War Zone Survival
War Zone Survival
War Zone Survival
War Zon es ......................2
War Zon e Su r vival
Th e Use Of Gu ides ........3
Tr oop M ovem en t s ........3
War Zon e Fin an ce ........4
Su icide Bom ber s ..........5
Ar t iller y ........................5
M in ef ields ....................6
Dog Evasion .................6
Civil Disor der ...............8
Wh at ?s Goin g On ..........9
New Wor ld Lin k s ........12
Upcom in g Even t s .......12
I never wanted to write this issue and I?m saddened that I
M em es of Th e M on t h 13 have to now.
A Fin al Th ou gh t ..........14 I don?t know that war will come to any of my subscribers,
and I still think that all of us or nearly all of us will avoid
it, but it?s time for me to put this in your hands. The
overlords of the West are pushing toward war and don?t
seem to feel any concern about it. They are convinced
that their partners in manipulation (TV networks, social
media, intelligence agencies) will see them past any
backlash, even in the face of massive death and
The overlords of the East are no saints either, of course,
but they?re not driving this nearly as hard. Hopefully all
parties decide that war is not actually in their interest,
and this exercise will prove to be unnecessary.
And yet, here we are.
The information in this issue came to me from my friend
Ric Cattell. These are, essentially, his notes. Ric was a
long-time operator with a much-awarded career in the
British military, international security, The second item on this list, preserving
and in related operations. He knew all sanity, is no small concern. The human
the methods, all the principles they were psyche does not take well to war zones.
based upon, and all the right attitudes All of us have a breaking point
for proper implementation. somewhere, and a war zone may test
yours. Expect an all-senses overload of
In other words, these are the notes of a horror. You?ll probably numb-out at
man who garnered them over many some point, which is a problem, since it
years, and from actual experience. can also induce you to let down your
Please keep a copy of this issue as vigilance. You must never do that until
insurance for yourself, your family and you are away from the danger and
for friends. And feel free to distribute it confirmed safe.
to anyone finding themselves in or near
Your responses to a battle situation
an actual war zone. Thanks.
should include the following:
War Zon es - If in a group, remain as a single
Be clear on this: A war zone is confusion, - Identify tasks that must be
noise, smoke, artillery fire, indiscriminate performed.
gunfire and disorientation. These are
continually unstable situations (properly - Identify the degree of risk to which
termed fluid), changing from one you are exposed.
moment to the next. - Define who or what presents that
The unpredictability and extreme fluidity risk.
of a battle situation leads many people - Determine the degree of
to an instinctive conclusion that fate is in competency of that threat.
control of their lives. This can be - Identify possible tactics.
something of a useful illusion when it
keeps you from being paralyzed by - Identify all possible resources.
terror, but it is also very dangerous, as it - Plan continually. Continually ask
can lead to complacency. You must act. yourself, ?What if??
The situation may be laden with pure
chance, but it is not controlled by fate. Again, you must apply all of the lessons
in this issue, and more in this situation
While you cannot guarantee where the than in any other. Remember these
next shell or bullet may travel, you things:
certainly can, and must, get yourself
away from the most dangerous areas - Each individual is responsible for
with the highest likelihood of injury. his or her own security.
- Security measures must be
Your aim is to:
commensurate to the threat.
- Prevent loss of life. - Awareness is the cornerstone of
- Preserve sanity. good personal security.
- Promote security and safety. - Be aware, be suspicious, avoid
- Prolong your survival. routines, be methodical, use
initiative, use common sense,
- Preclude and preempt. You must maintain good communications.
engage in a continual self-dialog of
?What if, what if, what if??
Wh at 's Goin g On
Novem ber , 2024
Over view : The Western overlords are facing a full spectrum of challenges and crises,
and are not resolving them. Legitimacy is draining steadily away from them, and this
before the worst of their offences have been exposed in the light of day. Interesting
M em es of Th e M on t h
A Fin al Th ou gh t
Whatever self-protection skills you have, please practice them. You don?t have to
reach the level of a professional competitor, but you will need muscle memory to
execute your skills. Because when stress comes, implementation becomes much
harder; you?ll lose fine muscle control, among other things. And so you should expect
it. You?ll work through it over time, but don?t be dejected by your initial
An American martial artist named Peyton Quinn made a career of teaching people to
deal with adrenal stress reactions. And unfortunately, you need experince to learn
that. That kind of toughening-up isn?t good for us, but in a war zone there?s no real
So, expect personal difficulty over your first several days in a war zone. The graph
below shows how new soldiers did on actual battlefields.
And may God help any of us who find ourselves in such times and places.