Chapter 4

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After studying this chapter, students will be able to:

þ Explain the sources, properties and harmful effects of air pollutants.
þ List problems in human organ systems caused by air pollutants.
þ Plan and conduct a campaign that can help to reduce air pollution in their local
þ Explain the greenhouse effect.
þ Describe the causes and effects of ozone depletion.
þ Carry out a research to explain global warming and its likely effects on life on the
þ Design a model to explain the greenhouse effect.
þ Explain the formation of acid rain and identify its consequences on living and non-
living things.
þ Define deforestation.
þ State the effects of deforestation on the environment.
þ Identify human activities that have long-term adverse consequences on the
þ Explain the importance of local and global conservation of natural resources.
þ Suggest ways in which individuals, organizations and government can help to make
the Earth a better place to live.

The environment we live in is not as clean as it should be. Various natural and human
activities contaminate it with harmful substances. Dust storms, rotting of vegetation,
volcanic eruption, etc., are the natural phenomena which release dust particles and
poisonous gases in the environment. On the other hand, burning of fuels in the
vehicles and industry and many other human activities are releasing poisonous
Pollutants and their effects on environment 46 General Science 8

compounds in the environment. The poisonous and harmful substances which

contaminate or pollute the air are called air pollutants. In this chapter, we will
discuss the effects of air pollutants on human life and the environment. Awareness
about environmental pollution and measures to reduce it will also be discussed.

4.1 Air Pollutants and Their Sources

Carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NO and NO2),
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), etc., are the main air pollutants. Poisonous gases produced
during the decay of dead organic matter and particulate matter like soot, dust particles,
pollens, metallic compounds (e.g., compounds of lead), etc., also pollute the air.


Figure 4.1: Air pollutants

Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of coal and other fossil
fuels (natural gas, petrol, oil, etc.). Smoke released from motor vehicles and industries is
the main source of carbon monoxide (Figure 4.1).
Sulphur dioxide is produced by burning of coal or oil in factories. Smoke released from
thermal power stations usually contains sulphur dioxide. Oxides of nitrogen are
produced by burning of coal and oil at high temperature in industries and vehicle engines.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the compounds which contain chlorine, fluorine and
carbon atoms. CFCs are used in aerosol sprays, refrigerators and air conditioning system.
General Science 8 47 Pollutants and their effects on environment

On leakages from these appliances, CFCs enter the air. Fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil,
petrol, etc.) and aerosols are the main sources of air pollutants (Figure 4.2).

Vehicles' smoke Industrial smoke

Smoke emitted from thermal power station CFCs in aerosol spray

Figure 4.2: Sources of air pollutants
Rotting vegetation and volcanic eruption are natural sources of air pollution
(Figure 4.3).

Rotting vegetation Volcanic eruption

Figure 4.3: Natural sources of air pollutants
Pollutants and their effects on environment 48 General Science 8

4.1.1 Properties of Air Pollutants Their and Effects on Human Organ

Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and poisonous gas. It affects the human
organ systems badly and causes headache, brain damage and respiratory problems.
When carbon monoxide reaches our blood, it binds with haemoglobin and reduces its
oxygen-carrying capacity.
Sulphur dioxide
It is a colourless gas with irritating smell. It dissolves in rain water and causes acid rain.
Exposure to sulphur dioxide causes breathing difficulties, pneumonia, lung cancer etc.
Interesting information

Sulphur dioxide causes:

§ Severe respiratory problems such as asthma,
chronic bronchitis, degraded lung function
§ Respiratory failure
§ Cardiovascular diseases
§ Cancer

Oxides of Nitrogen
Oxides of nitrogen are all toxic gases. They dissolve in rain water to cause acid rain. They
have severe effects on lungs and damage them (Figure 4.4).

(a) Oxides of nitrogen released by burning (b) Effect of oxides of nitrogen on lungs
of fuel at high temperature
Figure 4.4
General Science 8 49 Pollutants and their effects on environment

For your information

§ Sulphur dioxide destroys chloroplast in plants. As a result, the photosynthesis and

plant growth are affected.

4.2 Effects of Human Activities on Environment

Human activities such as burning of fuels, extensive use of vehicles, aerosols, fertilizers,
insecticides, pesticides, etc., and deforestation are affecting the environment badly. We
will discuss here a few examples of adverse effects of human activities on the
4.2.1 Greenhouse Effect
When sunlight falls on the Earth, a small part of it is absorbed by the Earth and is
converted to heat energy. A part of this heat energy is reflected by the Earth back to the
atmosphere. Some gases present in the atmosphere, e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, oxides
of nitrogen, water vapours, etc., trap a part of the heat reflected by the Earth causing
increase in the atmospheric temperature (Figure 4.5). These gases are called greenhouse
gases and the phenomenon is called greenhouse effect.

solar radiations

Greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere trap heat and
keep it warm.

