Column Design Calculation

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Project Name : Alpha Mart
Client Name : JMP
Engineer Name : BG
Design File : C:\Users\User\Desktop\BG Files\ALPHA MART\Alpha Mart-
Analysis File : C:\Users\User\Desktop\BG Files\ALPHA MART\Alpha Mart.STD
Analysis Last Modified : 20/02/2023 11:39:27 am

Definitions Of Terms:
All forces in units kN and m
All reinforcement details like area, spacing in mm
Neutral axis angle for resultant design moment is with respect to local major axis.
Ratio to account for reduction of stiffness of
1 βdns =
columns due to sustained axial loads
Moment magnification factor for frames not braced
2 δns =
against sidesway
First-order relative deflection between the top and
3 Δo =
bottom of the story due to Vu in mm
4 ∑Pu = Total factored vertical load in kN. (Clause
5 δu = Design displacement in mm
Modification factor reflecting the reduced
6 λ =
mechanical properties of concrete
Coefficient defining the relative contribution of
7 ac =
concrete strength to nominal wall shear strength
Cross-sectional area of a structural member
8 Ach = measured to the outside edges of transverse
reinforcement in sqmm
Gross area of concrete section bounded by web
9 Acv = thickness and length of section in the direction of
shear force considered in sqmm
Effective cross-sectional area within a joint in a
10 Aj = plane parallel to plane of reinforcement generating
shear in the joint in sqmm
Area of non-prestressed longitudinal tension
11 As =
reinforcement in sqmm
Minimum area of shear reinforcement within
12 Avmin =
spacing 's' in sqmm
13 B = Width of column/ wall in mm
Cross-sectional dimension of member core
14 bc = measured to the outside edges of the transverse
reinforcement composing area Ash in mm
Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral
15 c =
axis in mm
16 Cc = Clear cover to longitudinal reinforcement in mm
Factor relating actual moment diagram to an
17 Cm =
equivalent uniform moment diagram
18 D = Depth / diameter of column in mm

19 d = Distance from extreme compression fiber to

centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement in

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Distance from extreme compression fiber to
20 d' = centroid of longitudinal compression
21 Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete in N/sqmm
Flexural stiffness of compression member in N-
22 EI =
Specified compressive strength of concrete cylinder
23 f'c =
in N/sqmm
Specified yield strength of reinforcement in
24 fy =
Specified yield strength fy of transverse
25 fyt =
reinforcement in N/sqmm
Height of entire wall from base to top of wall
26 hw =
segment considered in mm
27 Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section
28 k = Effective length factor for compression member
Length of compression member in a frame,
29 lc = measured center-to-center of the joints in the frame
in mm
Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about
30 lg =
centroidal axis neglecting reinforcement in mm4
31 lw = Length of entire wall in mm
Un-supported length for compression member
32 lux =
along D in mm
Un-supported length for compression member
33 luy =
along B in mm
Moment capacity of section for a given NA angle at
34 MCap =
design Pu in kNm
35 Mcr = Cracking Moment
Resultant design moment at a given load angle to
36 MRes =
local major axis in kNm
Factored moment amplified for the effects of
37 Mc = member curvature used for design of compression
member in kNm
Factored moment modified to account for effect of
38 Mm =
axial compression in kNm
Factored moment acting on a section along D in
39 Mux =
kNm (From Analysis)
Factored moment acting on a section along B in
40 Muy =
kNm (From Analysis)
Smaller factored end moment on a compression
41 M1 =
member in kNm
Factored end moment on a compression member at
42 M1ns = the end at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause no
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Factored end moment on compression member at
43 M1s = the end at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Smaller factored end moment on a compression
44 M1sldr =
member due to slenderness effect in kNm
Larger factored end moment on compression

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45 M2 = member in kNm
Minimum value of moment M2 as per minimum
46 M2min =
eccentricity of column
Factored end moment on compression member at
47 M2ns = the end at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause no
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Factored end moment on compression member at
48 M2s = the end at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Largest factored end moment on a compression
49 M2sldr =
member due to slenderness effect in kNm
50 Mnb = Flexure Capacity for Beam
51 Mnc = Flexure Capacity for Column
Nominal Flexure strength of column at top along
52 Mnty =
depth in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom
53 Mnby =
along depth in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at top along
54 Mntx =
width in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom
55 Mnbx =
along width in kNm
Factored axial force normal to cross section
56 Nu =
occurring simultaneously with Vu in kN
57 Pc = Critical buckling load in kN
Ratio of area of distributed transverse
58 pt = reinforcement to gross concrete area perpendicular
to that reinforcement
59 Pω = Ratio of As to B x d
60 Q = Stability index for storey
Radius of gyration of cross section of a compression
61 r =
member in mm
62 Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in kN
63 Vj = Shear Force acting at the joint in kN
64 Vn = Nominal shear strength in kN
65 Vn' = Nominal shear strength at joint in kN
66 Vus = Factored horizontal shear in a storey in kN
Factored shear at section along D in kN (From
67 Vux =
Shear induced due to column flexural capacity
68 Vux1 =
along width, kN
Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along
69 Vux2 =
width, kN
Factored shear at section along B in kN (From
70 Vuy =
Shear induced due to column flexural capacity
71 Vuy1 =
along depth, kN
Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along
72 Vuy2 =
depth, kN
73 y = Neutral axis depth.
It is a Neutral Axis angle corresponding to load
74 β =
angle to find out MCap

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Code References:
ACI 318M - 2011
Sr.No Element Clause / table
Minimum area of longitudinal
1 : 21.6.3
reinforcement for column
Maximum area of longitudinal
2 : 21.6.3
reinforcement for column
Minimum longitudinal and transverse
3 :
reinforcement for wall
4 Minimum diameter of transverse ties : 7.10.5
5 Minimum spacing of transverse ties : 7.10.5
Maximum spacing of longitudinal and
6 :
transverse reinforcement for wall
7 Applicability of boundary element : 21.9.6
Area and spacing of special confining
8 : 21.6.4
9 Slenderness Moments : 10.10
Shear Strength provided by concrete for
10 : 11.2
11 Design of shear for non-ductile wall : 11.9
12 Design of shear for ductile wall : 21.9.4
13 Minimum Flexural Strength of Columns :
14 Shear Check at Column Joint :
15 Shear Strength of Column : 21.3.3 & 21.5.4
16 fs,perm : 10.6.4
17 fc,perm :
18 Wcr : Eq 4.2(a)

Sway Calculation (Stability Index)

For Global-X Direction
Level Load Story Gravity Relative Story Stability Sway
Combination Height Load P Displacements Shear Index (Q) Condition
Analysis (m) (kN) (mm) (kN)
B x C / (A
x D)
0m to
15 2 5949.916 5.791 624.356 0.028 Non Sway
2m to
15 3 5469.343 14.599 603.661 0.044 Non Sway
5m to
15 3 553.413 8.823 102.766 0.016 Non Sway

For Global-Y Direction

Level Load Story Gravity Relative Story Stability Sway
Combination Height Load P Displacements Shear Index (Q) Condition
Analysis (m) (kN) (mm) (kN)

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B x C / (A
x D)
0m to
16 2 5949.916 8.524 624.356 0.041 Non Sway
2m to
16 3 5469.343 23.241 603.661 0.07 Sway
5m to
16 3 553.413 9.551 102.766 0.017 Non Sway

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 28
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
Load Combination = [20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = -33.01 kN
Muxt = -2.75 kNm
Muyt = -20.45 kNm
Vuxt = -40.61 kN
Vuyt = -1.03 kN
Pub = -29.81 kN
Muxb = -4.8 kNm
Muyb = 60.75 kNm
Vuxb = -40.61 kN
Vuyb = -1.03 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 73.321 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 73.321 No Beam 19.169 - 6.349
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 41.243 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3000 x 200 x
Top 41.243 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -2.75 - -2.75
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -4.8 - -4.8
Minor Axis Muy (top) -20.45 - -20.45
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 60.75 - 60.75

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = -29.81 kN
Mux = -4.8 kNm
Muy = 60.75 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 240.91 kN
Mux = 8.73 kNm
Muy = -59.2 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 240.91 kN
φ Pn = 240.91 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#20 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 85.48 deg
MRes = 60.94 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 77.6 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.785 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm

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Pu Top = 240.91 kN
Mnty = 144.82 kNm
Pu Bottom = 234.22 kN
Mnby = 144.04 kNm
Vuy1 = 180.54 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 97.49 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 25.8 kN
Muy = 54.94 kNm
Vuy3 = 26.874 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 180.54 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 50.88 kNm
φVcy = 87.79 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 123.66 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 43.9 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 665.33 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 665.33 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

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Shear from Moment Capacity:

Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 177.25 kN
Mntx = 94.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 170.55 kN
Mnbx = 94.43 kNm
Vux1 = 118.03 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 64.5191 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 29.81 kN
Mux = 60.75 kNm
Vux3 = -40.6076 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 118.03 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 57.17 kNm
φVcx = 65.81 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 69.62 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 32.91 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 530.67 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 530.67 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 73
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 69.28 kN
Muxt = 37.28 kNm
Muyt = -66.03 kNm
Vuxt = -40.05 kN
Vuyt = -17.9 kN
Pub = 79.32 kN
Muxb = -16.4 kNm
Muyb = 54.09 kNm
Vuxb = -40.05 kN
Vuyb = -17.9 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 48.881 No Beam 19.169 - 6.349
5100 x 250 x
Top 48.881 No Beam 46.799 - 2.092
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 200 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
3000 x 250 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.1

Check For Stability Index

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Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -16.4 kNm
M2 = 37.28 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.28
21.65 < 39.28, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 60.62
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
60.62 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 0.33 kNm
M2s = 2.2 kNm
M1ns = -71.37 kNm
M2ns = 55.8 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -71.04 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -92.44 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-71.04, -92.44) kNm
= -71.04 kNm
M2sldr = 58.01 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 75.73 kNm
M2sldr = Min (58.01, 75.73) kNm
= 58.01 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

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Major Axis Mux (top) 37.28 - 37.28

Major Axis Mux (bottom) -16.4 - -16.4
Minor Axis Muy (top) -66.03 -71.04 -71.04
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 54.09 58.01 58.01

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 69.28 kN
Mux = 37.28 kNm
Muy = -71.04 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 179.5 kN
Mux = -10.38 kNm
Muy = -49.68 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 179.5 kN
φ Pn = 179.5 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#20 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 62.31 deg

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MRes = 80.23 kNm

( φ ) MCap = 80.91 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.992 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 179.5 kN
Mnty = 137.67 kNm
Pu Bottom = 169.46 kN
Mnby = 136.5 kNm
Vuy1 = 109.67 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 95.32 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Critical Load Combination = kN
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Nu = 144.11 kN
Muy = 72.66 kNm
Vuy3 = -38.3727 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 109.67 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 49.96 kNm
φVcy = 75.7 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 45.29 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 37.85 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 256.1 sqmm/m

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Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)

= 256.1 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 179.5 kN
Mntx = 94.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 169.46 kN
Mnbx = 94.43 kNm
Vux1 = 75.53 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 70.347 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 3.26 kN
Mux = 66.3 kNm
Vux3 = -39.7587 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 75.53 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 65.91 kNm
φVcx = 60.02 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 20.69 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 30.01 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

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Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m

Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes

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Type of Frame = Intermediate

Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 118
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 15.24 kN
Muxt = 16.15 kNm
Muyt = 0.58 kNm
Vuxt = 0.52 kN
Vuyt = -16.65 kN
Pub = 25.28 kN
Muxb = -33.78 kNm
Muyb = -0.99 kNm
Vuxb = 0.52 kN
Vuyb = -16.65 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 48.881 No Beam 46.799 - 2.092
5100 x 200 x
Top 48.881 No Beam 8.087 - 6.095
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

