Phrase and Idioms
Phrase and Idioms
Phrase and Idioms
An Exclusive Sheet
Conducted by
Kabir Hossain
Senior Teacher in English (BCS Confidence & UCC)
Dhaka University
Phone : 01688555489, 01571154151
we‡kl `ªóe¨ : GB kxUwU Avcbvi Kv‡Q Avgvi ivLv AvgvbZ, myZivs Avgvi AbygwZ e¨ZxZ
Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †kqvi K‡i Avgvb‡Zi wLqvbZ Ki‡eb bv|
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Very Very Important
1. ‘Hold water’ means—
K )keep water L )Drink water
M) Bear examination N) store water
DËi : M
Explanation : Hold water - wU‡K _vKv, Pvwj‡q hvIqv| Keep water - (†Kvb phrase/ idiom bq) cvwb
msi·Y Kiv| Drink water - Phrase/ Idiom bq) cvwb cvb Kiv| Bear examination - cixÿvq wU‡K
ZvKv (cixÿv n‡Z ev` bv cov)| Store water - (Phrase/ Idiom bq) cvwb Rwg‡q ivLv|
2. What is the meaning of soft Soap?
K Flatter for self motives L to speak ill of other
M to speak high of others N to recognizer other’s good deeds
Explanation : 'Soft Soap' †gvmv‡nwe Kiv, †Zvlv‡gv` Kiv| Flatter for self motives - wb‡R
DËi :
AxfcÖv‡q/ Axfmw܇Z †Zvlv‡gv` Kiv| To speak ill of others - A‡b¨i wbb›`v Kiv| To speak high
of others - Ab‡`i m¤ú‡K© DuPz K_v ejv| To recognize other's good deeds - A‡b¨i fv‡jv
KvRmg~n eyS‡Z cviv ev ¯^xK…wZ †`qv|
3. I have never seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken you there full
months. What does the idiom a slow coach mean ?
K an irresponsible L a care less person
M an unsought full person N a very lazy person DËi : N
Explanation : Slow coach - axicÖK…wZi †jvK| An irresponsible person - `vwqZ¡ Ávbnxb †jvK|
A careless person - †ec‡ivqv †jvK| An unthoughtful person - nUKvix e¨w³ ¦‡s a very lazy
person - AZ¨šÍ Ajm e¨w³|
4. What is the meaning of the expression bottom line?
K The final step L The end of a road
M The list line of a book N The essential point
DËi : N
Explanation : 'Bottom line' Gi A_© ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq| The final step ⎯ P‚ovšÍ c`‡ÿc, the end
of a road ⎯ iv¯Ívi †kl cÖvšÍ, the last line of a book ⎯ †Kv‡bveB‡qi শেষ jvBb; the essential
point ⎯ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖm½ ev welq|
5. Trying untidely we were able to have our project approved against strong
Oppositions. — Which of the following says nearly the same as ‘against’ above ?
K in the wake of L in the guise of
M in the plea of N in the teeth of DËi : N
Explanation : 'Against strong opposition' ⎯ kw³kvjx cÖwZc‡ÿi wecix‡Z; in the wake of
⎯ †cQ‡b †cQ‡b; in the guise of ⎯ QÙ‡e‡k; in the plea of ⎯ nm ARynv‡Z; in the teeth of ⎯
cÖek kw³i weiæ‡×|
6. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in cold blood .—What does the
italicized idiom above mean?
K in cool brain and calculated L so patiently and thoughtfully
M so impatiently and sudden N stirred by sudden emotion DËi : K
Explanation : 'In cold blood' VvÛv gv_vq wPšÍvfvebv K‡i, in cool brain and calculated
thought- VvÐv gv_vq Ges cwiKwíZ wPšÍv| So patiently and thoughtfully ⎯ LyeB ˆah©¨mn Ges
we‡ePbv cÖm~Z c~e©K| So patiently and thoughtfully - LyeB A‰ah©fv‡e Ges Awe‡ePbv cÖm~Zfv‡e|
Stirred by sudden emotion- nVvr Av‡eM †R‡M D‡V ev D‡ËwRZ n‡q|
7. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
Which is the best phrase for the underlined expression above?
K beggars description L cuts to the quick
M boils down to this N keeps open house
DËi :
Explanation : g~j Sentence - Gi mswÿß A_© GZ `y`©kvc~Y© †h fvlvq cÖKvk Kiv Am¤¢e| Beggar (s)
description ⎯ eY©bvZxZ A_©vr eY©bv m¤¢e bq| Cut (s) of the quick - g‡b Kó †`qv| Boil (s) down
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
(to this) - AvqZ‡bi Kgv‡bv, mvi-ms‡ÿc Kiv| Keep (s) open house - M„n¯’vwji `vwqZ¡ cvjb Kiv|
8. A speech full of too many world is —
K a big speech L maiden speech
M An unimportant speech NA verbose speech DËi : N
Explanation : †h e³‡e¨j A‡bK †ewk kã () ev evMvo¤^i Zv‡K, mvwn‡Z¨i fvlvq Zv‡K e‡j
Verbose Speech|
9. To meet trouble half way means—
K To be puzzled L To get nervous
M To be disappointed N To bear up
DËi : K
Explanation : 'To meet trouble' mgm¨v †gvKv‡ejvq Kiv Ges halfway- A‡a©K| cy‡ivcywi
শ োকোবেলোর Av‡MB nvj †Q‡o †`qv A_©vr nZeyw× nIqv| To be puzzled - nZeyw× nIqv| To get
nervous - fq cvIqv| To disappointed - nZvk nIqv| To bear up - (wb‡R‡K) k³ ivLv|
10. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies. — which is the
appropriate phrase for the under lined expression above?
K behave gently L practice manners
M behave yourself N do not talk rudely DËi : K
Explanation : Show good manners ⎯ ev‡jv AvPiY ev e¨evni cÖ`k©b Kiv| Behave gently ⎯
b¤ªfv‡e e¨envi Kiv; practise manners ⎯ cÖ_v ev c×wZ PP©v Kiv; behave yourself ⎯ f`ª e¨envi
Kiæb; do not talk rudely ⎯ iƒpfv‡e K_v e‡jv bv|
11. The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern
technology. — which of the following is nearest in meaning to the italicized idiom above?
K created a new history L began a new civilization
M opened a new chapter N created a sensation DËi : M
Explanation : Turn over a new leaf - bZzb cvZv Dëv‡bv| Created a new history - bZzb
mf¨Zvi m~Pbv K‡i‡Q| opened a new chapter - bZzb Aa¨v‡qi m~Pbv K‡i‡Q| Created a sensation
- bZzb D‡ËRbvKi NUbvi m„wó K‡i‡Q|
12. What is the meaning of the idiom’s round dozen ?
K a little less than a dozen L a little more than a dozen
DËi : M
M a full dozen N round about a dozen
Explanation : A round dozen - c~Y© WRb/ 12wU A_©vr A full dozen.
13. Blue chips are —
K Securities issued by the government
L Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
DËi :
M Industrial shares considered to be a risk investment
N Flat plastic counters used as money tokens
Explanation : Blue chips ⎯ wbf©i‡hvM¨ I g~j¨evb|
14. Give somebody a piece of your means to ––
K tell someone that you are very angry with them.
L say exactly what you fell or think.
M return or to help somebody resume to a normal situation. DËi : K
N give somebody mental peace.
