Degradation Effects On Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance - Part II: Steam Turbine Cycle Component Degradation Effects
Degradation Effects On Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance - Part II: Steam Turbine Cycle Component Degradation Effects
Degradation Effects On Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance - Part II: Steam Turbine Cycle Component Degradation Effects
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Pilidis
e-mail: [email protected] Department of Power Engineering and Propulsion, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK
Degradation Effects on Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance Part II: Steam Turbine Cycle Component Degradation Effects
This is the second paper exploring the effects of the degradation of different components on combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant performance. This paper investigates the effects of degraded steam path components of steam turbine (bottoming) cycle have on CCGT power plant performance. Areas looked at were, steam turbine fouling, steam turbine erosion, heat recovery steam generator degradation (scaling and/or ashes deposition), and condenser degradation. The effect of gas turbine back-pressure on plant performance due to HRSG degradation is also discussed. A general simulation FORTRAN code was developed for the purpose of this study. This program can calculate the CCGT plant design point performance, off-design plant performance, and plant deterioration performance. The results obtained are presented in a graphical form and discussed. DOI: 10.1115/1.1519272
It is the nature of power plants that they do not work at all times at their design point conditions. From the experience built up over the past years of operation of such plants it was observed that two main sources are available which offsets the plant from its design point conditions, these are 1. off-design due to normal conditions changes of ambient conditions and part load and 2. off-design due to abnormal conditions changes in uid path components conguration due to degradation. While the rst problem can be dealt with up to some extent, the second one is really hard to control and it is a function of many interrelated parameters. According to 1 and others, fouling of heat exchanger surfaces in power plants results in huge economical losses. Von Nostrand 2 estimated the total cost of fouling of heat transfer surfaces for petroleum rening in the non-Communist countries as high as $4.41 billion per year. Although it has been recognized since, a long time ago the effect of degradation of heat exchanges have on heat transfer, there seems little eld data or experimental research work found on this subject in the open literature, 1 and 3. It is well known that the efciency of the steam turbine bottoming cycle as a part of CCGT plant is primarily a function of GT efciency, 4, and HRSG efciency. Therefore, it is very important to see how degraded HRSG affects the steam turbine power plant performance, and hence CCGT plant performance. For the effects of gas turbine component degradation see 4. Therefore it is becoming of great importance to predict in advance the behavior of thermal plants as they get older and older so as plans can then be made in advance to avoid long shutdowns and hence a lot of economical losses. Also this prediction of plant behavior helps in pre-arranging maintenance plans. This paper describes how common faults affect CCGT plant performance. In this study, it is assumed that the gas turbine is
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute IGTI of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Paper presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, June 4 7, 2001; Paper 2001-GT-0389. Manuscript received by IGTI, December 2000, nal revision, March 2001. Associate Editor: R. Natole.
working at its original design point conditions, regardless of its lifetime. Then by applying a certain amount, as described below, of degradation to different components of the steam bottoming cycle the performance behavior of the plant accordingly could have been simulated. In this way the plants behavior can be monitored. This study is performed by way of simulation. The gas turbine degradation effects on a CCGT plant were investigated by using Turbomatch a FORTRAN code available at Craneld University, 4. To simulate the degradation effects of steam turbine bottoming cycle on the CCGT plant; a new FORTRAN code was developed. The obtained results are then discussed and compared with published data wherever possible.
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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a single pressure CCGT power plant Zwebek and Pilidis 4
inlet mass ow compressor pressure ratio1 turbine entry temperature exhaust mass ow exhaust temperature net power output thermal efciency
up to some extent, the process of investigating this problem. In the case of a steam turbine plant the degradation is affecting two surfaces of some components of the plant at the same time. In the case of the HRSG and the condenser heat exchangers two types of degradation are available, one is the outer tubes surface fouling and corrosion, and another is the innertubes surface scaling or erosion. This is, of course, in addition to the degradation of steam turbine unit. Even with the latest fuel treatment techniques, the exhaust gases from the gas turbine will contain some chemicals in a form of ying ash and soot which deposits on the outer heat transfer surfaces of the HRSG. Also, the impurities, however, water treatment techniques are used in circulating water deposits on the inner walls of the heat exchanger pipes. These then lead to a reduction in the heat exchanger performance effectiveness. The condenser will also behave in a similar way. The third cause that leads to steam cycle plant performance deterioration comes from the steam turbine unit degradation. In order to cover most types of degradation that might attack the bottoming cycle of the CCGT plant, it was assumed that each component might degrade separately. Then all components were assumed to degrade together. This helps to establish the nature of the faults and to assess if they are additive or not. The faults investigated were the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. economizer degradation, evaporator degradation, superheater degradation, steam turbine fouling, steam turbine erosion, ST isentropic efciency degradation, condenser degradation, combination of all faults mentioned above, and gas turbine back-pressure increase due to heat exchanger HRSG surfaces fouling.
