Book Vocabulary
Book Vocabulary
Book Vocabulary
Unit 1:
being made redundant: ser despedido
change of heart and burnt the lot: cambiar de opinión
fall into place: suceder, pasar
goes downhill: empeorar
something is on the cards: algo pasará seguro (está en las cartas)
the rest is history: el resto es historia
-Phrasal verbs:
break up: romper
catch up with: ponerse al día con
cheer sb up: animar a
come up with: inventarse
cut back on: reducir gastos en
end up: acabar
get in with: reunirse con
hang around: merodear o quedarse
help out: ayudar
jump at: saltar
pay off (debts): pagar deudas
run out: quedarse sin algo (of) o abandonar a (on)
settle in: instalarse
take on (staff): hacerse cargo de
track (somebody) down: buscar o rastrear a alguien
turn up: aparecer, presentarse en
-Use of english:
sustainers: pedal de guitarra
providers: proveedor
keepers: guarda, cuidador
promoters: promotor, patrocinador
background: fondo
location: localización
outlook: disposición
landscape: paisaje
vigour: vigor
weight: peso
energy: energía
stimulus: estímulo
shown up: aparecer
built up: desarrollar
put up: colgar
laid up: almacenar
barely: escasamente
merely: meramente
hardly: apenas
slightly: algo
suspect: sospechoso
realise: darse cuenta
endure: soportar
sense: sentido
set about: ponerse a
come about: suceder
go about: ir de un lugar a otro o ponerse a hacer algo/emprender
bring about: levantar, resaltar
Drilled by: emocionado por
-Word formation:
commercial: comercial
technological: tecnológico
creative: creativo
variable: variable
ambitious: ambicioso
luxurious: lujoso
monotonous: monótono
nutritious: nutricional
rebellious: rebelde
suspicious: sospechoso
doubtful: dudoso
eventful: ajetreado o lleno de incidentes
fruitful: fructífero
pitiful: lamentable
resourceful: resolutivo
thoughtful: considerado
countless: innumerables
faultless: impecable
helpless: indefenso
priceless: invaluable, incalculable
tactless: insensible
tasteless: sin gusto
predictable: predecible
alternative: alternativo
hopeful: esperanzado
philosophical: filosófico
experimental: experimental
speechless: sin palabras
noticeable: notable
flawless: perfecto
disposable: desechable
disastrous: desastroso
adventurous: aventurero
identifiable: identificable
massive: masivo
understandable: comprensible
framework: armazón
update/upturn: actualización
outfall: desagüe
outbreak: brote
windfall/ windbreak/windproof: dinero caído del cielo, pantalla, a prueba del viento
rainfall/rain proof: aguacero, a prueba de lluvia
creditworthy: solvente
downfall/downturn: ruina, recesión económica
antiquity: antiguëdad
dominant: dominante
customising/izing: fabricado
kinship: familia
apparently: aparentemente
underline: subrayar
Arguably: debatible
infinitely: infinitamente
Unit 2:
dreary: deprimente
staple of: lo esencial de?
