Car Lucho 2018
Car Lucho 2018
Car Lucho 2018
Electric Vehicles
Ignacio Carlucho#1, Roberto de la Vega #2, Marcelo Spina #3, Gerardo G. Acosta #4
Grupo INTELYMEC, Centro de Investigaciones en Física e Ingeniería del Centro (CIFICEN-CONICET- CICpBA),Fac.
de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Prov. de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Olavarría B7400JWI, Argentina
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Abstract— In electric vehicles the energy storage provided around 300V [5]. These serial and parallel arrangement of
by the batteries is of utmost importance: it provides autonomy the cells are called packs, depending on the application,
to the vehicle. However rechargeable batteries cannot operate packs can have hundreds of cells. However, creating battery
alone, a Battery Management System is needed to provide safe packs can overstress some cells in the arrangement, since all
operation conditions, monitor its state and balance its charge.
cells are different, therefore those with less energy could be
In this article a Battery Management System is developed for
applications in electric vehicles and autonomous robotics. We overcharged, or over discharged, risking the health of the
design the system in a modular way to give flexibility and allow whole pack.
portability to different type of battery packs. Low-cost These issues make the implementation of a battery
microcontrollers were used for the system providing also management system (BMS) necessary. A BMS has the
communication with the vechicle's on-board computer. A function of monitoring the voltage and temperature of the
passive balancing schemed is chosen as a way of battery cells making sure that no over-stressing of occurs. The BMS
balancing. The proposed system was tested using a battery should also be able to estimate the state of charge (SOC) of
pack demonstrating its balancing capabilities. the battery pack. Estimating the remaining energy in the
battery is crucial in EV since it gives an idea of the
Resumen— En los vehículos eléctricos la acumulación de
energía proveída por las baterías es de alta importancia, ya remaining autonomy.
que le provee autonomía. Sin embargo, las baterías de litio no Another important task of the BMS is the balancing of
pueden operar solas, necesitan de un sistema de control de the pack [6]. Since all the cells have different capacities
baterías que sea capaz de supervisar su operación, monitorear (due to physical differences), when packs are formed some
su estado y balancear su energía. En este artículo se desarrolla sector have higher capacities than others. This causes that
un sistema de manejo de baterías para aplicaciones en during successive charge and discharge cycles, cells with
vehículos eléctricos y robótica autónoma. El sistema se diseñó lower capacity will be overstressed. Furthermore, the
en una forma modular para brindar flexibilidad y portabilidad discharge of the pack will have to be stop when this lower
a diferentes tipos de packs de baterías. Microcontroladores de
capacity cells reach a voltage threshold, causing that not all
bajo costo fueron utilizados para el sistema, proveyendo a su
vez comunicación con la computadora on-board del vehículo. the energy of the pack is fully available to the user.
Un sistema de balanceo pasivo fue elegido para ecualizar las Therefore in order to preserve the health of the cells and to
celdas. El sistema propuesto fue probado con un pack use all the available energy, it is required to balance the
demostrando sus capacidades de balanceo. pack, assuring that all the cells have similar SOC [7]. There
are usually two ways of achieving this, passive and active
I. INTRODUCTION methods. The former uses dissipation to remove energy
Energy storage systems are an important part of electric from the cells with the higher energy, while the latter stores
vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and the energy of the cells with higher SOC and uses it to charge
autonomous robots. In current applications Lithium cells are the cells with lower energy levels.
widely used to supply energy to the vehicles, due to their In this article we present a modular BMS, for EV, capable
high power density, good thermal and chemical stability, of adjusting to different battery packs. The proposed BMS
environmental friendly production and recycling, and long can balance the cells in the pack by using a passive balance
lifespan [1]. method. In addition, the SOC can be estimated by means of
However, lithium cells have a limited operative region, a the Coulomb counting method. The proposed approach is
maximum and minimum voltage in which the cells should tested on a battery pack to test the balancing capabilities.
be kept [2]. Over stressing the cells, either caused by an This article is organised as follows. In section II we
over-voltage or under voltage situation, could cause a present a more thorough explanation of the battery
decrease in the life span of the cell, a permanent damage or management systems. Section III presents the design of our
in the worst cause a fire [3][4] . system. In Section IV results are presented, followed by
Furthermore, this type of cells have relative low voltages Section V that shows our conclusions.
(around 3.7V) and low capacities (10Ah). Therefore it is
necessary to create cell arrays in order to provide the
required voltage and current to the vehicles, in some cases
A BMS is an important part of every vehicle that uses
lithium battery as accumulators. The BMS is in charge of
balancing the cells, monitoring their voltage, temperature
and current, and communicating this to the user. Another
important task of the BMS is the SOC estimation. The SOC
is a value representing the percentage of remaining energy
in the cell, a critical value for electrical vehicles.
