ESM Unit-I Material
ESM Unit-I Material
ESM Unit-I Material
1. S. Rao, Prof. H.L. Saluja, “Electrical safety, fire safety Engineering and safety
management”, Khanna Publishers. New Delhi, 1988.(units-I to V)
2. (Part of unit-V)
1. Pradeep Chaturvedi, “Energy management policy, planning and utilization”, Concept
Publishing company, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Danger: A thing or situation which may cause ‘injury, loss, accident, etc’. Such a thing or
situation is ‘dangerous’, risky.
4. Safety: A quality or condition of being safe from ‘danger, injury, damage, loss, accident’.
Safe: Free from ‘injury, damage, loss, accident’.
6. Safe Guard: Any person or thing or device that prevents injury, loss, and ensure safety and
9. Caution: A word or sign by which warning is given. Act or practice of being cautious.
13. Appliance: Electrical device which performs specific task (Eg: stove, heater, shaver, mixer
Persons working with electrical appliance/ equipment/ installation are exposed to electrical
hazards. The electricity is invisible, hence the hazards are ‘hidden’ and ‘invisible’.
1. Electric Shock due to direct contact with live wire/ conductor, while standing on
Earth or while in contact with metallic earthed part.
2. Electric shock due to direct contact with non- effectively earthed metal parts
carrying leakage current or fault current or induced currents.
3. Electric shock and burn injuries due to flash-overs from live part to the person in
contact with Earth or earthed metallic parts.
4. Shocks by capacitively charged electrical conductors disconnected from power
circuits. Eg. Capacitors, busbars. (H.V. circuits should be discharged after
5. Falling of persons from height due to shocks or flashovers while working on
overhead structures. Falling of perons in uncovered trenches, man-holes.
6. Falling of overhead parts such as conductors, hardware, structure members, on
7. Falling of tools, objects, welding-sparks, on body.
8. Explosion of oil filled equipment due to internal arcing. (Transformers, CTs,
Bushings, Circuit breakers). Explosion of high pressure gas filled equipment
(Circuit breakers).
9. Fires caused by electric loose connections, electric arcs, electric short-circuits,
electric flash overs.
Fires quickly spread and cause deaths due to burn injuries and release of poisonous
gases. Fires cause loss to property/ installation.
Electric field is invisible and silent. Persons who approach bare high voltage conductors
or encroach in high electric field are exposed to the danger of shocks and electrocution.
Persons touching non-effectively earthed, faulted metal parts in electrical installations
are exposed. Persons working in substations, power Stations, transmission lines, cables
etc. are exposed. Persons unaware of electricity and carrying out the work in the vicinity
of live parts are exposed. In general, the following types of personnel are exposed to the
hazards of electricity.
▪ General construction worker not related with electrical works but working in
the installation and moving in the electric field.
▪ Electrical technicians, fitters, supervisors etc., working with electrical
installations, equipment for erection, testing, commissioning, operation and
▪ Machine operators.
▪ Persons handling electrical equipment, appliance, devices.
Persons in substations, commercial buildings, residential buildings etc., are exposed to
hazards of fires caused by electricity.
From Safety angle, the persons exposed to electrical hazards are:
▪ Innocent persons who are not aware about electricity but have some other work
in the danger zone. Such persons are usually cautious and stay away from live
▪ Persons who work in electrical installations and have grown accustomed to
working and tend to be overconfident, careless and negligent. Such persons are
prone to serious accidents.
▪ Cautious and well-trained persons working with electricity are exposed
dangers due to 'mistake of others' or faulty/ unsafe equipment of situation.
For example: supply is switched on while maintenance is in progress.
The effect of shock is felt by only a few Persons, the effects of fire caused by electric
sparks, short circuits, insulation failure etc. can cause large scale destruction of property
and life.
Smoke, Destruction,
Fire poisonous Deaths,
gases, flames Injuries
Many unsuspecting innocent personnel are subjected to injury due to fires and smoke.
Safety is concerned with accidents occurring due to electricity. Each electricity accident is
caused by certain unsafe act/acts by a person/persons and/or unsafe conditions. The
accidents must be prevented by effective Safety Management. Accidents/incidents must
be investigated and analysed. Preventive actions/Conditions must be enforced to avoid
similar and other accidents.
The basic principles have been reviewed.
1. Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions: Each electrical accident is caused by certain
unsafe acts and/or unsafe conditions.