enervating: enervante
stickiness: pegajosidad
row: racha
uncongenial: poco amistoso
brochure: folleto
rigging: armar, equipar o manipular
Frequent traveler: viajero frecuente
Independent traveler: viajero independiente
Seasoned traveler: viajero experimentado
Intrepid traveler: viajero intrépido
Weary traveler: viajero cansado
Discerning traveler: viajero exigente
An armchair traveler: viajero de sofá
Inveterate traveler: viajero inexperto
Unwary traveler: viajero incauto
-Have no:
I have no interest in + ing: no tengo ningún interés en
I have no regrets about: no tengo ningún remordimiento sobre
I have no recollection/memory of: no recuerdo nada de
I would have no hesitation in: no dudaría en
I have no alternative/choice/option but to stay: no tengo otra opción más que
I have no intention of ever going to: no tengo ninguna intención de
I have no time to look at: no tengo tiempo para
Get my goat: annoy
Get carried away: overexcited
How much did you fork out for your new shoes?: pay
The credit car is hefty: large
Be in a tight budget: limited
Let your imagination run wild: be unrestrained
I'm dead set on: determined to
His ideas are in line with mine: similar
Shoulder the burden: soportar la carga
Foot the bill: pagar la cuenta
faced the music: hacerse cargo
Toe the line: obedecer las reglas
Stomach/face the idea: soportar la idea
Elbow people aside: apartar a la gente a codazos
Unit 3:
-Phrase spot:
Jenny promised to live with Nigel through thick and thin: en las buenas y en las malas
When Joe was 18 he left home to find fame and fortune: fama y fortuna
It was touch and go whether we would get to the airport in time: situación precaria
First and foremost, we need to solve the budget problem and then we can move on to other
issues: en primer lugar
Time and again, we see this pattern of behaviour repeating itself: una y otra vez
There needs to be a bit of give and take in every relationship: dar y recibir
My brother James is the life and soul of any family party. alma de
My aunt treats her relatives really badly, considering they are her own flesh and blood: carne
y hueso
When the company closed down I was left high and dry without a job: dejar tirado a
Look at this letter - it's all there in black and white: meridianamente claro
·fairly means 'moderately'
·rather can be used before negative adjectives to mean 'moderately'; it can also be used before
positive adjectives to mean 'more than expected'
·quite has a variety of meanings, ranging from 'moderately' to 'totally', depending on the tone
of voice that is used. It means 'fairly' before a gradable adjective. These are adjectives which
can be modified, such as good, clever, helpful. Quite means 'completely' before an ungradable
adjective. Ungradable adjectives are those which can't be modified, such as fantastic, brilliant,
dreadful, etc.
-Word formation:
unpredictable: impredecible
undeniable: innegable
unconscious: inconsciente
insignificant: insignificante
irreplaceable: irreemplazable
inexhaustible: no exhaustivo
unassertive: poco asertivo
non-assertive: no asertivo
inconclusive: inconcluso
-Word formation:
was put in jeopardy: ponerse en riesgo
I was put at risk: ponerse en riesgo
friendship with Paula dates back: datar de
(any) responsibility for breaking I having broken: responsabilidad por romper
has finally come to terms with: aceptar algo
no expectation of/for an upturn were given: ninguna expectativa de una mejora se dio
Unit 4:
-Style extra:
she ate like a horse
like a snake swallowing a bird ... one leg coiled under her
She made a lowing sound between bites.
having a butter-coloured something:
consume + equivalent, quantity, time
devour+ books, news
relish + challenge, thought
swallow + pill, pride, news
savour + success, the moment, freedom, memories, words
-Exam spot:
in place
in transition
in vogue
be on a knife-edge
Fleshy - Carnoso
Sensuous - Sensorial
Chewy - Masticable
Watery - Acuoso
Tender - Tierno
Luscious - Exquisito
Fibrous - Fibroso
Sharp - Picante
Juicy - Jugoso
Bitter - Amargo
Sour - Agrio
Heavenly - Celestial
Exquisite - Exquisito
Appetising - Apetitoso
Sugary - Azucarado
Pulpy - Pulposo
Overripe - Pasado
Soft - Suave
Sweet - Dulce
The icing on the cake
Have a lot on your plate
Put all your eggs in one basket
Have bigger fish to fry
Sweeten the pill
Take something with a grain of salt
Spill the beans
Sell like hot cakes
Get eggs on your face
Eat humble pie
-Use of English:
Unit 5:
-Phrasal verbs:
To set out - Establecer
To take on - Asumir
To look into/to check out - Investigar/Verificar
To follow up - Hacer un seguimiento
To stand out - Destacar
To find out - Descubrir
To try out - Probar
To point out - Señalar
To put up with - Soportar
To back down - Retroceder
-Phrase spot:
By rights
as right as rain
in the right
right under their noses
the film rights
right on time
within your rights
makes all the right noises
the right way round
serve {Michelle) right
a burst of applause
a pane of glass
a stroke of luck
a grain of sand
a gust of wind
a speck of dust
a stream of abuse
a ray of sunshine
a source of amusement
an item of clothing/news
a rumble of thunder
a puff of smoke
a state of emergency
A huge rise in
Faced with
Consist of
Categorised by/into
In great awe
Glazed with
A response to
Observed in/at
Years of something
Proceed with caution
Make your way towards
-Abstract nouns:
Unit 6:
-Phrase spot:
take exception to
take notice
take place
take part
take the view
take account of
take issue
take advantage
taken by surprise
take second place
take into account/consideration
take for granted
take a stand
-Degrees of likelihood:
The chances are…
He’s bound to…
It’s a foregone conclusion
In all likelihood…
-Idiom spot:
Being someone of note - Ser alguien destacado
Being in tune with - Estar en sintonía con
It was going for a song - Se vendía a buen precio
She had a second string to her bow - Ella tenía un plan B
Settle the score with = get even with - Saldar cuentas con
Strike the right note - Dar en el clavo
Struck a chord - Resonó/Conectó emocionalmente
-Style extra:
Unit 7:
sense of colour: a feeling for how colours work together
magnum opus: major work (of art, here)
no leanings towards: without any interest in.
