War Zone Survival

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ISSUE #42 Novem ber 2024

War Zon es ......................2
War Zon e Su r vival
Th e Use Of Gu ides ........3
Tr oop M ovem en t s ........3
War Zon e Fin an ce ........4
Su icide Bom ber s ..........5
Ar t iller y ........................5
M in ef ields ....................6
Dog Evasion .................6
Civil Disor der ...............8
Wh at ?s Goin g On ..........9
New Wor ld Lin k s ........12
Upcom in g Even t s .......12
I never wanted to write this issue and I?m saddened that I
M em es of Th e M on t h 13 have to now.

A Fin al Th ou gh t ..........14 I don?t know that war will come to any of my subscribers,
and I still think that all of us or nearly all of us will avoid
it, but it?s time for me to put this in your hands. The
overlords of the West are pushing toward war and don?t
seem to feel any concern about it. They are convinced
that their partners in manipulation (TV networks, social
media, intelligence agencies) will see them past any
backlash, even in the face of massive death and
The overlords of the East are no saints either, of course,
but they?re not driving this nearly as hard. Hopefully all
parties decide that war is not actually in their interest,
and this exercise will prove to be unnecessary.
And yet, here we are.
The information in this issue came to me from my friend
Ric Cattell. These are, essentially, his notes. Ric was a
long-time operator with a much-awarded career in the

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War Zone Survival, continued...

British military, international security, The second item on this list, preserving
and in related operations. He knew all sanity, is no small concern. The human
the methods, all the principles they were psyche does not take well to war zones.
based upon, and all the right attitudes All of us have a breaking point
for proper implementation. somewhere, and a war zone may test
yours. Expect an all-senses overload of
In other words, these are the notes of a horror. You?ll probably numb-out at
man who garnered them over many some point, which is a problem, since it
years, and from actual experience. can also induce you to let down your
Please keep a copy of this issue as vigilance. You must never do that until
insurance for yourself, your family and you are away from the danger and
for friends. And feel free to distribute it confirmed safe.
to anyone finding themselves in or near
Your responses to a battle situation
an actual war zone. Thanks.
should include the following:
War Zon es - If in a group, remain as a single
Be clear on this: A war zone is confusion, - Identify tasks that must be
noise, smoke, artillery fire, indiscriminate performed.
gunfire and disorientation. These are
continually unstable situations (properly - Identify the degree of risk to which
termed fluid), changing from one you are exposed.
moment to the next. - Define who or what presents that
The unpredictability and extreme fluidity risk.
of a battle situation leads many people - Determine the degree of
to an instinctive conclusion that fate is in competency of that threat.
control of their lives. This can be - Identify possible tactics.
something of a useful illusion when it
keeps you from being paralyzed by - Identify all possible resources.
terror, but it is also very dangerous, as it - Plan continually. Continually ask
can lead to complacency. You must act. yourself, ?What if??
The situation may be laden with pure
chance, but it is not controlled by fate. Again, you must apply all of the lessons
in this issue, and more in this situation
While you cannot guarantee where the than in any other. Remember these
next shell or bullet may travel, you things:
certainly can, and must, get yourself
away from the most dangerous areas - Each individual is responsible for
with the highest likelihood of injury. his or her own security.
- Security measures must be
Your aim is to:
commensurate to the threat.
- Prevent loss of life. - Awareness is the cornerstone of
- Preserve sanity. good personal security.
- Promote security and safety. - Be aware, be suspicious, avoid
- Prolong your survival. routines, be methodical, use
initiative, use common sense,
- Preclude and preempt. You must maintain good communications.
engage in a continual self-dialog of
?What if, what if, what if??

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War Zone Survival, continued...

