Chaos Campaign Mission Guide
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide
Mission Guide
Version 1.1
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
This document collects the generic Chaos Campaign Mission tracks from Total Chaos, Starterbook:
Wolf and Blake, and Starterbook: Sword and Dragon with the goal of cleaning them up and bringing
them in line with the most recent Chaos Campaign rules in Campaign Operations.
The Mission tracks in Total Chaos provide plenty of options for players running Chaos Campaigns, but
they are a bit of a mess. With no official errata document, I have tried to correct the tracks based upon
suggestions in the book’s errata thread on the official BattleTech forums. Notable issues include tracks
where the write-up says the player may choose to be the Attacker or the Defender, but the objectives
and game play setup only make sense if the player must be one role. Removing these options does not
diminish player choice much if at all as many of the tracks already have a corresponding mirror track.
For example, Mission: Pursuit with the player as the Attacker is mirrored by Mission: (Forced)
Withdrawal with the player as the Defender.
Additionally, two Missions from the starter books have been ported over and expanded upon. Several
tracks in Total Chaos make mention of the Probe mission, which does not appear in the book. Probe
instead appears in Starter Book: Sword and Dragon. Because Starter Book: Sword and Dragon uses a
different way of determining OpFor composition and point costs than Total Chaos, some alterations
needed to be made to make the track usable. This includes the overall Warchest and Option costs as
well as adjustments to the Objective rewards to make them more in line with Total Chaos and
Campaign Operations. The mission Flank from Starter Book: Wolf and Blake also offers a substantially
different mission than Flank from Total Chaos and has been ported into this document with similar
changes as Probe as the mission Flanking Strike. The other missions from the Starter Books did not
offer a substantially different experience from their Total Chaos counterparts.
On Scanning
The Scanning rules are different between the Starter Books and Total Chaos. Scanning in the Starter
Books usually requires the unit to be closer than in Total Chaos but only takes a single turn, instead of
the two required in Total Chaos. Additionally, the Starter Books allows a unit to scan multiple items
that are in range at once, while no mention is made either way in Total Chaos. In the spirit of the Chaos
Campaign system’s flexible nature I encourage you to use whichever is preferred at your table or your
own rules if you so choose.
Future Additions
I would like this document to grow and include any other unique Mission tracks that might appear in
Era Digests or other products. I would also like to add examples of good custom tracks so that this may
be a resource for anyone running a Chaos Campaign. -- Lanceman
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Assault
Original Reference: Mission: Assault, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender designates one edge as their home edge. The Attacker
then chooses two edges to enter from, designating one as their home edge.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 75% of the player’s total force. The Attacker selects 75%
of its deployed force to enter from one of the two selected edges at the beginning of the game. The
remaining portion of the Attacker’s force enters from the other edge between turns 4 and 12, as long as
one Attacking unit remains operational on the battlefield.
The Defender is a portion of the planetary defender’s force. To determine the Defender’s Force
Composition, roll 1D6 for each column on the table below. Add a +2 modifier to the roll if the Attacker
failed to complete a successful Recon, Recon-In-Force, or Beachhead Mission immediately prior to this
track. The Defender begins the track with all units in the playing area. No unit may be within 8 hexes
of either of the Attacker’s chosen edges.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Complicated Weather: Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
• Hammer. Cripple/Destroy at least 65% of the Defender’s force. [400]
• Cut off the head. Cripple/Destroy the enemy commander’s unit. [150]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the Defender
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Hammer objective is achieved.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Beachhead
Original Reference: Mission: Beachhead, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender designates one edge as the Defender’s home edge;
the Attacker’s home edge is the opposite side. The player may use up to 50% of their total force. The
opposition is 150% of the player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll
1D6 on each column of the table below. Add a +1 modifier if the player failed to successfully complete
a Recon or Recon-in-Force Mission immediately prior to this track.