the perfect substitute: the ideal replacement.
serious setback: a problem that affects your ability to do something
ubiquitous invention: an invention that is in use everywhere
–Idiom spot:
Catch someone's eye means to be attractive or different enough to be noticed by people; there
is a related compound adjective: eye-catching. (Catch someone's eye also means 'get someone's
attention by looking at them'.)
Look someone in the eye/eyes means to look at someone in a direct way, without showing fear
or shame.
Have an eye for means to be good at noticing a particular type of thing.
See eye to eye (with} means that two people agree with each other.
Be in the public eye means to be famous and often featured in the media.
-Exam spot:
Essential: essence
Hither: hitherto
Predict: unpredictable
Intuition: intuitively
Stable: stability
Compare: incomparable
Influence: influential
Act: interaction
-Style extra:
A highly-regarded and ground-breaking film-maker
Best-known for their awe-inspiring poetry
The most significant political thinker of his generation
A leading innovator in her field of expertise
a hackneyed picture
-Exam spot:
EXPERIMENT: experimentation
LAND: landmark
INSPIRE: inspirational
DISMISS: dismissively
COUNT: countless
PERSUADE: persuasive
VALUE: devalues
PLACE: commonplace
Unit 8:
interrelationship - interrelación
metropolitan amenities - comodidades metropolitanas
good conduct - buena conducta
urban renewal - renovación urbana
prior to - antes de
avoidance - evitación
transport infrastructure - infraestructura de transporte
quick-thinking (politician) - político de pensamiento rápido
long-running (TV series) - serie de televisión de larga duración
short-sighted (policy) - política miope
well thought-through - bien meditado
well thought-out (argument) - argumento bien elaborado
far-sighted - previsivo
far-thinking (planner) - planificador de pensamiento a largo plazo
poorly-constructed (building) - edificio mal construido
poorly-fitting (cupboards) - armarios mal ajustados
poorly thought-through - mal meditado
poorly thought-out (plan) - plan mal elaborado
smashed-up (car) - coche destrozado
blown-down (trees) - árboles derribados
blown-out (windows) - ventanas estalladas
blown-up (buildings) - edificios destruidos
-Idiom spot:
burn a hole in your pocket - have money that you want to spend
burn the midnight oil -work late into the night
get your fingers burned/burnt - have something go wrong
fiddling while Rome burns - focusing on something trivial during a crisis
have money to burn - have lots of money
burn your bridges -take action which you cannot reverse
Fall into place - Caer en su lugar
Take place - Tener lugar
Being in place for x time - Estar en su lugar por x tiempo
All over the place - Por todas partes
Get awarded first place - Ser premiado con el primer lugar
Out of place - Fuera de lugar
Acronym - Acrónimo
Loosely-connected network - Red débilmente conectada
Public spaces - Espacios públicos
Education sector - Sector educativo
Public consultation - Consulta pública
Unit 9:
Dress-down - Vestimenta informal
Being stuck - Estar atascado
The outlay of something - El desembolso de algo
Steer clear - Mantenerse alejado
Being hooked on the idea - Estar enganchado a la idea
It raised some eyebrows - Levantó algunas cejas
It got up my nose - Me molestó / Me irritó
-Phrase spot:
Don't worry- he'll come round/over to our way of thinking, I'm sure of it.
