Atm System: Prepared by Nishanthi.S Department of IT
Atm System: Prepared by Nishanthi.S Department of IT
Atm System: Prepared by Nishanthi.S Department of IT
Version:1.1 <07.07.09>
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Technologies to be used 1.6 Overview 2. Overall Description 2.1 Use-Case Model Survey 2.2 Architecture diagram & database design 2.3 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Use-Case Reports 3.2 Supplementary Requirements 4. Supporting Information 5. Concerns / Queries / Doubts if any:
1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This document describes the software requirements and specification for an automated teller machine (ATM) network. The document is intended for the customer and the developer (designers, testers, maintainers). 1.2 Scope The network enables customers to complete simple bank account services via automated teller machines (ATMs) that may be located off premise and that need not be owned and operated by the customers bank. The ATM identifies a customer by a cash card and pass word. It collects information about a simple account transaction (e.g.,deposit, withdrawal, transfer, bill payment),communicates the transaction information to the customers bank, and dispenses cash to the customer. The banks provide their own software for their own c omputers 1.3 DEFINITIONS,ACRONYMS AND ABBREVATIONS Account A single account at a bank against which transactions can be applied. Accounts may be of various types with at least checking and savings. A customer can hold more than one acc ount. MaxDailyWD The maximum amount of cash that a customer can withdraw from an account in a day (from 00:00 AM to 23:59 PM) via ATMs. PIN It refers to Personal Identification Number. Used to identify and validate the login of a n ATM user. 1.4 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Ali Bahrami Object Oriented System Development. 4. Complete reference for visual basic-6.0 1.5 TECHNOLOGIES TO BE USED 1. Language to be used 2. Tools to be used 1.6 OVERVIEW
The first topic of the SRS provides information about the users and for what and where they require this software It gives the external behavior of the system and design constraints . The second topic of SRS describes the functionalities and design of the system. It also provides the feasibility of the system and the assumptions on which the system is built. The third topic of SRS describes the Operational and supplementary requirements for building that system. 2.OVERALL DESCRIPTION Product Perspective An automated teller machine (ATM) is a computerized telecommunications device that provides the customers of a financial institution with access to financial trnsactions in a public space without the need for a human clerk or bank teller. On most modern ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smartcard with a chip, that contains a unique card number and some security information, such as an expiration date or CVC (CVV). Security is provided by the custo mer entering a personal identification number (PIN). Product functions Using an ATM, customers can access their bank accounts in order to make cash withdraw als (or credit card cash advances) and check their account balances. The functions of the system are: 1. Login 2. Get Balance Information 3. Withdraw Cash 4. Generate receipt 2.1 Use-Case Model Survey This subsection includes the actors and use cases that are present.
USE CASES a)login This is a use case used to verify the authentication of the user.In this the user gives his allotted pin number as input ,the system then verifies whether the card number and pin number stored in data base matches or not ,if it matches then it allows the user to use the system else it asks to enter the pin number again. b)balance inquiry This use case is used to check the balance in the user account.After every transaction the balance in the users account is updated by taking data consistency into consideration and the updated account balance is displayed to the user. c)withdrawal This use case facilitates the user to withdraw money from his account.After the money is withdrawn it is updated in the users account. d)generate receipt This use case is used to generate receipt for the transaction made by the user. ACTORS a)user This actor is the person who uses the software. b)bank/ATM This actor represents the financial institute that provides services to ATM.Responsible for verifying bank customers,authorizing transaction and recording completed transactions.
2.1.2 User characteristics Open to all authorized users characteristic & is dependent upon functionality: Customers are simply members of the public with no special training Bank security personnel need have no special education or experience. Maintainers must be experienced network administrators, to be able to connect ATMs to the network. 2.1.3 Design and implementation characteristics Some of the constraints that have to be taken care of with respect to the software development could be the platform where the software is to be run should have an access to MS-ACCESS.The end user needs to have basic computer knowledge . The user may fail to exactly explain his requirement however his requirements are analyzed and understood by the developer,as the software is a generic one. 2.2 ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM AND DATABASE SCHEMA ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM OF OUR SYSTEM
Database design ATM SYSTEM Application ADODC API ATM Database pinno accno balance
2.3.Assumptions and Dependencies 0 1. Hardware never fails 2. ATM casing is impenetrable 3. Limited number of transactions per day (sufficient paper for receipts) 4. Limited amount of money withdrawn per day (sufficient money ) 3. SPECIFIC REQUIRMENTS This section of SRS should contain all of the software requirements and specifications At a minimum,it should include descriptions All interfaces to the system 1.every input to the system 2.every output from the system All functions performed by the system 1.validity checks on inputs 2.relationship of outputs to inputs 3.responses to abnormal situations Input and output definitions should be consistent among use cases,functional specifications and UIs. 3.1 Use-Case Reports The ATM system supports the user to login into his account and perform the required transactions like get the information about the balance,withdraw money and the system updates the data base accordingly and if the user asks for receipt it will generate the receipt.These are the functional requirements of the system.The non-functional requirements are performance,reliability,integrability and usability.
3.2 Supplementary Requirements 3.2.1 User interfaces The customer user interface should be intuitive, such that 99.9% of all new ATM users are able to complete their banking transactions without any assistance. 3.2.2 Hardware interfaces The hardware should have following specifications: -Ability to read the ATM card -Ability to count the currency notes -Touch screen for convenience -Keypad (in case touchpad fails) -Continuous power supply -Ability to connect to banks network -Ability to take input from user -Ability to validate user 3.2.3 Software interfaces The software requirements at the user end are: 1.Operating system : windows 98/2000/xp/Vista 2. Languages supported : java(Front end) 3. Database : Microsoft Access(Back end) 4..Ms-Office 5.ArgoUml 3.2.4 Communication interfaces These are protocols that are needed to directly interact with the customers. Apart from these protocols,to maintain a healthy relationship with the customer,both formal and informal meetings, group discussions and technical meetings will be conducted frequently. 4.SUPPORTING INFORMATION ANALYSIS MODELS 1.Usecase diagram 2.Activity diagram 3.Sequence diagram 4.collaboration diagram 5.class diagram 6.component diagram 7.deployment diagram 5. Concerns / Queries / Doubts if any i)Is visual basic a better choice of programming language for this software? ii)Should we compulsorily use a data base like MS-access? or files are sufficient for the application? Result: Thus the software requirement specification report has been completed.