Figure 4.5: Greenhouse effect

Pollutants and their effects on environment 50 General Science 8

Interesting information

Greenhouse is a big room made of glass panels or

transparent plastic sheets. It provides warm environment
to the plants and vegetation grown inside it so that they can
grow well during winter. Glass or transparent plastic
sheets used in greenhouses allow the Sun's heat to enter
the greenhouse and trap the heat which is reflected back by
the Earth. The heat trapped by the walls and roof of the
greenhouse keeps the inside environment warm.

Activity 4.1
Material required:
Collect some easily available plastic sheets, wooden strips, nails, etc. and potted plants.
§ Follow the Figure given in the boxed information above and design simple greenhouse.

4.2.2 Ozone Depletion

A layer of ozone (O3) in the upper atmosphere of the Earth stops the ultraviolet rays
coming from the Sun to the Earth. In this way, the living things on the Earth remain safe
from harmful effects of the ultraviolet radiation coming from the Sun.

Harmful ultraviolet rays

Ozone la Ozone
Hole in
ozone depletion


Figure 4.6: Ozone depletion

General Science 8 51 Pollutants and their effects on environment

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which are used in air conditioners, refrigerators, spray

cans, etc., enter the air on leakage from these appliances. On reaching the ozone layer,
they react with ozone and cause thinning of this layer. Hence, the ozone layer is depleted
(Figure 4.6). The phenomenon is called ozone depletion.

Through the thin ozone layer, ultraviolet rays of the Sun pass and reach the Earth where
they affect the life by causing serious diseases like skin cancer and eye problems, etc.
These ultraviolet rays also increase the temperature of the Earth.
4.2.3 Global Warming
Due to human activities like burning of fuel, etc., the amount of greenhouse gases is
increased in the atmosphere. This speeds up the greenhouse effect. The increasing rate of
greenhouse effect and ozone depletion is increasing the average temperature of the
Earth. As a result, the Earth globe is getting warmer. This is called global warming.

Due to global warming, the ice in the Polar Regions and at the mountains melts at a
greater rate. This leads to rise in the level of sea water which creates floods in low lying
coastal areas.

Figure 4.7: Effects of global warming

The climate of many regions of the world is also changing due to global warming. The
global warming is thus a threat to the life on the Earth (Figure 4.7).
Pollutants and their effects on environment 52 General Science 8

Interesting information

Burning of fuels releases millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide into the environment
each year.

Mini Exercise

§ Explain the effects of global warming on the life on Earth.

4.2.4 Acid Rain

Sulphuric acid
Sulphur dioxide and oxides of Nitric acid
nitrogen are present in the
atmosphere as air pollutants. They get Pollutants in
dissolved in water vapours in clouds clouds

and turn into acids like sulphuric acid SO₂

Acid rain
and nitric acid. These acids make the
rain water acidic (Figure 4.8). NO

The effects of acid rain on animals,

Manmade sources Natural sources
plants and buildings are shown in
the Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.8: Acid rain

Fish killed by acid rain water Effect of acid rain on trees

Stonework erosion caused by acid rain Corrosion of metals caused by acid rain

Figure 4.9: Effects of acid rain

General Science 8 53 Pollutants and their effects on environment

Acid rain kills the aquatic life in rivers, lakes and ponds etc. It destroys the leaves and
barks of the trees. It corrodes the metals and the stones used in buildings. The acid rain
water flowing into fields makes the soil acidic. The crops do not grow well in acidic soil.
Microorganisms present in soil are also affected by acid rain.

4.2.5 Deforestation
Forests are our great wealth. They bring favourable changes in climate of an area. They
stop storms and bring rains. They are source of many useful materials such as timber,
firewood, resins, gums and medicines, etc. They prevent soil erosion. They provide
habitat to a wide variety of wild life. Unfortunately, forests are cut to meet the demand for
timber and to obtain land for housing and agriculture. As a result, the ecosystem is
destroyed. Destruction of forests as a result of human activities is called deforestation
(Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.10: Deforestation

Effects of Deforestation on the Environment
Deforestation has many adverse effects on the environment. It changes weather and
climate. Roots of trees hold the soil. Cutting of trees leads to soil erosion and fertile part
of the soil is lost through this process. When forests are cut, rate of evaporation is reduced
which results in less rain. Deforestation decreases the carbon dioxide consumption by
plants increasing its amount in the environment. This leads to the increased greenhouse
Pollutants and their effects on environment 54 General Science 8

effect and global warming.