The player is the Attacker and divides their force in half. One portion enters the track from the
designated home edge at the start of the battle. The remaining portion enters from the same edge at the
beginning of any turn between turns 5 and 10, as long as at least one operational Attacker unit remains
on the battlefield. The Attacker must declare when their remaining force is entering during an End
Phase. The force arrives in the Initiative Phase of the following turn (i.e., one full turn must pass
between the declaration and the arrival).
The Defender begins the game with all units on the playing area and can be no farther than 4 hexes
from their home edge.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Complicated Weather. Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
+100 Sensor Interference. Use the Electromagnetic Interference rules.
• Hammer. Cripple/Destroy at least 50% of the Defender’s force. [300]
• Breakthrough. The player exits at least 25% of their force off the opponent’s home edge [200]
• Force Withdrawal. The Defender follows the Force Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Hammer objective is achieved.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Defend
Original Reference: Mission: Defend, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender designates two edges for their home edge. The
Attacker selects one of the remaining edges as their home edge.
To determine the Attacker’s force composition, roll 1D6 for each column on the table below. Add a +2
modifier to the roll if the Defender failed to complete a successful Recon, Recon-in-Force, or Stalwart
Mission immediately prior to this track.
The player is the Defender and may use up to 75% of the player’s total force. The Defender sets up
75% of its deployed force on the battle- field. The remaining portion of the Defender’s force sets up
using the Hidden Unit rules
Track Cost: 400
+100 Under A Full Moon. Use Full Moon rules.
+100 Surprised! The Defender rolls Initiative with a -4 modifier for the first 5 turns.
• Turn the tide. Destroy/Cripple at least 75% of the opponent’s force. [400]
• Cut off the head. Cripple/Destroy the enemy commander’s unit. [150]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the Attacker.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Turn the tide objective is achieved.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Flank
Original Reference: Mission: Flank, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender designates one edge as the Defender’s home edge;
the opposite is the Attacker’s home edge.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 25% of their total force. The opposition is 125% of the
player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of
the following table. Add a +1 modifier if the player failed to successfully complete a Probe or Pursuit
Mission immediately prior to this track.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Complicated Weather. Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
• Turn the tide. Destroy/Cripple at least 75% of the opponent’s force. [400]
• Crush. Destroy/Cripple 100% of the opponent’s force. [200]
• Cut off retreat. The player must position at least one half of their available force within 3
hexes of the opponent’s home edge opposite their home edge for a minimum of 4 consecutive
turns. They may move within this 3 hex area, but if at any time less than half the player’s force
is within this 3 hex area, the turn count starts over. [300]
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker designates one edge as the Attacker’s home edge. The
Defender’s home edge is opposite the Attacker’s.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 25% of their total force. Two-thirds of the Attacker’s force
enters from their home edge at the beginning of the game. The remaining units enter from any edge
(other than the Defender’s home edge) during the Movement Phase anytime after turn five. If all the
attacking units are destroyed anytime before turn four, the reinforcement arrives at the beginning of the
following turn.
The Defender is equal to 100% of the player’s deployed force. Roll 1D6 to determine the composition
of the Defender’s force. The Defender sets up all but one unit on the half of the playing area closest to
the Defender’s home edge. The last unit enters the game from the Defender’s home edge at the
beginning of turn four.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Complicated Weather. Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
+100 Sensor Interference. Use the Electromagnetic Interference rules.
• Destroy! Destroy all of the Defender’s Heavy units [400]
• No Quarter. Destroy/Cripple all of the Defender’s force. [200]
• Force Withdrawal. The Defender follows the Force Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule is in effect if the Attacker completes at least one objective and half of
the Defender’s total force is destroyed or crippled.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender’s home
edge is on the opposite side.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 50% of their total force. The opposition is 100% of the
player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of
the table below. Add a –1 modifier to the roll if the player successfully completed a Recon-in-Force,
Flank, or Pursuit Mission immediately prior to this one.
All of the Attacker’s units enter on the first turn from the Defender’s home edge.
The Defender places 25% of its deployed force anywhere within 6 hexes of the Attacker’s home edge.
The rest of the Defender’s force enters the battlefield at the start of Turn 3 from the Attacker’s home
Track Cost: 400
+100 Sand: Treat all Clear terrain as Sand.