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(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 250 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
3000 x 200 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 13.748 - 2
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.8

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = 16.15 kNm
M2 = -33.78 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.74
23.38 < 39.74, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.8
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 24.94
M1 = 0.58 kNm
M2 = -0.99 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
24.94 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 16.15 - 16.15
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -33.78 - -33.78
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.58 - 0.58
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -0.99 - -0.99

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 25.28 kN
Mux = -33.78 kNm
Muy = -0.99 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 28.29 kN
Mux = -32.23 kNm
Muy = -7.22 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 28.29 kN
φ Pn = 28.29 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#20 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.68 deg
MRes = 33.8 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 118.29 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.286 < 1

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Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 28.29 kN
Mnty = 118.67 kNm
Pu Bottom = 18.25 kN
Mnby = 117.36 kNm
Vuy1 = 87.42 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 15.26 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 20.77 kN
Muy = 33.27 kNm
Vuy3 = -14.4576 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 87.42 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 30 kNm
φVcy = 82.12 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 7.06 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 41.06 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 256.1 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3

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Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm

Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 28.29 kN
Mntx = 82.69 kNm
Pu Bottom = 18.25 kN
Mnbx = 81.77 kNm
Vux1 = 60.91 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 20.8529 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 20
[16] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 3.81 kN
Mux = 11.68 kNm
Vux3 = -6.7055 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 60.91 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 11.22 kNm
φVcx = 87.03 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C2
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 29
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
Load Combination = [20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 22.56 kN
Muxt = 1.32 kNm
Muyt = -19.79 kNm
Vuxt = -39.45 kN
Vuyt = -4.02 kN
Pub = 25.77 kN
Muxb = -6.72 kNm
Muyb = 59.09 kNm
Vuxb = -39.45 kN

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Vuyb = -4.02 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 73.321 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 73.321 19.169 19.169 3.194
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 41.243 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3000 x 200 x
Top 41.243 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm

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Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 1.32 kNm
M2 = -6.72 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 36.35
12.06 < 36.35, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 16.07
M1 = -19.79 kNm
M2 = 59.09 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.02
16.07 < 38.02, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 1.32 - 1.32
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -6.72 - -6.72
Minor Axis Muy (top) -19.79 - -19.79
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 59.09 - 59.09

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 25.77 kN
Mux = -6.72 kNm
Muy = 59.09 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 374.42 kN
Mux = 5.29 kNm
Muy = -57.44 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 374.42 kN
φ Pn = 374.42 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 83.51 deg
MRes = 59.47 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 81.9 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.726 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 374.42 kN
Mnty = 147.7 kNm
Pu Bottom = 367.72 kN
Mnby = 147.57 kNm
Vuy1 = 184.55 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 94.67 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 123.67 kN
Muy = 58.99 kNm
Vuy3 = -32.9264 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 184.55 kN
λ = 1

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φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 39.51 kNm
φVcy = 97.82 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 115.63 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 48.91 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 622.13 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 622.13 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 178.83 kN
Mntx = 94.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 172.14 kN
Mnbx = 94.43 kNm
Vux1 = 118.02 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 78.8745 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 25.77 kN
Mux = 59.09 kNm
Vux3 = -39.4528 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

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= 118.02 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 56 kNm
φVcx = 66.08 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 69.25 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 33.04 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 527.84 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 527.84 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm

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Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C2
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 74
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 296.71 kN
Muxt = -13.53 kNm
Muyt = 67.96 kNm
Vuxt = 39.23 kN
Vuyt = 6.7 kN
Pub = 306.75 kN
Muxb = 6.58 kNm
Muyb = -49.68 kNm
Vuxb = 39.23 kN
Vuyb = 6.7 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Bottom 48.881 19.169 19.169 3.194
400 400
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Top 48.881 46.799 46.799 1.046
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 200 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
3000 x 250 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.4
M1 = 6.58 kNm
M2 = -13.53 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.83
18.4 < 39.83, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B

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Slenderness Check along B

K = 2.1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 60.62
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
60.62 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 2.76 kNm
M2s = 1.04 kNm
M1ns = 70.13 kNm
M2ns = -54.55 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 72.89 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 95.15 kNm
M1sldr = Min (72.89, 95.15) kNm
= 72.89 kNm
M2sldr = -53.51 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -69.56 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-53.51, -69.56) kNm
= -53.51 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -13.53 - -13.53
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 6.58 - 6.58
Minor Axis Muy (top) 67.96 72.89 72.89
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -49.68 -53.51 -53.51

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 296.71 kN
Mux = -13.53 kNm
Muy = 72.89 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
Load Combination = [14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5

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(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)

Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 306.75 kN
Mux = 6.58 kNm
Muy = -49.68 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 306.75 kN
φ Pn = 306.75 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 79.49 deg
MRes = 74.13 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 85.43 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.868 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 306.75 kN
Mnty = 146.37 kNm
Pu Bottom = 296.71 kN
Mnby = 146.18 kNm
Vuy1 = 117.02 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 93.34 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23

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[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25

Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 108.01 kN
Muy = 61.16 kNm
Vuy3 = 35.1439 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 117.02 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 44.15 kNm
φVcy = 79.77 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 49.66 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 39.89 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 267.2 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 267.2 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 183.38 kN
Mntx = 94.39 kNm
Pu Bottom = 173.34 kN
Mnbx = 94.42 kNm
Vux1 = 75.53 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)

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Vux2 = 84.0381 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 55.69 kN
Mux = 64.12 kNm
Vux3 = -38.4838 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 84.04 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 57.44 kNm
φVcx = 62.02 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 29.36 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 31.01 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm

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Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C2
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 119
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 21.39 kN
Muxt = -13.81 kNm
Muyt = 0.28 kNm
Vuxt = 0.75 kN
Vuyt = 12.13 kN

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Pub = 31.43 kN
Muxb = 22.56 kNm
Muyb = -1.96 kNm
Vuxb = 0.75 kN
Vuyb = 12.13 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Bottom 48.881 46.799 46.799 1.046
500 500
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 48.881 8.087 8.087 3.005
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 250 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
3000 x 200 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 13.748 - 2
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.8

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D

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K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.88
M1 = -13.81 kNm
M2 = 22.56 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.88 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.8
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 24.94
M1 = 0.28 kNm
M2 = -1.96 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 35.7
24.94 < 35.7, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -13.81 - -13.81
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 22.56 - 22.56
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.28 - 0.28
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -1.96 - -1.96

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 31.43 kN
Mux = 22.56 kNm
Muy = -1.96 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 38.11 kN
Mux = 7.11 kNm
Muy = -9.84 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72

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φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN

Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 38.11 kN
φ Pn = 38.11 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.97 deg
MRes = 22.64 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 118.99 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.19 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 38.11 kN
Mnty = 119.96 kNm
Pu Bottom = 28.07 kN
Mnby = 118.64 kNm
Vuy1 = 88.37 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 15.23 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 19
[15] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 29.29 kN
Muy = 22.42 kNm
Vuy3 = 12.0855 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)

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= 88.37 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 17.81 kNm
φVcy = 100.42 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 38.11 kN
Mntx = 83.56 kNm
Pu Bottom = 28.07 kN
Mnbx = 82.67 kNm
Vux1 = 61.57 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 26.7164 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 2.54 kN
Mux = 10.24 kNm
Vux3 = -5.784 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 61.57 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 9.93 kNm
φVcx = 91.87 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm

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Criterion for spacing of normal

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C3
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 30
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
Load Combination = [20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = -35.5 kN
Muxt = 1.56 kNm

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Muyt = -19.13 kNm

Vuxt = -38.29 kN
Vuyt = -4.2 kN
Pub = -32.29 kN
Muxb = -6.84 kNm
Muyb = 57.42 kNm
Vuxb = -38.29 kN
Vuyb = -4.2 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 73.321 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 73.321 No Beam - 19.169 6.349
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 41.243 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3000 x 200 x
Top 41.243 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041

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0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame


Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 1.56 - 1.56
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -6.84 - -6.84
Minor Axis Muy (top) -19.13 - -19.13
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 57.42 - 57.42

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = -32.29 kN
Mux = -6.84 kNm
Muy = 57.42 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 235.32 kN
Mux = 3.55 kNm
Muy = -56.18 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 235.32 kN
φ Pn = 235.32 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

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Moment Capacity Check

Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 83.21 deg
MRes = 57.83 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 77.35 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.748 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 235.32 kN
Mnty = 144.17 kNm
Pu Bottom = 228.63 kN
Mnby = 143.39 kNm
Vuy1 = 179.73 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 92.46 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 23.14 kN
Muy = 54.73 kNm
Vuy3 = -26.2904 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 179.73 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 51.09 kNm
φVcy = 87.52 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 122.94 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement

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0.5 x φVcy = 43.76 kN

Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 661.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 661.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 179.89 kN
Mntx = 94.4 kNm
Pu Bottom = 173.2 kN
Mnbx = 94.42 kNm
Vux1 = 118.02 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 63.267 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 32.29 kN
Mux = 57.42 kNm
Vux3 = -38.2862 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 118.02 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 53.55 kNm
φVcx = 66.69 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 68.44 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN

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Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK

Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 33.34 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 521.63 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 521.63 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C3

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Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 75
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 63.66 kN
Muxt = -23.91 kNm
Muyt = -63.43 kNm
Vuxt = -38.31 kN
Vuyt = 10.56 kN
Pub = 73.7 kN
Muxb = 7.77 kNm
Muyb = 51.48 kNm
Vuxb = -38.31 kN
Vuyb = 10.56 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 48.881 No Beam - 19.169 6.349
5100 x 250 x
Top 48.881 No Beam - 46.799 2.092
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major

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Axis = 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 200 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 32.587 - 2.113
3000 x 250 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = 7.77 kNm
M2 = -23.91 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.9
21.65 < 37.9, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 60.62
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
60.62 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -0.95 kNm
M2s = 2.54 kNm
M1ns = -67.2 kNm

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M2ns = 52.64 kNm

δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -68.15 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -88.81 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-68.15, -88.81) kNm
= -68.15 kNm
M2sldr = 55.17 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 72.07 kNm
M2sldr = Min (55.17, 72.07) kNm
= 55.17 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -23.91 - -23.91
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 7.77 - 7.77
Minor Axis Muy (top) -63.43 -68.15 -68.15
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 51.48 55.17 55.17

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 63.66 kN
Mux = -23.91 kNm
Muy = -68.15 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 174.17 kN
Mux = 14.11 kNm
Muy = -46.41 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18

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[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5

Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 174.17 kN
φ Pn = 174.17 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 70.67 deg
MRes = 72.22 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 79.95 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.903 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 174.17 kN
Mnty = 137.05 kNm
Pu Bottom = 164.13 kN
Mnby = 135.88 kNm
Vuy1 = 109.17 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 90.33 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Critical Load Combination = kN
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Nu = 138.67 kN
Muy = 67.88 kNm
Vuy3 = 35.9619 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 109.17 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 46.04 kNm

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φVcy = 77.28 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 42.53 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 38.64 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 256.1 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 174.17 kN
Mntx = 94.42 kNm
Pu Bottom = 164.13 kN
Mnbx = 93.99 kNm
Vux1 = 75.36 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 67.9287 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 0.48 kN
Mux = 62.96 kNm
Vux3 = -37.7092 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 75.36 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021

Mm = 62.9 kNm
φVcx = 60.35 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 20.02 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 290.35 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 30.17 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

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Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements

Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C3
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 120
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 5.01 kN
Muxt = -8.41 kNm
Muyt = -10.67 kNm
Vuxt = -6.26 kN
Vuyt = 11.99 kN
Pub = 15.05 kN
Muxb = 27.55 kNm
Muyb = 8.12 kNm
Vuxb = -6.26 kN
Vuyb = 11.99 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