Explanation : Give somebody a piece of your mind GKwU idiom, hvi A_© Kv‡iv Ici Avcwb
†h ivMvwš^Z Zv ejv|
15. A soporific speech is likely to ––
K be incomprehensible L appeal primarily to emotions
DËi : M
M put one to sleep N stimulate action
Explanation : A soporific speech ej‡Z †m ai‡bi e³vZv‡K †evSvq hv `k©K- †kÖvZvi †Pv‡L Nyg
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
wb‡q Av‡m| G ai‡bi e³…Zv ï‡b †kÖvZviv K¬všÍ n‡q c‡ob Ges †Pv‡L Nyg Rwo‡q Av‡m| Soporific -
coursing a person to become tired and ready to fall asleep|
16. Once in a blue moon means ––
K always L very rarely
DËi : L
M nearly N hourly
Explanation : Once in a blue moon A_© K`vwPr ev cÖvq KL‡bv bv A_©v very rarely|
17. Chose the meaning of the idiom — ‘take the bull by the horns’.
K To challenge the enemy with L Force the enemy to submit
M out of one’s wit N Surrender before the enemy
DËi : K
Explanation : "Take the bull by the horns" idiom wUi evsjv A_© mvn‡mi mv‡_ kÎæi †gvKvwejv
Kiv ev wec‡`i †gvKvwejv Kiv A_©vr to challenge the enemy with courage|
18. The phrase ‘Achilles’ hell’ mean :
K A strong point L A weak point
M A permanent solution N A serious idea
Explanation : 'Achilles' heel' GKwU idiom, hvi A_© `ye©j w`K ev weak point | myZivs mwVK DËi : L
DËi (L)| Greek Mythology- Gi weL¨vZ PwiÎ Achilles- Gi heel Z_v Ô†Mvovwji `ye©jZvÕ
†_‡KB g~jZ idiom, wUi DrcwË|
19. A stich in time saves nine-
K saving lives L timely action
M saving time N time tailoring DËi : L
Explanation : GwU GKwU cÖev` evK¨ hvi A_© Ômg‡qi GK †duvo, Amg‡qi `k †duvo|Õ Gi Øviv
mgqg‡Zv KvR Kiv ev timely action- †K eySv‡bv nq|
20. The Phrase ‘nouveau riche’ means —
K Riche rich L well off
M New high class N new rich DËi : N
Explanation : 'Nouveaur riche' GKwU French phrase hvi A_© †h e¨w³ m¤úªwZ abx n‡q‡Q A_©v
new rich |
21. The phrase sine die means-
K half-heartedly L doubtfully
M fixed N uncertain DËi : N
Explanation : Sine die (Latin ‡_‡K AvMZ AvBb m¤úwK…Z kã) A_© fwel¨‡Zi mgq ev w`b -ZvwiL
wbw`ó©K…Z ev AwbwðZ mgq | Kv‡RB AcPq mgq | Kv‡RB Avckb (N) uncertain mwVK|
22. Fill in the gap
Birds fly –– in the sky.
K random L at large M fixed N uncertain
Explanation : At large A©_ (†Kvb wecRbK e¨vw³ ev cÖvbxi) ew›` bv †_‡K gy³ Ave¯’vq _vKv | DËi : L
Random A©_ G‡jv‡g‡jv ev G‡mvcv_vwo ; wek„•Ljv| At a stitch -Gi cwie‡Z© at a strech
_vK‡j Zvi A_© n‡Zv GKUvbv ev GKivM‡o| Sentence wUi context Aiæhvqx are long mywbw`ó©
†Kvb A_© cÖ`vb K‡i bv| myZivs Ackb (N) at large mwVK|
23. The phrase ‘dog days’ means––
K hot weather L cold shower
DËi : K
M at a stitch N are long
Explanation : Dog days idiom-wUi A_© eQ‡ii DòZg mgq ,hvi mg_©K Ackb (K) hot weather |
24. To doctor an animal means:
K to treat it L to sterilize it
DËi : L
M to poison it N to cure it
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : to doctor an animal A_© weovj ev QvMj BZ¨vw`‡K Lvwm Kiv| GLv‡b doctor verb
wn‡m‡e e¨veüZ n‡q‡Q|
25. “Giving someone the cold shoulder” means––
K to torture somebody L to harm someone
M to appreciate someone To ignore
somebody DËi :
Explanation : cÖ‡kœii idiom wUi A_© A‡cÿv Kiv; MÖvn¨ bv Kiv (ignore)| Ab¨w`‡K to torture
somebody A_© KvD‡K wbh©vZb Kiv; to harm someone A_© Kv‡iv ÿwZ Kiv; to appreciate
someone A_© Zvwid Kiv|
26. ‘Maiden speech’ means
K first speech L Middle speak
M Maid servants speech L Middle speak DËi : K
Explanation : Maiden Speech n‡jv GKwU phrase, hvi A_© cÖ_g e³…Zv| msm` m`m¨‡`i cÖ_g
e³…Zv‡KI Maiden Speech ejv nq|
27. N.B. Stands for —
K None before L No bar M Non bearing N Nota bene DËi : N
Explanation : N. B. n‡jv GKwU Abbreviation ev mswÿß iƒc| Gi c~Y©iƒc n‡jv Nota bene|
28. ‘call to mind’ means —
K fantasize L attend M remember N request DËi : M
Explanation : 'Call to mind' GKwU phrase, hvi A_© remember ev ¯§iY Kiv, ¯§iY ivLv|
29. The expression ‘take into account’ means —
K count numbers L consider M think seriously N asses DËi : L
Explanation : "Take into account' Gi A_© we‡ePbv Kiv A_©vr consider|
30. — his earlier study, the Professor’s new study indicates a general warning trend in global
K in contrast of L in contrast to DËi : L
M In contrast by N In contrast as
Explanation : 'In contract to' GKwU prepositional phrase |
31. Only those who are not serious to their success work by — and starts.
K long odds L against time M every inch N fits DËi : N
Explanation : By fits and starts' A_©- AwbqwgZfv‡e irregularly |
32. to end in smoke —
K to create fire L to go through suffering
DËi : M
M to come to nothing N to see fire
Explanation : 'End in smoke' A_©- e¨_©Zvq ch©ewlZ nIqv|
33. To keep one’s head—
K to save oneself L to be safe respectful
DËi : M
M to keep calm N none of these
Explanation : Keep one's head'- gv_v VvÛv ivLv A_©vr keep clam |
34. To put the chart before the horse—
K to offer a person what he cannot eat L to force a person to do something
M to raise obstacle N to reverse the natural order of things DËi : N
Explanation : 'Put the cart before the horse'- †Kvb wRwb‡mi ¯^vfvweK µg‡K cv‡ë †`Iqv
(reverse the natural order of things)
35. To read between the lines
K to concentrate M to read carefully DËi : N
M to read carefully N to grasp the hidden meaning
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : To read between the lines - Ae¨³ A_© Avw¯‹vi Kiv (to grasp) (Dcjw× Kiv)|
36. The horror movie scared them out of there —
K wits L seats M lives N funds DËi : K
Explanation : 'Out of one' wits' GKwU idiom, hvi A_© AZ¨šÍ wePwjZ|
37. They travelled toSavar —
K on foot L by walking
DËi : K
M on their feet N by foot
Explanation : 'On foot' GKwU mywbw`©ó phrase hvi A_© Ôc‡U †nu‡UÕ|
38. The idiom put up with means —
K stay together L tolerate M keep trust N protect DËi : L
Explanation : 'Put up with' phrase wU Øviv mn¨ Kiv †evSvq|
39. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seen to get his idea across.
