Software Requirementspecification (SRS) : Test Engineers .Project Managers
Software Requirementspecification (SRS) : Test Engineers .Project Managers
Software Requirementspecification (SRS) : Test Engineers .Project Managers
After the analyst has gathered all the required information regarding the software to be developed, and has
removed all incompleteness, inconsistencies, and anomalies from the specification, he starts to systematically
organize the requirements in the form of an SRS document.
Some of the important categories of users of the SRS document are as follows:
Users, customers, and marketing personnel
Software developers
Test Engineers
User documentation writers
.Project Managers
Maintenance Engineers
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
.Guidelinesfor system implementation
1.1 Purpose
This SRS defines External Interface, Performance and Software System Attributes requirements of ATM. This
document is intended for the following group of people:
Developers for the purpose of maintenance and new releases of the software.
Management of the bank.
Documentation writers.
12 Scope
This document applies to Automated Teller Machine software ATM. This software facilitates the user to
perform various transaction in his account without going to bank. This software offers benefits such cash
withdrawals, balance transfers, deposits, inquiries, credit card advances and other banking related operations for
The software takes as input the login Id and the bank account number of the user for login purposes. The
outputs then comprise of an interactive display that lets the user select the desirable function that he wants to
perform.. The software is expected to complete in duration of six months and the estimated cost is Rs18 lakhs.
2.2Product Functions
The major functions that ATM performs are:
Language Selection
Account Maintenance
o Account Type
o Withdrawal / Deposit
O Amount
o Denominations
o Money Deposition
o Balance Transfer
o Balance Enquiry
1. The login time and logout time along with the user's pin no and account number is
bank's database. registered in the
2. The ATM's branch ID
through which the session is established is also noted down in
the bank's
3. Various changes in the user's account after the transactions, if any, are reported in the database.
4. A printed statement is generated for the user displaying all the transactions he performed.
3.1.2 Hardware Interface Requirements
There various hardware components with which the machine is
The following list provides a brief sumnary of the performance requirements for the software:
4.1.1 Capacity
T h e ATM shall provide customers a 24 hour service.
412Dvnamic requirements
The card verification time must not exceed 0.8 sec. under normal server workload and I sec. under peak
server workload.
The pin number verification time must not exceed 0.3 sec. under normal server workload and 0.5 sec.
under peak server workload.
Account balance display time must not exceed 2 sec. under normal server workload and 3 sec. under
peak server workload.
Account balance transfer time must not exceed 3 sec. under normal server workload and 4 sec. under
peak server workload.
Cash withdrawal transaction time must not exceed 4 sec. under normal server workload and 5 sec. under
peak server workload.
Deposit transaction time after insertion of the deposit envelope must not exceed 5 sec. under normal
server workload and 6 sec. under peak server workload.
Receipt printing time after must not exceed 3 sec. under normal server and peak server workload.
Touch screen and button response time must not exceed 5000ms.
Credit card advance time must not exceed 6 sec. under normal tratfic and server and peak traffic and
server workload.
41.3Ouality- The primary objective is to produce quality software. As the quality of a piece of software is
difficult to measure quantitatively, the following guidelines will be used when judging the quality of the
. Consistency All code will be consistent with respect to the style. (This is implied when adhering to the
2. Test cases- All functionality will be thoroughly tested.
The data communication protocol shall be such that it ensures reliability and quality of data and voice
transmission in a mobile environment. For example. CDMA.
T h e memory system shall be of non-volatile type.
4.2.2 Availability
T h e product will have a backup power supply in case of power failures.
Any abnormal operations shall result in the shutting down of the system.
After abnormal shutdown of the ATM, the system shall have to be manually restarted by a maintenance
There should be no inconsistency introduced in the account during whose transaction the system is
abnormally shut down.
4.2.3 Security
.The system shall be compatible with AIMS security standards.
The system shall have two levels of security i.e. ATM card and pin verification both authenticated by
the CMS software.
T h e Encryption standard used during pin transmission shall be triple DES.
The password shall be 6-14 characters long.
Passwords shall not contain name of customers as they are easy to be hacked.
Passwords can contain digit, hyphen and underscore.
User should be provided with only three attempts for login failing which his card needs to be blocked.
There shall be a security camera installed near the ATM.
.There shall be a secured cash vault with a combination locking system.
T h e product cabinet cover shall be manufactured using Fiber glass for security purposes.
4.2.4 Maintainability
T h e system components i.e. modem, memory, disk, drives shall be easily serviceable without requiring
access to
.The system should have the mechanism of self-monitoring periodically in order to detect any fault.
T h e system should inform the main branch automatically as soon as it detects any error. The kind of
fault and the problem being encountered should also be mentioned by the system automatically
5. Module Description
The ATM project consists of the following modules:
Language Selection
Account Maintenance
o Account Type
o Withdrawal / Deposit
o Amount
o Denomination
o Money Deposition
o Balance Transfer
o Balance Enquiry
System Sartup
System Shutdown
<<include> Invalid PIN
Transaction Bank
2: Request PIN
3: PIN Entered
4: Verity PIN
6: Request Option
7: Option Entered
8: Request Amount
9: Amount Entered
10 processTransaction)