Geometric Figures & Their Formula Counterparts: Lecture by Ms. Lexi 12 Grade Geometry

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Geometric Figures &

Their Formula Counterparts

Lecture by Ms. Lexi
12th Grade Geometry
• 8.0 Students know, derive, and solve
problems involving the perimeter,
circumference, area, volume, lateral area,
and surface area of common geometric

CA Content • 10.0 Students compute areas of polygons,

including rectangles, scalene triangles,
Standards equilateral triangles, rhombi,
parallelograms, and trapezoids.

• 11.0 Students determine how changes in

dimensions affect the perimeter, area, and
volume of common geometric figures and

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1. Introduction

2. Recap of Geometric Shapes

3. 2D Figures and their Formulas
for Area, Perimeter, and

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A Scenario
• Consider the following scenario:
• Let’s say that you are looking into
changing the flooring in your house
from carpet to hardwood. However,
you must determine the number of
floorboards you will need before you
begin the process.

• How will you go about doing so?

• Say that you have two different

sizes of floorboards you are
interested in. How will this affect the
number of floorboards you will

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What are Geometric
• Geometric shapes are figures or areas
closed by a boundary which is created by
combining a specific amount of curves,
points, and lines.
• Typically refers to 2-Dimensional
• e.g., triangles, squares, circles

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2D Figures
Area, Perimeter, and Circumference
Perimeter, Area, and Circumference
• The perimeter is the • The area is the • The circumference is the
distance around the measurement of the space distance around the
outside of a shape. inside a shape. outside of a circle.
• Most commonly • Most commonly • Also called the
referred to in terms of referred to in terms of perimeter of a circle.
length, L, and width, W base, b, and height, h. • Referred to in terms of
(this is usually with • In some cases, different pi, π, and radius, r.
rectangles and squares). variables are used (e.g., • Diameter, d, can be
• Can also be referred to p, q, 𝑏1 , and 𝑏2 ). used but conversion to
in terms of a, b, c, d, etc. radius is recommended!
(depending on the
number of sides of the

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Perimeter and Area of Quadrilaterals
Rectangle Square

𝑃 = 2(𝐿 + 𝑊) 𝐴 = 𝐿𝑊 𝑃 = 4𝐵 𝐴 = 𝐵2

Note: B stands for base which can be used

interchangeably with length or width since
they’re equal in this case!

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Perimeter and Area of Quadrilaterals
Rhombus Parallelogram
𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 𝐴= 𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 𝐴 = 𝑏ℎ

Note: b and h must be perpendicular!

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Perimeter and Area of Quadrilaterals
Kite Trapezoid
𝑝𝑞 𝑎+𝑏
𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 𝐴= 𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 𝐴= ℎ
2 2

Notice anything? The formulas are identical to Note: This formula works for isosceles
the rhombus’ formulas! trapezoids as well!

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Perimeter and Area of Irregular Polygons
• An irregular polygon is a polygon with no equal sides. These shapes don’t always have equal
angles but can.

• An irregular quadrilateral is a quadrilateral with no equal sides and no equal angles.

• The perimeter for these shapes can still be found by adding all the sides.

• The area for these shapes can be found by combining the areas of shapes whose formulas you
already know.
Figure 1
• Consider Figure 1:
• The area for the polygons can be
found by dividing the shapes into familiar

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Try It Yourself!

• Find the following for the figure shown in

Figure 2.

Figure 2 1. What is the perimeter of the polygon?

2. What is the area of the polygon?

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Another Way
• What is another way to solve for the area of
the polygon?
• Find the area of the two triangles in the
kite section and add those values to the
area of the irregular quadrilateral
Figure 2 section!

• Let’s look at the area and perimeter of a


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Perimeter and Area of Triangles
• For all triangles, perimeter and area formulas are the same!

𝑃 =𝑎+𝑏+𝑐

• For scalene triangles, Heron’s formula can also be used in the case that the height is not given!

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Try It Yourself!
• Find the following for the figure shown in
Figure 2.

1. What is the perimeter of quadrilateral


Figure 2 2. What is the area of quadrilateral ABCD

using the area of a triangle?
• Make sure to specify how you divided
the quadrilateral into triangles!

3. What is the area of the polygon?

• What do you notice about this answer
compared to the previous example?

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Heron’s Formula
• Heron’s Formula is used to find the area of a scalene triangle.
• To use Heron’s Formula, you do not need any sort of height- you only need the three sides of the triangle
and the semiperimeter of the triangle!
• Heron’s Formula is as follows:

𝐴= 𝑠(𝑠 − 𝑎)(𝑠 − 𝑏)(𝑠 − 𝑐) where s is the semiperimeter of the triangle

• The semiperimeter of a polygon is half the polygon’s perimeter and can be found with
the following formula:


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Try It Yourself!

• Find the following for the scalene triangle

shown in Figure 3.

• Find the semiperimeter.

• Find the area using Heron’s Formula.

Figure 3

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Circumference and Area of a Circle
𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 2𝜋𝑟

𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝜋𝑟 2

where r is the radius.

• In cases where diameter, d, is given, you will

need to calculate the radius with one of the

𝑑 = 2𝑟 or 𝑟=

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Try It Yourself!
• Complete the following:

• Figure 4. Find the diameter, circumference, and area of the circle.

• Figure 5. Find the radius, circumference, and area of the circle.

Figure 4 Figure 5

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Figure 1
Ending Question
• Recall the floorboard scenario:
• Given that your floor is in the shape shown
in Figure 1, how would you go about
finding the area?
• Given the dimensions in Figure 1, calculate
the area.

Figure 2
• Consider the 2 floorboard dimensions in
Figure 2.
• Calculate their individual areas. (Pay close
attention to the dimensions!)
• For each board, calculate how many
floorboards will be needed for your floor.

Bonus! Floorboard 1 costs 57 cents per board while

Floorboard 2 costs 42 cents per board. Which would be the
cheaper option?

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• Still need help?

• Don’t be afraid to contact me! My

contact information can be found on our
class website!

• For those who don’t have time to wait

for a response (or are just shy!), consider
watching the video on the right! It
doesn’t cover everything in this lecture,
but it does cover the most important
parts using numbers instead of

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Ms. Lexi

[email protected]
Thank you!
Have a great day and don’t Lecture slides and guided notes can be
forget to smile! ☺ found at the class website!

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