Fault Representation
In order to investigate the effects of faults mentioned in the previous section on the steam turbine plant performance as a stand alone unit, and hence on the CCGT plant as a whole, these faults were fed into the program as a percent reduction of the original design point value. This is done as follows: i Heat Exchanger Degradation. The degradation of either of the heat exchangers economizer, evaporator, superheater, and condenser was simulated by assuming a percent reduction in the original DP value of the overall heat transfer coefcient of the heat exchanger in concern. JULY 2003, Vol. 125 659
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Table 1 Representation of component degradation Fault Gas turbine back-pressure Economizer degradation Evaporator degradation Superheater degradation Condenser degradation Steam turbine fouling Steam turbine erosion FOD Represented by GT Back-pressure rise Drop in U Drop in U Drop in U Drop in U Drop in Drop in T Rise in Drop in T Drop in T Range 0.0 ( 2.5%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 2.5%) 0.0 ( 5.0%) 0.0 ( 2.5%) 0.0 ( 5.0%)
case of HRSG degradation simulation, it was assumed that every 1.0% deterioration in all components economizer, evaporator, and superheater would result in an increase in the gas turbine back-pressure by 0.5% see Fig. 2. Throughout this work it was assumed that there was no equipment washing or any type of maintenance taken on the steam turbine cycle plant until the deterioration reached 5% from the original design point performance.
ii Steam Turbine Fouling. The steam turbine fouling is represented by a reduced ow capacity at the inlet of the turbine plus a reduction in turbine isentropic efciency. By doing so, it is assumed that there is a blockage in the inlet area of the turbine due to particles deposition accompanied by a decrease in its isentropic efciency due to surface roughness, for example. iii Steam Turbine Erosion. The steam turbine erosion is represented by increasing mass ow capacity at the turbine inlet and at the same a reduction in turbine isentropic efciency. The two previously mentioned phenomenon fouling and erosion are represented by changing the so-called nondimensional mass ow Eq. 1 of the component map. T i W constant. PA (1)
iv Component Efciency Degradation. This fault affects the steam turbine unit. It is modeled by reducing the units isentropic efciency of the appropriate map and keeping all other map parameters at their normal condition. In this case, it was assumed that the component isentropic efciency may decrease from its DP value due to any reason, such as blade tip rubs. v Gas Turbine Back Pressure. The increased backpressure at the gas turbine exhaust is represented as an increase in the GT exhaust outlet pressure. The above-mentioned faults are applied to different components of the plant in different values. Table 1 summarizes these faults and their ranges at which they were applied to each component.
Having established these DP conditions, the steam cycle was then analyzed in a degraded mode. The amount of degradation applied to each component was really a matter of assumption as there was no such documented work of the similar type in the open literature. Therefore, in the present work, when modeling steam turbine unit, it was assumed that every 1.0% deterioration in mass ow capacity fouling or erosion would result in a deterioration of 0.50% in steam turbine isentropic efciency. In the 660 Vol. 125, JULY 2003
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Fig. 6 Live steam pressure variation with steam turbine component deterioration
The GT efciency has a predominant effect on CCGT power plant efciency over steam cycle and HRSG efciencies. Figure 4 shows the variation of steam cycle Rankine efciency with different types of steam cycle component degradations. In general by comparing Figs. 3 and 4 it will be noticed that the ST cycle thermal efciency is more or less following the plants power, since efciency is a function of power output. As this gure also shows, while Rankine efciency is almost constant with condenser and economizer degradations, it showed a little decrease about 0.32%) with degraded superheater by 5.0%. The largest deterioration in Rankine efciency due to degradation of any of the three components of the HRSG was encountered with evaporator degradation. This was about 0.64% efciency deterioration with 5.0% degradation. As an individual fault, the steam turbine fouling by 5.0% gave about 2.5% reduction in steam cycle efciency. When added to this the degradation of other components, the increase in Rankine efciency deterioration was about 0.11%. A similar result was obtained in the case of steam turbine erosion simulation. Among all the faults investigated, the steam turbine isentropic efciency degradation gave the highest level in Rankine efciency deterioration. Sanders 6 stated that the degradation of state line efciency of 1.0% in each section of the steam turbine unit would
