Amines - Cbse Board Pyqs PDF - Lakshya Neet 2025
Amines - Cbse Board Pyqs PDF - Lakshya Neet 2025
Amines - Cbse Board Pyqs PDF - Lakshya Neet 2025
1. Identify the tertiary amine from the following: 5. (A) Complete the reaction with the main product
CH3 formed:
(1) |
CH3 − N − CH3
CH3 − C H − CH3
(2) |
NH 2
(B) Convert Bromoethane to Propanamine.
(3) CH3 – NH – CH2 – CH3 [CBSE 2023, 2 Marks]
(4) (C2H5)2CHNH2
[CBSE 2024, 1 Mark] 6. Give reasons:
(A) Ammonolysis of alkyl halides is not a good
2. An amide ‘A’ with molecular formula C7H7ON method to prepare pure primary amines.
undergoes Hoffmann Bromamide degradation (B) Aniline does not give Friedel-Craft reaction.
reaction to give amine ‘B’. ‘B’ on treatment with (C) Although –NH2 group is o/p directing in
nitrous acid at 273-278 K form ‘C’ and on treatment electrophilic substitution reactions, yet aniline on
with chloroform and ethanolic potassium hydroxide
nitration gives good yield of m-nitroaniline.
forms ‘D’. ‘C’ on treatment with ethanol gives ‘E’.
[Term II, 2021-22, 3 Marks]
Identify ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’. Write the
sequence of chemical equations.
7. An aromatic compound ‘A’ (C7H6O2) on reaction with
[CBSE 2024, 5 Marks]
aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ‘B’.
‘B’ on heating with Br2 and alcoholic potash forms a
3. (A) (i) What is Hinsberg’s reagent? compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C6H7N. Write the
(ii) Arrange the following compounds in the reactions involved and identify ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
increasing order of their basic strength in [Term II, 2021-22, 2 Marks]
gaseous phase:
C2H5NH2, (C2H5)3N, (C2H5)2NH 8. Ammonolysis of alkyl halides is not a good method
to prepare pure primary amines.
(B) Give reasons for the following:
[CBSE 2020, 1 Mark]
(i) Methyl amine is more basic than aniline.
(ii) Aniline readily reacts with bromine water to
9. Write the structures of A and B in the following
give 2, 4, 6-tribromoaniline.
(iii) Primary amines have higher boiling points NH NaOBr
than tertiary amines. CH3COOH
→ A
[CBSE 2024, 5 Marks] [CBSE 2020, 1 Mark]
4. Amides can be converted into amines by the reaction 10. Out of CH3NH2 and CH3OH, which has higher
named boiling point?
(1) Hoffmann degradation [CBSE 2020, 1 Mark]
(2) Ammonolysis
(3) Carbylamines
(4) Diazotization
[CBSE 2023, 1 Mark]
11. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing 19. Write IUPAC name of the following compound:
order of their boiling points: (CH3CH2)2NCH3
Butanol, Butanamine and Butane [CBSE 2017, 1 Mark]
[CBSE 2020, 1 Mark]
20. Write the IUPAC name of the following compound:
12. Write the structures of A and B in the following CH3NHCH(CH3)2
sequence of reactions: [CBSE 2017, 1 Mark]
Fe/HCl NaNO 2 + HCl
C6 H5 NO 2 → A →B
0 −5 ° C 21. Write IUPAC name of the following compound:
[CBSE 2020, 2 Marks] (CH3)2N–CH2CH3
[CBSE 2017, 1 Mark]
13. Propanamine and N, N-dimethylmethanamine 22. Write the IUPAC name of the given compound:
contain the same number of carbon atoms, even
though propanamine has higher boiling point than
N, N-dimethylmethanamine. Why?
[CBSE 2019, 1 Mark]
18. (A) Give a simple chemical test to distinguish 26. Arrange the following in increasing order of basic
between aniline and N, N-dimethylaniline. strength:
(B) Arrange the following in the increasing order of Aniline, p-nitroaniline and p-toluidine
their pKb values: [CBSE 2015, 2 Marks]
[CBSE 2018, 2 Marks]
5. (A) Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with ethyl (C) Nitration is carried out with conc. HNO3 in the
alcohol to give acetaldehyde and benzene. presence of conc. H2SO4. In the presence of these
acids, the –NH2 group of aniline gets protonated and
is converted into –NH3+ group. This positively
+ N2 charged group acts as a strong electron withdrawing
and meta-directing group. Hence, the incoming
electrophile goes to m-position.
HCN H / Ni
15. CH3 − Br → CH3 − CN
2 →
(i) HNO
CH3CH 2 NH 2 →
(ii) H O
2 CH3CH 2 OH
8. The ammonolysis of alkyl halides with ammonia is a
nucleophilic substitution reaction in which ammonia
16. In aqueous solution, 2° amine is more basic than 3°
acts as a nucleophile by donating the electron pair on
amine due to the combination of inductive effect,
nitrogen atom to form primary amine as the initial
Solvation effect and steric hindrance.
product. Now, the primary amine can act as a
nucleophile and combine with alkyl halide (if available)
17. Carbylamines reaction is the reaction in which 1°
to give secondary amine and the reaction continues in
amines produce a bad smelling compound when treated
the same way to form tertiary amine and finally
with chloroform in the presence of alkali.
quaternary ammonium salt. Thus, a mixture of products
is formed and it is not possible to separate individual RNH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH (alc.) →R–NC + 3KCl +
amines from the mixture. 3H2O
NH R −X R −X
R − X 3
→ R − NH 2 → R 2 NH → 18. (A) Only 1° amines give positive carbylamines test.
− HX − HX − HX
R −X (B) Stronger the base, lower will be the pKb value:
R 3 N → R 4 N + X − C2H5NH2 < C6H5NHCH3 < C6H5NH2
NaNO + HCl
− °
→ C6 H5 N 2+ Cl−
0 5 C
(B) In aqueous solution, 2°amine is more basic than
13. Primary amines (RNH2) have two hydrogen atoms on 3° amine due to the combination of inductive effect,
nitrogen which can undergo intermolecular hydrogen solvation effect and steric hindrance.
bonding whereas no such hydrogen bonding is present
in tertiary amines (R3N). So, primary amines have 24. Increasing order of boiling points:
higher boiling point than tertiary amines. (CH3)3N < C2H5NH2 < C2H5OH
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