gang: grupo ilegal (banda) (he went to jail because he was part of a gang
bargain: choio (I bought a car for 100 euros, that was a bargain)
camp: a place from military reasons or education (Before I went to war I have to spend 2 years in a
military camp)
field: campo natural, terreno (I have my cows in a field in the mountain) o un campo de estudio.
journey: viaje
day’s work: jornada laboral
firefighter: bombero
bomber: plane that throws bombs (bombardero)
bizarre: extraño
brave: bizarro, valiente
choke: atragantarse
collide: chocarse
cafeteria: canteen, place where you can eat food and it’s self-service
coffee shop-cafe: cafeteria normal, starbucks
spade: pala
sword: espada
crude: ofensivo, comentario poco refinado. Ex: She had a very crude behavior
raw: crudo, raw meat (refering to food)
lenses: lentillas
lentils: lentejas
disappointing: decepcionante
deceptive: engañoso
shake: agitar
agitate: poner nervioso, mover algún sentimiento o sensación para algún tipo de finalidad. Ex. His
speech will agitate the population
grape: uva
staple: grapa
envy: envidiar
send: enviar
gracious: cortes, polite, amable. Ex: She was very gracious when he met my mother
funny: gracioso
salty: salado
savoury: no azucarado
signature: firma
subject: asignatura del cole
In order to + infinitive
- To→ less formal
- In order to →more formal
- In order not to → negativo. We hurried in order not to be late
So as to
- So as to + infinitive
- I turn my email off for several hours a day so as to be able to concentrate.
-The negative is so as not to : I always keep my phone switched on so as not to miss a call.
To keep you on your toes → to be ready for action, alert
A shot in the arm → Makes something much better (Iria genial)
In over your head → Abrumado de tanto que tienes que hacer de alguna cosa.
I’m up to my eyeballs → estoy hasta las cejas del trabajo
Keep your chin up → poner buena cara, buena actitud
Makes my blood oil → Me hierve la sangre (negativo)
Let your hair down →Relax, alocarse, desmelenarse, soltarse
Be a big weight off your shoulders → quitarse un peso de encima
Getting cold feet → scared, ponerte nervioso, repensarlo porque estás dudoso
Get some things off my chest→ desahogarse
Is a pain in the neck → Un fastidio
Overwhelming → que te abruma
When the going gets tough→Cuando las cosas se ponen feas
Beforehand → hacerlo de antemano, antes de que pase.
unarguably → indiscutible
Light - hearted → not very deep, not very serious
Defuse → Deactivate, calmar, desactivar
Lighten up → Relax, take things calmly
To be up to your eyeballs → Estar hasta el cuello / Estar hasta las cejas (significa estar muy ocupado
o tener mucho trabajo)
To keep your chin up → Mantener el ánimo / Mantener la cabeza alta (significa mantener una
actitud positiva a pesar de las dificultades)
To make your blood boil → Hacer hervir la sangre / Hacer que te enojes mucho (significa enfadarse
To get cold feet → Echarse atrás / Achantarse (significa perder el valor o la determinación justo
antes de hacer algo)
To let your hair down → Soltarse el pelo / Relajarse completamente (significa relajarse y disfrutar sin
To get something off your chest → Sacarse algo de encima / Desahogarse (significa hablar sobre algo
que te preocupaba o te incomodaba)
To be a pain in the neck → Ser un fastidio / Ser una molestia (significa ser algo molesto o irritante)
To be a weight off your shoulders → Ser un peso menos / Sentir alivio (significa sentirse liberado o
aliviado después de resolver un problema o preocupación)
Empowering → makes you feel you can succeed at sth by yourself
Thrilling → makes you feel very excited, algo muy emocionante
Devastating →makes you feel everything is ruined and hopeless
Reassuring → helps you to feel everything is OK (algo que me recomforta). Children calm down in
the reassuring parent's arms.
Off-putting → Stops you wanting to do something (te quita las ganas)
Touching → makes you feel sad or sentimental
Puzzling → makes you feel confused
To live on → just a few dollars a day. (Vivir con lo que sea). I live on very little every month.
To live through→ difficult times (pasar por tiempos dificiles). People that had lived on war times had
had to live through difficult situations.