Search your vehicles and select your - To act as an agent provocateur.
routes carefully, not by convenience at If you are to hire any guide, remember
first glance. Consider the following: the following:
- Roads in and out: Are they of - Trust is vital. A dishonest or
strategic importance? incompetent guide can get you
- Alternate routes. killed in a hurry. Don?t trust
- Daily weather conditions affecting profligately.
the route. - Be careful and aware with guides
- Refugee, military, farm, local and give them only the
movement affecting your route. information they need to know.
- Personal and group survival gear. - Exhaust the ?what if ? syndrome
completely, as well as risk
- Body armor. assessment.
- Refueling in safe locations. - Do not let a guide leave you in an
If You M ak e Con t act isolated area.
Your goal is to stay away from places - You will have surveillance drones
where soldiers are active. But if you on you.
come upon them anyway, act according - Look for the following: vehicles
to the following: with occupants, empty vans,
- You may drive through if the way is patrols, couples on motorbikes,
seen to be clear, but it is preferred combinations of men, woman and
to reverse out and find a different children, mothers with strollers,
route. repair crews, phone calls to your
hotel, being followed in any way.
- If warning shots are fired, stop and
show identification documents. Tr oop M ovem en t s
State your reason for being there. In order to stay away from the most
Do not comment on the situation. dangerous areas, you need to know how
- Attend to all wounded individuals and where the fighting will take place.
in a safe area. Do not stop in a Here are the basic stages of how
danger zone. occupying forces seal an area:
Th e Use Of Gu ides 1. Armored and mechanized troops
encircle the city.
The use of guides is attractive for
obvious reasons: They have local 2. They close the main arterial roads.
knowledge, they know the terrain, and 3. Raiding groups attack in the direction
they know the people. More importantly, of the city center. Their goals are to
they know military locations and occupy important points, split the
movements. opposition and to isolate the opposition.
The first thing to ascertain is why this 4. Infantry troops will comb various city
person is willing to act as a guide. The blocks and buildings systematically.
usual reasons are as follow:
5. Reserves will be kept ready outside the
- Financial gain. town.
- Patriotism.
- Wish to be on winning side.

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War Zone Survival, continued...

6. Coordination will be facilitated by them. Hiding your wealth is always good
radio, helicopters, drones and/or planes. advice, but in a real crisis it may prevent
7. The aim is to seal the area by your death.
organizing an outer perimeter, then an When blood is running in the streets,
inner perimeter. most forms of currency will be worthless.
8. Mopping up units will be infantry and As we say, dollars and euros may have
troops in armored personnel carriers some value, but gold is most widely
(APCs), their aim being to remove accepted. However, there are two issues
pockets of resistance. with gold:
1. It must be trusted.
Com m u n icat ion
2. Do not expect anyone to make change
In any war zone, communication for you.
between you and other members of your
party or associates is critical. You should The issue of trust is solved by using gold
hold rigidly to the following guidelines: coins from major producers.
Kruggerands are excellent, as are Maple
- Make contact with your base every Leafs, American Eagles and other
two hours. trustworthy mints. Ingots are viewed
- Missing one call may be judged with suspicion by people who are not
acceptable. Missing two calls is familiar with them. They may be
taken as evidence that something accepted, but not as easily as coins.
is amiss. Diamonds are of value, but only to
- Check in with your base first thing someone who is familiar with them and
in the morning and last thing at who has access to a secondary market
night. for them. This is not especially likely in a
crisis situation.
- Adhere to all of the above rigidly.
The use of trusted coins is precisely
Your ?base? is defined as your contact where the problem of making change
point to safety and to the outside world. arises. The coins mentioned above are all
War Zon e Fin an ce one ounce coins worth about two
thousand dollars each. You do not want
Money is used almost everywhere on to use one for a single meal, but this is
this planet to trade for the necessary exactly what you will do in an emergency
items of survival. So, being able to use if you have nothing else to spend. 1/10th
money is an especially critical issue in ounce gold coins are available, and
danger zones. And it becomes more having them with you may be a good
difficult in these cases since the value of idea. Not being able to get change back
various currencies may swing wildly or from a coin worth two hundred dollars is
may not be accepted at all. In almost a relatively small issue. Not getting
every case gold is accepted. Dollars and change back from a two thousand dollar
euros have wide acceptance also. coin is another matter. Silver coins are
In crisis situations, handling money also valuable for this use. Again, use
changes. First of all, you do not want trusted mints and you should be fine.
desperate people to know that you have Barter is usually effective, but it requires
money. Hunger, especially, does terrible you to carry a trading inventory. This is
things to people. A starving person, not desirable in a fluid situation where
though normally civilized, will kill you if you need to move quickly and
they think it might lead to a meal for

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War Zone Survival, continued...