We believed that the basic message of the TV programme came over quite well.
The pilots came out in sympathy with the cabin crew during the one-day strike last week.
Languages seem to come easily to Petra - she speaks at least five.
Nobody is going to come between me and my best friend.
Tickets for the concert are free and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
This chairman is good at making promises but he hardly ever comes up with the goods.
My essay is coming along quite nicely, now I've found out which resources to use.
Tony needs to come to terms with losing his job.
The sales team came in for a lot of criticism at the meeting yesterday
self-conscious: conscious of themselves
misheard: wrongly heard
counter-productive: going against something, not productive
pro-government: for something, in favour
overworked: too much of something
sub-zero: under/below
superhuman: more than - here it is more than human
anti-smoking: against something
pre-arranged: before - arranged before
outdo: to do more in the sense of competition here
undervalue: the idea that something isn't given its true worth
counter argument
All intents and purposes
Tell at a glance the difference between…
Needless to say
In our ideas of
Well into the 60s
Come as no surprise
That being said
There are occasions when…
Such has been…
-Phrase spot:
Introducing: First of all, Firstly, Secondly, At the same time,
Equation: Equally, Likewise, Similarly, In the same way,
Adding: Besides, Moreover, In addition, Additionally, Above all, Not only, ... but also
Summarising: Finally, In short/brief, In conclusion, To conclude,
Conceding: however even though although, on the other hand, then again
Result: therefore thus consequently so
-A morbid person: is one who is interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death.
-opinionated: someone who has a lot of excellent suggestions to make when there is a
-A pompous person: is one who is full of their own importance.
-Someone who is vivacious: is likely to get angry quickly.
-An acquisitive person: likes to buy lots of presents for their friends.
-A meticulous person: checks everything they do very carefully.
-A discriminating person: is racially prejudiced.
-A complacent person: is one who is easy-going and pleasant to be with.
-Someone who is unobtrusive: is shy and introverted.
-A manipulative person: likes making things by hand.
-Someone who is boastful: is inclined to tell everyone about their possessions and successes
Unit 10:
-Phrase spot:
Not to turn a hair - No inmutarse
To toss and turn - Dar vueltas en la cama
To take a turn for the better - Tomar un giro hacia lo mejor
To have a nice turn of phrase - Tener una bonita forma de expresarse
Not to know which way to turn - No saber a dónde ir
To turn as red as a beetroot - Ponerse rojo como un tomate
To take it in turns - Turnarse
A turn-up for the books - Un giro inesperado
The turn of the century - El cambio de siglo
red: carpet, wine
horse race/racehorse : carrera/caballo de carreras
sheep dog
tea bag
House: boat house/house boat/glasshouse
road sign
back seat
old woman
-Exam spot:
mean: meaningful
school: scholarly
literate: literary
obsessive: obsession
respond: response
concept: conceptions
satisfy: unsatisfactory
spectate: spectacle
Unit 11:
-Phrasal verbs:
Blurt out (a problem, a secret) - Soltar (un problema, un secreto)
Bottle up (a problem, emotions) - Reprimir (un problema, emociones)
Choke back (tears, emotions) - Contener (las lágrimas, las emociones)
Fend off (criticism, blows, accusations) - Defenderse de (críticas, golpes, acusaciones)
Keep up appearances - Mantener las apariencias
Shoot down (an argument, accusations) - Descartar (un argumento, acusaciones)
Sweep aside (an argument, accusations, criticism) - Descartar (un argumento, acusaciones,
Tease out (a problem, a secret) - Sacar a la luz (un problema, un secreto)
Tone down (criticism, accusations) - Suavizar (críticas, acusaciones)
Whip up (rage, emotions) - Provocar (ira, emociones)
-Idiom spot:
tying the knot - getting married
cast my net- look around for someone else
bolt from the blue - a total surprise
time on her hands - plenty of free time
calling the tune - in charge
carrying a torch for - in love with
rolled up her sleeves - behaved very practically
at death's door -very ill