• Gauntlet. Exit at least half of the player’s force through their home edge. [300]
• Gutted. Cripple/Destroy at least 75% of the opponent’s forces. [300]
• Forced Withdrawal. Both sides operate under Forced Withdrawal rules.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Probe
Original Reference: Mission: Probe, Starter Book: Sword and Dragon
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 25% of their total force. Two-thirds of the Attacker’s force
enters from their home edge at the beginning of the game. The remaining units enter from any edge
(other than the Defender’s home edge) anytime after turn five.
To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of the table below.
The Defender sets up all but one unit on the half of the battlefield closest to the Defender’s home edge.
The last unit enters the game from the Defender’s home edge at the beginning of turn seven.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Timing. Roll once on the General Weather Table 1: Light and apply the results to the battlefield.
+100 Sensor Interference. Use the Electromagnetic Interference rules
• Destroy! Destroy all of the Defender’s Heavy units. [400]
• Resist! At least half of the Attacker’s force must survive 10 turns of combat and be present at
the end of the track. [200]
• Forced Withdrawal. The Defender operates under Forced Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule is in effect if the Attacker completes at least one objective and half of
the Defender’s total force is destroyed or crippled.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Pursuit
Original Reference: Mission: Pursuit, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender’s home
edge is on the opposite side.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 25% of their total force. The opposition is 75% of the
player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of
the table below. Add a –2 modifier to the roll if the player successfully completed a Probe or Pushback
Mission immediately prior to this track. Add +1 to the roll if the player did not successfully complete a
Recon or Flank Mission immediately prior to this track.
The Attacker enters the battlefield from the Defender’s starting edge during the Movement Phase of
Turn 3.
The Defender enters the battlefield from their home edge at the start of the track.
Track Cost: 400
+100 Sinkholes: Roll 2D6 for the first Clear hex each ’Mech enters during a turn using Running MP. If
the result is 10+, a Sub-level 1 sinkhole opens beneath the unit. The controlling player makes a Piloting
Skill Roll with a +1 modifier to avoid a one-level fall. A successful Piloting Skill Roll allows the player
to continue their movement normally; a failed roll ends the unit’s movement. The hex should be
marked for future reference.
+100 Complicated Weather: Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
• Prevention. Prevent at least 75% of the opponent’s force from exiting through the opposite
edge through the end of Turn 15. [300]
• No quarter. Destroy/Cripple all of the opponent’s forces. [400]
• Force Withdrawal. The Attacker operates under Force Withdrawal rules.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Pushback
Original Reference: Mission: Pushback, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender chooses their home edge first. The Attacker’s home
edge is one of the two perpendicular sides.
The player chooses whether to be the Attacker or Defender and may use up to 100% of their total force.
The opposition is 125% of the player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition,
roll 1D6 on each column of table below.
The Attacker’s force is divided in half. Each half enters the battlefield at the start of the track from an
edge perpendicular to the Defender’s home edge. Both halves may not enter from the same edge.
The Defender sets up anywhere on the battlefield but must be at least 12 hexes away from its home
Track Cost: 400
+100 Cover. Fire The opponent has 6 rounds of artillery smoke land in Turn 1. Each round is treated as
a standard Artillery attack. The target hex and all adjacent hexes are filled with Light Smoke.
+150 Tangled Woods. All hexes with Light Woods are considered Heavy Woods, and all Heavy Woods
terrain is considered Ultra-Heavy Woods. If there are less than 8 Woods hexes on the battlefield, this
option cannot be selected.
• Gutted. Cripple/Destroy at least 75% of the opponent’s forces. [200]
• Crush. Destroy/Cripple 100% of the opponent’s force. [400]
• Cut off the head. Destroy/Cripple the enemy commander’s unit. [150]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the Attacker.
• Forced Withdrawal. Both sides operate under Forced Withdrawal rules.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Recon
Original Reference: Mission: Recon, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender may
choose any edge as their home edge.
The player is the Attacker, and may use up to 25% of their total force. To determine the opponent’s
force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of the table below.