Behind one accident, there are several "chance misses".
3. For example, consider and accident caused by placement of ladder near live wire.
The inspection and Investigation resulted in identification of following act/condition.
The Unsafe Act: Placement of ladder near live bus in High Voltage Switchyard.
The Corrective Action: Switchyard to be provided with fence, gate, lock. Entry only
against work permit issued after making busbars dead.
The studies of H.W. Heinrich, the pioneer safety engineer, resulted in well-known
Heinrich Ratios (88:10:2) as under :
Causes of Accident:
Unsafe acts : 88%
Unsafe condition : 10%
Other unsafe causes : 2%
The Heinrich Ratios were widely accepted in the middle of the 20th century. During
1990's the correctness of these ratios has been questioned. Safety Management Systems
have received higher emphasis. By effective Safety Management, root causes behind
accidents are eliminated at the root itself.
4. Multiple Causes: Behind every electrical accident, there are causes and sub-causes.
The investigations should bring-out clearly the various causes and sub-causes and
recommend corrective action against each cause and sub-cause. This will help in
eliminating similar and other accidents in future. For example, consider the case of
accident cause by placement of ladder near live busbars.
The accident occurred in a 400 kV switchyard during minor repair work of lighting-
maintenance. Following causes and sub-cause were identified during the investigations.
▪ Switchyard had no fence. The person carrying ladder could walk-in and place the
ladder near live bus.
▪ The person carrying ladder was uneducated, untrained and of low IQ.
▪ The supervisor instructed the persons to carry the ladder and place it near the
structure. However, the person placed it near the live bus. The supervisor gave
unsafe instructions.
▪ Safety procedures were by-passed by the supervisor due to negligence.
▪ Work permit system was not established by the Management.
Corrective Actions:
▪ Fencing to switchyard with gate and lock.
▪ Work permit system established to ensure opening of gate only after making the
busbars dead /earthed.
▪ Safety training to supervisors and workers.
5. Unsafe conditions can be identified in advance and their harmful effects can be
Unsafe conditions associated with electricity and electrical installations are:
• High Voltage installations and equipment.
• Erection at high rise levels.
• Storage of inflammable materials.
• High pressure gas filled equipment.
• Equipment filled with transformer oil.
Electrical Safety deals with safety from electricity, supply system, electrical appliances,
plant, equipment. Very large energy flow can occur rapidly during electric fault.
Electrical Safety deals with safety of personnel, installations, plants, equipment and
Electrical Safety covers safety aspects of installation/ equipment design, testing, erection
commissioning, maintenance activities as well as Safety Management.
The subject matter deals with :
— Causes and effects of electrical hazards.
— Scientific Phenomena associated with electrical safety.
E.g. Electric Shocks, Electric Fields, Flashovers, Hazards, Electric Explosions etc.
— Safety Acts and Safety Rules, safety Habits.
— Specifications and Design for safety.
— Training in Safety.
— Safety during Project Construction.
— Safety during Plant Operation and Maintenance.
— Safety Management. Safety Organisation.
— Safety Documentation, Systems.
— Safety Audit and Safety Inspection.
— Safety devices and safety tools.
— Live line maintenance.
— Plant Quality, Product Quality and TQM.
— First Aid and Facilities.
— Loss prevention measures.
— Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting.
— Security measures.
— Investigations and analysis of Accidents /Mishaps.
— Insurance Coverage and Procedures,
Electrical Safety has a strong interface with General Safety, Industrial Safety and TQM.
Electric Shock is a sudden stimulation of the nervous system of human body by flow
of electric current through a part of the body. Electric Shock is a life-threatening situation.
Shocks are caused by direct contact with live conductor or a flashover.
Primary Shock is an electric shock of such as magnitude that it may produce direct
physiological harm. The results of primary shock are: Fibrillation (irregular heart beat),
respiratory tetanus (continuous contraction of muscle).
Secondary Shock is a shock of such a magnitude that it will not produce direct
physiological harm, but it is annoying and may cause involuntary muscle reaction. Result
of secondary shock are annoyance, alarm and aversion and loss of balance due to
involuntary muscle reaction.
Human body gets electric shock when electric current flows through any part of the body
due to applied voltage difference across that part. The severity of the shock depends on
how much current is flowing through which part of the body and for how much time
duration. Result of electric shock can differ from simple annoying sensation (secondary
shock), serious burn injuries to sudden death within a few seconds.
