Article 4
Article 4
Article 4
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU. Email: [email protected]
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU. Email: [email protected]
Abstract—With the increasing concern for EV and Designing a battery pack that is both safe and capable of
its battery management system, the effective life and providing adequate energy is an extremely challenging
performance of li-ion battery is of utmost importance. task. Typically, a battery pack needs to supply direct current
The battery cells should be frequently equalized in order (DC) voltage in the range of hundreds of volts and deliver
to increase the lifetime of battery pack. The conventional power in the range of hundreds of kilowatts to the vehicle's
method of cell balancing is passive cell balancing where drive train. To meet these voltage and power requirements,
excess energy from cell is dissipated in the form of heat a considerable number of battery cells are interconnected
until all the cells are equally charged, causing thermal both in parallel and in series. Although these cells are
issues and efficiency in the battery pack. This paper considered identical however the cells in a battery pack
proposes a novel approach for improving the efficiency exhibit mismatches in parameters due to manufacturing
of battery management systems through active cell defects and aging [2]. These fluctuations result in a decrease
balancing using the Kalman filter algorithm thereby in the effective capacity of the battery pack. As a result, it
overcoming the drawbacks of passive cell balancing. is almost always necessary to have a battery management
The goal of this paper is to develop a system that can system (BMS) with an external balancing circuit in order
extend the lifespan of batteries by ensuring that each cell to fully utilize the energy capacity of all the individual
is charged and discharged evenly. The proposed system cells. Additional circuits used for battery balancing are
includes an active balancing circuit that uses the Kalman generally divided into two categories: passive balancing
filter algorithm to estimate the state of each battery cell and active balancing. [3]. Passive balancing is characterized
and determine the optimal charging and discharging as a dissipative procedure, whereas active balancing is
currents. acknowledged as a non-dissipative procedure. In passive
balancing circuits, a shunt resistor is employed to convert
Keywords— State of charge, Lithium-ion battery, Kalman
the energy of a cell into heat energy, thereby safeguarding
filter, Cell balancing, Battery management system.
the cells against overcharging. On the other hand, active
Introduction balancing involves the direct transfer of energy to or from
the cell by utilizing DC/DC converters or other methods of
With the concern of whole world being shifted towards
power transportation.
environmental pollution due to exhaust emissions from
automobiles and rising price of fuels the necessity of Hence by implementing proposed active balancing circuit
deployment of Electric Vehicles have been pronounced. the safety, durability, proper charge and discharge of
One of the most important aspects that has enabled EVs battery packs, optimum utilization of available energy can
to stand as a strong candidate of future of transportation is be enhanced.
the revolution in its battery management system that has
Proposed Scheme
recently been experienced. But still there are lots of areas
in battery management system itself which can be worked
upon to improve its efficiency and reliability [1].
For the reliable and efficient operation of a battery
management system, the importance of accurate estimation
of State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH) of
battery cannot be underemphasized. SOC is a measure of
available capacity of a battery relative to its fully charged
state while SOH is the indicative of aging level of battery.
It quantifies the energy that battery can store now in a fully
charged state compared to when it was manufactured.
Fig 1. Proposed Block Diagram
* Corresponding Author
24 KEC Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 8 Issue 1, August 2024
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the proposed scheme. models on modern computers that inherently work with
The state of charge (SOC) of each cell is determined using limited numerical representation and discrete processes. The
extended kalman filter algorithm. The controller senses the process of converting the continuous time model to a discrete
SOC of each cell and sends signal to the active cell balancing time state space involved utilizing closed form discretization
circuit to operate accordingly there by transferring the charge formulas on the relevant matrices and vectors from the
from cell with higher SOC to lower SOC and eventually continuous time model. This resulted in the creation of the
equalizing the charge in each cell of a battery pack. discrete state and output equations which are as follows:
A. SOC estimation using extended Kalman filter = = (6)
While SOC can be estimated using various techniques, the
= I (7)
extended Kalman filter is used to estimate the SOC. This is
a repetitive process where the SOC is estimated accounting
for the various noise and errors encountered with the
Now it is ready to apply the Kalman filter algorithm with the
instruments and estimations. It is started by figuring out the
developed state space models.
various property of a battery and their dependencies. Figure
2 shows the equivalent circuit model of a battery which is State space model
designed using a lumped parameter model. (8)
Where, and are independent, zero mean Gaussian noise
processes of covariance matrices Σw and Σv respectively.
Case I: Switch is ON, Diode is OFF to transfer the energy to the Cell N-1 through the path of
While the switch is in the ON state, the inductor stores the diode DN-1. In similar manner the energy is transferred from
charge and the current does not flow through load due to the bottom cell to the top cell if the controller detects that
reverse biasing of the diode. bottom cell has to transfer its energy from bottom cell to top
through switch SN-1 .
Simulation Results
The following observations are made varying the parameters hazards. However, it also highlighted the need for careful
of different components: consideration of the specific requirements of battery systems
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