giving me the cold shoulder- ignoring me
get a grip- take charge, get in control
Have your hands tied - Tener las manos atadas
Losing its grip - Perdiendo su control
Up my sleeves - Bajo la manga
Being clutching at straws - Aferrarse a un clavo ardiendo
Grasp the nettle - Enfrentar la situación
Get to grips with - Hacer frente a
Play right into someone’s hands - Jugar directamente en manos de alguien
Up for grabs - Disponible / A la venta
absolutely staggering
doubly disappointing
fairly laid-back
highly suspicious
remarkably accurate
slightly embarrassed
somewhat envious
utterly miserable
The adverbs deeply, fairly, immensely, rather, very go with A (gradable adjectives: angry
cheerful hurt irritable upset) and the adverbs absolutely, entirely, utterly go with B (ungradable
adjectives: awful broken-hearted impossible terrible wonderful). The three adverbs that can go
with both are pretty, quite, really but there are register restrictions.
Unit 12:
The floodwater was extracted by means of a pump
A trumpet is played by shutting off a series of valves
Julie's hair had been hastily lopped off with scissors
The splinter was finally pulled out with tweezers
The bike had been secured to the railings with padlock and chain
-Idiom spot:
The final nail in the coffin: something that has finally caused failure
To call a spade: to speak directly
To go down the tubes: to fail
A weak link in the chain: unreliable part of something, usually used of people
To blow a fuse: to lose your temper
With (no) strings attached: unconditional
To get your wires crossed: to misunderstand
To shoot your bolt: to fail
To get into gear: to start to deal with something effectively
To twist the knife: to deliberately make someone feel worse
-Phrase spot:
set the wheels in motion - do something to begin a process or put a plan into action
set the world on fire - to be very successful and attract a lot of attention.
aset the scene - describe a place or situation in which something is about to happen
set out your stall - to make all the necessary plans or arrangements that you need to achieve
something, and show that you are determined to achieve it
set your heart on - have a strong desire for or to do.
set the record straight - give the true version of events that have been reported incorrectly;
correct a misapprehension
set a dangerous precedent - to decide something that will be used as an example
set in stone - to be very difficult or impossible to change
set your sights on - have as an ambition; hope strongly to achieve or reach
set your teeth on edge - cause someone to feel intense discomfort or irritation (a harsh sound)
pull your weight - work as hard as other people in a group
pull your socks up - improve your behaviour or work
Pull the other one! - if you use this expression, it means you don't believe what someone has
just said to you. Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.
pull the strings - control people or an organisation
pull a fast one - trick someone
run rings round - beat or do better than someone
run the risk of- do something although something bad might happen because of it
run counter to - have the opposite effect to something else
run a tight ship- manage something efficiently
Deep-sea - De aguas profundas
Inter-continental - Intercontinental
Record-breaking - Récord
Easy-going - Desenfadado / Tranquilo
Long-standing - De larga data
Trouble-free - Sin problemas
Glass-bottomed - Con fondo de cristal
Wider-ranging - De mayor alcance
Half-day - Medio día
Meticulously-planned - Meticulosamente planificado
Unit 13:
fossil fuel
severe famine/shortages
pristine environment/ice cap
finite resources
greenhouse gases
water shortages/resources
climate change
solar energy
population density/change
melting ice cap
rising sea levels
life expectancy
-Useful language:
Linking points and arguments: as opposed to, in the sense that, for this reason
Making generalisations: on the whole, in general, for the most part, as a rule
Being specific: with respect to, in the case of, as regards, in terms of, with the exception of
Attitude: personally, unfortunately, obviously, evidently, presumably, naturally, fortunately
Quantity: a great deal of, to some/a large extent, a large number of
Unit 14:
-She harangued me for over an hour about the need to keep fit.