K make his ideas understood L get his ideas down pat
M summaries his ideas N put together his ideas DËi : K
Explanation : Get something across to somebody A_©- KvD‡K wKQz †evSv‡Z cviv A_©vr make
something understood|
40. To raise one’s brows indicates —
K annoyance L disapproval
M indifference N surprise
DËi : N
Explanation : Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary cyivZb Edition G 'to raise one's
brows' Gi A_© disproval (Aby‡gv`b) Ges surprise (we¯§q) DfqB †`Iqv Av‡Q| wKš‘ 10th
Edition-G ïay surprise †`Iqv Av‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi (N)|
41. The bad news struck him like a boil from the —
K sky L heavens M on their feet N blue DËi : N
Explanation : 'Bolt from the blue' GKwU idiom, hvi A_© webv †g‡N eRªcvZ|
42. to get along with means—
K to adjust L to accompany M to interest N to walk
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Get along with' GKwU Phrasal verb, hvi A_© good relationship with
someone. Good relationship bv _vK‡j Zvi mv‡_ wb‡R‡K Lvc LvIqv‡bv hvq bv|
43. explain the meaning of ‘Bring to pass’
K Class to destroy L Cause to happen
M Cause to carry out N Cause to convince
DËi : L
Explanation : 'Bring to pass'- Gi A_© n‡”Q †Kv‡bv wKQz NUv| Ab¨w`‡K- 'cause to destroy' Øviv
aŸsm nIqv, 'case to carry out' ej‡Z †Kv‡bv wKQz m¤úv`b Kiv, 'cause to convince' Øviv †Kv‡bv wKQz
¯^g‡Z wb‡q Avmv Ges 'case to happen' Øviv †Kv‡bv wKQz NUv‡bv‡K †evSvq|
44. Every driver must be held — his own actions.
K responsible for L responsible to
M liable to N blamed for DËi : K
Explanation : †Kv‡bv Kv‡Ri `vqfvi hLb †h KvR K‡i Zvi IciB eZ©vq, ZLb 'be held
responsible for' e¨eüZ nq&
45. Choose the correct meaning : he raised his eyebrow at my explanation
K show surprise or disapproval L show agreement.
M show happiness. N show indifference. DËi : K
Explanation : Raising one's eyebrow A_© n‡jv †PvL Kcv‡j †Zvjv; hvi Ab¨ A_© n‡jv Avðh©
nIqv ev weivM cÖKvk Kiv|
46. I decided to go — with my friend as I needed some exercise.
K to a walk L for a walk
DËi : L
M for a walking N walk
Explanation : Go for a walk GKwU phrase, hvi A_© nuvU‡Z hvIqv|
47. A person whose ‘head’ is in the colour is —
DËi : L
K proud L a day dreamer
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
M an aviator N unless.
Explanation : 'Head in the coluds' ⎯ hvi A_© n‡jv w`ev¯^‡c& we‡fvi ev Ajxc Kíbvq gMœ|
Proud A_© n‡jv Mwe©Z; an aviator A_© n‡jv ˆegvwbK; useless A_© hv †Kv‡bv Kv‡R jv‡M bv Ges a
day dreamer A_© w`ev¯^cœvPvix|
48. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom swan song .
K First work L Last work
DËi : L
M Middle work N Early work
Explanation : Swan-song ⎯ AwšÍg MxZ, †kl KxwZ©, †kl Kg©|
49. We must keep out fingers that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.
K raised L pointed M lifted N crossed DËi : N
Explanation : "Keep one's fingers crossed (cressed);' A_© n‡iv Avkv †cvlb Kiv, Kvgbv Kiv|
50. The word ‘dilly daily’ means —
K to dilute L wait impatiently DËi : N
M repeat N waste time
51. Through trick and thin means
K under all conditions L to make trick and thin
DËi : K
M not clear in understanding N of great density.
Explanation : "through thick and thin'- Gi A_© hv wKQzB NUzK bv †Kb A_©vr all conditions.
52. Prior to means
K after L before
DËi : L
M immediately N during the period of
Explanation : 'Prior to'- Gi A_© c~e©eZ©x, c~e©Z©b|
53. What is the meaning of ‘white Elephant’?
K An elephant of white colour L A hoarder
M A black marketer N A very costly or troublesome possession DËi : N
Explanation : 'White elephant' ⎯ GKwU Phrase, hvi A_© Kv‡R Av‡m bv A_P `vwg I
AmyweavRbK m¤ú`|
54. ‘Out and out’ means —
K Not at all L Brave
M Thoroughly N Whole heatedly DËi : M
Explanation : Out and out ⎯ m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| Not at all ⎯ Av‡`Š bq, Brave ⎯ mvnmx|
Throughly ⎯ ZbœZbœ K‡i, Avw` †_‡K AšÍ ch©šÍ Ges whole heatedly ⎯ m¤ú~Y© Mig|
55. The expression ‘ after one’s own heart’ means—
K to be in low spirit L With complete devotion
DËi : M
M To one’s own liking N to be in high spirit
Explanation : 'After one's own heart' A_©vr Kv‡iv m‡e©vËg cQ‡b`i Abyiƒc wKQz|
56. When a person says he’s all in’, it means —
K He is very tried L He has arrived
DËi : K
M He has finished packing N He has got everything
Explanation : All in ⎯ AZ¨šÍ cwikÖvšÍ, hvi Bs‡iwR very tried.
57. ‘Bill of fare’ is —
K A chart of bus fare L A price list
DËi : N
M A valuable document N A list of dishes at a restaurant
Explanation : Bill of fare ⎯ a list of the food that can be ordered in a restaurant.
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
58. A ‘bull market’ means that sheer prince are —
K Falling L Rising M Moving N Static DËi : L
Explanation : Bull market ⎯ †kqv‡ii †ÿ‡Î) DaŸ©Mvx A_©vr evo‡Q Ggb evRvi|
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
M to read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
N to read quickly to save time DËi :
Explanation : ‘Read between the lines’ idiomwUi A_© to read carefully to find out any hidden
meaning| (cÖKvwkZ nqwb Ggb A_© A‡š^lY ev Avwe®‹vi Kiv)|
12. ‘Few and far between’ means⎯
K rarely L not very far M in between N long distance DËi :
Explanation : ‘Few and far between’wUi evsjv K`vwPÕ hv rarely Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
13. ‘A maiden voyage’ means⎯
K j journey made by a young woman L a journey made by anew ship
M bridegroom N the first journey made by a ship DËi :
Explanation : A maiden voyage A_© Rvnv‡R K‡i cÖ_g `xN© mgy`ªhvÎv ev the first journey made by a ship|
14. The idiom ‘be all ears’ means⎯
K listen with great interest and curiosity L become fully aware of something important
M always agree with other people N be highly confused DËi :
Explanation : ‘Be all ears’ idiom wUi evsjv AvMÖn Ges †KŠZznj wb‡q †kvbv (listen with great interest and
15. ‘Apple of discord’ means⎯
K an attractive object L object of dispute
M disagreement N a valuable object DËi :
Explanation : Apple of discord A_© object of dispute (weev‡`i KviY ev †nZz)|
16. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ‘End in smoke’ :
K Come to nothing L Catch fire M Destroy N Stop smoking
Explanation : ‘End in smoke’ phrasewU evsjv A_© e¨_© nIqv; e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nIqv| Phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk
cvq come to nothing Øviv| Catch fire A_© Av¸b jvMv, destroy A_© aŸsm Kiv Avi stop smoking Ae aygcvb
eÜ Kiv|
17. What is the meaning of idiom ‘pour cold water on’?
K Discourage L Encourage M To be calm N Deceive
Explanation : ‘Pour cold water on’ A_© †Kv‡bv wKQzi mgv‡jvPbv Kiv A_ev †Kv‡bv wKQzi wec‡ÿ KviY
