Components and Supplies

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Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)

× 3

DFRobot DF Player mini × 1

SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz

× 1

PCBWay Custom PCB
× 1

Custom PCB (JLCPCB) × 1

3.5mm Audio jack × 1
Vibration motor × 1
Slide Switch

× 1


Soldering iron (generic)

Arduino IDE
There are multiple smart accessories such as smart glasses, smartwatches, etc. available in the market. But
all of them are built for us. There is a significant lack of technology to aid the physically challenged. I
wanted to build something that is useful for the visually challenged people. So I designed low cost smart
glass that can be used to help the visually impaired.
This project uses a few ultrasonic distance sensors, an Arduino Pro Mini, an MP3 player module, and some
vibration motors.
The circuit board used in this project is designed in the form of a spectacle, which can be worn by a visually
impaired person. An Arduino mounted on the spectacle will detect the obstacle with the help of the sensors
and notify the user through headphones and vibration motors.

Flash the Pro Mini

 Connect the Pro Mini to the computer using FTDI cable.
 Select proper COM port.
 Select 'Arduino Pro or Pro Mini.'
 Click upload
Make sure to flash Arduino before soldering it to PCB. Once all the components are soldered, it will
be bit harder to connect the programming header.

Assembling the PCB

 Solder the components like Arduino, DF Player, Audio jack, Slide Switches to the PCB first.
 We can't directly solder the HC-SR04 module available from market. some modification need to be

 Straighten the male header using a pliers or de-solder the 90° headers and solder normal headers.
Modified HC-SR04

 Add electrical tape to tha back of HC-SR04 to avoid short circuit.

 Insert HC-SR04 to designated solder pads. hold the left and right HC-SR04 at an angle and apply
 Solder rest of the components such as power supply cable, slide switches, vibration motors etc.
Copying Audio Files to the SD card
Copy content of the Audio files folder to the root of the SD card.
Copy folders (01, 02, 03) itself, not its content.
D Card file structure

This is my entry to PCBWAY PCB designing contest. If you like this project consider voting for my
entry :
Talking Smart Glass For Blind
B45i / Talking-Smart-Glass-For-Blind
4 4
No description — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 6-19-2018
Download as zip

Second project
SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz

Any version of the Arduino micro controller will work.

× 1
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)

× 1


× 1

Jumper wires (generic)

× 1

Sunglasses × 1


Soldering iron (generic)

Hot glue gun (generic)


Arduino IDE

You can also use the Cloud IDE

This is my son, Jacob's STEM fair project this year in the 5th grade. He decided to do an engineering project
instead of an experimental project. He wanted to invent something that would benefit handicapped people in
some way. He came up with this idea for glasses that could help blind people sense if there was an object in
front of them that they might hit their head on. The white cane that they use when walking is used for
helping them navigate the ground but does not do much for up above. Using an Arduino Pro Mini MCU,
Ultrasonic Sensor, and a buzzer, he created these glasses that will sense the distance of an object in front and
beep to alert the person that something is in front of them. Simple and inexpensive to make. Credit
to for some of the parts.
Ultrasonic Glasses for the BlindArduino
This Arduino code uses the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino Pro Mini micro-controller. You can use any Arduino micro-
controller with this code. The code detects the distance by converting the time in milliseconds that it takes for the sound waves to
bounce back in distance in centimeters. It beeps intermittently if an object is within 62cm (about 2 feet). At 31cm (or about 1 foot
away) its just one solid non-stop beep tone. The code is very simple in that it does not require additional hardware libraries outside of
what is built in to the Arduino IDE.

Hand held sensor

SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz

× 5

5 Ultrasonic sensor × 5
Perfboard × 5
Vibrating motor × 5

× 5

5 mm LED: Red

× 5

Slide Switch

× 5
Female Header 8 Position 1 Row (0.1")

× 2

Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")

× 2

Jumper wires (generic)

× 4

Power bank × 1
Some elastics and stickers
× 1
(to make it as a band for wearing)
3.7 V LiPo Battery × 1
Soldering iron (generic)

Hot glue gun (generic)


Arduino IDE


 1
 2
 3
 4

 The first wearable technology for people who are blind

 Using ultrasonic waves to detect the obstacles
 Notifying the user through vibrations/buzzer sound
Third eye for people who are blind is an innovation which helps the blind people to navigate with speed and
confidence by detecting the nearby obstacles using the help of ultrasonic waves and notify them with buzzer
sound or vibration. They only need to wear this device as a band or cloth.
According to WHO 39 million peoples are estimated as blind worldwide. They are suffering a lot of
hardship in their daily life. The affected ones have been using the traditional white cane for many years
which although being effective, still has a lot of disadvantages. Another way is, having a pet animal such as
a dog, but it is really expensive. So the aim of the project is to develop a cheap and more efficient way to
help visually impaired to navigate with greater comfort, speed and confidence.