The Attacker’s force enters from their home edge at the start of the track.
No more than 75% of the Defender’s force is set up anywhere on the battlefield. The remainder of the
Defender’s force is set up as Hidden Units.
Track Cost: 200
+50 Complicated Weather: Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
+50 Treacherous Terrain: Roll once on the General Terrain Table and apply the result to the
• Identify the opposition. Successfully scan at least half of the opponent’s force. [100]
• Preemptive strike. Destroy/Cripple at least 25% of the opponent’s force. [100]
• Escape! At least half of the player’s force must survive and exit their home edge after 8 turns.
• Forced Withdrawal. Both sides operate under Forced Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Preemptive strike objective is achieved.
• Scanning. Use the Scanning rules.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Recon-in-Force
Original Reference: Mission: Recon-in-Force, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender may
choose any edge as their home edge.
The player is the Attacker, and may use up to 50% of their total force. To determine the opponent’s
force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of the table below.
The Attacker’s force enters from their home edge at the start of the track.
No more than 50% of the Defender’s force is set up anywhere on the battlefield. The remainder of the
Defender’s force is set up as Hidden Units.
Track Cost: 300
+100 Complicated Weather. Roll once on the General Weather Table and apply the results to the
+100 Treacherous Terrain. Roll once on the General Terrain Table and apply the result to the
• Identify the opposition. Successfully scan at least half of the opponent’s force. [100]
• Strike. Destroy/Cripple at least 25% of the opponent’s force. [200]
• Escape! At least half of the player’s force must survive and exit their home edge after 8 turns.
• Forced Withdrawal. Both sides operate under Forced Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Preemptive strike objective is achieved.
• Scanning. Use the Scanning rules.
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the opponent.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Retreat
Original Reference: Mission: Retreat, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender’s home
edge is on the opposite side.
The player is the Defender and may use up to 75% of their total force. The opposition is 75% of the
player’s deployed force. To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of
the table below. Add a –2 modifier to the roll if the player successfully completed an Assault,
Beachhead, or Pushback Mission immediately prior to this track. Add +1 to the roll if the player did
not successfully complete a Stalwart or Probe Mission immediately prior to this track.
The Attacker enters the battlefield from the Defender’s starting edge during the Movement Phase of
Turn 2.
The Defender enters the battlefield from their home edge at the start of the track.
Track Cost: 300
+100 Wet Conditions. Roll once on the General Weather Table 3: Rain and apply the results to the
+200 Inspired Opponent. Increase the opponent’s Skill level by one (e.g., from Regular to Veteran,
etc.). This option cannot be used if the opponent is already Elite.
• Gauntlet. Exit at least half of the player’s force through the opponents home edge. [200]
• Hammer. Destroy/Cripple half of the opponent’s forces. [400]
• Identify Weakness. Successfully scan at least 25% of the opponent’s force. [100]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the opponent.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Hammer objective is achieved.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Stalwart
Original Reference: Mission: Stalwart, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Attacker chooses their home edge first. The Defender’s home
edge is on the opposite side.
The player is the Defender and may use up to 100% of their total force. To determine the opponent’s
force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of the table below. Add a +2 modifier to the roll if the
player did not successfully complete a Defend, (Forced) Withdrawal, Retreat, or Strike Mission
immediately prior to this track.
The Defender sets up anywhere on the battlefield. Up to 25% of the Attacker’s force is set up as
Hidden Units.
The Attacker enters the battlefield from any two edges at the start of the track.
Track Cost: 500
+200 Incoming. The opponent pre-designates 5 hexes for artillery fire. The opponent may call on a
total of 15 rounds of Long Tom artillery fire located 15 mapsheets behind the battlefield. Up to 3
rounds may be called on per turn.
+150 No Cover. Convert all Woods hexes to Level 1 Foliage. This option cannot be selected if the
majority of the battlefield is urban terrain.