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(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 48.881 No Beam - 46.799 2.092
5100 x 200 x
Top 48.881 No Beam - 8.087 6.095
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3000 x 250 x
Bottom 27.496 No Beam 79.559 - 0.692
3000 x 200 x
Top 27.496 No Beam 13.748 - 2
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.8

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = -8.41 kNm
M2 = 27.55 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.66
23.38 < 37.66, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.8

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r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 24.94
M1 = 8.12 kNm
M2 = -10.67 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
24.94 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -8.41 - -8.41
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 27.55 - 27.55
Minor Axis Muy (top) -10.67 - -10.67
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 8.12 - 8.12

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 15.05 kN
Mux = 27.55 kNm
Muy = 8.12 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 28.21 kN
Mux = 26.92 kNm
Muy = -4.87 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.72
φ Pn, Max = 1534.09 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 28.21 kN
φ Pn = 28.21 kN

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Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %

Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.72
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 16.42 deg
MRes = 28.72 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 113.46 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.253 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 28.21 kN
Mnty = 118.66 kNm
Pu Bottom = 18.17 kN
Mnby = 117.34 kNm
Vuy1 = 87.41 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 13.78 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 20.78 kN
Muy = 29.45 kNm
Vuy3 = 13.0544 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 87.41 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.02
Mm = 26.18 kNm
φVcy = 85.92 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

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Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ

= 1.99 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 308.5 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 42.96 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 256.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 256.1 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 150 mm
Av/s provided = 1570.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 28.21 kN
Mntx = 82.68 kNm
Pu Bottom = 18.17 kN
Mnbx = 81.76 kNm
Vux1 = 60.9 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 19.2823 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 20
[16] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 3.95 kN
Mux = 10.72 kNm
Vux3 = -6.2728 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 60.9 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.021
Mm = 10.25 kNm
φVcx = 90.28 kN
Vux < φVcx

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Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 150 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 150 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 150 --- 125 150 125

General Data
Column No. : C4
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 31
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
Load Combination = [22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 74.64 kN
Muxt = -3.65 kNm
Muyt = 37.79 kNm
Vuxt = 52.79 kN
Vuyt = 4.64 kN
Pub = 77.85 kN
Muxb = 5.62 kNm
Muyb = -67.75 kNm
Vuxb = 52.79 kN
Vuyb = 4.64 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.75

Check For Stability Index

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Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = -3.65 kNm
M2 = 5.62 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
12.06 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.75
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 10.39
M1 = 37.79 kNm
M2 = -67.75 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
10.39 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -3.65 - -3.65
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 5.62 - 5.62
Minor Axis Muy (top) 37.79 - 37.79
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -67.75 - -67.75

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 77.85 kN
Mux = 5.62 kNm

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Muy = -67.75 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 403.73 kN
Mux = 0.61 kNm
Muy = 69.85 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 403.73 kN
φ Pn = 403.73 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#20 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 85.26 deg
MRes = 67.98 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 128.99 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.527 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 403.73 kN
Mnty = 169.17 kNm
Pu Bottom = 397.04 kN
Mnby = 168.4 kNm
Vuy1 = 210.99 kN

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Shear from Load combinations with

Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 127.8 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 121.64 kN
Muy = 64.12 kNm
Vuy3 = 32.1218 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 210.99 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 44.96 kNm
φVcy = 116.71 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 125.7 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 58.35 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 676.31 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 676.31 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 403.73 kN
Mntx = 169.17 kNm
Pu Bottom = 397.04 kN

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Mnbx = 168.4 kNm

Vux1 = 210.99 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 77.3334 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 77.85 kN
Mux = 67.75 kNm
Vux3 = 52.7858 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 210.99 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 55.49 kNm
φVcx = 108.76 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 136.31 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 54.38 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 733.35 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 733.35 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm

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> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4

= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C4
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 76
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =

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Critical Location = Top Joint

Put = 262.13 kN
Muxt = 42.92 kNm
Muyt = 84.73 kNm
Vuxt = 50.48 kN
Vuyt = -19.54 kN
Pub = 272.17 kN
Muxb = -15.69 kNm
Muyb = -66.67 kNm
Vuxb = 50.48 kN
Vuyb = -19.54 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 1.16

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -15.69 kNm
M2 = 42.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.39
21.65 < 38.39, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.16
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 25.11
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
25.11 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 4.01 kNm
M2s = 0.81 kNm
M1ns = 86.81 kNm
M2ns = -72.56 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 90.82 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 118.62 kNm
M1sldr = Min (90.82, 118.62) kNm
= 90.82 kNm
M2sldr = -71.76 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -93.33 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-71.76, -93.33) kNm
= -71.76 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 42.92 - 42.92
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -15.69 - -15.69
Minor Axis Muy (top) 84.73 90.82 90.82
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -66.67 -71.76 -71.76

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 262.13 kN
Mux = 42.92 kNm
Muy = 90.82 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 344.85 kN
Mux = -20.18 kNm
Muy = 68.28 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 344.85 kN
φ Pn = 344.85 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 64.71 deg
MRes = 100.45 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 137.24 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.732 < 1

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Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 344.85 kN
Mnty = 162.4 kNm
Pu Bottom = 334.81 kN
Mnby = 161.25 kNm
Vuy1 = 129.46 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 119.65 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Critical Load Combination = kN
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Nu = 315.36 kN
Muy = 93.03 kNm
Vuy3 = -48.2876 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 129.46 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 43.36 kNm
φVcy = 101.46 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 37.33 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 50.73 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3

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Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm

Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 344.85 kN
Mntx = 162.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 334.81 kN
Mnbx = 161.25 kNm
Vux1 = 129.46 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 85.8436 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 92.8 kN
Mux = 82.17 kNm
Vux3 = 49.7164 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 129.46 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 67.55 kNm
φVcx = 91.91 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 50.07 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 45.95 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C4
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm

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Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm

Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 121
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 33.74 kN
Muxt = 17.41 kNm
Muyt = 2.89 kNm
Vuxt = 2.85 kN
Vuyt = -22.94 kN
Pub = 42.22 kN
Muxb = -51.38 kNm
Muyb = -5.65 kNm
Vuxb = 2.85 kN
Vuyb = -22.94 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 8.087 - 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500

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5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x

Top 65.174 7.782 13.748 3.026
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = 17.41 kNm
M2 = -51.38 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.06
23.38 < 38.06, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 15.67
M1 = 2.89 kNm
M2 = -5.65 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
15.67 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 17.41 - 17.41
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -51.38 - -51.38
Minor Axis Muy (top) 2.89 - 2.89
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -5.65 - -5.65

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 42.22 kN
Mux = -51.38 kNm
Muy = -5.65 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 45.49 kN
Mux = -45.43 kNm
Muy = 13.54 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 45.49 kN
φ Pn = 45.49 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 6.28 deg
MRes = 51.69 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.27 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.416 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:

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Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 45.49 kN
Mnty = 124.37 kNm
Pu Bottom = 35.45 kN
Mnby = 122.95 kNm
Vuy1 = 91.6 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 28.8 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 42.22 kN
Muy = 51.38 kNm
Vuy3 = -22.936 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 91.6 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 44.73 kNm
φVcy = 93.08 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 45.49 kN
Mntx = 124.37 kNm
Pu Bottom = 35.45 kN
Mnbx = 122.95 kNm
Vux1 = 91.6 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 27.4431 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 13.27 kN
Mux = 18.63 kNm
Vux3 = 11.8425 kN

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Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

= 91.6 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 16.54 kNm
φVcx = 124.28 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm

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Consider Ductile = Yes

Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 32
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
Load Combination = [22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 174.32 kN
Muxt = -0.05 kNm
Muyt = 36.54 kNm
Vuxt = 51.2 kN
Vuyt = 1.99 kN
Pub = 177.52 kN
Muxb = 3.92 kNm
Muyb = -65.83 kNm
Vuxb = 51.2 kN
Vuyb = 1.99 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.75

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = -0.05 kNm
M2 = 3.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 34.15
12.06 < 34.15, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.75
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 10.39
M1 = 36.54 kNm
M2 = -65.83 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
10.39 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -0.05 - -0.05
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 3.92 - 3.92
Minor Axis Muy (top) 36.54 - 36.54
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -65.83 - -65.83


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A = Moments from analysis

B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 177.52 kN
Mux = 3.92 kNm
Muy = -65.83 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 639.25 kN
Mux = -5.35 kNm
Muy = 68.18 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 639.25 kN
φ Pn = 639.25 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 86.59 deg
MRes = 65.94 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 142.08 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.464 < 1

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Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 571.86 kN
Mnty = 173.25 kNm
Pu Bottom = 565.17 kN
Mnby = 173.09 kNm
Vuy1 = 216.46 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 124.59 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 244.68 kN
Muy = 68.27 kNm
Vuy3 = -38.3723 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 216.46 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 29.73 kNm
φVcy = 139.83 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 102.17 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 69.92 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 549.71 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 549.71 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm

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Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m

Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 571.86 kN
Mntx = 173.25 kNm
Pu Bottom = 565.17 kN
Mnbx = 173.09 kNm
Vux1 = 216.46 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 91.9346 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 177.52 kN
Mux = 65.83 kNm
Vux3 = 51.199 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 216.46 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 37.87 kNm
φVcx = 125.86 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 120.81 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 62.93 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 649.97 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 649.97 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm

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Numbers of legs provided = 3

Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm

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Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm

No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 77
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
Load Combination = [22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 188.64 kN
Muxt = -6.22 kNm
Muyt = 81.81 kNm
Vuxt = 49.27 kN
Vuyt = 3.26 kN
Pub = 193.44 kN
Muxb = 3.55 kNm
Muyb = -65.95 kNm
Vuxb = 49.27 kN
Vuyb = 3.26 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500

= 1.16
User Defined Effective Length

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.4
M1 = 3.55 kNm
M2 = -6.22 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.4 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.16
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 25.11
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
25.11 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 2.88 kNm
M2s = -0.13 kNm
M1ns = 84.9 kNm
M2ns = -70.79 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 87.77 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 114.54 kNm
M1sldr = Min (87.77, 114.54) kNm
= 87.77 kNm
M2sldr = -70.92 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -92.33 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-70.92, -92.33) kNm
= -70.92 kNm

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Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -6.22 - -6.22
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 3.55 - 3.55
Minor Axis Muy (top) 81.81 87.77 87.77
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -65.95 -70.92 -70.92

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 188.64 kN
Mux = -6.22 kNm
Muy = 87.77 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 601.09 kN
Mux = 1.57 kNm
Muy = -2.58 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 601.09 kN
φ Pn = 601.09 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29

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Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20

Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 85.95 deg
MRes = 87.99 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 143.37 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.614 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 577.35 kN
Mnty = 172.64 kNm
Pu Bottom = 567.31 kN
Mnby = 173.14 kNm
Vuy1 = 138.31 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 118.84 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 225.11 kN
Muy = 70.9 kNm
Vuy3 = 40.7019 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 138.31 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 35.45 kNm
φVcy = 109.65 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 38.22 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 54.82 kN

Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

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Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 577.35 kN
Mntx = 172.92 kNm
Pu Bottom = 567.31 kN
Mnbx = 173.14 kNm
Vux1 = 138.43 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 97.3421 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 188.64 kN
Mux = 81.81 kNm
Vux3 = 49.2687 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 138.43 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 52.1 kNm
φVcx = 98.52 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 53.2 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement

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0.5 x φVcx = 49.26 kN

Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011

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Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm

Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 122
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 45.39 kN
Muxt = -0.87 kNm
Muyt = 21.26 kNm
Vuxt = 15.64 kN
Vuyt = 2.05 kN
Pub = 55.43 kN
Muxb = 5.27 kNm
Muyb = -25.66 kNm
Vuxb = 15.64 kN
Vuyb = 2.05 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 8.087 8.087 4.006
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.782 13.748 3.026
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.88
M1 = -0.87 kNm
M2 = 5.27 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 35.98
19.88 < 35.98, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 15.67
M1 = 21.26 kNm
M2 = -25.66 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
15.67 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -0.87 - -0.87
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 5.27 - 5.27
Minor Axis Muy (top) 21.26 - 21.26