unobtrusively. Concentrated, portable, If you do encounter a suicide bomber,
concealable wealth such as currency or your actions should be the obvious ones -
gold coin is better. exit the area, take cover and survive. It
comes back to awareness and exhausting
Deeds to houses are sometimes of value ?what if ? scenarios. Be aware and don?t
in a war zone, but only to people who get caught in that position.
plan on remaining in that jurisdiction.
Bitcoin and stablecoins are increasingly
Ar t iller y
usable; they are additionally very easy to When in a war zone, you need to know
conceal. Their use presumes that an where you are most at risk and what your
Internet connection is possible, of course, vulnerabilities are.
but that is also increasingly likely. One of the greatest battlefield risks is
Su icide Bom ber s: A Gu ide from explosive weapons, such as
grenades and artillery shells. The table
below shows the danger and lethal
In many places, Jihad (Muslim Holy War) ranges of the common types.
may be present. If so, the situation is
likely to include suicide bombers.
If ever you were in a ?trust no one? type of
situation, this is it. Forget being polite.
Women are suicide bombers too.
Unfortunately, so are children and old
people. Look. Do not trust.
It is almost unthinkable for a Westerner A battery of artillery guns (one battery is
to send his or her relative out to blow ten guns) firing three rounds will destroy
themselves up. Please do not think that an area with a one kilometer diameter.
the same is true where Jihad is embraced. Bu llet s
These people will send their children out
to blow themselves up. Another obvious problem to be solved for
risk assessment and planning is
Get this into your head now: They are not determining how far one or more
the same as us! riflemen may be from you. You can
This is reality. If they embrace Jihad, they calculate the approximate distance to the
are not the same as you, and they are a shooter if you know the velocity of
threat. projectile.
Here are the signs of a suicide bomber: First of all, you must time the projectile?s
flight. A crack sound will signal the
- A person wearing a coat on hot day. beginning of the bullet?s flight and a
- Shapes beneath the coat. thump the end. The time in between
- The suspect sweating, staring, crack and thump is what you must
praying, and/or chanting. measure. Once you have this, simply
multiply velocity by time.
- A hand-held device.
The basic formulas are:
- Loss of direction.
- Car driven at full tilt towards hotel,
security fencing, a military
complex, or the like.

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War Zone Survival, continued...

1. Thump time ? Crack time = Time in wildlife. If you see dead animals, beware.
flight. If you realize that you errantly drove into
2. Time x Velocity = Distance (which is a minefield, stop immediately, exit the car
also called range). through the rear windows, climb over the
rear of the car, then very gently follow the
Common bullet types and their velocities car ?s tracks back out of the minefield.
follow: Calm yourself; breathe slowly and deeply.
30 caliber: 1600m/sec In through the nose, out through the
5.56mm: 990m/sec
If you are in a convoy, keep some distance
7.62mm: 800-830m/sec between yourself and the lead vehicle,
Now, for an example: You determine that Also, stay in the same tracks.
5.56mm bullets are being fired at you. If you do encounter a minefield, call for
Then you time them. If you hear a crack at professional assistance. As a last resort
22.5 seconds on your watch and a thump (and only as a last resort), you can do the
at 24.0 seconds, the calculations would be following:
as follow:
- Observe. Look for signs of
24.0 ? 22.5 = 1.5 secon ds f ligh t disturbed earth. Probe for mines
t im e. with a knife or stick at shallow
1.5 secon ds x 990 m et er s per angle (approximately 30 degrees).
secon d = a dist an ce t o t h e sh oot er - Search across the surface of the
of 1485 m et er s. ground with your fingertips.
Note that these calculations do not give - If a casualty is involved, the routes
precise values. Precision would require into and out of your location must
you to account for delays in sound wave be cleared before he/she is moved
propagation, deceleration of the to medical aid.
projectile, and other factors. These simple
calculations are, however, close enough - Once clear of minefield, move to
for planning an escape route. safe area or the last known
rendezvous point.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine
which direction someone is shooting. This Dog Evasion
is especially true in the dark. A quick rule A dog relies on its sensing of sight, sound,
of thumb is that if you see an elongated and scent. A dog?s sense of smell is one
or oval flash, the shooter is firing across hundred times greater than that of
your field of view, roughly from humans.
left-to-right or right-to-left. If, however,
the flash is round, the bullets are coming We all have an individual body scent, even
towards you. Find cover fast. though we seldom notice it. Dogs,
however, do notice it. And in addition to
M in ef ields your own body scent, the dog can also
Minefields are obviously a very serious smell your:
danger, not only during a conflict, but
possibly for a long time afterward. Your
first objective is to be aware of the
A minefield is often indicated by dead

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War Zone Survival, continued...