Watch the video of it's working.
Watch the video that came in a news channel (Malayalam language)
Novelty of the project : This is the first wearable technology for blind people which resolves all the
problems of existing technologies. Now a days there are so many instruments and smart devices for visually
impaired peoples for navigation but most of them have certain problems for carrying and the major
drawbacks is those need a lot of training to use. The one of the main peculiarity of this innovation is, it is
affordable for everyone, the total cost being less than $25 (~1500INR). There are no such devices available
in the market that can be worn like a cloth and having such a low cost and simplicity. When used on a large
scale, with improvements in the prototype, it will drastically benefit the community.
Step 1: Existing Systems

 White cane
 Pet dog
 Smart devices (eg : Vision a torch for blinds)
Problem of the Existing Systems:
 White cane - May easily crack/break,The stick may get stuck at pavement cracks of different objects.
 Pet dog - Huge cost. (~$42,000 / 280000Rs )
 Common Disadvantages (Including the the smart devices) Cannot be carried easily, needs a lot
of training to use
The features of Third eye for blind people: By wearing this device they can fully avoid the use of
white cane and such other devices. This device will help the blind to navigate without holding a stick which
is a bit annoying for them. They can simply wear it as a band or cloth and it can function very accurately and
they only need a very little training to use it.
Step 2: Full Description of the Project
 1
 2
I have designed a special wearable device based on the Arduino board which can be worn like a cloth for
blinds. This device is equipped with five ultrasonic sensors, consisting of five modules which are connected
to the different parts of the body. Among them, two for both shoulder, another two for both knees and one
for the hand. Using the five ultrasonic sensors, blind people can detect the objects in a five dimensional view
around them and can easily travel anywhere. When the ultrasonic sensor detects obstacle the device will
notify the user through vibrations and sound beeps. The intensity of vibration and rate of beeping increases
with decrease in distance and this is a fully automated device.
Feature improvements:
The entire project can be made in the form of jacket, so that the device doesn't need
to be wear one by one. Use of specially designed boards instead of arduino and high quality ultrasonic
sensors makes faster response which make the device capable of working in crowded.
Step 3: Tested Successfully With the Help of
a Visually Impaired Person.

Read more about this here in the FB post by our school science teacher.
Awards won for this innovation.
 1st price for PPT innovation award
 2nd price in state level science fair. (Conducted by Government of Kerala)
Step 4: Prototyping of the Idea - Parts Used
 5 x Arduino pro mini
 5 x Ultrasonic sensor
 5 x Pref board
 5 x Vibrating motor
 5 x Buzzers
 5 x Red LEDs
 5 x Switches
 Male and female header pins
 4 x Jumper cable
 One power bank
 One 3.3 volt old mobile battery
 Some elastics and stickers(to make it as a band for wearing)
Step 5: Circuit Diagram
 1
 2

Wiring instruction.
 Ground of LED, buzzer and vibration motor to GND of arduino
 +ve of LED and middle leg of switch to Arduino pin 5
 +ve of Buzzer to first leg of switch
 +ve of Vibration motor to third leg of switch
 Ultrasonic sensor
 Ultrasonic sensor pin VCC - Arduino pin VCC
 Ultrasonic sensor pin GND - Arduino pin GND
 Ultrasonic sensor pin Trig - Arduino pin 12
 Ultrasonic sensor pin Echo - Arduino PIN 12
The switch used here is for selecting the mode. ( buzzer or vibration mode.)
Figure 2 - Powering the modules - Connect the 4 arduino pro mini to a USB male pin and connect to a
power bank. For the module in the hand use a small lithium battery.

Step 6: Making the Modules

 First cut the pref board in 5 X 3 cm dimension and solder the female headers for the Arduino to the
 Then solder the buzzer.
 Then connect the vibrating motor using the glue gun and solder wires to it.
 Then connect the LED.
 Then connect the switch.
 Then connect header pins for ultrasonic sensors and for battery input.
 Then solder everything as shown in the circuit diagram.
 Now connect the Arduino and ultrasonic sensor to the board
Also connect the elastic band to all the modules.
3 more modules are to be made in the same way us described above, but for the one
in the hand, there is a little difference. visit the next step before making that last
Step 7: Code + Making the Module for the
 Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the board by using 4 jumper cables.
 Then connect a 3.7 volt mobile battery to this module.
 Then connect the elastic band as shown in the figure.
At last upload the code to each Arduino board and power the 4 other modules using a power bank.
Code used in the Arduino:
const int pingTrigPin = 12; //Trigger connected to PIN 7
const int pingEchoPin = 10; //Echo connected yo PIN 8
int buz=5; //Buzzer to PIN 4
void setup() {
pinMode(buz, OUTPUT);
void loop()
long duration, cm;
pinMode(pingTrigPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, LOW);
pinMode(pingEchoPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(pingEchoPin, HIGH);
cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
if(cm<=50 && cm>0)
int d= map(cm, 1, 100, 20, 2000);
digitalWrite(buz, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buz, LOW);
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)
return microseconds / 29 / 2;
Belt sensor