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Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -25.66 - -25.66

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 55.43 kN
Mux = 5.27 kNm
Muy = -25.66 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 65.38 kN
Mux = 4.89 kNm
Muy = -12.69 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 65.38 kN
φ Pn = 65.38 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 78.39 deg
MRes = 26.19 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 126.16 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap

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= 0.208 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 65.38 kN
Mnty = 127.17 kNm
Pu Bottom = 56.89 kN
Mnby = 125.97 kNm
Vuy1 = 93.75 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 30.93 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 25.65 kN
Muy = 21.24 kNm
Vuy3 = 12.2036 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 93.75 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 17.2 kNm
φVcy = 123.48 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 65.38 kN
Mntx = 127.17 kNm
Pu Bottom = 56.89 kN
Mnbx = 125.97 kNm
Vux1 = 93.75 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 29.0509 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 18

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[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5

Critical Load Combination = kN
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Nu = 55.43 kN
Mux = 25.66 kNm
Vux3 = 15.6442 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 93.75 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 16.93 kNm
φVcx = 124.28 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data

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Column No. : C6
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 33
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
Load Combination = [22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 79.32 kN
Muxt = 3.36 kNm
Muyt = 35.59 kNm
Vuxt = 49.83 kN
Vuyt = -0.52 kN
Pub = 82.53 kN
Muxb = 2.31 kNm
Muyb = -64.05 kNm
Vuxb = 49.83 kN
Vuyb = -0.52 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway

Effective Length Factor along Major = 0.87

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Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.75

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 2.31 kNm
M2 = 3.36 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 25.74
12.06 < 25.74, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.75
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 10.39
M1 = 35.59 kNm
M2 = -64.05 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
10.39 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

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Major Axis Mux (top) 3.36 - 3.36

Major Axis Mux (bottom) 2.31 - 2.31
Minor Axis Muy (top) 35.59 - 35.59
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -64.05 - -64.05

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 82.53 kN
Mux = 2.31 kNm
Muy = -64.05 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 389.34 kN
Mux = -7.91 kNm
Muy = 66.29 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 389.34 kN
φ Pn = 389.34 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 87.93 deg

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MRes = 64.09 kNm

( φ ) MCap = 129.44 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.495 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 389.34 kN
Mnty = 167.52 kNm
Pu Bottom = 382.65 kN
Mnby = 166.75 kNm
Vuy1 = 208.92 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 121.15 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 118.52 kN
Muy = 63.91 kNm
Vuy3 = -31.5743 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 208.92 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 45.25 kNm
φVcy = 116.04 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 123.84 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 58.02 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 666.28 sqmm/m

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Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)

= 666.28 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 389.34 kN
Mntx = 167.52 kNm
Pu Bottom = 382.65 kN
Mnbx = 166.75 kNm
Vux1 = 208.92 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 76.1737 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 82.53 kN
Mux = 64.05 kNm
Vux3 = 49.8338 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 208.92 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 51.05 kNm
φVcx = 111.35 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 130.09 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 55.67 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

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Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m

Av/s shear = 699.93 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 699.93 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C6
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes

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Type of Frame = Intermediate

Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 78
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 18
[14] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 260.35 kN
Muxt = -45.1 kNm
Muyt = 81.97 kNm
Vuxt = 48.6 kN
Vuyt = 20.99 kN
Pub = 270.39 kN
Muxb = 17.85 kNm
Muyb = -63.8 kNm
Vuxb = 48.6 kN
Vuyb = 20.99 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

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(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 32.587 3.189
400 400
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 1.16

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = 17.85 kNm
M2 = -45.1 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.75
21.65 < 38.75, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.16
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 25.11
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
25.11 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 5.66 kNm
M2s = 0.01 kNm
M1ns = 82.07 kNm
M2ns = -68.63 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 87.73 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 114.76 kNm

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M1sldr = Min (87.73, 114.76) kNm

= 87.73 kNm
M2sldr = -68.62 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -89.32 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-68.62, -89.32) kNm
= -68.62 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -45.1 - -45.1
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 17.85 - 17.85
Minor Axis Muy (top) 81.97 87.73 87.73
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -63.8 -68.62 -68.62

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 260.35 kN
Mux = -45.1 kNm
Muy = 87.73 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 333.57 kN
Mux = 13.66 kNm
Muy = 63.83 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 333.57 kN
φ Pn = 333.57 kN

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Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %

Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 62.79 deg
MRes = 98.64 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 135.87 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.726 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 333.57 kN
Mnty = 161.11 kNm
Pu Bottom = 323.53 kN
Mnby = 159.95 kNm
Vuy1 = 128.42 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 114.01 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 142.87 kN
Muy = 64.08 kNm
Vuy3 = 34.8752 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 128.42 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 41.57 kNm
φVcy = 102.39 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

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Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ

= 34.72 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 51.19 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 333.57 kN
Mntx = 161.11 kNm
Pu Bottom = 323.53 kN
Mnbx = 159.95 kNm
Vux1 = 128.42 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 83.6542 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 94.42 kN
Mux = 78.47 kNm
Vux3 = 47.3779 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 128.42 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 63.59 kNm
φVcx = 92.83 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

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Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 47.46 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 46.41 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10

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Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C6
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 123
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 33.7 kN
Muxt = -17.1 kNm
Muyt = 3.4 kNm
Vuxt = 3.58 kN
Vuyt = 21.71 kN
Pub = 42.19 kN
Muxb = 48 kNm
Muyb = -7.33 kNm
Vuxb = 3.58 kN
Vuyb = 21.71 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789

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5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 8.087 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 3000 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 79.559 1.046
500 500
5300 x 200 x 3000 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.782 13.748 3.026
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = -17.1 kNm
M2 = 48 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.28
23.38 < 38.28, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 15.67
M1 = 3.4 kNm
M2 = -7.33 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.57

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15.67 < 39.57, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -17.1 - -17.1
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 48 - 48
Minor Axis Muy (top) 3.4 - 3.4
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -7.33 - -7.33

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 42.19 kN
Mux = 48 kNm
Muy = -7.33 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 44.81 kN
Mux = 41.34 kNm
Muy = 10.33 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 44.81 kN
φ Pn = 44.81 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

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Moment Capacity Check

Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 8.68 deg
MRes = 48.56 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.41 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.39 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 44.81 kN
Mnty = 124.27 kNm
Pu Bottom = 34.77 kN
Mnby = 122.86 kNm
Vuy1 = 91.53 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 27.07 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 42.19 kN
Muy = 48 kNm
Vuy3 = 21.7069 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 91.53 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 41.36 kNm
φVcy = 94.56 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 44.81 kN
Mntx = 124.27 kNm
Pu Bottom = 34.77 kN

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Mnbx = 122.86 kNm

Vux1 = 91.53 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 26.0211 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 13.9 kN
Mux = 17.65 kNm
Vux3 = 11.1362 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 91.53 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 15.46 kNm
φVcx = 127.69 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements

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Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 34
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
Load Combination = [19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 127.33 kN
Muxt = 0.6 kNm
Muyt = -2.96 kNm
Vuxt = -5.44 kN
Vuyt = 39.17 kN
Pub = 130.54 kN
Muxb = 78.92 kNm
Muyb = 7.92 kNm
Vuxb = -5.44 kN
Vuyb = 39.17 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x

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Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 0.6 kNm
M2 = 78.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 33.91
12.06 < 33.91, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm

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Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = -2.96 kNm
M2 = 7.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.48
12.06 < 38.48, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 0.6 - 0.6
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 78.92 - 78.92
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.96 - -2.96
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 7.92 - 7.92

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 130.54 kN
Mux = 78.92 kNm
Muy = 7.92 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 431.08 kN
Mux = -72.49 kNm
Muy = -6 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 431.08 kN
φ Pn = 431.08 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %

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Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %

Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 5.73 deg
MRes = 79.32 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 136.21 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.582 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 431.08 kN
Mnty = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.38 kN
Mnby = 169.71 kNm
Vuy1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 105.36 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 130.54 kN
Muy = 78.92 kNm
Vuy3 = 39.172 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 58.36 kNm
φVcy = 107.28 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ

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= 139.95 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 53.64 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 752.97 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 752.97 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 431.08 kN
Mntx = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.38 kN
Mnbx = 169.71 kNm
Vux1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 94.4379 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 170.71 kN
Mux = 62.92 kNm
Vux3 = -43.9179 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 36.03 kNm
φVcx = 127.41 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

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Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 113.11 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 63.7 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 608.55 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 608.55 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

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General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 79
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 353.46 kN
Muxt = 47.87 kNm
Muyt = -73.26 kNm
Vuxt = -44.46 kN
Vuyt = -22.11 kN
Pub = 363.5 kN
Muxb = -18.43 kNm
Muyb = 60.08 kNm
Vuxb = -44.46 kN
Vuyb = -22.11 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466

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5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -18.43 kNm
M2 = 47.87 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.62
21.65 < 38.62, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:

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For Sway Frame:

Along B
M1s = -3.05 kNm
M2s = 4.15 kNm
M1ns = -75.51 kNm
M2ns = 60.16 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -78.56 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -102.57 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-78.56, -102.57) kNm
= -78.56 kNm
M2sldr = 64.3 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 84.11 kNm
M2sldr = Min (64.3, 84.11) kNm
= 64.3 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 47.87 - 47.87
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -18.43 - -18.43
Minor Axis Muy (top) -73.26 -78.56 -78.56
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 60.08 64.3 64.3

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 353.46 kN
Mux = 47.87 kNm
Muy = -78.56 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 394.14 kN
Mux = -20.5 kNm
Muy = 3.72 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN

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Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 394.14 kN
φ Pn = 394.14 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 58.64 deg
MRes = 92 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 134.02 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.686 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 394.14 kN
Mnty = 168.07 kNm
Pu Bottom = 385.66 kN
Mnby = 167.1 kNm
Vuy1 = 134.07 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 103.34 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 176.37 kN
Muy = 77.91 kNm
Vuy3 = -42.3769 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 134.07 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 50.14 kNm
φVcy = 98.68 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 47.18 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 49.34 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 394.14 kN
Mntx = 168.07 kNm
Pu Bottom = 385.66 kN
Mnbx = 167.1 kNm
Vux1 = 134.07 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 101.7319 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 151.72 kN
Mux = 71.68 kNm
Vux3 = -43.1978 kN

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Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

= 134.07 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 47.79 kNm
φVcx = 99.85 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 45.62 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 49.93 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm

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Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 124
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 41.06 kN
Muxt = 18.81 kNm
Muyt = -2.88 kNm
Vuxt = -2.16 kN
Vuyt = -24.45 kN
Pub = 49.54 kN
Muxb = -54.52 kNm
Muyb = 3.6 kNm
Vuxb = -2.16 kN
Vuyb = -24.45 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 8.087 - 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.398 7.782 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = 18.81 kNm
M2 = -54.52 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.14

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23.38 < 38.14, Column not slender along D

Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -2.88 kNm
M2 = 3.6 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 18.81 - 18.81
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -54.52 - -54.52
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.88 - -2.88
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 3.6 - 3.6

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 49.54 kN
Mux = -54.52 kNm
Muy = 3.6 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.16 kN
Mux = -46.43 kNm
Muy = 2.15 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17

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[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5

Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 50.16 kN
φ Pn = 50.16 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 3.78 deg
MRes = 54.64 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 125.09 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.437 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 49.54 kN
Mnty = 124.94 kNm
Pu Bottom = 41.06 kN
Mnby = 123.74 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.1 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 20.84 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 49.54 kN
Muy = 54.52 kNm
Vuy3 = -24.4497 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.1 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 46.72 kNm

