Junior Category

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Name and Department of the Staff (NGI) referred: ………………………………………


(Applicable for the Members of Faculty from Self-Financing Colleges only with 5 to 10 years
of experience and still in regular service)

1. Name (in Block Letters) :

2. Date of Birth :

Recent Photo
3. Designation :

4. College / Institution/University :

5. Department :

6. Discipline :

7. Area of Specialization :

8. a. Residential Address :

b. Address for Communication :

c. Mobile No. :

d. Email ID :

9. Qualification

% of
Name of Year of
Degree Major Specialization University Marks /
the College Passing
Rank if any
(with place)

Ph. D.

M. Phil.



10. Additional Qualification

S. No Course Major Specialization University Duration

1. PDF

2. P. G. /P. G. Diploma

3. Any Other

11. a) Professional Experience

S. No. Designation Years Department Name of the
From To

b) Teaching Experience as on 01.06.2023

Classes No. of Years
U. G. & P. G.

12.Research Guidance (in numbers)

M. Phil. Ongoing Completed

Ph.D. Ongoing Completed

13. Research Projects

Title of the Funding Amount Ongoing/

S. No Major/Minor Duration
Project Agency Sanctioned Completed

14. Visits Abroad

S. No Country Date of Visit Purpose

15. Research Papers Published (in numbers)

Refereed Journals ( SCI& UGC Approved)

with Impact Factor > 1
International National

Note: Science Citation Indexed / UGC Approved Journals only (Negative Marks for
Other Journals listed here)

16. Books Published

No. of Books ISBN/ISSN Copy Sole Co – In

Published Number Right Author Author Chapters

International Level

National Level

Others/ Local

17. In House Magazines/News/Journals

S. No Position Name of Magazines/News/Journals
From To

1 Editor

2 Member

18. Paper Presentation in Seminar/Conferences/Symposium/Workshop (in numbers)

State National Level International*

* Outside India only

19. Seminars/Events Organized (in numbers)

State National Level International*

* Outside India only

20. Role in

a. Co-curricular activities

b. Extracurricular activities

21.Awards/ Recognitions

22. Any other

Please Mention:

Are you a recipient of Best Faculty Award from NGI? If Yes, furnish the details of Discipline,
Category and the year.

Yes No

1. No documents are required to be attached with the application

2. Short listed candidates should attend the interview on 30.11.2024 at Nehru Arts and
Science College, Nehru Gardens, Thirumalayampalayam, Coimbatore – 641 105 with
the following:
i. A copy of the attested supporting documents
ii. All original Documents
iii. Two photographs
iv. Power point presentation (for 15 minutes)
Out state applicants shall attend the interview online / offline based on their preferences
3. The score of the presentation and interview will be added to the total merit of the
candidate as per the application,
4. Marks will be awarded on the basis of verification of original documents.
5. The candidates top in the presentation and interview shall be awarded on 15.12.2024
at a prestigious and solemn function at P K Das Auditorium.
6. Invitation will be sent to all the winners.
7. The completed applications should be submitted on or before 14.11.2024.

8. Those who have already received the NGI Best Faculty Award are not eligible to
apply for five years.


I hereby declare that the information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge.

Name :
Signature :
Date :


Certified that I have verified the facts furnished above and found to be true.
Forwarded for consideration

(Name and Signature)
Note: Certificates (Original and Copies to be brought for the Interview)

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