18. You have to raise your voice a little when talking to him. Here a little⎯.
K cat out of the bag L cry wolf M penny pincher N hard of hearing None
Explanation : cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_© n‡jv ÔZzwg hLb Zvi mv‡_ K_v ej ZLb †Zvgvi Kɯ^i GKUz DuPz KwiI| KviY
†m GKUz Kv‡b Lv‡Uv/Kv‡b Kg †kv‡bÕ| Ackb¸‡jvi phrase¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ‘hard of hearing’ A_© Kv‡b Lv‡Uv ev Kv‡b
Kg †kv‡b| ZvB N mwVK DËi|
19. Bed of rose-
K bed made of rose L comfortable situation M small bed N rose garden None
Explanation : ‘Bed of rose’ GKwU word hvi A_© n‡jv cy®úkh¨v A_©vr comfortable situation| mwVK DËi
Ackb (L)| †hgbÑ Life is not a bed of roses| A_©vr Rxeb †Kv‡bv cy®úkh¨v bq|
20. ‘Green eye’ means⎯
K Trust L Green coloured eyes M Jealousy N Fath
Explanation : ‘Green eye’ A_© Cl©v, Jealousy, envy BZ¨vw`| mwVK DËi Ackb (M)|
21. Nota bene means⎯
K next page L not sure M mark well N for example DËi : R
Explanation : Nota bene j¨vwUb phrase, hvi A_© mark well, note well BZ¨vw`| Ackb (M) mwVK DËi|
22. ‘Spill the beans’ means⎯
K Frivolously performing a simple task L Reveal someone’s secret
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
M To stop something at an early stage N Frivolously performing a simple task
Explanation : Spill the beans GKwU phrase Ges A_© Kv‡iv †Mvcb wKQz duvm K‡i †`qv| mwVK DËi Ackb
(L)-‡Z Av‡Q|
23. I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder. Here ‘cold shoulder’ means :
K scolded me L insulted me M abused me N ignored me
Explanation : Cold shoulder GKwU phrase, hvi A_© KvD‡K D‡cÿv Kiv ev Kv‡iv cÖwZ AeÜzZ¡c~Y© AvPiY Kiv,
GKK_vq ¸iæZ¡ bv †`qv| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb (N)| Ab¨w`‡K scold A_© wZi¯‹vi Kiv, agK †`qv| Insult A_©
Acgvb Kiv Ges abuse A_© MvjvMvwj Kiv, Ace¨envi Kiv BZ¨vw`|
24. ‘Tooth and nail’ means⎯
K Get by heart L Tried hard M Go with heart N None of these
Explanation : ‘Tooth and nail’ A_© KwVbfv‡e †Póv Kiv hv Ackb (L) †Z i‡q‡Q|
25. Kith and kin
K relatives L revers and cannels M rivalry N enrolment None
Explanation : g~jZ kith and kin A_© friends and relatives A_©vr e›`y I AvZ¥xq¯^Rb| cÖ‡kœ ïay relatives
†`qv Av‡Q| †h‡nZz KvQvKvwQ Avi †Kv‡bv Ackb †bB Zvn‡j (K) mwVK DËi| Ab¨w`‡K, rivers and cannels A_©
b`x I Lvj, rivalry A_© Ø›Ø Ges enrollment A_© wb‡qvM, ZvwjKv fzw³KiY|
26. White Elephant
K Foolish L Simple M Expensive burdensome possession
N flatterer None
Explanation : White Elephant GKwU idiom hvi A_© AcÖ‡qvRbxq AwZgvÎvq LiP A_©vr Expensive
burdensome possession| Ab¨w`‡K, foolish †evKv, simple A_© mvaviY Ges flatterer A_© PvUzKvi, †gvmv‡ne
27. Choose the verb phrase :
K ought to obey L what a pity M at the point of N with black eyes
Explanation : Verb phrase n‡jv `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK verb, verb + modal, verb + aux BZ¨vw` †hv‡M MwVZ kã|
verb phrase memgq main verb-Gi c‡i e‡m| cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ought to obey (gvb¨ Kiv) n‡jv
verb phrase|
28. The phrase ‘Bakers dozen’ means⎯
K 13 L 12 M 11 N 24
Explanation : GK WR‡bi †P‡q GKUv †ewk A_©vr 13 msL¨vwU‡K ‘bakers dozen’ e‡j|
29. What is the meaning of the phrase, ‘of late’?
K long ago L occasionally M long since N recently
Explanation : Of late (AwZm¤úªwZ)-Gi synonym n‡jv recentlty (m¤úªwZ)| ZvQvov long ago A_© A‡bKw`b
Av‡M, occassionally A_© gv‡S gv‡S Ges long since A‡bKw`b Av‡M|
30. The idiom ‘a snake in the grass’ means⎯
K a sleeping snake L a dead snake M a hidden enemy N a harmless person
Explanation : ‘A snake in the grass’ A_© eÜzi fvb K‡i _vKv Awek¦¯Í †jvK|
31. Mary visits the doctor off and on.
K occasionally L regularly M everyday N never at all
Explanation : ‘Off and on’-Gi A_© gv‡S gv‡S wKš‘ wbqwgZ bq| ‘From time to time’ Ges ‘now and
again’ I GKB A_© cÖ`vb K‡i|
32. What is the meaning of ‘White Elephant’?
K A hoarder L An elephant of white colour
M A very costly N A black marketers
Explanation : White Elephant Øviv unused Ges very costly †Kv‡bv wKQz eySvq| mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb (M)|
33. ‘To meet trouble halfway’ means :
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Kto get nervous L to be puzzled M to be disappointed N to bear up
Explanation : ‘To meet trouble halfway’ phrase wUi A_© to bee puzzled⎯ nZeyw× nIqv|
34. ‘To have an axe to grind’ means⎯
K A selfish means to serve L To fail to arouse interest
M To have no result N To work for both sides
Explanation : ‘To hjave an axe to grind’ phrase wU A_© wb‡Ri ¯^v‡_© KvR Kiv ev †mev †`qv| Phrase wUi
mwVK DËi Ackb (K)-‡Z i‡q‡Q|
35. A Machiavellian character is :
K An honest person L Scheming person
M An adventurous person N A learned person
Explanation : Niccolo Machiavelli wQ‡jb GKRb BZvwjqvb philosopher| Zvi g‡Z, ˆea †nvK Avi A‰ea
†nvK †h‡Kv‡bv dw›`‡Z ÿgZvq hvIqv n‡jv g~j K_v| †mRb¨ Machiavellian character Øviv dw›`evR, av›`vevR
†jvK‡K eySvq| Ackb (L)-‡Z scheming person Øviv dw›`evR †jvK eySv‡”Q|
36. What is the meaning of ‘a white lie’?
K Harmful lie L Useless lie M Harmless lie N Irrelevant lie
Explanation : White lie-Gi A_© Ggb wg_¨v hv †Kv‡bv e¨w³i ÿwZ K‡i bv A_©vr (M) Harmless lie|
37. The meaning of the phrase ‘to smell a rat’ is⎯
K To see sign of plague epidemic. L To suspect foul dealing.
M To get bad smell of a dead rat. N To be in a bad mood.