Effects of Deforestation on Wildlife
All non-cultivated plants and non-domesticated animals of an area are collectively called
wildlife. Deforestation destroys the habitats of wildlife (Figure 4.11). The extinction risk
of wildlife is increased while the natural balance maintained by the wildlife is disturbed.

Figure 4.11: Effects of deforestation on wildlife


§ According to the experts, at least 25% of the total area of a country must be
covered by forests but in Pakistan only 5% of its total area is covered by

? Do you know?

§ Human activities have increased the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air from
0.03% to 0.04% in about 100 years. Scientists think that if this trend is continued,
the amount of carbon dioxide in the air will be doubled by the middle of the next

4.2.6 Lack of Natural Resources

Resources are the materials in the environment that are ready for human use or may be
used in future. Fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.), minerals, trees, animals, water,
etc. are all natural resources. The resources on the Earth are limited. Many of them, e.g.,
minerals and fossil fuels are non-renewable. A resource that does not regenerate quickly
is called non-renewable resource.
General Science 8 55 Pollutants and their effects on environment

The limited and non-renewable resources (fossil fuels, etc.) are used to produce energy
for running industry, transport and household appliances. They will get depleted and
hence alternate sources of energy need to be developed. A lot of energy which could do
useful work is wasted by man. For instance, household appliances are left running even
when no one is using them. Similarly, instead of using public transport personal cars are
used which consume a lot of fuel. The unwise use of non-renewable resources of energy
may result into non-recoverable loss. To avoid such loss, the resources must be
conserved for future use. We must also search for alternate sources of energy like solar
energy, wind energy, hydropower and atomic energy, etc.

? Do you know?

§ Formation of fossil fuels is a very slow process. It takes millions of years.

4.3 Conservation of Resources

Fossil fuels are present on the Earth in limited quantities. Their unwise use must be
stopped and they need to be conserved.
Three (3) R strategies, i.e., Reduce-Reuse-Recycle can be adopted for conservation of
resources (Figure 4.12).

§ The first strategy in this connection is “Reduce”, i.e.,

the use of non-biodegradable objects should be
reduced and the resources which are used in their
manufacture should be conserved.

§ The second step in three (3) R strategies is

“Reuse”, i.e., the non-biodegradable objects
should be used again and again instead of throwing Figure 4.12:
them after first use. Three R Strategies

§ The third strategy is “Recycling”, i.e., the waste objects made of non-
biodegradable materials should be collected, cleaned, melted and remolded into
new objects.

By adopting the above said (3R strategies) habits, we can conserve our resources.
Pollutants and their effects on environment 56 General Science 8

4.4 Saving the Earth

The Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where life can survive. Pollutants are
harmful to the life on Earth. We should keep the Earth's environment clean and healthy.
Following measures can be taken for saving the Earth from the toxic effects of

4.4.1 Solid Waste Management

Solid wastes include plastic and glass items, styrofoam, sewage sludge, agricultural
wastes, and domestic trash, etc. These wastes pollute the Earth’s environment when
dumped on open places or burnt (Figure 4.13). Hence, we should not dump them on open
places nor burn them. They should be managed properly. Landfill, incineration and
recycling are the common methods of solid waste management.

Figure 4.13: Solid wastes

In this method, solid wastes are buried in properly designed landfills which are well
managed for maintaining hygienic conditions. It is relatively inexpensive method of
disposing of waste materials.

In this method, wastes are burned at extremely high temperatures.

In this method, plastic items (like plastic bottles and polythene bags), glass pieces,
aluminium and steel cans, copper wires, etc. are collected separately, cleaned, melted
General Science 8 57 Pollutants and their effects on environment

and moulded into new products. In this way, they are used again and again to reduce

4.4.2 Environmental campaigns

Environmental campaigns should be conducted frequently for creating awareness
among common people about pollution and reducing its harmful effects. Such
campaigns may include seminars, school talks / debates, celebrating the World
Environment Day (5th of June every year), etc.
Activity 4.3

§ Prepare banners and posters showing harmful effects of air pollution.

§ Prepare some banners reflecting methods to reduce pollution.
§ Conduct a walk in your locality to create awareness about air pollution and its harmful effects.

Activity 4.4

§ Conduct a seminar on the importance of local and global conservation of natural resources.