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φVcy = 92.4 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 49.54 kN
Mntx = 124.94 kNm
Pu Bottom = 41.06 kN
Mnbx = 123.74 kNm
Vux1 = 92.1 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 27.636 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 12.19 kN
Mux = 3.42 kNm
Vux3 = -2.4121 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 92.1 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 1.5 kNm
φVcx = 137.04 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C8
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 35
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 273.03 kN
Muxt = 9.87 kNm
Muyt = 0.17 kNm
Vuxt = -0.24 kN
Vuyt = -46.95 kN
Pub = 276.23 kN
Muxb = -84 kNm
Muyb = 0.64 kNm
Vuxb = -0.24 kN

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Vuyb = -46.95 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm

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Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 9.87 kNm
M2 = -84 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 35.41
12.06 < 35.41, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = 0.17 kNm
M2 = 0.64 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 30.82
12.06 < 30.82, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 9.87 - 9.87
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -84 - -84
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.17 - 0.17
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 0.64 - 0.64

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 276.23 kN
Mux = -84 kNm
Muy = 0.64 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 735.91 kN
Mux = -0.12 kNm
Muy = 1.29 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 735.91 kN
φ Pn = 735.91 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 0.44 deg
MRes = 84 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 154.41 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.544 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 568.7 kN
Mnty = 173.18 kNm
Pu Bottom = 562.1 kN
Mnby = 173.02 kNm
Vuy1 = 216.37 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 102.63 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 276.23 kN
Muy = 84 kNm
Vuy3 = -46.9455 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 216.37 kN
λ = 1

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φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 40.49 kNm
φVcy = 122.53 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 125.13 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 61.26 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 673.2 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 673.2 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 568.7 kN
Mntx = 173.18 kNm
Pu Bottom = 562.1 kN
Mnbx = 173.02 kNm
Vux1 = 216.37 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 1:
Load Combination =
Vux2 = 112.6634 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 272.52 kN
Mux = 24.6 kNm
Vux3 = 42.3038 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

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= 216.37 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = -18.33 kNm
φVcx = 165.68 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 67.58 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 82.84 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 363.62 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 363.62 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm

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Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C8
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 80
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 255.3 kN
Muxt = 83.94 kNm
Muyt = -0.99 kNm
Vuxt = -0.91 kN
Vuyt = -48.59 kN
Pub = 260.11 kN
Muxb = -61.78 kNm
Muyb = 1.73 kNm
Vuxb = -0.91 kN
Vuyb = -48.59 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.4
M1 = -61.78 kNm
M2 = 83.94 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.4 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B

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Slenderness Check along B

K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -0.99 kNm
M2s = 1.72 kNm
M1ns = -0.01 kNm
M2ns = 0.01 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -0.99 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -1.39 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-0.99, -1.39) kNm
= -0.99 kNm
M2sldr = 1.73 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 2.42 kNm
M2sldr = Min (1.73, 2.42) kNm
= 1.73 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 83.94 - 83.94
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -61.78 - -61.78
Minor Axis Muy (top) -0.99 -0.99 -0.99
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 1.73 1.73 1.73

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 255.3 kN
Mux = 83.94 kNm
Muy = -0.99 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD

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4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 708.36 kN
Mux = -0.33 kNm
Muy = 3.08 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 708.36 kN
φ Pn = 708.36 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 0.68 deg
MRes = 83.95 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 151.89 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.553 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 543.26 kN
Mnty = 172.56 kNm
Pu Bottom = 533.22 kN
Mnby = 172.32 kNm
Vuy1 = 137.96 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 100.11 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25

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[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25

Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 255.3 kN
Muy = 83.94 kNm
Vuy3 = -48.5868 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 137.96 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 43.73 kNm
φVcy = 102.97 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 46.65 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 51.48 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 543.26 kN
Mntx = 172.56 kNm
Pu Bottom = 533.22 kN
Mnbx = 172.32 kNm
Vux1 = 137.96 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)

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Vux2 = 116.6058 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 255.4 kN
Mux = 69.31 kNm
Vux3 = -41.8286 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 137.96 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 29.08 kNm
φVcx = 117.16 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 27.72 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 58.58 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm

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Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C8
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 125
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 25.09 kN
Muxt = 17.53 kNm
Muyt = -1.27 kNm
Vuxt = -0.89 kN
Vuyt = -12.56 kN
Pub = 29.9 kN

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Muxb = -20.15 kNm

Muyb = 1.4 kNm
Vuxb = -0.89 kN
Vuyb = -12.56 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 8.087 8.087 4.006
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.398 7.782 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85

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r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.88
M1 = 17.53 kNm
M2 = -20.15 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.88 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -1.27 kNm
M2 = 1.4 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 17.53 - 17.53
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -20.15 - -20.15
Minor Axis Muy (top) -1.27 - -1.27
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 1.4 - 1.4

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 29.9 kN
Mux = -20.15 kNm
Muy = 1.4 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 79.1 kN
Mux = -0.23 kNm
Muy = 2.06 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN

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Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 79.1 kN
φ Pn = 79.1 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 3.96 deg
MRes = 20.2 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 122.44 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.165 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 79.1 kN
Mnty = 129.1 kNm
Pu Bottom = 70.61 kN
Mnby = 127.9 kNm
Vuy1 = 95.19 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 19.37 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 29.9 kN
Muy = 20.15 kNm
Vuy3 = -12.5638 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 95.19 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 15.44 kNm
φVcy = 129.86 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 79.1 kN
Mntx = 129.1 kNm
Pu Bottom = 70.61 kN
Mnbx = 127.9 kNm
Vux1 = 95.19 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 30.1432 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 24.95 kN
Mux = 10.65 kNm
Vux3 = 6.4134 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 95.19 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 6.72 kNm
φVcx = 138.58 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm

48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 36
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 127.28 kN
Muxt = -0.82 kNm
Muyt = -2.95 kNm
Vuxt = -5.42 kN

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Vuyt = -39.08 kN
Pub = 130.49 kN
Muxb = -78.96 kNm
Muyb = 7.89 kNm
Vuxb = -5.42 kN
Vuyb = -39.08 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = -0.82 kNm
M2 = -78.96 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 33.88
12.06 < 33.88, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = -2.95 kNm
M2 = 7.89 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.48
12.06 < 38.48, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -0.82 - -0.82
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -78.96 - -78.96
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.95 - -2.95
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 7.89 - 7.89

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 130.49 kN
Mux = -78.96 kNm
Muy = 7.89 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 430.98 kN

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Mux = 72.41 kNm

Muy = -6.07 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 430.98 kN
φ Pn = 430.98 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 5.71 deg
MRes = 79.35 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 136.21 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.583 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 430.98 kN
Mnty = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.29 kN
Mnby = 169.71 kNm
Vuy1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 99.48 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 130.49 kN

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Muy = 78.96 kNm

Vuy3 = -39.0794 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 58.41 kNm
φVcy = 107.25 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 139.98 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 53.63 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 753.13 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 753.13 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 430.98 kN
Mntx = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.29 kN
Mnbx = 169.71 kNm
Vux1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 94.2329 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24

Critical Load Combination = kN

[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25

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Nu = 170.15 kN
Mux = 59.51 kNm
Vux3 = -41.4675 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 32.71 kNm
φVcx = 132.75 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 105.99 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 66.37 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 570.22 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 570.22 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 81
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 353.19 kN
Muxt = -46.45 kNm
Muyt = -69.55 kNm
Vuxt = -42.17 kN
Vuyt = 21.21 kN
Pub = 363.24 kN
Muxb = 17.17 kNm
Muyb = 56.92 kNm

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Vuxb = -42.17 kN
Vuyb = 21.21 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 17.536 18.446 4.529
400 400
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1

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r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = 17.17 kNm
M2 = -46.45 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.44
21.65 < 38.44, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -3.02 kNm
M2s = 3.98 kNm
M1ns = -71.56 kNm
M2ns = 56.94 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -74.57 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -97.37 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-74.57, -97.37) kNm
= -74.57 kNm
M2sldr = 60.91 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 79.68 kNm
M2sldr = Min (60.91, 79.68) kNm
= 60.91 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -46.45 - -46.45
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 17.17 - 17.17
Minor Axis Muy (top) -69.55 -74.57 -74.57
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 56.92 60.91 60.91

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 353.19 kN

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Mux = -46.45 kNm

Muy = -74.57 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 394.23 kN
Mux = 19.81 kNm
Muy = 3.55 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 394.23 kN
φ Pn = 394.23 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 58.08 deg
MRes = 87.86 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 133.75 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.657 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 394.23 kN
Mnty = 168.08 kNm
Pu Bottom = 385.75 kN
Mnby = 167.11 kNm

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Vuy1 = 134.07 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 97.94 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 176.36 kN
Muy = 77.62 kNm
Vuy3 = 42.1749 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 134.07 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 49.84 kNm
φVcy = 98.82 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 47.01 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 49.41 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 394.23 kN
Mntx = 168.08 kNm

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Pu Bottom = 385.75 kN
Mnbx = 167.11 kNm
Vux1 = 134.07 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 101.2866 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 151.43 kN
Mux = 67.98 kNm
Vux3 = -40.9404 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 134.07 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 44.13 kNm
φVcx = 101.93 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 42.86 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 50.96 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 126
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)

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Critical Location = Bottom Joint

Put = 40.93 kN
Muxt = -18.61 kNm
Muyt = -2.68 kNm
Vuxt = -2.07 kN
Vuyt = 24.16 kN
Pub = 49.41 kN
Muxb = 53.85 kNm
Muyb = 3.52 kNm
Vuxb = -2.07 kN
Vuyb = 24.16 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 8.087 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5575 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 42.812 45.033 1.485
500 500
5575 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.398 7.782 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = -18.61 kNm
M2 = 53.85 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.15
23.38 < 38.15, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -2.68 kNm
M2 = 3.52 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -18.61 - -18.61
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 53.85 - 53.85
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.68 - -2.68
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 3.52 - 3.52

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 49.41 kN
Mux = 53.85 kNm
Muy = 3.52 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

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Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15

[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.04 kN
Mux = 45.72 kNm
Muy = 2.04 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 50.04 kN
φ Pn = 50.04 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 3.74 deg
MRes = 53.96 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 125.07 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.431 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 49.41 kN
Mnty = 124.92 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.93 kN
Mnby = 123.73 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.09 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)

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Vuy2 = 19.06 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 49.41 kN
Muy = 53.85 kNm
Vuy3 = 24.1588 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.09 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 46.07 kNm
φVcy = 92.65 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 49.41 kN
Mntx = 124.92 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.93 kN
Mnbx = 123.73 kNm
Vux1 = 92.09 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 27.3365 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 12.13 kN
Mux = 3.33 kNm
Vux3 = -2.3712 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 92.09 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 1.42 kNm
φVcx = 137.03 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 37
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
Load Combination = [19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 115.33 kN
Muxt = 1.36 kNm
Muyt = -2.63 kNm
Vuxt = -5.2 kN
Vuyt = 46.58 kN
Pub = 118.54 kN
Muxb = 94.48 kNm
Muyb = 7.76 kNm
Vuxb = -5.2 kN
Vuyb = 46.58 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 1.36 kNm
M2 = 94.48 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 33.83
12.06 < 33.83, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = -2.63 kNm
M2 = 7.76 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.06
12.06 < 38.06, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 1.36 - 1.36
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 94.48 - 94.48
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.63 - -2.63
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 7.76 - 7.76

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 118.54 kN

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Mux = 94.48 kNm

Muy = 7.76 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 426.62 kN
Mux = -88.04 kNm
Muy = -6.44 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 426.62 kN
φ Pn = 426.62 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.7 deg
MRes = 94.8 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 134.5 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.705 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 426.62 kN
Mnty = 169.77 kNm
Pu Bottom = 419.93 kN
Mnby = 169.61 kNm

