of the column can be equal
⎝ M 2 ⎠ Fy 
to zero. However, it can also be nonzero and can be deter-
where M′1 is the effective moment at the end of the unbraced mined easily in the design process—for example, an SCCS
length opposite from M2 , M2 is the larger moment at the end used as an inverted pendulum-type structure. Therefore, to
of the unbraced length, M 1′ = M1 when the midspan moment accommodate the possible loading scenarios of cantilever
is not larger than the average of M1 and M2 , and M′1 = M2 is columns, the moment ratio term is retained from the origi-
negative when moments cause reverse curvature. Assuming nal equations. Note that Fy in the original development of
that (1) the effect of the gravity load component is small and Equation 3 represents the actual, not nominal, yield stress.
can be ignored and (2) the inflection point due to the seismic Referring to Equation 4, which is equivalent to Equation 3
effect is at the midspan of a moment frame beam, M1/ M2 but with an opposite definition of the sign convention for
equals +1.0 per Equation 3 [see Figure 1(a)]. However, for the moment gradient (see Figure 1), the Fy term can be sub-
seismic applications, the AISC Seismic Provisions implic- stituted for Ry Fy directly for implementation in the AISC
itly assume a conservative seismic moment diagram like that Seismic Provisions:
shown in Figure 1(b) with M1/M2 equal to −2. Substituting ⎛ M ⎞ ry E
this latter moment ratio and introducing the modulus of elas- Lb = 0.12 − 0.076 1 (6)
⎝ M 2⎠ Ry Fy 
ticity, E, into Equation 3 gives the following:
2500ry ry E where M1/ M2 is positive when moments cause single
Lb = = 0.086 (5) curvature.
Fy Fy 

M2 M1 = M 2 2 M2

M1 = − M 2
L2 L2 L

(a) M1 M2 = +1 (Eq. 3) or = −1 (Eq. 4)
(a) M1 M 2 = +1 (Eq. 3) or = −1 (Eq. 4)
(b) M1 M2 = −2 (Eq. 3) or = +2 (Eq. 4)
(b) M1 M 2 = − 2 (Eq. 3) or = + 2 (Eq. 4)
Fig. 1. Assumed seismic moment diagrams.


Equation 6 is applicable for SCCS I-shaped columns systems (moment or braced frames) in the orthogonal direc-
bent about their major axis. The AISC Seismic Provisions tion. The seismic force-resisting systems in the orthogonal
do not provide the maximum brace spacing for rectangular direction can be used to provide the required lateral or point
HSS or box-shaped members bent about their major axis. torsional bracing for the cantilever column system.
To derive Lb for this case, start with AISC Specification
Equation A-1-7:
⎛ M ⎞ E E
L pd = 0.17 − 0.10 1 ry ≥ 0.10 ry (7) The proposed equations for the maximum brace spacing
⎝ ⎠
M 2 Fy Fy 
of SCCS are an improvement over current requirements
Replacing M′1 with M1 and Fy with RyFy, Equation 7, for because an appropriate moment ratio can be used. The pro-
rectangular HSS or box-shaped members bent about their posed equations for major-axis bending are also specific to
major axis, becomes: member cross-section types. Equation 6 is for I-sections,
and Equation 8 is for rectangular HSS or box-shaped mem-
⎛ M ⎞ ry E ry E bers. Clarity on the purpose of the bracing, conditions when
Lb = 0.17 − 0.10 1 ≥ 0.10 (8)
⎝ M 2 ⎠ Ry Fy Ry Fy  the bracing is and is not required, and guidance on the type
of bracing are provided.


COLUMN BRACING AISC (1986), Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifi-
OCCS do not require bracing. SCCS require bracing to cation for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute
restrain LTB so that flexural yielding at the column base can of Steel Construction, Chicago, Ill.
be developed. The bracing is not intended to provide column AISC (2005), Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Build-
stability or prevent sidesway. The LTB limit state does not ings, ANSI/AISC 341-05, American Institute of Steel
apply to round HSS, square HSS, square box sections, or Construction, Chicago Ill.
any cross section bent about its minor axis. Thus, exceptions AISC (2016a), Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Build-
are proposed for the next edition of the AISC Seismic Provi- ings, ANSI/AISC 341-16, American Institute of Steel
sions to state that bracing is not required for these types of Construction, Chicago Ill.
members. An additional exception is proposed to allow the
usage of short columns without bracing by conservatively AISC (2016b), Specification for Structural Steel Buildings,
limiting the column length to half the maximum bracing ANSI/AISC 360-16, American Institute of Steel Con-
spacing. struction, Chicago, Ill.
Point torsional bracing is likely to be the best choice for ASCE (2016), Minimum Design Loads and Associated Cri-
LTB bracing because lateral bracing may cause the seismic teria for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-16,
force-resisting system to behave as something other than a American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Va.
cantilever column system. Point torsional bracing must meet Bansal, J.P. (1971), “The Lateral Instability of Continuous
the flexural strength and stiffness requirements for beam Steel Beams,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas, Austin,
torsional bracing in AISC Specification Appendix 6. As an Texas.
example, point torsional bracing can be achieved by attach- Yura, J.A., Galambos, T.V., and Ravindra, K. (1978), “The
ing beam(s) to the column, preventing torsional rotation of Bending Resistance of Steel Beams,” Journal of the Struc-
the column. Cantilever column systems can act as a canti- tural Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. ST9, pp. 1,355–1,370.
lever column in one direction and can be used with other



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