• Crush. Destroy/Cripple 75% of the opponent’s force. [200]
• Obliterate. Destroy/Cripple 100% of the opponent’s forces. [400]
• Hold the line. At least 50% of the player’s force must survive the track. [100]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for both sides
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Hold the line objective is achieved.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
Mission: Strike
Original Reference: Mission: Strike, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender chooses their home edge first. The Attacker’s home
edge is on the opposite side.
The Defender will place/designate 4 Medium buildings (any height) near the center of the battlefield.
The player chooses whether to be the Attacker or Defender and may use up to 50% of their total force.
To determine the opponent’s force composition, roll 1D6 on each column of the table below. Apply a
+1 modifier to the roll if the player did not successfully complete a Beachhead, Pushback, or Supply
Mission immediately before this track. Apply a –2 modifier to the roll if the player successfully
completed a Probe, Recon, or Recon-in-Force Mission immediately before this track.
The Attacker enters half of their force from their home edge at the start of the track. The remainder of
the force enters from an edge perpendicular to the home edge during the Movement Phase of Turn
1D6+1; this result is rolled before the beginning of the track and is kept secret from the Defender.
The Defender places their entire force anywhere on the battlefield. At least 25% must be within 3 hexes
of the designated buildings. Secretly designate one of these buildings as headquarters before the start of
the track.
Track Cost: 200
+75 They’re Shooting Back. Each building is a Fortress equipped with a weapons turret. The turret is
equipped with a PPC and 2 Medium Lasers. The Gunnery Skill of the buildings is 5. This option can
only be chosen if the player is the Attacker.
+75 Inspired Opponent. Increase the Attacker’s Skill level by one (e.g., from Regular to Veteran,
etc.). This option can only be chosen if the player is the Defender.
• Identify and destroy. Locate (using Scanning) and destroy the headquarters building. This
objective only applies if the player is the Attacker. [200]
• Seek and destroy! Destroy/Cripple the Commander. This objective only applies if the player is
the Defender. [200]
• Rough up the place. Destroy/Cripple 50% of the opponent’s force. [400]
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for the Attacker.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule applies only if the Rough up the place objective is achieved.
Mission: Supply
Original Reference: Mission: Supply, Total Chaos
Game Setup
Use the Selecting Mapsheets rules. The Defender chooses their home edge first. The Attacker
then chooses two edges to enter from, designating one as their home edge. The Defender will
place/designate 6 Medium buildings (any height) near the center of the battlefield.
The player is the Attacker and may use up to 75% of their total force. The Attacker selects 75% of its
deployed force to enter from one of the two selected edges at the beginning of the game. The remaining
portion of the Attacker’s force enters from the other edge during the Movement Phase of Turn 6, as
long as one Attacking unit remains operational on the battlefield.
The Defender is a portion of the planetary defender’s force. To determine the Defender’s force
composition, roll 1D6 for each column on the table below. The Defender begins the track with all units
in the playing area. At least half of the Defender’s force must be within 6 hexes of the designated
buildings. Before the start of the track, the Defender secretly designates 2 of the 6 buildings as the
supply warehouses.
Track Cost: 200
+75 Timing: Roll once on the General Weather Table 1: Light and apply the results to the battlefield.
• Search objective. Determine which two buildings contain supplies [100]
• Resist! At least half of the Attacker’s force must survive 10 turns of combat and be present at
the end of the track. [100]
• Scratch the paint. Destroy/Cripple 25% of the Defender’s force. [100]
• Commander. Use the Commander rules for both sides
• Forced Withdrawal. Both sides operate under Forced Withdrawal rules.
• Salvage. The Salvage rule is in effect only if all three objectives are reached. Roll 1D6 for each
supply building and use the table below to determine the building’s content. Apply a -1 modifier
to the roll if the Attacker failed to complete a successful Recon or Recon-in-Force immediately
prior to this track.
• Scanning. Use the Scanning rules.
Chaos Campaign Mission Guide v1.1
1d6 SPs*
(0) 2
1 5
2 10
3 10
4 10
5 15
6 20
*Convert the total amount of WP achieved by the Player into SP and then determine the percentage
rolled. The player is awarded the result.