Explanation : ‘To smell a rat’ idiom-wUi A_© †Kv‡bv ev‡R cwiw¯’wZi AvksKv Kiv/to suspect that
something is wrong about a situation †hwU Ackb (L)-Gi To suspect foul dealing-Gi mgv_©K|
38. The idiom ‘by and large’ means⎯
K Very large L Mostly M Everywhere N Far away
Explanation : ‘By and large’ idiom-wUi A_© †Kv‡bvwKQz m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c bv n‡jI †gvUvgywU mZ¨ nIqv| myZivs
Ackb (L) mwVK|
39. Which of the following phrases is correct?
K Buy the buy L Bye the by M By the by N Bye the bye
Explanation : By the by (cÖm½µ‡g) n‡jv mwVK phrase|
40. ‘Hold Water’ means⎯
K Bear ExaminationL Keep Water M Clean Water N Drink Water
Explanation : Hold water A_© Kvh©Kix nIqv, wU‡K _vKv, Pvwj‡q hvIqv, aviY Kiv A_©vr ev` bv cov| Ab¨w`‡K,
Bear Examination A_© cixÿvq wU‡K _vKv (cixÿv †_‡K ev` bv cov)|
41. Choose the best expressions of the meaning : ‘To put the cart before the horse’⎯
K to offer a person what he cannot eat L to force a person to do something
M to raise obstacle N to reverse the natural order of things
Explanation : ‘To put the cart before the horse’ phrase wUi A_© ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’v DëvBqv †`qv, A¯^vfvweK
Ae¯’v ˆZwi Kiv A_©vr to reverse the natural order of things| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb (N)|
42. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the⎯
K sky L heavens M firmament N blue
Explanation : A bolt from the blue n‡jv GKwU phrase word Ges GwUi A_© n‡jv webv †g‡N eRªcvZ| mwVK
DËi Ackb (N)|
43. ‘Prima facie’ means⎯
K at first view L main cause M prime figure N prime accused
Explanation : Prima facie GKwU Latin phrase hvi A_© ÔcÖ_g †`Lv‡ZBÕ| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb ÔKÕ|
44. ‘Come to light’ means⎯?
K To be born L To publish M To get published N To discover
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : ‘Come to light’ GKwU phrase word Ges GUvi A_© n‡jv cÖKvwkZ nIqv| Ackb (M)-‡Z To
get published (cÖKvwkZ nIqv) mwVK DËi|
45. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘smell a rat’?
K bad smell L suspect something M make difficult N presence of a thief
Explanation : ‘Smell a rat’ A_©⎯ Lvivc †Kv‡bvwKQz Abygvb ev m‡›`n Kiv|
46. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means⎯
K always L very rarely M nearly N hourly
Explanation : ‘Once in a blue moon’ hvi evsjv A_©⎯ cÖvq GK`gB bv, A_ev cÖvq Am¤¢e|
47. What do you mean by the phrase ‘Sit on the fence’?
K watch over the fence L sit idly
M remain neutral in dispute N sit on a height
Explanation : Sit on the fence A_© avoide making a decision or choice A_©vr †Kv‡bv wm×všÍ MÖnY Kiv
†_‡K weiZ _vKv|
48. What is the meaning of ‘Dead letter’?
K Bad letter L Old letter
M Law not in force N Letter written by unknown person
Explanation : Dead letter n‡jv †Kv‡bv AvBb ev Pzw³, hv KvM‡R Av‡Q wKš‘ gvbv nq bv|
49. ‘To read between the lines’ means⎯
K To read carefully L To read only sometimes
M To read quickly to save time N To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
Explanation : To read between the lines A_© †Kv‡bv wKQzi ga¨ n‡Z Ggb A_© Avwe®‹vi Kiv ev Lyu‡R †ei Kiv,
hv mivmwi D‡jøL Kiv nqwb| myZivs Ackb (N) mwVK DËi|
50. The phrase “Achilles’ heel” means :
K A strong point L A weak point
M A permanent solution N A serious idea
Explanation : “Achilles’ heel” n‡j mvgwMÖK kw³-mvg_©¨ _vKv m‡Ë¡I i‡q hvIqv Ggb GK `ye©jZv †hwUi
Kvi‡Y ÿgZv/DbœwZ/gh©v`vi cZb n‡Z cv‡i| hv‡K GKK_vq ‘a weak point’ ejv hvq|
51. Bangabandhu expressed his utmost gratitude to the UN for standing beside the war-ravaged country.
The meaning of the underline phrase is⎯
K Attracted by the war L Disturbed by the war
M Developed by the war N Damaged by the war
Explanation : War-ravaged (hy×-weׯÍ) ej‡Z damaged by the war †K eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvB Ackb (N)
mwVK DËi|
52. A friend ⎯ need is a friend indeed.
K to L for M at N in
Explanation : ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ n‡jv GKwU cÖev`-evK¨ hvi A_© n‡jvÑ wec‡`i eÜzB
cÖK…Z eÜz|
53. A stitch in time saves⎯
K nine L a lot M much N a few
Explanation : ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ cÖev`wUi A_© mg‰hi GK‡duvo Amg‡qi `k‡duvo|
54. My friend always goes home ⎯ foot.
K by L with M to N on
Explanation : cv‡q †nu‡U hvIqv ev Pjv A‡_© on foot e¨eüZ nq|
55. ‘Lose heart’ means⎯
K One type of heart disease L heart attack M be disheartened N heart failure
Explanation : ‘Lose heart’ means be disheartened.
56. Select the incorrect phrase.
K In a nutshell L A forgone conclusion
M One in a blue moon N By leaps and bounds
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : One in a blue moon-Gi ¯’‡j Once in a blue moon n‡j phrase wU mwVK n‡Zv, hvi A_©
ÔK`vwPrÕ| Ab¨w`‡K In a nutshell A_© ms‡ÿ‡c; A forgone conclusion A_© c~e© wm×všÍ; By leaps and bounds
A_© AZ¨šÍ `ªæZMwZ‡Z|
57. The phrase ‘in black and white’ means⎯
K with black and white colour L in writing
M combination of black and white N face to face
Explanation : In black and white A_© wjwLZfv‡e| DwjøwLZ option-¸‡jvi g‡a¨ with black and white
colour A_© Kv‡jv I mv`v iO e¨envi K‡i, in writing A_© wjwLZfv‡e, combination of black and white A_©
Kv‡jv I mv`vi mgš^q, face to face A_© gy‡LvgywL| ZvB A_©vbyhvqx option (L)B mwVK|
58. The meaning of ‘feel at home’⎯
K Calm & Quiet L Free & Easy M Familiar & Known N Proficient & Expert
Explanation : Feel at home (wb‡Ri evwoi gZ ¯^”Q›` †eva Kiv) A_© Free and easy (Abvo¤^i,
†jŠwKKZvewR©Z)| Ab¨w`‡K (K) calm and quiet A_© kvšÍ I bxie, (M) familiar and known A_© cwiwPZ Ges
(N) proficient and expert A_© `ÿ I we‡klÁ| ZvB mwVK DËi ÔLÕ|
59. ‘By and large’ means⎯
K very large L mostly M everywhere N nowhere
Explanation : ‘By and large phrase’ wUi A_© AwaKvsk; †gv‡Ui Dci| Phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq mostly
Øviv| Ab¨w`‡K nowhere A_© †Kv_vI bv, everywhere A_© me©Î, very large A_© LyeB eo|
60. The phrase ‘De Jure’ means⎯
K By law L Successful M Illegal N Compromising
Explanation : ‘De Jure’ phrase wUi A_© By law ev wewam¤§Z| Ab¨w`‡K successful-mdj, illegalÑA‰ea,
compromising⎯ Avcmg~jK|
61. He goes to his friend’s house off and on. What does ‘off and on’ mean⎯
K Frequently L Rrely M Occasionally N Never
Explanation : Off and on phrase wUi A_© gv‡Sg‡a¨ ev occasionally| D‡jøL¨, frequently⎯ NbNb,