- Clothing. - Use fields utilized by other animals,

- Deodorant. such as horses, cows, and pigs.
- Toiletries. - Travel through wooded areas.
Change direction. The dog may
- Shoe polish. travel on a line (long leash) and
- Other scents on your clothing, such become entangled.
as gasoline, tobacco, etc. - Cross streams, walk along them,
The things that give you away in the world make false exit and entry points.
of nature are: - Take any step to slow the dog
- Shape without endangering yourself.
- Shine - Keep downwind of the dog.
- Silhouette - Cover last part of journey slowly to
cut down on the excretion of your
- Surface
body odor. (Sweat, etc.)
- Shadow
- Keep as low as possible.
- Spacing
- Keep your clothes fastened.
- Sound
- Use natural cover, hollows, etc.
- Movement
- Remember that the average dog
Ground-scents you leave behind you are has problems locating a person that
caused by: is elevated above it.
- Scent deposited by feet. When being closely pursued by search
- Body-scent drifting down. dogs:
- Disturbance of soil from your - Keep as close to the ground as
weight. possible.
- Crushed vegetation. The breaking - Keep clothing over you, let the
of the surface allows gas & ground absorb the scent.
moisture to escape. - Breathe into ground/vegetation.
Bear in mind that even though air scents - Keep still.
disperse quickly, they can leave a - If burying items do so under your
ground-scent for up to 48 hours. body.
What to do in an evasion scenario: - Restrict smoking, fires etc.
- Remember that speed and distance - If you are located, and if escape is
will tire the dog. Dogs are very fast not possible, destroy the dog. No
for short distances, but slow down exceptions.
and tire over a long distance.
- Your aim is to destroy the
- If in a group, arrange a rendezvous confidence of the handler in his
and split up. dog, the dog in the handler, and
- Vary surface and terrain. Cross and the confidence of both in
re-cross paths. Confuse the dog themselves.
with other scents.

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War Zone Survival, continued...

Civil Disor der - In dangerous situations, keep your

back to a wall if at all possible.
Travelers have often been caught in civil
disorders. These can be very difficult and - Pre-plan Emergency Rendezvous
dangerous situations. Experienced Points (ERVs)
security professionals would much rather - Keep continually updated with the
face a serious fight than an out-of-control situation. Do this on a daily basis.
crowd. Crowds act illogically, and in
- If you encounter any form of riot
numbers too large to oppose.
gas, do not rub your eyes. Cover your
If you find yourself in a wild crowd, do the mouth, turn, and face the wind. Get
following: out ASAP. Riot gas is extremely
- Fight panic. Many people panic unpleasant, but it will not kill.
when suddenly losing the ability to Last Wor ds
control their movements and of
being forced from place to place by Again, I hope this issue ends up being
a crowd that has seemingly superfluous, but we?re presently facing an
devolved to a herd mind. Keep your elevated likelihood of that not being so.
head and survive. Again, please review and save this
- Avoid getting involved if possible. information.
- Look for escape routes in advance. * * * * *
- Try to sidestep trouble.
- If you are confronted and have no
way out, you must resist with every
thing you have. Drop civilized
conduct for the moment; fight and

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Wh at 's Goin g On
Novem ber , 2024
Over view : The Western overlords are facing a full spectrum of challenges and crises,
and are not resolving them. Legitimacy is draining steadily away from them, and this
before the worst of their offences have been exposed in the light of day. Interesting

Th e legacy societ y: avenue is a major war to terrify and

Europe is facing serious problems. The refocus everyone, cancel debts and reset
economy of Germany has been savaged, things. Another is for the European
not to mention its immigrant issues. The people to simply accept lower standards
EU is dominated by a top level of rabid of living and a degraded way of life. (An
intellectuals who simply don?t care about effort that?s already underway, albeit not
the European people, as more likely to succeed.) We can?t tell at this
Europeans are daring to face that fact. moment what comes next (or at least I
Europeans have been willing to put up can?t), but the pressures are not abating.
with a tremendous amount of lies and On my American side of the pond, more
abuse, but the continuing degradation of people are noticing the full-spectrum
their lifestyles is causing the habitually manipulation being thrust upon them. At
compliant to turn. the same time, the institutions of
Russian gas has been transported to America (seemingly all of them) are
Eastern Europe via Ukraine all through rapidly losing their esteem. Almost no
the war, based on a contract signed by one really trusts them anymore; not even
Gazprom and Naftogaz in 2019. Kiev, the people who work in them.
however, has said it has no intention of America is presently divided between a
extending the agreement when it expires couple of dozen Blue cities and the rest
at the end of this year. If this happens, of the country. Those cities survive upon
gas will have to be supplied some other political connections and house a large
way, and problems are likely. If so, the portion of the dependent classes. The
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary rest of the country survives despite
stand to be hardest hit. politics and houses the vast majority of
The bizarre and deeply damaging the productive people. One can only
immigration mania of the Euro elites hope that the productive people will
seems to be reaching its terminus. The wake up and realize they have a right to
UK has responded by going full Orwell live their way.
and the boss of the EU is going for full A long stream of elites are being exposed
control of information, but Germany and as frauds, liars and far worse. We may
others are cutting back on immigration see more of this if Mr. Trump is elected.
and have begun deportations. Again the For decades these people have been
elites have overreached and are facing a treating working people as ignorant
serious loss of esteem. beasts, and it seems their time is running
And, of course, sovereign debts have out. I could be wrong, of course, but it?s
continued through the roof. Financial looking more and more likely that this
issues are pressing hard, and there aren?t will be the case.
many avenues of escape from them. One At the same time, the Eastern economic