ISBBM: Integrated Smart Belt for

Blind's Mobility
An assistive belt with GPS and obstacles detector that can guide blind

 android
 blind
 eta
 isbbm
 mobility
 smartphone
 ultrasonic
 virtual reality

Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO

× 1

× 1

Belt × 1

Plastic box × 1

Ultrasonic sensor × 1

Vibration motor × 1

PCB × 1

Cover for attachment × 1

On/off switch × 1

Wires and jumpers × 1


Globally, it is estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) that 40 to 45 million people are totally
blind and 314 million have some kind of visual impairment. In Egypt, 800,000 suffer from blindness. It is
estimated by 2020, all blind-related numbers will double. According to several studies, the most urgent and
important problem for them is their physical mobility and the autonomous walking.
The aim of this project is to provide an integrated electronic travel aid for blind’s mobility, with a low cost,
that covers the blind’s requirements to do what it needs to navigate, move and travel independently and
The introduced electronic travel aid is an integrated assistive belt consists of three major parts: dealing with
the obstacles from different aspects and guiding according to them, localization system for navigation, and
emergency SMS in case of getting lost or needing help. All the given feedbacks are hearable or tactile to
achieve the user requirements according to the nature of the blind’s senses. In addition, all of the parts that
need an input order work by voice commands.

Step 1: The advantages of the project to the

blind (the applications)

 1
 2
 3
Step 2: The required materials

 1
 2
 3
Step 3: Making attachments and covers for
the safety and the stability

 1
 2
 3
For the safety and the stability of the prototype, covers for the ultrasonic sensors- to protect the sensors and
attach them to the belt- and a cover box for Arduino board and 1Sheeld have been made. The designs have
been made using Coral Draw program, and then they have been cut using the LASER Cutter
machine in STEM FabLab.  They are made according to the dimensions shown in the sketch.

Step 4: Setting the ultrasonic sensors for

the safe distance

 1
 2

X1 is the distance from the belt to the ground. X2 is the distance from the belt to 15 cm above the head of
the blind. They differ according to the blind’s body. Consequently, Y1 and Y2 change which are the
distances that the sensor detect any object less than them. That makes a safe distance Z1 and Z2 in front of
them. The angels θ1 and θ2 are 30°and 10° respectively. The numbers used in this prototype are as shown in
the table.

Step 5: Making the electronic circuit

The components of the circuit are connected as follows:
 1Sheeld component is connected and put on the Arduino board.
 The ultrasonic sonic sensor has 4 pins for each of the five sensors: Power, Ground, Trigger and Echo. All of
the Power pins are connected to each other to the Vcc output, and the same goes with the ground pins to the GND
output. The Trigger and Echo pins are connected each one to one pin in Arduino board (Pins: 13:7 and 4:2).
 The vibration motor has 2 terminals for each of the two motors. One terminal at each motor is connected to
the GND. The other terminal at each motor is connected to the emitter pin of an NPN transistor. The collector pin of
each transistor is connected to GND. The base of each transistor is connected to 1K Ohm resistor and the other
terminal of the resistor is connected to pins (5:6) in Arduino board.
 All the Vcc pins are connected with one wire to the output Vcc of the Arduino board and all the GND pins are
connected with one wire to the output GND of Arduino board

Step 6: The PCB


 1
 2
 3
 4

Moving to the printed circuit board, the previous circuit has been designed, to be PCB for the product, using
Eagle program and made using the Modela machine. Then, by using the soldering machine, the components
and wires have been connected to the board.

Step 7: The final appearance for the

Finally, the materials have been attached and connected to the belt as shown. A bag for covering the box of
the Arduino UNO and 1Sheeld has been connected to the belt. This bag also has some pockets for the
battery, the smartphone and the power bank.

Step 8: Plan for the future

I thought of combining an app, which is able to benefit from the GPS more than getting the pinpoint, with
1Sheeld app. That app, using maps systems, will make it better to navigate from place to another through
temporary maps, detecting the neighboring stations, restaurants, traffic lights, etc. but just by audible words
and with the developed integrated help according to the intercepting obstacles. If anyone can help and
cooperate, he or she will be more than welcomed :) !

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