rarely⎯ K`vwPr, never⎯ KL‡bv bv|
62. The phrase ‘hard and fast’ means⎯.
K difficult and consistent L fixed and definitive
M difficult but not consistent N quick and consistent
Explanation : Hard and fast A_© euvavaiv A_©vr, fixed and definitive (¯’vqx I wbwðZ)|
63. The expression ‘true to their salt’ means⎯
K very reigious L very honest M faithful to their employers N none of these
Explanation : ‘True to their salt’ expression wUi A_© wb‡qvMKZ©vi cÖwZ wek¦¯Í _vKv (faithful to their
64. The idiomatic expression ‘cut back’ means
K return to previous position L reducing expenditure
M stop production N reducing interest rate
Explanation : ‘Cut back’ idiom wUi A_© e¨q ms‡KvPb Kiv A_©vr reducing expenditure|
65. ‘A dark coloured horse’ means :
K An unknown quality L a black horse
M a dark N Invisible horse DËi : Note
Explanation : ‘A dark coloured horse’ bv‡g †Kv‡bv phrase †bB| A dark horse n‡j mwVK DËi n‡Zv an
unknown quality (ARvbv ¸Y)|
66. What is the meaning of the idiom⎯ ‘smell a rat’
K bad smell L suspect something M make difficult N presence of a hief
Explanation : Smell a rat A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz m‡›`n Kiv| A_©vr suspect something| †hgbÑIf I don’t send a
picture, she will smell a rat|
67. ‘Run into debt’ is⎯
K phrase L verbal noun M idiom N adverb clause
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : Phrase KZ¸‡jv kã wb‡q MwVZ, hv‡Z †Kv‡bv finite verb _v‡K bv Ges hvi GKwU A_© _v‡K|
Idiom I KZ¸‡jv words wb‡q MwVZ, hv‡Z finite verb _vK‡Z cv‡i Ges hvi kvwãK A‡_©i mv‡_ wgj †bB|
Verbal noun ev gerund MwVZ nq verb-Gi mv‡_ ‘ing’ †hvM K‡i| Adverb clause adverb-Gi KvR K‡i Ges
Aek¨B clause marker _vK‡e| DwjøwLZ Kvi‡Y mwVK DËi (M)|
68. ‘Hold water’ means⎯
K keep water L bear examination M drink water N store water
Explanation : Hold water (cixÿvq DZ‡i hvIqv) v_©⎯ bear examination (cixÿvq DZ‡i hvIqv)|
69. What does the idiom ‘Tooth and nail’ mean?
K terribly L with ulmost effort M pleasantly N awfully
Explanation : Tooth and nail (cÖvYcY kw³‡Z) A_© with utmost effort (m‡e©v”P kw³cÖ‡qv‡M)| ZvQvov
terribly A_© fxlYfv‡e, pleasantly A_© my›`ifv‡e, awfully A_© fqsKifv‡e|
70. ‘Pass away’ means⎯
K fall L disappear M die N erase
Explanation : Pass away (gviv hvIqv) A_©⎯ die (gviv hvIqv)| Ab¨w`‡K fall A_© cwZZ nIqv| disappear
A_© A`„k¨ nIqv, erase A_© gy‡Q †djv|
71. Choose the correct meaning of ‘Greek to’.
K wMÖm †`‡k L ARvbv M exi N †hv×v
Explanation : Greek to GKwU phrase, hvi cÖK…Z A_© `y‡e©va¨ A_ev cvV‡hvM¨ bq| Z‡e ARvbv ev AcwiwPZ
A‡_©I ‘Greek to’ e¨eüZ nq| ZvB mwVK DËi ÔLÕ|
72. A bolt from the blue means.
K A thunderstrom L A sudden unfortunate occurrence
M Sky falling on ones head N None of the above
Explanation : ‘A bolt from the blue’ phrase wUi A_© webv †g‡N eRªcvZ; AvKw¯§K `yf©vM¨ekZ NUbv| Phrase
wUi A_© cÖKvk K‡i a sudden unfortunate occurrence kãvskwU Øviv|
73. ‘A man of letter’ means :
K A fool L a stupid person M A wise person N a cunning man
Explanation : ‘A man of letter’ A_© cwÐZ ev a wise person|
74. Please keep an ⎯ on the baby.
K eye L hand M ear N look
Explanation : Keep an eye or somebody or something A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz ev Kv‡iv Dci bRi ivLv| myZivs
k~b¨¯’v‡b eye em‡e|
75. When we say ‘The two brothers are at daggers drawn’ we mean that they are⎯
K acquainted L unknown M friendly N unfriendly
Explanation : ‘At daggers drawn’ phrase wUi evsjv kÎæZvc~Y©, AeÜzfvevcbœ| myZivs mwVK DËi
76. ‘By hook or by crook’ means :
K At any cost L Trying hard M Heart and soul N Never say die
Explanation : ‘By hook or by crook’ phrase wUi evsjv †h K‡iB †nvK ev at any cost|
77. Which of the following is very near to the underlined words life and death
K very dangerous L out and out M extremely serious N by and large
Explanation : Life and death A_© LyeB gvivZ¥K ev extremely serious|
78. The phrase ‘End in smoke’ means⎯
K Come to nothing L Catch fire M Destruct N Stop smoking
Explanation : ‘End in smoke’ phrase wUi evsjv A_© djcÖm~ bv nIqv A_©vr come to nothing|
79. ‘To carry coal to New castle’ means⎯
K To do something meaningless L To do something meaningful
M To meet the demand of coal there N None of the above
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : ‘To carry coal to New Castle’ phrase wUi A_© †Zjv gv_vq †Zj †`qv ev AcÖ‡qvRbxq ev
A_©nxb KvR Kiv| Phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq to do something meaningless Øviv|
80. The term ‘bounce back’ means :
K flaunt L recover M please N topple
Explanation : Bounce back (cÖdzjøfv‡e evavwecwËi †gvKvwejv Kiv) A_© recover (mvg‡j IVv)|
81. What is the meaning of the idiom ⎯ ‘finger in the pie’?
K involving in something L uninterested in something
M getting out of something N showing disliking
Explanation : ‘Finger in the pie’ idiom wUi A_©Ñ †Kv‡bv wel‡q wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Kiv A_©vr involving in
82. I am desperate. All I need really is someone to⎯.
K take me a hand L put me a hand M give me a hand N show me a hand
Explanation : Give someone a hand A_© mvnvh¨ Kiv, mnvqZv Kiv|
83. We can safely say that the business is now concluded so⎯.
K that’s him L that’s us M that’s them N that’s it
Explanation : ‘That’s it’ idiom wU †Kv‡bv wKQz †kl n‡q‡Q ev m¤ú~Y© n‡q‡Q †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
84. Nobody’s going to call me names and⎯.
K get away with it L get up with it M get on with it N get away from it
Explanation : Call somebody names A_© Mvjg›` Kiv Avi get away with something A_© Ab¨vq K‡iI cvi
cvIqv| myZivs evK¨wU‡K mwVK A_© cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ get away with something A_© Ab¨vq K‡iI cvi cvIqv| myZivs
evK¨wU‡K mwVK A_© cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ get away with it em‡e|
85. What is meaning of ‘face the music’?
K run away from a problem L Create a problem
M deal with a problem N hide the truth
Explanation : ‘Face the music’ phrase wUi A_© cixÿv ev wec‡`i mgq fxZ bv nIqv ev AbvKvw•ÿZ cwiw¯’wZi
m¤§yLxb nIqv| ‘Face the music’ phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq deal with a problem Øviv|
86. ‘A cock and bull story’ means⎯
K a tragedy L a false story
M an animal story N a story about a cock and a bull
Explanation : A cock and bull story A_© Awek¦vm¨, Avlv‡p ev AjxK Mí hv option-Gi a false story Øviv
cÖKvk cvq|
87. He shall be taken to task for his ill manners.
K imiotated L tortured M avoided N rebuked none
Explanation : Take somebody to task A_© KvD‡K wZi¯‹vi Kiv| UnderlineK…Z AkwU‡K replace Kiv hvq
rebuked Øviv KviY rebuked underline K…Z phrase-wUi A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
88. Arnab was at his wit’s end after his father’s death.
K gloomy L puzzled M idle N angry None
Explanation : At one’s wit’s end-Gi A_© puzzled (nZeyw×` nZf¤^)| GQvov gloomy A_© welYœ; welYœKviK,
idle A_© Ajm Avi angry A_© ivMvwš^Z|
89. This custom is invogue in the office.
K obsolete L strong M irregular N popular None
Explanation : ‘In vogue’ GKwU phrase hvi A_© RbwcÖq| cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_© : GB cÖ_v GLb RbwcÖq|
90. He works by fits and starts in the office.
K regularly L slowly M irregularly N quickly None
Explanation : By fits and starts A_© : †_‡K †_‡K; AwbqgZfv‡e A_©vr irregularly.