Electric current flow through human body is essential for producing shock. Shock may
occur in one or more of the following situations:
— When part of human body bridges two phase wires by direct contact.
— When part of the human body bridges one phase and earth, two phases and earth, by
direct contact.
— When part of the human body bridges two points of same phase at different potential,
by direct contact.
— When part of human body touches two points having potential difference across them
(due to supply voltage or induced voltage or charged voltage).
— Flashover involving part of human body.
Let Vb Voltage across the part of the body undergoing shock in volts.
Ib is Current flows through the part of body undergoing shock in amperes. (In practice
currents of 10 mA and above are in shock range)
Rb is Resistance of the part of body through which current Ib flows in ohms.
By Ohms Law, Ib = Vb/Rb.
Higher the voltage Vb : more severe is the shock.
Lower is the resistance: more severe is the shock.
High voltage (> 1 kV), Extra High Voltage (> 220 kV) are more dangerous.
Resistance of Human Body Paths
Body Path Resistance (Ohms)
Dry Skin 10 to 50 Mega Ohms
Wet Skin 1000 Ohms
Hand to foot 500 to 600 Ohms
Internal, excluding skin
Ear to Ear 100 Ohms
Internal, excluding skin
Dry skin is much more safer than Wet skin. Dry surroundings are safer than wet
surroundings. Skin with perspiration has low resistance.
— Wet walls and wet insulation are dangerous.
— Ear-to-ear shock is most dangerous.
— Hand to hand shock is very dangerous.
— Hand to foot shock is very dangerous
— Shock not involving heart, brain and involving only remote skin is less dangerous.
— Skin with cuts, wounds, bruises have low resistance.
Electric shocks may occur due to unsafe personal acts or unsafe conditions associated with
electrical work/installation. In practice, following types of supply systems are most
commonly used.
• Three phase AC system with neutral-earthed, either three wire system or four wire
• Bipolar DC system with neutral earthed, either three wire system or two wire
system. One pole is positive and other negative with respect to earth.
The earth is a good conductor and provides return path for shock current flowing through
body. Following are possible conditions for electric shock.
• Person standing on earth or in contact with earthed metal part touches bare
live/charged conductor directly or through metallic tool/rod/ladder/structural part.
• Person touches metallic part in the path of leakage current/ fault current/ induced
• Person touches poorly insulated high voltage conductor.
• Person comes in direct contact with two conductors at different voltage.
• Flash-over involving human body, lightning stroke involving human body.
The above figure represents a three phase four wire AC system with neutral
earthed. The neutral wire N provides return path for unbalanced current (IN = IR+ IY +
IB). The earth is a good conductor. The phase to earth voltages charge the respective
phase to ground capacitance. Earth is at the same potential as N. Even if neutral N is
not earthed at star point, the invisible phase to ground capacitance provides path for
return currents during shock to human body involving earth.
A person (A) standing on earth (N) and touching one phase conductor (R) gets a
voltage Vph , across the points of touching the conductor and the earth. A person (B)
standing on ground and touching two phase conductors by hands gets voltage Vph ,
across the hand to ground and Vph-ph between two hands, ( 𝑉𝑝ℎ−𝑝ℎ = √3 𝑉𝑝ℎ )
A person (C) insulated from earth and touching one point of a phase conductor does
not get any voltage cross part his body (neglecting static electric field).
A person touching charged conductor already disconnected from supply circuit gets a
shock due to capacitive discharge currents through the body.
A person insulated from ground and touching two points of the same phase at
different voltage gets shock due to Vx.
The figure below shows a Bipolar DC system with supply neutral earthed.
A person (H) touching pole conductor gets a shock by voltage Ud1 or Ud2 .
The Person (I) touching two points gets a shock due to voltage Ud1-2.
The person (J), in contact with only one live wire and not connected to the ground,
will receive no electric shock as the voltage is zero.
Shocks from Bipolar DC system
The effect of electric shock depends upon the voltage, current and duration and also
the path of flow. Current through the heart, is most dangerous. Human tolerance to electric
field/current varies from person to person to some extent.
The resistance of human body (between tip of left-hand finger and right-hand finger
with dry skin) is of the order of 10 Mega-ohms.
However, when the hands are wet, this may drop to about 5000 ohms. Similarly, the
resistance of the skin of feet is high when dry and low when wet. Skin with perspiration,
skin with cuts/bruises/wounds has low resistance. Hence wet surroundings are dangerous.