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Vuy1 = 212.11 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 108.56 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 118.54 kN
Muy = 94.48 kNm
Vuy3 = 46.5754 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.11 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 75.81 kNm
φVcy = 99.78 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 149.77 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 49.89 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 805.77 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 805.77 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 426.62 kN
Mntx = 169.77 kNm

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Pu Bottom = 419.93 kN
Mnbx = 169.61 kNm
Vux1 = 212.11 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 112.2044 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 154.5 kN
Mux = 63.64 kNm
Vux3 = -45.0173 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 212.11 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 39.31 kNm
φVcx = 122.99 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 118.82 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 61.5 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 639.26 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 639.26 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 82
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16

[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25

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Load Combination = (LOAD 2: EQZ)

Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 335.78 kN
Muxt = 44.92 kNm
Muyt = -83.27 kNm
Vuxt = -49.62 kN
Vuyt = -20.43 kN
Pub = 345.82 kN
Muxb = -16.35 kNm
Muyb = 65.55 kNm
Vuxb = -49.62 kN
Vuyb = -20.43 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -16.35 kNm
M2 = 44.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.37
21.65 < 38.37, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -9.98 kNm
M2s = 7.15 kNm
M1ns = -78.82 kNm
M2ns = 62.81 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -88.8 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -116.58 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-88.8, -116.58) kNm
= -88.8 kNm
M2sldr = 69.96 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 91.77 kNm
M2sldr = Min (69.96, 91.77) kNm
= 69.96 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 44.92 - 44.92
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -16.35 - -16.35
Minor Axis Muy (top) -83.27 -88.8 -88.8
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 65.55 69.96 69.96

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 335.78 kN
Mux = 44.92 kNm
Muy = -88.8 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 384.24 kN
Mux = -20.3 kNm
Muy = 6.67 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 384.24 kN
φ Pn = 384.24 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 63.17 deg
MRes = 99.52 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 137.79 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.722 < 1

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Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 384.24 kN
Mnty = 166.93 kNm
Pu Bottom = 375.76 kN
Mnby = 165.96 kNm
Vuy1 = 133.16 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 111.09 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 175.03 kN
Muy = 90.39 kNm
Vuy3 = -49.254 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 133.16 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 62.82 kNm
φVcy = 93.72 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 52.57 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 46.86 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3

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Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm

Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 384.24 kN
Mntx = 166.93 kNm
Pu Bottom = 375.76 kN
Mnbx = 165.96 kNm
Vux1 = 133.16 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 118.2322 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 139.91 kN
Mux = 77.88 kNm
Vux3 = -46.5391 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 133.16 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 55.85 kNm
φVcx = 96.09 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 49.42 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 48.04 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm

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Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm

Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 127
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 40.84 kN
Muxt = 18.79 kNm
Muyt = -6.07 kNm
Vuxt = -5.54 kN
Vuyt = -24.39 kN
Pub = 49.33 kN
Muxb = -54.35 kNm
Muyb = 10.54 kNm
Vuxb = -5.54 kN
Vuyb = -24.39 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 8.087 - 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500

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5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x

Top 65.174 7.782 7.398 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = 18.79 kNm
M2 = -54.35 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.15
23.38 < 38.15, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -6.07 kNm
M2 = 10.54 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 18.79 - 18.79
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -54.35 - -54.35
Minor Axis Muy (top) -6.07 - -6.07
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 10.54 - 10.54

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 49.33 kN
Mux = -54.35 kNm
Muy = 10.54 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.5 kN
Mux = -44.65 kNm
Muy = 9.1 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 50.5 kN
φ Pn = 50.5 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 10.97 deg
MRes = 55.36 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 125.41 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.441 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:

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Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.5 kN
Mnty = 125.07 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.46 kN
Mnby = 123.66 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.12 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 26 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 49.33 kN
Muy = 54.35 kNm
Vuy3 = -24.3867 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.12 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 46.58 kNm
φVcy = 92.46 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.5 kN
Mntx = 125.07 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.46 kN
Mnbx = 123.66 kNm
Vux1 = 92.12 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 27.183 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 20
[16] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 42.06 kN
Mux = 22.94 kNm
Vux3 = -13.8253 kN

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Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

= 92.12 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 16.32 kNm
φVcx = 125.23 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C11
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm

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Consider Ductile = Yes

Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 38
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 264.61 kN
Muxt = 12.24 kNm
Muyt = 0.86 kNm
Vuxt = 0.28 kN
Vuyt = -56.62 kN
Pub = 267.81 kN
Muxb = -100.97 kNm
Muyb = 0.3 kNm
Vuxb = 0.28 kN
Vuyb = -56.62 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 12.24 kNm
M2 = -100.97 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 35.46
12.06 < 35.46, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = 0.3 kNm
M2 = 0.86 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 29.81
12.06 < 29.81, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 12.24 - 12.24
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -100.97 - -100.97
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.86 - 0.86
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 0.3 - 0.3

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 267.81 kN
Mux = -100.97 kNm
Muy = 0.3 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 719.18 kN
Mux = -0.05 kNm
Muy = 0.52 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 719.18 kN
φ Pn = 719.18 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 0.17 deg
MRes = 100.97 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 153.51 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.658 < 1

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Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 567.76 kN
Mnty = 173.15 kNm
Pu Bottom = 561.07 kN
Mnby = 172.99 kNm
Vuy1 = 216.34 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 105.98 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 267.81 kN
Muy = 100.97 kNm
Vuy3 = -56.62 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 216.34 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 58.78 kNm
φVcy = 107.67 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 144.9 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 53.83 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 779.59 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 779.59 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3

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Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm

Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 567.76 kN
Mntx = 173.15 kNm
Pu Bottom = 561.07 kN
Mnbx = 172.99 kNm
Vux1 = 216.34 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 135.8887 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 256.11 kN
Mux = 25.38 kNm
Vux3 = -43.6108 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 216.34 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = -14.96 kNm
φVcx = 164.02 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 69.76 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 82.01 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 375.3 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 375.3 sqmm/m

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C11
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm

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Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm

Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 83
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 246.94 kN
Muxt = 101.05 kNm
Muyt = -5.81 kNm
Vuxt = -3.19 kN
Vuyt = -58.28 kN
Pub = 251.75 kN
Muxb = -73.76 kNm
Muyb = 3.76 kNm
Vuxb = -3.19 kN
Vuyb = -58.28 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500

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User Defined Effective Length

= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.4
M1 = -73.76 kNm
M2 = 101.05 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.4 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -5.81 kNm
M2s = 3.75 kNm
M1ns = 0 kNm
M2ns = 0.01 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -5.81 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -8.13 kNm
M1sldr = Min (-5.81, -8.13) kNm
= -5.81 kNm
M2sldr = 3.76 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 5.26 kNm
M2sldr = Min (3.76, 5.26) kNm
= 3.76 kNm

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Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 101.05 - 101.05
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -73.76 - -73.76
Minor Axis Muy (top) -5.81 -5.81 -5.81
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 3.76 3.76 3.76

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 246.94 kN
Mux = 101.05 kNm
Muy = -5.81 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 691.69 kN
Mux = -0.16 kNm
Muy = 7.77 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 691.69 kN
φ Pn = 691.69 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29

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Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20

Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 3.29 deg
MRes = 101.21 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 150.29 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.673 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 530.98 kN
Mnty = 172.27 kNm
Pu Bottom = 520.94 kN
Mnby = 172.03 kNm
Vuy1 = 137.72 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 109.62 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 246.94 kN
Muy = 101.05 kNm
Vuy3 = -58.2842 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 137.72 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 62.15 kNm
φVcy = 94.58 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 57.51 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 47.29 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

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Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 530.98 kN
Mntx = 172.27 kNm
Pu Bottom = 520.94 kN
Mnbx = 172.03 kNm
Vux1 = 137.72 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 139.8753 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 241.67 kN
Mux = 77.2 kNm
Vux3 = -45.9519 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 139.88 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 39.14 kNm
φVcx = 106.72 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 44.21 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement

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0.5 x φVcx = 53.36 kN

Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C11
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011

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Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm

Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 128
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 60.6 kN
Muxt = 19.9 kNm
Muyt = -7.01 kNm
Vuxt = -6.86 kN
Vuyt = -13.93 kN
Pub = 70.64 kN
Muxb = -21.88 kNm
Muyb = 13.58 kNm
Vuxb = -6.86 kN
Vuyb = -13.93 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 8.087 8.087 4.006
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.782 7.398 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.88
M1 = 19.9 kNm
M2 = -21.88 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.88 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -7.01 kNm
M2 = 13.58 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 19.9 - 19.9
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -21.88 - -21.88
Minor Axis Muy (top) -7.01 - -7.01

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Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 13.58 - 13.58

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 70.64 kN
Mux = -21.88 kNm
Muy = 13.58 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 78.99 kN
Mux = -0.19 kNm
Muy = 13.41 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 78.99 kN
φ Pn = 78.99 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 31.83 deg
MRes = 25.75 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.3 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap

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= 0.207 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 78.99 kN
Mnty = 129.08 kNm
Pu Bottom = 70.5 kN
Mnby = 127.89 kNm
Vuy1 = 95.17 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 26.32 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 29.9 kN
Muy = 21.78 kNm
Vuy3 = -13.8749 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 95.17 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 17.07 kNm
φVcy = 124.6 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 78.99 kN
Mntx = 129.08 kNm
Pu Bottom = 70.5 kN
Mnbx = 127.89 kNm
Vux1 = 95.17 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 33.2921 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 20

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[16] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25

Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 62.18 kN
Mux = 24.77 kNm
Vux3 = -14.5143 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 95.17 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 14.98 kNm
φVcx = 131.56 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data

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Column No. : C12

Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 39
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 115.22 kN
Muxt = -1.42 kNm
Muyt = -2.65 kNm
Vuxt = -5.2 kN
Vuyt = -46.56 kN
Pub = 118.42 kN
Muxb = -94.52 kNm
Muyb = 7.75 kNm
Vuxb = -5.2 kN
Vuyb = -46.56 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway

Effective Length Factor along Major = 0.87

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Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Top 97.762 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = -1.42 kNm
M2 = -94.52 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 33.82
12.06 < 33.82, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 12.06
M1 = -2.65 kNm
M2 = 7.75 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.1
12.06 < 38.1, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

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Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

Major Axis Mux (top) -1.42 - -1.42
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -94.52 - -94.52
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.65 - -2.65
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 7.75 - 7.75

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 118.42 kN
Mux = -94.52 kNm
Muy = 7.75 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 426.37 kN
Mux = 87.96 kNm
Muy = -6.47 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 426.37 kN
φ Pn = 426.37 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20

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Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)

= 4.69 deg
MRes = 94.84 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 134.49 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.705 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 426.37 kN
Mnty = 169.76 kNm
Pu Bottom = 419.68 kN
Mnby = 169.6 kNm
Vuy1 = 212.1 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 102.62 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 118.42 kN
Muy = 94.52 kNm
Vuy3 = -46.5627 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.1 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 75.87 kNm
φVcy = 99.76 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 149.78 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 49.88 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

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Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m

Av/s shear = 805.86 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 805.86 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 426.37 kN
Mntx = 169.76 kNm
Pu Bottom = 419.68 kN
Mnbx = 169.6 kNm
Vux1 = 212.1 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 112.1754 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 157.51 kN
Mux = 60.22 kNm
Vux3 = -42.5508 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 212.1 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 35.42 kNm
φVcx = 128.29 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 111.74 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 64.15 kN

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Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement

Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 601.21 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 601.21 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C12
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm

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Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm

Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 84
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 337.43 kN
Muxt = -49.6 kNm
Muyt = -79.22 kNm
Vuxt = -47.16 kN
Vuyt = 22.98 kN
Pub = 347.48 kN
Muxb = 19.33 kNm
Muyb = 62.23 kNm
Vuxb = -47.16 kN
Vuyb = 22.98 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

