Phonetics and Phonology Task 7 - Exercises
Phonetics and Phonology Task 7 - Exercises
Phonetics and Phonology Task 7 - Exercises
home home
subject sub - ject
publishing pub – lish - ing
a) riffle rif fle
b) arrive a – rri - ve
c) ballot bal lot
d) plane plane
e) pilot pi lot
f) track Track
g) dinner din ner
h) rose Rose
i) grammar gram mar
j) horror hor ror
k) breakfast breack fast
l) computer Com – pu – ter
m) electronic E – le – tro – nic
n) robot ro rot
o) table ta ble
p) older old er
q) phonetics pho – ne - tis
r) patio pat io
s) radio rad io
t) anthem an them
3. Write the sound /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/ next to the words (Check the link:
weeks /s/
webs /z/
watches /ɪz/
a) Bones /z/
b) tasks /s/
c) roses /ɪz/
d) clowns /s/
e) glasses /ɪz/
f) wolves /ɪz/
g) dishes /ɪz/
h) terms /z/
i) rings /z/
j) foxes /ɪz/
4. Mark the silent letters in the following words (Check the link:
plumber b
honest h
cute e
a) climb b
b) Wednesday d
c) champagne g
d) cupboard p
e) knife k
f) mnemonicd m
g) colonel o
h) receipt p
i) knight g
j) ghost h
k) business i
l) handsome d
5. Mark the primary stress in the following words (Check the link:
example xam
photograph pho
a) Homework Home
b) Record Re
c) Perfect Per
d) Automatic Ma
e) Occupational Pa
f) Radioactive Act
g) Undercover Un
h) Clandestine des
i) Cucumber Cu
j) controversy con