Geometric Figures & Their Formula Counterparts: Lecture by Ms. Lexi 12 Grade Geometry
Geometric Figures & Their Formula Counterparts: Lecture by Ms. Lexi 12 Grade Geometry
Geometric Figures & Their Formula Counterparts: Lecture by Ms. Lexi 12 Grade Geometry
𝑃 = 2(𝐿 + 𝑊) 𝐴 = 𝐿𝑊 𝑃 = 4𝐵 𝐴 = 𝐵2
Notice anything? The formulas are identical to Note: This formula works for isosceles
the rhombus’ formulas! trapezoids as well!
• The perimeter for these shapes can still be found by adding all the sides.
• The area for these shapes can be found by combining the areas of shapes whose formulas you
already know.
Figure 1
• Consider Figure 1:
• The area for the polygons can be
found by dividing the shapes into familiar
𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐
• For scalene triangles, Heron’s formula can also be used in the case that the height is not given!
• The semiperimeter of a polygon is half the polygon’s perimeter and can be found with
the following formula:
Figure 3
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝜋𝑟 2
𝑑 = 2𝑟 or 𝑟=
Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 2
• Consider the 2 floorboard dimensions in
Figure 2.
• Calculate their individual areas. (Pay close
attention to the dimensions!)
• For each board, calculate how many
floorboards will be needed for your floor.
9/3/20XX 20
• Still need help?
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Thank you!
Have a great day and don’t Lecture slides and guided notes can be
forget to smile! ☺ found at the class website!