-Laura resolved to give up chocolate at New Year.
-I swear I won't use your bike again without asking first.
-'Can I scrounge £5 from you, do you think?'
-My sister really craved coal when she was pregnant.
-Jo was seething when his mobile was stolen.
-Don't yank the door open like that - you'll only break it.
-The boys unearthed some interesting old photos.
-Trevor flouted the rules of the gym and used the new equipment without permission.
-Phrase spot:
-James really lived it up when he was in Ibiza last summer.
-The neighbours are the original neighbours from hell, but short of moving, we have to learn
to live with them.
-The yoga class was brilliant- it lived up to our expectations.
-No one will let me live down my tennis skirt falling down.
-We lived through two revolutions while we were abroad but survived both.
-Tom lived on the streets from an early age, but lived by his wits.
-All the orders were given by word of mouth to avoid leaving written evidence which might
be later discovered. (by speaking only)
-The child lay face downwards in the sand and screamed. (on it s stomach)
-Man first set foot on the island in the nineteenth century. (landed)
-My mother took me aside and suggested we have a heart to heart about my new boyfriend. (a
good chat)
-They walked down the street hand in hand. (holding hands)
-Phil and I strolled arm in arm along the beach. (with arms linked)
-Traffic is nose to tail every morning on the road into the city centre. (bumper to bumper)
-Liz came face to face with Roger at the party. (met unexpectedly someone she didn't want to
-His family lived from hand to mouth while he was growing up because his father was
unemployed. (they were very poor)
-All our pottery is made by hand. (not by machine)
-The MP fought tooth and nail to get the bill through Parliament. (to fight very hard)
-I'm finding it increasingly difficult to see eye to eye with my boss. (to agree with)
Unit 15:
-It appears that the jury's still out on the question of the newspaper's survival.
-The spin-off from his success is a quantum leap in attendance and greater commitment all
-It only takes the slightest whiff of lower interest rates for the retail industry to get excited.
-We live in a solution-hungry time, where people are confused, busy, and anxious to latch on to
any quick fixes they can.
-The applicant who was chosen for the post had an excellent track record mindset in hedge
fund trading.
-The arrival of the so-called independent advisors was a mixed blessing for staff, who were
asked to produce fresh data almost overnight.
-Let's get a quick bite before the play starts: something quick to eat
-Life in the fast lane was proving even more hectic than Henry had imagined: the quickest
but most competitive route to success (original meaning: the outside overtaking lane of a
-Benson had a reputation for trying to make a quick buck: (earn) money fast
-Travellers in business or first class may use our fast track channel: the quickest line in airport
-With only a brisk nod in our direction, the man carried on with his presentation: a quick
move of the head in acknowledgement
-Both parties issued a swift denial, but most of the tabloids ran the story in any case: a public
announcement to say that something isn't true, given quickly to prevent media interest
-The team pride themselves on their rapid response, generally one to two days maximum
-After a quick catnap, he was ready to face the press. brief sleep, usually during daytime
-In spite of substantial investment, the company is still bleeding red ink and drastic action is
likely before the year end.
-Although we cannot report much that is positive, some encouraging green shoots are
starting to appear, particularly in certain export markets .
-Typically, blue chip companies have been in business for a long time and are dominant in
their particular markets.
-Sales volumes of white goods such as dishwashers and freezers are virtually static.
-It is thought that top executive James Eagleton received a golden hello of around $2 million
on joining the corporation.
Rumours that a white knight was about to step in proved unfounded and the company was
taken over within a matter of weeks.
for fear that
so as (not) to
in case
so that
in order (not) to
-Style extra:
used of men: bounder (old-fashioned), charmer (slightly derogatory), geek (informal), lout,
Neanderthal (informal and derogatory ), nerd, patriarch (formal), thug
used of women: bag (informal and offensive), bimbo (informal and offensive), duchess
(old-fashioned), vamp (old-fashioned)
used of both: actor, chairman, chav (informal and offensive), freshman, mate (informal),
partner, sibling, spouse (formal), whizz kid
used of men: chivalrous, effeminate
used of both: bullish, doting, laddish, lanky (but usually of men and boys), prickly, wimpy.