Furthermore, the State of Health (SOH) could also be
estimated. The SOH is a number that represents the aging of
the cells, a process that occurs as successive charge and
discharge cycles are done. In the next subsections the cell
balancing and the state of charge estimation are explained in
more detail. Figure 1. Schematic of the whole system
A. Cell Balancing
B. State of charge estimation
Balancing of the cells becomes essential in the packs
used in EV and HEV. As was mentioned previously, every The State of Charge (SOC) of a cell, is a number that
cell has different capacity due to imperfections caused represents the remaining energy in the cell or the battery
during manufacturing as well as different operational pack. This number is a perceptual, and has a high utility to
conditions. This causes that cells with lower capacity the user since it gives an idea of the remaining usable
become over stressed, reducing both the amount of energy energy in the pack. That for EV has a direct relationship
available and the lifespan of the pack. To solve this issue with the available distance that could still be travelled
the cells have to be balanced. Two methods are used for this: before a charge is needed. Estimating the SOC is not a
passive or active balance. trivial task, since this value cannot be measured directly and
Passive balance has as an advantage its simplicity and depends on the current operational conditions [13].
lower comparable cost [8]. The passive balance consist in Research is being done on this topic and currently some
connecting a resistor in parallel with the cells with the methods are proposed to try to estimate this value online,
higher SOC. The excessive energy is thus dissipated into the during operation.
environment as heat. This is the major disadvantage of this The SOC can be estimated online using a bookkeeping
method, as this dissipation is inefficient, since all the method, called Coulomb counting [14]. This method
excessive energy is wasted. measures the energy that comes in and out of the battery,
On the other hand, active methods, try to make use of this allowing thus to estimate its value as:
excessive energy. By means of other energy accumulators,
like capacitors, the energy that is extracted from the cells I (t ) * dt
with higher SOC is then used to charge the cells with lower SOC (t ) =SOC (t − 1) + (1)
SOC. As a disadvantage, this method is usually more
complex, since it requires extra accumulators and more where SOC(t) and SOC(t-1) are the state of charge at time t
complex switching for connecting the cells, and more and t-1 respectively, I(t) is the current coming in or out of
expensive, for the same reasons [9]. the battery, Qn is the nominal capacity of the battery and dt
A passive balancing methods is presented in [10] where is the sampling time.
the authors take advantage of the internal resistor of the However, this method has as a disadvantage: it requires
MOSFET used for switching to help balance battery packs an initial estimation of the SOC. To solve this, the initial
with higher capacities. In [11] a capacitor is used to store voltage of the pack could be used to give an estimation, but
the energy of the batteries with higher charge, which will this estimation can be poor, especially during the nominal
later charge the lower cells. This procedure is done by work conditions, where voltages values are relatively
means of a control system, which by means of a switching constant. Nonetheless, the voltage exponential region,
scheme, can re direct the energy flow accordingly and also during full charge, and the voltage cut-off, achieved when
determine the duty cycle depending on the capacitor the cell is discharged, are clear indicators of the current
behaviour. A multi-winding transformer is used in [12] to SOC. This values, therefore, could be used to validate or
balance the lower cells. The energy of the entire pack is compensate for variations in the SOC. This, technique
used by the transformer allowing multiple cells to be together with storing the last estimated SOC, can prove to
balanced at the same type, providing faster equalisation. be enough to provide a reliable estimation.
Another methods use intelligent techniques to try to
estimate the value of SOC. In [15] neural networks were
used to estimate the SOC value of a hybrid battery and
super capacitors system. Another method widely used for
this task is fuzzy logic [16], [17].
III. SYSTEM DESIGN In addition, the design of the dedicated board was done in
Looking to obtain a BMS for applications in EV and a way so that a third board, called the power board, could be
HEV, like the electric vehicle developed at our university implemented. This third board only holds the power
the Pampa Solar I and Pampa Solar 2, it is desired that the resistors and the required MOSFETs for switching.
system could easily adapt to different type of battery packs, Therefore, it could be used in cases where bigger resistors
without much reconfiguration. Therefore we looked at are needed for balancing. For instance when battery packs
modularity as a way of accomplish this. We design the BMS with higher capacity are used, usually by arranging n
in modules that could be expanded as required by the pack. numbers of cells in parallel, then instead of having to
The BMS counts of two modules, the SOC estimation redesign the dedicated board completely power boards
module and the balancing module. Each one of this modules could be implemented with the required resistors and
communicates over a Local Interconnect Bus (LIN), a serial switches to obtain the required balancing current. In Fig. 3 a
communication protocol used in vehicles. The general schematic of the connections of the dedicated board
connection scheme can be seen in Fig. 1. In the next together with the power board are shown, compare this to
subsections each module will be explained. Fig. 2 to have an overview of the possible connections.
As it was previously described the modular way of the
A. Balancing Module design allows for high versatility. We show in Fig. 4 the
The module is in charge of monitoring the voltage of the final design of the dedicated board together with the local
individual cells and of balancing the pack by equalising the host.
individual cells. To achieve this, a passive balancing
scheme was chosen due to its simplicity and low
comparable cost to other methods.
The Texas Instruments bq76PL536 integrated circuit (IC)
[18] was chosen as analogue front end. The bq76 can
measure the voltage of six cells in series and has dedicated
outputs that allow it to send commands to control externals
MOSFET to balance the cells. The IC communicates with a
master microcontroller by SPI. This master is in charge of
the balancing algorithms and the configuration of the IC.
This IC can be stacked vertically to provide protection to up
to 192 cells, by means of a SPI interface that connects
vertically up to 32 ICs, therefore allowing for modularity. A
connection schematic is shown in Fig. 2.
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The authors would like to thanks the National Research 2075–2079.
and Technology Council of Argentina (CONICET) for the [18] Texas Instruments, “bq76PL536A.” Texas, p. 74, 2016.
economic support of Eng. Ignacio Carlucho with a doctoral