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Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 18.446 17.536 4.529
400 400
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Top 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 2.09

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = 19.33 kNm
M2 = -49.6 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.68
21.65 < 38.68, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 2.09
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 45.25
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
45.25 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = -9.72 kNm
M2s = 6.91 kNm
M1ns = -74.74 kNm
M2ns = 59.5 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = -84.46 kNm

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1.4 MuyT = -110.9 kNm

M1sldr = Min (-84.46, -110.9) kNm
= -84.46 kNm
M2sldr = 66.41 kNm
1.4 MuyB = 87.12 kNm
M2sldr = Min (66.41, 87.12) kNm
= 66.41 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -49.6 - -49.6
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 19.33 - 19.33
Minor Axis Muy (top) -79.22 -84.46 -84.46
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 62.23 66.41 66.41

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 337.43 kN
Mux = -49.6 kNm
Muy = -84.46 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 384.01 kN
Mux = 20.05 kNm
Muy = 6.43 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 384.01 kN

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φ Pn = 384.01 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 59.58 deg
MRes = 97.95 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 134.39 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.729 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 384.01 kN
Mnty = 166.91 kNm
Pu Bottom = 375.52 kN
Mnby = 165.93 kNm
Vuy1 = 133.13 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 105.43 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 174.93 kN
Muy = 90.31 kNm
Vuy3 = 49.1936 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 133.13 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 62.76 kNm
φVcy = 93.74 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

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Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 52.53 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 46.87 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 384.01 kN
Mntx = 166.91 kNm
Pu Bottom = 375.52 kN
Mnbx = 165.93 kNm
Vux1 = 133.13 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 118.0974 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 24
[20] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 141.7 kN
Mux = 73.97 kNm
Vux3 = -44.1732 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 133.13 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 51.66 kNm
φVcx = 97.81 kN

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Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 47.1 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 48.91 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone

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Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10

Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C12
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 129
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 40.82 kN
Muxt = -18.69 kNm
Muyt = -5.88 kNm
Vuxt = -5.37 kN
Vuyt = 24.27 kN
Pub = 49.3 kN
Muxb = 54.1 kNm
Muyb = 10.24 kNm
Vuxb = -5.37 kN
Vuyb = 24.27 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M

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5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 8.087 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5300 x 250 x 5575 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 45.033 42.812 1.485
500 500
5300 x 200 x 5575 x 200 x
Top 65.174 7.782 7.398 4.31
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.79

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = -18.69 kNm
M2 = 54.1 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.15
23.38 < 38.15, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.79
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.47
M1 = -5.88 kNm
M2 = 10.24 kNm

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Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40

18.47 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -18.69 - -18.69
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 54.1 - 54.1
Minor Axis Muy (top) -5.88 - -5.88
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 10.24 - 10.24

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 49.3 kN
Mux = 54.1 kNm
Muy = 10.24 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.47 kN
Mux = 44.4 kNm
Muy = 8.8 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 50.47 kN
φ Pn = 50.47 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

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Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 10.72 deg
MRes = 55.06 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 125.4 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.439 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.47 kN
Mnty = 125.07 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.43 kN
Mnby = 123.66 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.12 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 24.08 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 49.3 kN
Muy = 54.1 kNm
Vuy3 = 24.2706 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.12 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 46.34 kNm
φVcy = 92.55 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.47 kN
Mntx = 125.07 kNm

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Pu Bottom = 40.43 kN
Mnbx = 123.66 kNm
Vux1 = 92.12 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 27.0657 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 20
[16] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 42.25 kN
Mux = 21.51 kNm
Vux3 = -12.939 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 92.12 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 14.85 kNm
φVcx = 130.19 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

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Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements

Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C13
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 40
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
Load Combination = [19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 101.73 kN
Muxt = -3.29 kNm
Muyt = -3.53 kNm
Vuxt = -5.87 kN
Vuyt = 57.56 kN
Pub = 104.93 kN
Muxb = 111.8 kNm
Muyb = 8.2 kNm
Vuxb = -5.87 kN
Vuyb = 57.56 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.72

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = -3.29 kNm
M2 = 111.8 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 34.35
12.06 < 34.35, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.72
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 9.98
M1 = -3.53 kNm

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M2 = 8.2 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.16
9.98 < 39.16, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -3.29 - -3.29
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 111.8 - 111.8
Minor Axis Muy (top) -3.53 - -3.53
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 8.2 - 8.2

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 104.93 kN
Mux = 111.8 kNm
Muy = 8.2 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 431 kN
Mux = -106.69 kNm
Muy = -7.08 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 431 kN
φ Pn = 431 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

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Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#20 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.2 deg
MRes = 112.1 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 132.6 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.845 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 431 kN
Mnty = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.3 kN
Mnby = 169.71 kNm
Vuy1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 76.69 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 104.93 kN
Muy = 111.8 kNm
Vuy3 = 57.5599 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 95.28 kNm
φVcy = 94.69 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 156.73 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN

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Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK

Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 47.34 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 843.25 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 843.25 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 431 kN
Mntx = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.3 kN
Mnbx = 169.71 kNm
Vux1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 138.4393 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 128.94 kN
Mux = 54.04 kNm
Vux3 = 31.9003 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 33.73 kNm
φVcx = 131 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 108.32 kN

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Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff

= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 65.5 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 582.79 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 582.79 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

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General Data
Column No. : C13
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 85
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 365.96 kN
Muxt = 139.27 kNm
Muyt = 19.54 kNm
Vuxt = 10.05 kN
Vuyt = -74.53 kN
Pub = 376 kN
Muxb = -84.26 kNm
Muyb = -10.62 kNm
Vuxb = 10.05 kN
Vuyb = -74.53 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 19.169 - 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789

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Sway Condition (as per Stability

= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 1.1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -84.26 kNm
M2 = 139.27 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.65 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 23.82
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
23.82 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B

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M1s = 9.88 kNm

M2s = -2.86 kNm
M1ns = 10.38 kNm
M2ns = -8.35 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 20.26 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 27.35 kNm
M1sldr = Min (20.26, 27.35) kNm
= 20.26 kNm
M2sldr = -11.2 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -14.87 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-11.2, -14.87) kNm
= -11.2 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 139.27 - 139.27
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -84.26 - -84.26
Minor Axis Muy (top) 19.54 20.26 20.26
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -10.62 -11.2 -11.2

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 365.96 kN
Mux = 139.27 kNm
Muy = 20.26 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 376 kN
Mux = -84.26 kNm
Muy = -10.62 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 376 kN
φ Pn = 376 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 8.28 deg
MRes = 140.74 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 156.03 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.902 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 376 kN
Mnty = 165.98 kNm
Pu Bottom = 365.96 kN
Mnby = 164.83 kNm
Vuy1 = 132.33 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 81.48 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 181.98 kN
Muy = 111.98 kNm
Vuy3 = -61.8324 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 132.33 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75

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deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 83.32 kNm
φVcy = 88.98 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 57.8 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 44.49 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 376 kN
Mntx = 165.98 kNm
Pu Bottom = 365.96 kN
Mnbx = 164.83 kNm
Vux1 = 132.33 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 147.6584 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 124.83 kN
Mux = 60.68 kNm
Vux3 = 34.2406 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 147.66 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 41.02 kNm
φVcx = 106.95 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 54.28 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 53.47 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C13
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 130
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 37.11 kN
Muxt = 19.52 kNm
Muyt = 0.69 kNm
Vuxt = 1.7 kN
Vuyt = -23.79 kN
Pub = 45.6 kN
Muxb = -51.84 kNm
Muyb = -4.39 kNm
Vuxb = 1.7 kN
Vuyb = -23.79 kN

Effective Length Calculation

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Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam 46.799 - 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam 8.087 - 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 27.495 7.782 1.847
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.62

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = 19.52 kNm
M2 = -51.84 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.52
23.38 < 38.52, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B

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Slenderness Check along B

K = 0.62
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.5
M1 = 0.69 kNm
M2 = -4.39 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 35.89
14.5 < 35.89, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 19.52 - 19.52
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -51.84 - -51.84
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.69 - 0.69
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -4.39 - -4.39

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 45.6 kN
Mux = -51.84 kNm
Muy = -4.39 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.13 kN
Mux = -50.78 kNm
Muy = -11.4 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 17
[13] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)

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Pu = 50.13 kN
φ Pn = 50.13 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.84 deg
MRes = 52.02 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.62 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.417 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.13 kN
Mnty = 125.02 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.09 kN
Mnby = 123.61 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.08 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 9.85 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 45.6 kN
Muy = 51.84 kNm
Vuy3 = -23.7917 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.08 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 44.65 kNm
φVcy = 93.21 kN
Vuy < φVcy

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Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.13 kN
Mntx = 125.02 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.09 kN
Mnbx = 123.61 kNm
Vux1 = 92.08 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 36.4131 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 9.9 kN
Mux = 1.69 kNm
Vux3 = -0.2466 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 92.08 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 0.13 kNm
φVcx = 136.76 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm

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24 x diameter of links = 240 mm

B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C14
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 41
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 291.86 kN
Muxt = 22.59 kNm
Muyt = 1.21 kNm
Vuxt = 0.54 kN
Vuyt = -71.77 kN
Pub = 295.06 kN
Muxb = -120.91 kNm
Muyb = 0.13 kNm
Vuxb = 0.54 kN
Vuyb = -71.77 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.72

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 22.59 kNm
M2 = -120.91 kNm

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Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 36.24

12.06 < 36.24, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.72
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 9.98
M1 = 0.13 kNm
M2 = 1.21 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 32.69
9.98 < 32.69, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 22.59 - 22.59
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -120.91 - -120.91
Minor Axis Muy (top) 1.21 - 1.21
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 0.13 - 0.13

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 295.06 kN
Mux = -120.91 kNm
Muy = 0.13 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16
[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 714.23 kN
Mux = 7.34 kNm
Muy = 53.04 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

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Critical Analysis Load Combination = 16

[12] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Pu = 714.23 kN
φ Pn = 714.23 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 0.06 deg
MRes = 120.91 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 156.67 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.772 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 577.63 kN
Mnty = 172.6 kNm
Pu Bottom = 570.94 kN
Mnby = 173.23 kNm
Vuy1 = 216.15 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 74.88 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 295.06 kN
Muy = 120.91 kNm
Vuy3 = -71.7652 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 216.15 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015

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Mm = 74.43 kNm
φVcy = 100.73 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 153.89 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 50.37 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 827.94 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 827.94 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 577.63 kN
Mntx = 172.91 kNm
Pu Bottom = 570.94 kN
Mnbx = 173.23 kNm
Vux1 = 216.33 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 172.2349 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 253.33 kN
Mux = 9.69 kNm
Vux3 = 31.2046 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 216.33 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75

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deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = -30.21 kNm
φVcx = 163.74 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 70.12 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 81.87 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 377.28 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 377.28 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C14
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 86
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 619.8 kN
Muxt = -125.17 kNm
Muyt = 23.9 kNm
Vuxt = 11.44 kN
Vuyt = 72.84 kN
Pub = 629.84 kN
Muxb = 93.28 kNm
Muyb = -10.39 kNm
Vuxb = 11.44 kN
Vuyb = 72.84 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 19.169 19.169 4.258
400 400
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 1.1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.4
M1 = 93.28 kNm
M2 = -125.17 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.4 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.1
r = 115.47 mm

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Klux /r = 23.82
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
23.82 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 23.9 kNm
M2s = -10.39 kNm
M1ns = 0 kNm
M2ns = 0 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 23.9 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 33.46 kNm
M1sldr = Min (23.9, 33.46) kNm
= 23.9 kNm
M2sldr = -10.4 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -14.55 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-10.4, -14.55) kNm
= -10.4 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -125.17 - -125.17
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 93.28 - 93.28
Minor Axis Muy (top) 23.9 23.9 23.9
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -10.39 -10.4 -10.4