91. A political leader should have the gift of the gab.
K skill L eloquence M honesty N courage None
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : Gift of the gab A_© eloquence (evKcUzZv; evwM¥Zv)| cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i A_© ivR‰bwZK †bZvi
evKcUzZv _vKv DwPZ|
92. ‘Get rid of’ means⎯
K listen L express M pretend N to be free from
Explanation : ‘Get rid of’ phrase wUi evsjv gyw³ cvIqv hv to be free from Øviv cKvk cvq|
93. ‘Pros and cons’ means⎯
K details L liberate M avoid N angry
Explanation : ‘Pros and cons’ phrase wUi evsjv LyuwUbvwU ev we¯ÍvwiZ (details)|
94. May Bangladesh prosper⎯
K day to day L day by day M day with day N day on day
Explanation : ‘Day by day’ phrase wUi A_© w`b w`b| Day by day †hv‡M evK¨wUi evsjv : evsjv‡`k w`b w`b
DbœwZ KiæK|
95. All his hopes were⎯
K null and void L nipped in the bud M out of date N now and then
Explanation : evK¨‡K mwVK A_© cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ nipped in the bud em‡e| ‘Nip in the bud’ idiom wUi A_©
A¼z‡i webó nIqv| Idiom wU †hv‡M evK¨wUi evsjv : Zvi mKj Avkv A¼z‡i webó n‡jv|
96. ‘Call to mind’ means⎯
K fntacize L attend M remember N request
Explanation : ‘Call to mind’ phrase wUi evsjv ¯§iY Kiv (remember)| Option-Gi fantacize (fantasize)
A_© D™¢U Kíbv Kiv, attend A_© Dcw¯’Z nIqv Avi request A_© Aby‡iva Kiv|
97. The idiom ‘put up with’ means⎯
K stay together L tolerate M keep trust N protect
Explanation : ‘Put up with’ idiomwUi evsjv A_© mn¨ Kiv hv tolerate Øviv cÖKvk cvq †Kbbv tolerate A_©I
mn¨ Kiv|
98. I absolutely refuse to put ⎯ with that sort of conduct.
K up L on M off N out
Explanation : ‘Put up with’ A_© mn¨ Kiv, †g‡b †bqv|
99. What does the Latin expression ‘et alia’ mean?
K you are L and others M warrant N yours faithfully
Explanation : ‘et alia’-Gi short form ‘el al’| hvi meaning ‘and others’|
100. He left no stone ⎯ to achieve his objective.
K unturned L hit M broken N thrown
Explanation : ‘Leaue no stone untumed’ GKwU phrase hvi A_© †Póvi †Kv‡bv ÎæwU bv ivLv|
101. He is the black sheep in the family. Here ‘black sheep’ means⎯
K a clever person L an irritating person M a nobel persons N an unworthy person
Explanation : Black sheep (Kzjv½vi)-Gi A_© an unworthy person A_©vr Ac`v_©|
102. ‘Take one to task’ means⎯
K resume L Imitate M restraint N rebuke
Explanation : ‘Take one to task’ GKwU phrase hvi A_© n‡jv wZi¯‹vi Kiv, AeÁv Kiv| Ackb (N) rebuke
A_© wZi¯‹vi Kiv| Ab¨w`‡K resume A_© Avevi ïiæ Kiv, Imitate A_© AbyKiY Kiv Ges restraint A_© mshg,
103. He tried his best but ⎯ failed once again.
K as ill luck would have it L at the bottom of
M at a stone’s throw N at the disposal of
Explanation : cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_© n‡jv ÔwZwb †Póv Ki‡j m‡e©vËgfv‡e wKš‘ A‡íi Rb¨/Lye Kv‡Q wM‡q e¨_© n‡jb|
At a stone’s throw (Lye mwbœK‡U) phrase wU emv‡j evK¨wU c~Y©Zv cvq| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb (M)|
104. ‘Doing something at the drop of a hat’⎯ What does the idiom mean?
K Doing something slowly L Doing something instantaneously
M Doing something irrationally N Doing something later
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : ‘Doing something at the drop of a hat’ GKwU phrase hvi A_© ZvrÿwYK wKQz K‡i †djv|
mwVK DËi Ackb (L) †Z Av‡Q|
105. I am feeling under the weather. What does the underlined phrase mean?
K Feeling very cold L Traumatized
M Showering sign of torture N Feeling slightly ill
Explanation : ‘Feeling under the weather’ GKwU phrase and idiom| GwUi A_© n‡jv Amy¯’Zv †eva Kiv,
feeling not good, feeling slightly ill| myZivs mwVK DËi (N)|
106. The idiom ‘put up with’ means⎯
K stay together L tolerate M keep trust N protect
Explanation : Put up with A_© †Kv‡bv weiw³Ki ev A¯^w¯ÍKi †Kv‡bv wKQz‡K Awf‡hvM QvovB †g‡b †bqv; GKK_vq
mn¨ Kiv| Tolerate A_©I mn¨ Kiv| evwK Ackb¸‡jv stay together, keep trust, protect-Gi A_© h_vµ‡g GK‡Î
_vKv, wek¦vm Kiv ev Av¯’v ivLv, iÿv Kiv|
107. He works by fits and starts in the office. Here the words underlined means⎯
K Regularly L Slowly M Irregularly N Quickly
Explanation : By fits and starts GKwU phrase and idiom| Gi A_© AwbqwgZfv‡e| myZivs Ackb (M) mwVK DËi|
108. The phrase ‘in high spirits’ means⎯
K Tensed L Worried M Cheerful N Vibrant
Explanation : ‘In high spirits’ A_© Drdzjø I D¾xweZ| Cheerful k‡ãi A_©I Drdzjø|
109. The idiom ‘in a nutshell’ means⎯
K Nutshell L Concise M Cover N Nutty
Explanation : In a nutshell A_© ms‡ÿ‡c (L) Ack‡b cÖ`Ë Concise A_©I mswÿß| myZivs mwVK DËi (L)
Ack‡b cÖ`Ë Concise A_©I mswÿß| myZivs mwVK DËi (L)|
110. The expression ‘Voir Dire’ means⎯
K telling the truth L lying in the court M evidence of the witness N speaking lies
Explanation : Voir Dire GKwU Latin phrase, hv A_© ‘evidence of the witness’ A_©vr mvÿ¨ MÖn‡Y mZ¨Zv hvPvB|
111. Left ⎯himself, he would be able to complete the work is less than a month.
K with L on M by N to
Explanation : ‘Be left to yourself’ A_© GKv n‡q hvIqv| evK¨wU‡Z ÔGKv n‡q hvIqvÕ A_©B wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|