The electric shock of even 50 volts a.c. can be dangerous in the wet surroundings.
Shock is most serious when the current density at touch surface is high and current flows
through the heart or brain. Several deaths take place every year due to electric shocks at
230 Volts a.c. In residential buildings and industries, serious accidents occur particularly
in wet surroundings like bath rooms. Once, the person comes in good contact with a live
Part and is in touch with wet ground, he cannot get separated from the live part as his
muscles get paralysed and he gets electrocuted.
AC voltage wave has higher peak value than d.c. voltage of same level, AC
wave frequency matches with frequency of human heart, hence it is more dangerous.
(220 𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 wave has peak value = √2 × 220𝑉 = 311 𝑉).
If the contact is of a very short duration due to throwing off the person, the life
is saved. The victim may be saved by immediate artificial respiration.
The table below gives 7 levels of electric shock, duration of shock currents and
their effects on men, women and children.
Flow of electric current through a part of human body disturbs the human nervous
system. Human nervous system acts and coordinated various body functions. The central
nervous system conducts minute electric signals between brain and various muscles and
parts in the body including the heart and the lungs. These internal signals get disturbed due
to flow of externally caused electric currents. The interface between biological tissues and
external electric current manifests in the form of electric shock. Following effects are
observed at shock currents above 15 mA a.c.
Respiratory Tetanus (Medical)- Sharp flexion, twitching, cramps of muscles in
respiratory system localised inspiration/expiration for longer time than normal.
Fibrillation (Medical)- A small local involuntary contraction due to spontaneous
activation of muscle cells or muscle fibres. Also, rapid irregularity in tri-ventricular heart
The human life is sustained by two important physiological functions.
(1) Respiration (Breathing)
(2) Heart beat / Blood Circulation
Failure of any one of them is dangerous (fatal) to life. Human body has central nervous
system. Minute Bio-Chemical electronic signals travel continuously through the central
nervous system and ensure continuous breathing and heart-beat. When a person gets, electric
shock, the external potential drives electric current through a part of the human body. This
shock current disturbs the internal bio-chemical electronic signalling in the central
nervous system.
The first reaction is loss of signal between the muscles and brain. Thereby the person gets
attached to the live conductor until removed with external help. The next serious effects is
on heart and lungs. The signals controlling heartbeat are disturbed and heart goes into the
state of irregular beat called ‘Ventricular fibrillation’. The rythm of electronic pulses
controlling the heart beat gets disturbed. The various muscles controlling heartbeat fall out-
of step with each other instead of working in synchronism with each other. The pumping of
blood becomes irregular and pumping rate reduces. The supply of blood to brain is reduced
and the person may become unconscious, breathing may stop and brain does not get
oxygenated blood.
The muscles controlling the lungs get contracted due to shock-currents and the lungs stop
the regular inhaling/exhaling functions.
Effects of human body are influenced by:
• Human response, strength of heart, strength of body, phase of heart beat, path of
current through the body, rate of rise of current, time duration of current flow,
whether body is attached or thrown off etc.
• For children, the current values are half of corresponding values for men.
If heart is feebly beating, and the flow of shock current is stopped, the process may get
reversed and regular heart beat and breathing may be resumed. This reversal is helped by
‘Artificial Respiration’.
c) Flash burns:
Flash path is a discharge of electrical energy through ionised gas. The flash path
has high temperature of the order of several thousand degrees celsius. Contact of the
flash with human skin or flow or flash current through human body cause serious burn
injuries. The clothes may catch fire due to the flashover resulting in additional burns.
Flash burns cover a larger skin area than contact burns.
• Before carrying out repair work, Switch-off the main switch, take out the fuse-
holders keep with you till completion of repair work.
• Use shock-proof appliances.
• Use Correct fuse wires.
• Miniature Circuit breakers are preferred.
• Do not use immersion water heater, exposed room heaters.
• Use good quality copper wires for wiring.
• Replace worn-out wiring.
• Do not allow water leakage, seepage in walls/over switch boards etc.
• Replace defective Switches immediately.
• While working on live wires, stand on a dry wooden stool, use insulated tools.
However, it is safer to switch-off the mains supply and then touch the wires under
• Ensure that earthing system is healthy. Provide secure earthing to appliances via. 3
pin plug socket.