MC9251 Middleware Technologies
MC9251 Middleware Technologies
MC9251 Middleware Technologies
Part A
1. What is the use of naming service?
2. What are the principles of naming?
3. What is a name binding?
4. What is a moniker?
5. What is the use of trading service?
6. What are the principles of trading?
7. What are the roles of components involved in trading?
8. Who are federated traders?
9. Write the features of CORBA.
10. How does location service reveals identity of server objects?
11. What is naming handbook?
12. What are the trading operations are available?
13. Define Activation Policy.
14. What are the key roles of broker in distributed system?
15. What are security attacks?
16. What is key distribution service?
17. What are the parameters included in access decision objects?
18. What are the CORBA services available under event?
19. State the purpose of CORBA security service.
20. What is fire-wall?
Part B
1. Write short notes on Object Naming?
2. Write short notes on CORBA Naming Service
3. Write short notes on COM Monikers
4. Write short notes on Object Trading?
5. Write short notes on CORBA Trading Service
6. Write short notes on Composite Object Life Cycle
7. Write short notes on Persistence
8. Write short notes on Persistent State Services
9. Write short notes on CORBA Persistent State Services
10. Write short notes on CORBA Persistent State Service Architecture
11. What are the different forms of security threats available? Explain
12. What are the different methods of security attacks available? Explain
13. Write short notes on Secret Key Encryption
14. Write short notes on Public Key Encryption
Introduction XML Web Services standards Creating Web Services Extending web
Services- Messaging Protocol Describing Discovering - Securing.
Part A
1. What are the technologies used to build the distributed application?
2. Why do the web services exists?
3. List the pattern standards to be followed while building the web service.
4. Define federation.
5. What are the goals of web services?
6. Define Rollover.
7. What do you mean by request-response protocol?
8. Define namespace.
9. What is XML schema?
10. List the rules of SOAP specification of section 5.
11. List the rules of SOAP specification of section 6.
12. Who are the 2 kinds of people in the web services world?
13. What are the information specified in the WSDL document?
14. What is UDDI?
15. What are the two things that can be done using SOAP?
16. What is the information displayed on the page when the test page option is clicked for a web
17. What are the 2 types of parameter styles used to define a web method?
18. What is one-way web service?
19. What are the mechanisms used for controlling the routing?
20. What are the information contained in the extensions that can be added to a SOAP message?
21. What is partially transmitted array?
22. What is a sparse array?
23. What are the major goals of WSDL?
24. What are the information contained in the abstract part of the WSDL document?
25. What are the concrete operation information in the WSDL document?
26. What are 4 different transmission types defined in WSDL?
27. List any five data structures that exist in UDDI specification.
28. What are the two major set of APIs in UDDI?
29. What are the two basic forms of inquiry operation in UDDI?
30. What is the information that the server publish to a client in the Adhoc systems?
31. What are the technologies used in securing web services?
32. What do you mean by public key and private key encryption?
33. What are the ways for encrypting the XML documents?
34. What are the elements contained in the XML signature?
35. Define canonicalization.
36. Define claim.
Introduction XML Web Services standards Creating Web Services Extending web
Services- Messaging Protocol Describing Discovering - Securing.