result in approximately 1.0% deterioration in cycle heat rate. Now, as it can be seen from Fig. 4, the steam cycle efciency thermal deterioration was approximately 5.6% with 5.0% degradation of steam turbine unit isentropic efciency degradation. This leads us to two conclusions: 1. The steam turbine isentropic efciency as a performance parameter has the highest effect on Rankine efciency. 2. The simulation results obtained from the developed code are in agreement with what the authors put their hands on in the open literature. This gives a sensible condant in the code developed at Craneld University, which is the source of simulation result of this paper. By looking at both Figs. 3 and 4 at the same time, it will be observed that the evaporator degradation was the most affecting fault on ST cycle deterioration. This is due to the fact that the evaporator is producing the largest duty, and hence the reection of its degradation on the cycle was the highest. Figures 6 and 7 shows how live steam pressure and temperature varies with different component degradation. As Fig. 6 shows the blockage of the steam turbine inlet due to fouling by 5.0% resulted in about 5.3% increase in live steam pressure at the ST turbine inlet. The combination of all other types of degradation
Fig. 7 Live steam temperature variation with steam turbine component deterioration
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with steam turbine fouling boosted the inlet pressure to about 6.4%. On the other hand, the steam turbine erosion by 5.0% resulted in about 5.1% reduction in live steam pressure. As far as live steam temperature concern, the control method during simulation was adjusted in such away that to keep the temperature at the steam turbine inlet not higher than the DP temperature. This is done due to the limitations of mechanical properties of the steam turbine blades. As Fig. 7 shows, the change in live steam temperature was not as high as the change in live steam pressure. The highest change in this case was with superheater degradation, which was 1.1% approximately with 5.0% degradation.
some cases of ST component degradation e.g., all components degrade plus ST erosion, still the effect of decreased ST efciency for the same fault see Fig. 4 has a higher effect on CCGT efciency. As Fig. 9 shows, the combined cycle efciency has fallen with all types of ST unit component degradations. The effect of any of the heat exchangers of the HRSG and condenser degradations on CCGT plant efciency, as can be seen from this gure, is almost negligible. One small exception can be made here where the evaporator degradation by 5.0% led to decrease the CCGT efciency by about 0.2%. The stack temperature by it self as a performance parameter is only a measure for the amount of heat extracted from the stream of the GT exhaust gas. It also helps in nding out how far is the HRSG efcient in converting the energy available in the GT exhaust gases to a useful energy. As Fig. 11 shows, the degradation of the combination of all components with ST fouling resulted in the highest increase in stack temperature.
As per this equation, given that the GT efciency is constant as mentioned above, any decrease in steam turbine efciency will give its effect directly on CCGT plant efciency. Even though, as Fig. 10 shows, there was an increase in HRSG efciency with
The obtained back-pressure simulation results are in agreement with was found in the open literature.
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The effect of HRSG and condenser degradations on steam cycle and hence on CCGT plants performance is very low compared to the steam turbine unit components degradation.
atm CCGT DP GT ST U atmospheric pressure combined cycle gas turbine plant design point gas turbine steam turbine nondimensional mass ow efciency heat transfer coefcient combined cycle gas turbine steam turbine heat recovery steam generator Inlet steam cycle
Subscripts CC GT ST HRSG i SC
The simulation results obtained from the developed code are in agreement with what the authors put their hands on in the open literature. This gives a sensible condant in the code developed at Craneld University, which was the main source of the results in this paper. Among the three components of HRSG, evaporator degradation is the utmost effecting fault on steam turbine cycle. The steam turbine isentropic efciency as a performance parameter has the uppermost effect on steam turbine cycle power and efciency.
1 Saunders, E. A. D., 1988, Heat Exchangers: Selection, Design and Construction, Longman Group UK Limited, London. 2 Von Nostrand, W. L., et al., 1981, Fouling of Heat Transfer Equipment, Hemisphere, Washington, DC. 3 Seikan Ishigia, 1999, Steam Power Engineering: Thermal and Hydraulic Design Principles, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 4 Zwebek, A. I., and Pilidis, P., 2001, Degradation Effects on Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance, Part 1: Gas Turbine Cycle Component Degradation Effects, ASME Paper No. 2001-GT-388. 5 Li, Kam W., Priddy, and A. Paul, 1985, Power Plant System Design, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 6 Sanders, P. William, 1986, Turbine Steam Path Performance, Turbomachinery International Publications: Monograph Series, Series No. S.1.
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