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 619.8 kN
Mux = -125.17 kNm
Muy = 23.9 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 672.95 kN

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Mux = 0.08 kNm

Muy = -7.56 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 672.95 kN
φ Pn = 672.95 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 10.81 deg
MRes = 127.43 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 152.06 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.838 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 570.11 kN
Mnty = 173.21 kNm
Pu Bottom = 560.07 kN
Mnby = 172.97 kNm
Vuy1 = 138.47 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 86.31 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 268.2 kN

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Muy = 125.13 kNm

Vuy3 = 72.8069 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 138.47 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 82.89 kNm
φVcy = 89.71 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 65.01 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 44.86 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 349.77 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 349.77 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 570.11 kN
Mntx = 173.21 kNm
Pu Bottom = 560.07 kN
Mnbx = 172.97 kNm
Vux1 = 138.47 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 174.7336 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26

Critical Load Combination = kN

[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25

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Nu = 246.98 kN
Mux = 65.77 kNm
Vux3 = 36.7073 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 174.73 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 26.87 kNm
φVcx = 132.89 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 55.79 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 66.45 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C14
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 131
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 19
Load Combination = [15] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 53.79 kN
Muxt = -27.49 kNm
Muyt = 8.1 kNm
Vuxt = 10.14 kN
Vuyt = 19.13 kN
Pub = 63.84 kN
Muxb = 29.88 kNm
Muyb = -22.3 kNm
Vuxb = 10.14 kN

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Vuyb = 19.13 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x 5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 46.799 46.799 1.394
500 500
5100 x 200 x 5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 8.087 8.087 4.006
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.85

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 27.495 7.782 1.847
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.62

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.85
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.88
M1 = -27.49 kNm

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M2 = 29.88 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.88 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.62
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.5
M1 = 8.1 kNm
M2 = -22.3 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.36
14.5 < 38.36, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -27.49 - -27.49
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 29.88 - 29.88
Minor Axis Muy (top) 8.1 - 8.1
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -22.3 - -22.3

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 63.84 kN
Mux = 29.88 kNm
Muy = -22.3 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 74.23 kN
Mux = 0.05 kNm
Muy = -14.6 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Load Combination =
4: LL)
Pu = 74.23 kN
φ Pn = 74.23 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 36.74 deg
MRes = 37.29 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 122.44 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.305 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 74.23 kN
Mnty = 128.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 65.75 kN
Mnby = 127.22 kNm
Vuy1 = 94.68 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 15.43 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 30.57 kN
Muy = 29.86 kNm
Vuy3 = 19.1132 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 94.68 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015

Mm = 25.04 kNm
φVcy = 108.56 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 74.23 kN
Mntx = 128.41 kNm
Pu Bottom = 65.75 kN
Mnbx = 127.22 kNm
Vux1 = 94.68 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 45.8701 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 23.37 kN
Mux = 10.23 kNm
Vux3 = 7.0585 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 94.68 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 6.55 kNm
φVcx = 138.39 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

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Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C15
Level : 0m To 2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 42
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
Load Combination = [21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 101.69 kN
Muxt = 3.33 kNm
Muyt = -3.55 kNm
Vuxt = -5.87 kN
Vuyt = -57.59 kN
Pub = 104.89 kN
Muxb = -111.82 kNm

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Muyb = 8.19 kNm

Vuxb = -5.87 kN
Vuyb = -57.59 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5100 x 200 x
Top 97.762 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 97.762 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 97.762 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.72

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.028
0.028< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.041
0.041< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm

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Kluy /r = 12.06
M1 = 3.33 kNm
M2 = -111.82 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 34.36
12.06 < 34.36, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.72
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 9.98
M1 = -3.55 kNm
M2 = 8.19 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.21
9.98 < 39.21, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 3.33 - 3.33
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -111.82 - -111.82
Minor Axis Muy (top) -3.55 - -3.55
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 8.19 - 8.19

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 104.89 kN
Mux = -111.82 kNm
Muy = 8.19 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 430.89 kN
Mux = 106.65 kNm
Muy = -7.1 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 430.89 kN
φ Pn = 430.89 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.19 deg
MRes = 112.12 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 132.59 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.846 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 430.89 kN
Mnty = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.2 kN
Mnby = 169.71 kNm
Vuy1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 2: EQZ)
Vuy2 = 71.5 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 104.89 kN
Muy = 111.82 kNm
Vuy3 = -57.5896 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 212.24 kN
λ = 1

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φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 95.3 kNm
φVcy = 94.68 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 156.74 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 47.34 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 843.27 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 843.27 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 1600 mm
Pu Top = 430.89 kN
Mntx = 169.87 kNm
Pu Bottom = 424.2 kN
Mnbx = 169.71 kNm
Vux1 = 212.24 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) -3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 138.507 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 123.55 kN
Mux = 50.86 kNm
Vux3 = 29.7382 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)

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= 212.24 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 31.4 kNm
φVcx = 135.18 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 102.75 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 67.59 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 552.8 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 552.8 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm

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Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C15
Level : 2m To 5m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 87
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 365.87 kN
Muxt = -139.39 kNm
Muyt = 19.72 kNm
Vuxt = 10.18 kN
Vuyt = 74.62 kN
Pub = 375.92 kN
Muxb = 84.4 kNm
Muyb = -10.82 kNm
Vuxb = 10.18 kN
Vuyb = 74.62 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 19.169 8.466
5100 x 250 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Bottom 65.174 65.174 18.446 1.948
400 400
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Top 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
User Defined Effective Length
= 1.1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.044
0.044< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.07
0.07 > 0.05, Column shall be designed as sway frame (Un-

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = 84.4 kNm
M2 = -139.39 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40

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21.65 < 40, Column not slender along D

Column Is Un-Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1.1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 23.82
Permissible slenderness ratio = 22
23.82 > 22, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Sway Frame:
Along B
M1s = 10.06 kNm
M2s = -3.05 kNm
M1ns = 10.39 kNm
M2ns = -8.36 kNm
δns = 1.08
M1sldr = 20.45 kNm
1.4 MuyT = 27.61 kNm
M1sldr = Min (20.45, 27.61) kNm
= 20.45 kNm
M2sldr = -11.41 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -15.15 kNm
M2sldr = Min (-11.41, -15.15) kNm
= -11.41 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -139.39 - -139.39
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 84.4 - 84.4
Minor Axis Muy (top) 19.72 20.45 20.45
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -10.82 -11.41 -11.41

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 365.87 kN
Mux = -139.39 kNm
Muy = 20.45 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

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Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15

[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 375.92 kN
Mux = 84.4 kNm
Muy = -10.82 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 375.92 kN
φ Pn = 375.92 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 8.35 deg
MRes = 140.88 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 155.96 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.903 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 375.92 kN
Mnty = 165.98 kNm
Pu Bottom = 365.87 kN
Mnby = 164.82 kNm
Vuy1 = 132.32 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -3 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =

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Vuy2 = 76.68 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 23
[19] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 181.94 kN
Muy = 112.04 kNm
Vuy3 = 61.8711 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 132.32 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 83.38 kNm
φVcy = 88.96 kN
Vuy > φVcy Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along D

Vsy = (Vuy - φVcy) / φ
= 57.81 kN
Vsy Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt(f'c) x b x deff
= 411.33 kN
Vsy < Vsy permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcy = 44.48 kN
Vuy > 0.5 x φVcy Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2500 mm
Pu Top = 375.92 kN
Mntx = 165.98 kNm
Pu Bottom = 365.87 kN
Mnbx = 164.82 kNm
Vux1 = 132.32 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:

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1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:

Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 147.7463 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 26
[22] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 121.49 kN
Mux = 57.31 kNm
Vux3 = 32.2468 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 147.75 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 38.17 kNm
φVcx = 109.37 kN
Vux > φVcx Hence, Shear links required

Design of Shear Links Along B

Vsx = (Vux - φVcx) / φ
= 51.17 kN
Vsx Permissible = 0.66 x sqrt (f'c) x d x beff
= 411.33 kN
Vsx < Vsx permissible Hence OK
Check for Minimum Shear Reinforcement
0.5 x φVcx = 54.68 kN
Vux > 0.5 x φVcx Hence , Minimum Shear reinforcement
Av/s minimum = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s shear = 341.46 sqmm/m
Av/s required = max (Av/s minimum , Av/s shear)
= 341.46 sqmm/m
Diameter of link = 10 mm
Numbers of legs provided = 3
Spacing of Link Provided = 200 mm
Av/s provided = 1178.1 sqmm/m
Av/s required < Av/s provided Hence OK

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm

48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

General Data
Column No. : C15
Level : 5m To 8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy410 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = Yes
Type of Frame = Intermediate
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 132
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
Load Combination = [10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 37.09 kN
Muxt = -19.58 kNm
Muyt = 0.84 kNm
Vuxt = 1.81 kN

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Vuyt = 23.83 kN
Pub = 45.57 kN
Muxb = 51.9 kNm
Muyb = -4.6 kNm
Vuxb = 1.81 kN
Vuyb = 23.83 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5100 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 No Beam - 46.799 2.789
5100 x 200 x
Top 65.174 No Beam - 8.087 8.127
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Width x
Depth) Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 250 x 5300 x 250 x
Bottom 65.174 159.117 45.033 0.638
500 500
1500 x 200 x 5300 x 200 x
Top 65.174 27.495 7.782 1.847
300 300
User Defined Effective Length
= 0.62

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.016
0.016< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.017
0.017< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 23.38
M1 = -19.58 kNm
M2 = 51.9 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.53
23.38 < 38.53, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.62
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.5
M1 = 0.84 kNm
M2 = -4.6 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 36.19
14.5 < 36.19, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -19.58 - -19.58
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 51.9 - 51.9
Minor Axis Muy (top) 0.84 - 0.84
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -4.6 - -4.6

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 45.57 kN
Mux = 51.9 kNm
Muy = -4.6 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 50.11 kN

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Mux = 50.85 kNm

Muy = -11.61 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.29
φ Pn, Max = 1905.37 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 15
[11] : 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 50.11 kN
φ Pn = 50.11 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.29
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#20
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 5.06 deg
MRes = 52.11 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.64 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.418 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Shear from Moment Capacity:
Luy = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.11 kN
Mnty = 125.02 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.06 kN
Mnby = 123.6 kNm
Vuy1 = 92.08 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +3 (LOAD 1:
Load Combination =
Vuy2 = 8.95 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 14
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
4: LL)
Nu = 45.57 kN

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Muy = 51.9 kNm

Vuy3 = 23.8347 kN
Design Shear, Vuy = Maximum(Vuy1, Vuy2, Vuy3)
= 92.08 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 44.73 kNm
φVcy = 93.18 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Shear from Moment Capacity:
Lux = 2700 mm
Pu Top = 50.11 kN
Mntx = 125.02 kNm
Pu Bottom = 40.06 kN
Mnbx = 123.6 kNm
Vux1 = 92.08 kN
Shear from Load combinations with
Enhanced Eq factor:
1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4:
Load Combination =
LL) +3 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Vux2 = 36.4552 kN
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 25
[21] : 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25
Critical Load Combination = kN
Nu = 9.89 kN
Mux = 1.63 kNm
Vux3 = -0.1974 kN
Design Shear, Vux = Maximum(Vux1, Vux2, Vux3)
= 92.08 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.015
Mm = 0.07 kNm
φVcx = 136.76 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links

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Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 5 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 200 mm

Criterion for spacing of Ductile

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia x 8 = 128 mm
24 x diameter of links = 240 mm
B/2 = 200 mm
Spacing = 300 mm
Provided Spacing = 125 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- 10 10 10
Spacing 200 --- 125 200 125

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