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What's Going On, continued...

systems continue to gel. Turkey is a very Couple that with two assassination
significant economic player and has assisted attempts on Mr. Trump, brazen
applied for BRICS membership. The lawfare and oceans of open hate, and
recent BRICS+ meetings went well, NATO the line beyond which the compliant
continues to steal Russian assets, and become adversaries is likely to be
there are still sanctions being applied. crossed. And if crossed, the elites could
The Ukraine war continues, of course, soon enough lose much more than their
and my sources assure me that the cherished perks.
death toll on the Ukrainian side is an And so my guess is that the vote
order of magnitude higher than has counting will less ?worked?than last time,
been reported. Stories of desertion are and will end with a Trump victory.
appearing and even the first admission Presuming I am correct in this, I wouldn?t
on the Ukrainian side that negotiations spend too much time in the center of a
are possible. I fear that a large Blue city for the first few days following
percentage of Ukrainian men have died. the declaration. Perhaps the saving grace
Th e New Societ y for northern cities will be the cold
weather which will arrive between the
Again we continue, quietly and fairly well. election and the inauguration. As a rule,
I?ll go through quite a bit of detail in our rioters stay home when it?s cold.
next issue, but there are a lot of useful
new tools and systems coming forward. As 2025 rolls along we can expect all
I?m excited about them. sorts of dirty tricks from the deep state,
all to the end of keeping their power
Our efforts are bearing fruit. Keep intact. Television and social media
working. (though not X) will be deeply complicit in
Polit ics: this, as will academia and the rest of the
usual suspects. These people will be
The US election is at hand. Mr. Trump fighting, wildly, to maintain their
will certainly get more votes than Ms. privileged positions. Because if they were
Harris; what remains uncertain is how forced to find honest work? if they had
they?ll be counted. to be employed voluntarily? they?d face
As we noted two months ago, some 95 a hard fall.
percent of productive Americans will The scary moment in this scenario
vote for Mr. Trump. Most of the comes in 2028, when the deep state
unproductive will vote for any Democrat, must make a last stand or fail altogether.
no matter who or how deranged; in this
case Ms. Harris. *****
My guess is that Mr. Trump will be
declared the winner, accompanied by a
good deal of Leftist meltdown. If the vote
counting were to be overly manipulated
again, there is a good chance that it
could crash the entire operation. As
noted above, there is very little respect
left for US institutions.

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Upcom in g Even t s New Wor ld Lin k s

November 2024
- Bitcoin Meetups 1.Plebian Market
- Ethereum Meetups 2.Shop In Bit
3.Another Climate Scientist
- Bioengineering Classes
- Crypto For Business Course
Coming Soon:
7.Gold For Daily Use
8.HodlHodl P2P Exchange
Liberty In Our Lifetime
9.Start9 Hardware
Prague, November 1-3
10.The Unplugged Phone
12.Expanding The Lightning Network
13.Use Bitcoin Without Selling It
14.Bisq Decentralized Exchange
16.Vexl's Financial Tyranny Index(PDF)
17.Liberty Travel Coach
18.Velas Crypto Resources
20.Dr. Joel?s New Course
21.Toward A Private Digital Economy
22.Internet Native Dispute Resolution
23.Private Telephone and Text
25.From Crossbows To Cryptography
26.Apollo Photos
27.The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
28.Jones Plantation Film
29.Decentralizing Science

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M em es of Th e M on t h

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A Fin al Th ou gh t
Whatever self-protection skills you have, please practice them. You don?t have to
reach the level of a professional competitor, but you will need muscle memory to
execute your skills. Because when stress comes, implementation becomes much
harder; you?ll lose fine muscle control, among other things. And so you should expect
it. You?ll work through it over time, but don?t be dejected by your initial
An American martial artist named Peyton Quinn made a career of teaching people to
deal with adrenal stress reactions. And unfortunately, you need experince to learn
that. That kind of toughening-up isn?t good for us, but in a war zone there?s no real
So, expect personal difficulty over your first several days in a war zone. The graph
below shows how new soldiers did on actual battlefields.

And may God help any of us who find ourselves in such times and places.

Come across something awesome?

Send a note about it to [email protected]. (And forgive us if we don't respond.)

WE ar e t h e r eal w or ld. Polit ics, TV, an d Facebook ar e t h e illu sion .

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