To live for → the weekend (vistas puestas para el futuro)
To live with→ my decision (con lo que he decidido)
To live down → the shame of coming last
To live up to → everyone’s expectations
Unit 10
Checkups → revisiones
Good judgment → making the best decision rather than relying on your own opinion
Ultimately → en última instancia
to pose a threat → suponer un riesgo
reduce/ increases the odds → la probabilidad
there is a one in 11,5 million chances of ….→ Poca probabilidad
increase the likelihood → incrementar la posibilidad
the chances are high → Las posibilidades son altas
run the risk → corren el riesgo
Reduce the odds → Reducir las probabilidades / Disminuir las posibilidades (significa
disminuir la probabilidad de que algo suceda)
A one in a million → Una entre un millón / Muy improbable (significa algo extremadamente
raro o poco común)
Poses → Presenta / Supone (forma verbal que indica que algo implica o conlleva ciertas
características o riesgos)
Chances of recovering → Probabilidades de recuperación / Posibilidades de mejorar (se
refiere a las probabilidades o posibilidades de recuperarse o mejorar en una situación)
Run the risk → Correr el riesgo / Arriesgarse (significa estar dispuesto a enfrentar un peligro
o consecuencia negativa)
Increase the likelihood → Aumentar la probabilidad / Incrementar las posibilidades (significa
hacer que algo sea más probable o tener una mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia)
undertake → to make an effort when sth is difficult
to extricate yourself → to get out of a difficult situation
overtake → adelantar
trustworthy → persona de confianza
eye-catching →people are gonna notice
banish → prohibir
seek out → look for
secure → security
available → availability
generous → generosity
clear → clarity
anonymous → anonymity
hospitable →hospitality
authentic → authenticity
necessary → necessity
simple → simplicity
face facts → be realistic
two - faced → be hypocritical
to put a brave face on it → show you’re not affected by a setback
face the music → accept punishment or criticism (the consequences)
slap in the face → an insult
pulled a short →make a sad expression
Unit 11
shelter → cobijo, where you can have some protections
wanderer → persona que deambula
vows → tus principios, votos
overlooks → pasar por alto
oversees → supervisar
to see eye to eye → to fully agree
As far as I can see →Tal y como yo veo
Let’s see what happens →A ver que pasa
look and see → mirar y encontrar
to look him in the eye → speak honestly
i’m on the lookout → estoy en la búsqueda de
look into → investigar, averiguar
I’m gonna see about → Voy a ver
look up to → admirar
a feature article: a piece that deals with a topic or person in depth
an editorial: an article that expresses the opinion of the publisher
an advertisement: a notice or display designed to sell something
an advertorial: a piece that looks like a regular article but is actually designed to sell something
Word-of-mouth → cuando a alguien le gusta algo y lo va diciendo oralmente y así ese sitio consigue
buenas valoraciones.
Parties → un grupo de gente
Trade fairs → Una convención
Roadshows → espectáculo itinerante (que se mueve de un sitio al otro)
Impressive → striking
Fashionable → cool
Original and attractive→ innovative
Tiny → almost non-existent
Expensive → pricey
To look into → to investigate
To see eye to eye → to agree
To be on the lookout for → to be waiting to find/do/get
To see about →attend to / deal with
To look up to → to admire
To oversee → to supervise
shortcut → atasco
deadline → límite
workspace → zona de trabajo
shortlist → finalista
crossroads → cruce de caminos
notebook → libreta
self esteem → autoestima
shareholder → accionistas
database → base de datos
Subordinate clauses:
- Time: After, as, as soon as, before, by the time, every time (that), once, since, the
first/last/next time (that), until, when, whenever, while
- Contrast: Although, even though, in spite of the fact that, regardless of the fact that, though,
whereas (mientras que), while
- Precaution or provision: in case, in the event that (si se diera esta situación)
- Condition: as long as, assuming (that), if, providing/provided (that), unless.
- Cause / Reason: as, because, considering (that), given (that), in view of the fact that, since,
in light of the fact that (viendo que esto es asi…)
- Referring to other ideas, situations or information: as far as … (is concerned), as regards.
Unit 7