4.3.3 Responsibility for All

All of us are responsible for keeping the environment clean. The individuals, the
organizations and the Government must share their responsibility to check the activities
which cause pollution. Following measures can be taken to reduce air pollution.
§ Domestic trash and other solid wastes should not be dumped on open places.
§ Instead of personal car, public transport should be used for travel.
§ Sulphur and lead free fuel should be used in vehicles.
§ Factories and industries should be shifted away from the urban areas.
§ Acidic industrial exhaust gases must be neutralized before releasing into the air.
§ Engines of the vehicles should be tuned properly.
§ CFC-free products should be used.
§ 3R strategies of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle for the conservation of resources should
be adopted.
§ Trees should be grown along the road sides.
§ Deforestation should be avoided.
Pollutants and their effects on environment 58 General Science 8


§ The poisonous and harmful substances which contaminate or pollute the air
are called air pollutants.
§ The main air pollutants are carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, oxides of
nitrogen and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
§ Fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil, petrol, etc.) and aerosols are the main
sources of air pollutants.
§ Air pollutants enter the human body through breathing and affect the human
organ systems causing serious diseases.
§ Chlorofluorocarbons cause the thinning of protective ozone layer in our
§ Rotting of vegetation and volcanic eruption, etc., are the natural sources of air
§ Carbon dioxide, methane, oxides of nitrogen, water vapours, etc., are called
greenhouse gases.
§ Greenhouse gases trap the heat reflected by the Earth and produce a warming
effect on the Earth. This is called greenhouse effect.
§ Earth’s globe is getting warmer as a result of the greenhouse effect and the
ozone depletion. The phenomenon is called global warming.
§ The air pollutants, e.g., sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen get dissolved in
rain water and produce acid rain.
§ Deforestation produces changes in the weather and climate and disturbs the
§ A resource that does not regenerate quickly is called non-renewable resource.
§ Three (3) R strategies, i.e., “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” is the best way to be
adopted for conservation of natural resources.
§ Landfill, incineration and recycling are the common methods of solid waste
§ The individuals, the organizations and the Government must share their
responsibility to check the activities which cause air pollution.
General Science 8 59 Pollutants and their effects on environment

4.1. Encircle the correct option.
(i) Indicate an air pollutant among the following:
a. oxygen b. nitrogen
c. water d. carbon monoxide
(ii) The gas which is responsible to stop ultraviolet radiation coming from the
a. carbon dioxide b. sulphur dioxide
c. ozone d. nitrogen
(iii) Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
a. Methane b. Carbon dioxide
c. Sulphur dioxide d. Water
(iv) The pollutants which are mainly responsible for ozone depletion are:
a. oxides of carbon b. oxides of sulphur
c. oxides of nitrogen d. chlorofluorocarbons
(v) Identify the chemicals which cause the rain to become acidic:
a. oxides of carbon and dust particles
b. oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
c. solid particles of carbon and lead
d. chlorofluorocarbons.
(vi) Reason for increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in air:
a. plantation b. deforestation
c. using CFC-free products d. recycling of materials
(vii) Which air pollutant when attaches itself with haemoglobin, reduces its
oxygen carrying capacity?
a. Carbon dioxide b. Sulphur dioxide
c. Oxides of nitrogen d. Carbon monoxide
(viii) The phenomenon which does not lead to global warming:
a. greenhouse effect b. ozone depletion
c. deforestation d. photosynthesis
(ix) Glass and styrofoam are the examples of:
a. biodegradable materials b. non-biodegradable materials
c. harmful products d. air pollutants
Pollutants and their effects on environment 60 General Science 8

(x) The amount of which greenhouse gas can you reasonably control?
a. Oxides of nitrogen b. Water vapours
c. Methane d. Carbon dioxide
4.2 Write short answers.
(i) What are the main air pollutants?
(ii) Name greenhouse gases.
(iii) Name the acids which are present in the acid rain?
(iv) Ozone layer is important. Why?
(v) 3R strategies stand for what?
(vi) Write down the names of three such products which can be recycled.
(vii) Name common methods which are used for solid waste management.
(viii) How does ozone depletion contribute towards global warming?
(ix) Sulphur dioxide is an important pollutant. From where does it enter the
4.3 Describe the adverse effects of carbon monoxide on human organ systems.
4.4 Explain the following phenomena and their effects on the environment.
(a) Greenhouse effect (b) Global warming
(c) Acid rain (d) Ozone depletion
4.5 Point out the sources of air pollutants you find in your locality and suggest ways
to reduce the pollution produced from these sources.
4.6 Suggest what can following communities do to reduce air pollution.
(a) Students (b) Farmers (c) Factory owners (d) Scientists
4.7 What is deforestation? Explain its effects on wildlife.
4.8 What types of climatic changes can appear by deforestation?
4.9 Suggest ways for proper management of solid wastes.
4.10 Recycling is good practice to conserve natural resources. Explain.
4.11 What should we do to adopt 3R strategies for conservation of resources?
4.12 Controlling pollution is a responsibility for all. What would you suggest for the
individuals, the organizations and the governments to share this responsibility?

Critical Thinking
1. What line of action will you adopt to reduce the amount of CO2 in air?
2. Predict what will happen if the amounts of greenhouse gasses are drastically reduced in the atmosphere?

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