-Leadership qualities:
good humour
specialist knowledge
Be that as it may
By the same token
What is more
That said (contrastive)
(to avoid this) being the case
In much the same way
Notwithstanding that
Unit 16:
garrulous/ taciturn
- Greatly acclaimed though this novel is, I find it rather disappointing.
- As entertaining as the play is, it is lightweight in comparison with his earlier works.
- As well as being a writer, Romano was a painter.
- As Robert Frost said, 'A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom.'
- Gripping though the storyline of the novel undoubtedly is, its characters lack development.
- Much as I have tried to get into the book, it remains impenetrable.
Unit 17:
-Idiom spot:
-Metaphor 1:
bruised egos
contagious criticism
fatal dose of scepticism, flaw in the argument
feverish state of activity
healthy bank balance, criticism, dose of scepticism, turnout of voters
jaundiced criticism, sense of humour
sick sense of humour, bank balance
sore loser
-Metaphor 2:
bloom, flourish, mushroom, spring up — growth/plants
flow, ooze, ripple out, trickle — water/liquid
burn out, flare up, ignite, smoulder — fire
blow up, break, rage, sweep — bad weather/ storms
dazzle, light up, shine, sparkle — light
boil, bubble, simmer, stew — cooking
-Metaphor 3:
a crop of – un montón de
an epidemic of – una epidemia de
a flash of – un destello de
a glut of – un exceso de
an outbreak of – un brote de
a plague of – una plaga de
a storm of – una tormenta de
a surge of – un aluvión de
a wave of (violent protests) – una ola de
a whirlwind of (activity) – un torbellino de
life expectancy
stability in relationships
gender equality
political freedom
job security
civil disobedience
free speech
child labour
political regime
cut corners: save time, money or effort by not following the usual procedure
down and out: without hope and usually without a job or place to live
keep your head above water: struggle to survive, usually under pressure
feel the pinch: have less money than previously and suffer as a result
in the red: overdrawn at the bank
on a shoestring: with very little money
tighten your belt: economise
a rough ride: a time when you experience a lot of problems
Unit 18:
wield . . . power
raised the profile
enshrined in
promulgated by
under the auspices of
in limbo: caught between two stages of development
a rather faltering endeavor: relatively weak attempt
a loosening of the reins: a relaxing of the rules
a soft sideshow: a less important event
dealing a blow to: causing something or someone great difficulties
remit: brief or scope
-More vocabulary:
put something on the line: arriesgar algo por
set the record straight about: decir la verdad sobre
raise any objection(s) to my/me: poner objeciones a
Unit 19:
gullible – crédulo
cynical – cínico
sensitive – sensible
nosy – entrometido
upright – recto, íntegro
pushy – agresivo, insistente
sceptical – escéptico
derisive – burlón, sarcástico
scornful – desdeñoso, despectivo
sensible – sensato
curious – curioso
immature – inmaduro
eccentric – excéntrico
pragmatic – pragmático
resourceful – ingenioso, hábil
tactful – diplomático, delicado
diplomatic – diplomático
ingenuous – ingenuo
credulous – crédulo
apathetic – apático
susceptible – susceptible
inquisitive – inquisitivo, curioso
irresponsible – irresponsable
persistent – persistente
ingenious – ingenioso
impulsive – impulsivo
simple – simple
trusting – confiado
contemptuous – despreciativo
suggestible – sugestionable
humble – humilde
disrespectful – irrespetuoso
assertive – asertivo
inventive – inventivo
discreet – discreto
creak - wooden floors
tinkle - a bell; broken glass
squelch - mud
rumble - thunder, train on track
crunch - gravel or crisp snow when walked on
slash - an angry person cutting cloth viciously with a knife
slap - waves on the beach, hand against face
slam - a door
click - door lock
hiss - steam, a snake
growl - angry dog, people
screech - parrot, brakes
drip-a tap
peal - bells, laughter
slither - snake moving smoothly
Talk of the devil! - ¡Hablando del diablo!
To have a guardian angel - Tener un ángel de la guarda
It's a small world - Es un mundo pequeño
To have second sight - Tener segunda vista
Female intuition - Intuición femenina
A feeling of deja vu - Una sensación de déjà vu
A sixth sense - Un sexto sentido
Unit 20:
Slapstick - Comedia de slapstick
Political satire - Sátira política
Stand-up - Comedia de stand-up
Farce - Farsa
Black comedy - Comedia negra
-Phrasal verbs:
be spent on = go on
ebb= go out
fetch = go for
enter (a competition) = go in for
become ill with = go down with
explode = go off
match = go with
go sour = go off
examine= go over/through
manage without = go without
In lieu of - En lugar de
Ad infinitum - Hasta el infinito
Ad nauseam - Hasta el cansancio
Par excellence - Por excelencia
Quid pro quo - Una cosa por otra
Faux pas - Paso en falso
Prima facie - A primera vista
Niche - Nicho
Risqué - Arriesgado (o sugestivo)
Protege - Protegido (en el sentido de persona que recibe protección)
Fracas - Fracaso
Cul-de-sac - Callejón sin salida
Clique - Grupo (o grupo cerrado)
Nom de plume - Seudónimo
Bête noire - Bestia negra (algo que se odia o teme)
Tête à tête - Cara a cara
Hoi polloi - La gente común
Coup de grâce - Golpe de gracia
Adventure - Aventura
Exhilarating - Emocionante
Expansion - Expansión
Far-flung - Lejano
Historic - Histórico
Likelihood - Probabilidad
Multiplicity - Multiplicidad
Unknown - Desconocido
Venture - Aventura (o empresa arriesgada)
Emissions - Emisiones
Expansion - Expansión
Global warming - Calentamiento global
Impinge - Afectar (o impactar)
Intolerable - Intolerable
Judicious - Juicioso
Multiplicity - Multiplicidad
Perspective - Perspectiva
Tendency - Tendencia
Trend - Tendencia
Wipe out - Aniquilar (o eliminar por completo)
Birthrate - Tasa de natalidad
Bread-winner - Sustentador (o proveedor)
Code - Código
Domesticity - Domesticidad
Historic - Histórico
Intolerable - Intolerable
Likelihood - Probabilidad
Morals - Morales
Patriarch - Patriarca
Rules - Reglas
Stress - Estrés
Trend - Tendencia
Unemployment - Desempleo
Code - Código
Denouement - Desenlace
Exhilarating - Emocionante
Judicious - Juicioso
Morals - Morales
Perspective - Perspectiva
Plot - Trama
Rules - Reglas
Tendency - Tendencia
Trend - Tendencia
Unmistakable - Inconfundible
Use of English:
1. Preposiciones
In – en
On – sobre / en
At – en
For – para
Of – de
By – por
With – con
To – a / hacia
About – sobre
Over – sobre / por encima de
Under – debajo de
From – desde
2. Conjunciones
And – y
But – pero
Or – o
Although – aunque
While – mientras
Since – ya que / desde
As – como / mientras / ya que
Because – porque
If – si
Unless – a menos que
Whereas – mientras que
Even though – aunque
3. Pronombres y determinantes
It – lo / eso
This – esto
That – eso / que
Those – aquellos
Which – el/la cual
Who – quién / que
Whom – a quién
Whose – cuyo/a
What – qué
Each – cada
One – uno/a
Another – otro/a
Both – ambos
Either – cualquiera de los dos
4. Modales y auxiliares
Can – poder
Could – podría
May – puede que
Might – podría
Must – deber
Shall – debe / debería
Should – debería
Will – será / hará
Would – haría
Have (como auxiliar) – haber
Do (como auxiliar) – hacer
8. Collocations comunes
Take place – tener lugar
Make sure – asegurarse
Give advice – dar consejo
Pay attention – prestar atención
Take advantage of – aprovecharse de
Come into effect – entrar en vigor
Make a decision – tomar una decisión