†Kbbv ev‡K¨i cieZ©x As‡k ïay Zvi Dc‡iB KvRwU †kl Kivi `vwqZ¡ †P‡c‡Q|
112. He fought ⎯ to defeat the enemy.
K set out L to and fro M tooth and nail N to the quick
Explanation : Set out A_© (1) †Kv‡bv ¯’vb †Q‡o †h‡Z hvÎv ïiæ Kiv; (2) wbw`©ó jÿ¨ AR©‡b †Kv‡bv KvR ev
PvKwi ïiæ Kiv| to and fro A_© Gw`K-‡mw`K| (fight) tooth and nail A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz iÿv ev cÖwZ‡iva Ki‡Z I
†Kv‡bv wKQz AR©b Ki‡Z `„pfv‡e †Póv Kiv| (cut) somebody to the quick A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz Kiv ev KUz K_v ejvi
Øviv KvD‡K nZvk K‡i †`qv|
113. ‘In no time’ means⎯
K in good time L ahead of time M at the best of time N very quickly
Explanation : ‘In no time’ A_© GK gyn~‡Z© ev GÿzwY ev Lye `ªæZ|
114. ‘Wear and tear’ means⎯
K Clothing L Depreciation M First speech N Accumulation
Explanation : Wear and tear A_© Nl©Y A_ev Nl©YRwbZ ÿq (e¨enviRwbZ Kvi‡Y)| Ackb (L) depreciation
A_© e¨enviRwbZ Kvi‡Y Aeg~j¨vqb, hv cÖ‡kœ DwjøwLZ phrase-Gi KvQvKvwQ A_© cÖ`vb K‡i|
115. ‘To take a leap in the dark’ means⎯
K To take risk L to hazard oneself
M To do a task secretly N To do hazardous thing without an idea of the result
Explanation : ‘To take a leap in the dark’ A_© †Kv‡bv KvR Ges Zvi djvdj bv †R‡bB †Kv‡bv Kv‡R nvZ †`qv
ev SzuwK †bqv|
116. A ‘bull market’ means that share prices are ⎯
K Falling L Rising M Moving N Static
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : ‘A bull market’ phrase Øviv Ggb mgq‡K eySvq hLb †kqvj g~j¨ evo‡Z _v‡K Ges †jvKRb
†kqvi wKb‡Z _v‡K|
Very Important
1. The phrase 'De Jure' means ⎯
K Successful L By law M Illegal N Fugitive
Explanation : 'De Jure' GKwU French phrase hvi A_© AvBbvbyM ev weam¤§Z| myZivs option (L)
By law mwVK DËi|
2. After witnessing the declaring sates tend, this company decided in favor of revving
K in favor for L favoring M in favor of N to favor
e) on the favor of
Explanation : 'In favor of idiom- wUi A_© KvD‡K ev †Kv‡bvwKQz‡K mg_©b Kiv I Zv‡Z m¤§Z
nIqv| Underlined phrase- wUi mwVK phrase n‡jv 'in favor of'|
3. What is the meaning of the idiom 'tickled pink'?
K being reddish L making delighted M making gloomy N making distinct
Explanation : Bs‡iwR evMaviv 'tickled ink' A_© KvD‡K Lywk Kiv| cÖ`Ë option ¸‡jvi g‡a¨
option (b) G 'making delighted' - Gi A_© KvD‡K Lywk Kiv| ZvB option (L) mwVK|
4. What is the meaning of the idiom in doldrums'?
K bright L distinct M delighted N gloomy
Explanation : Ack‡b cÖ`Ë kã bright A_©- D¾¡j, distinct A_©- ¯úó, delighted- Avbw›`Z
nIqv Ges gloomy A_©- gbgiv| cÖ`Ë doldrums A_©- gbgiv fve| ZvB Gi mgv_©K kã Gloomy|
5. What is the meaning of the phrase 'carry the day'?
K busy all day L free all day M win N loss
DËi : M
Explanation : Carry the ay (Rqx nIqv) A_©- win (Rqjvf Kiv)| Ab©w`‡K busy all day A_©
mvivwW`b e¨¯Í| Free all day A_© mvivw`b Aemi, loss A_© ÿwZ| ZvB A_©vbymv‡i (M) mwVK DËi|
6. 'Bird's eye view' means ⎯
K see exhaustively L eyes of birds M a view of the sky N a rough idea
DËi : N
Explanation : 'Birds eye view' idiom wUi evsjv A_© †evSvq Ô†gvUvgywU aviYv;| cÖ`Ë Ackb
¸‡jv‡Z (N) a rough idea w`‡q Ô†gvUvgywU aviYvÕ| A_© cÖKvwkZ nq|
7. The new trade policy of China is likely to run into rough weather.
K Create problems L confuse
N encounter difficulties M make things difficult
DËi : N
(e) solve problems
Explanation : 'Run into rough weather' idiom wUi A_© wec‡`i m¤§yLxb nIqv; mgm¨vq cwZZ
nIqv| Encounter difficulties Øviv idiom wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq|
8. Ms. Nuriat is interesting speaker but tend to go off at tangent.
K go on at great length L become boisterous
M forget things in between N change the subject immediately DËi : N
Explanation : Go/ fly off at a tangent A_© †Kv‡bv Kg©cš’v, wPšÍvaviv †_‡K mnmv Ab¨w`‡K †gvo
cwieZ©b Kiv A_©vr change the subject immediately|
9. Jahan just paid the waiter a left-handed accomplishment.
K honest L flattering M false N well deserved
(e) insincere DËi : e
Explanation : Left-handed compliment A_© fv‡jv gšÍe¨ e‡j g‡b n‡jI Avm‡j AcgvbRbK
gšÍe¨| Phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq| insincere Øviv Insincere A_© AvšÍwiKZvnxb, K…wÎg, KzwUj|
10. Very few people have the habit of wearing their heart on their sleeve.
K wasting their time on unnecessary details
L exposing their innermost feelings to others DËi : L
M avoiding being friendly with others
N saying something which is not to be taken seriously
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : Underline K…Z idiom wUi A_© †cÖvbyf‚wZ mevi Kv‡Q eo †ewk Pvÿzl K‡i †Zvjv|
Idiom wU`i A_© exposing their innermost feeling to others Øviv eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
11. 'Like a sitting duck' means ⎯
K vulnerable L lazy M beauty N lovely
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Like a sitting duck' n‡jv GKwU idiom| Gi A_© n‡jv an easy target to attack
A_©vr vulnerable (hv‡K mn‡R AvµgY ev Nv‡qj Kiv hvq)| Ackb (K) mwVK DËi|
12. 'Out and Out' means ⎯
K total L Utter M Sheer N All of them
DËi : N
Explanation : Out and out A_© cy‡ivcywi m¤ú~Y©| Ack‡b cÖ`Ë Total, Utter, Ges sheer me¸‡vi
A_© cy‡ivcywi, m¤ú~Y©| ZvB AcgY (N) mwVK DËi|
13. Choose the phrase that best relations the meaning of the selected phrase in the sentence,
Despite being a brilliant professions, he does not seem to 'get his ideas across'.
K summarize his ideas L get his ideas pat
M make his ideas understood N put together his ideas
DËi : M
Explanation : Get something across (to somebody)- (KvD‡K) †Kv‡bv wKQz †eSv‡Z mg_©
14. To 'call it a day' means ⎯
K to quite L it becomes evening M to say god morning N to start
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Call it a day' phrase- wUi A_© KvR eÜ Kiv hv option- Gi to quite eÜ Kiv Gi
mv‡_ msMwZc~Y©|
15. If you see eye to eye' with someone, you ⎯ them.
K oppose L encourage M agree with N compete
DËi : M
Explanation : 'See eye to eye' Gi A_© m¤ú~Y© GKgvÎ nIqv hv agree with- (GKgZ nIqv)-Gi
mv‡_ wg‡j hvq|
16. If it takes a 'month of Sundays; it ⎯
K happens quickly L won't happen
M feels like a long time N happens frequently DËi : M
Explanation : 'Month of Sunday's- Gi A_© n‡jv `xN© mgq| Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ feels like a
long time GKB A_© enb K‡i| myZivs mwVK DËi feels like a long time.
17. Select the best sentence with the appropriate use of the idiom : ;Get off the ground'.
K He is a well-known industrialist and has recently got off the ground .
L The aircraft is out of order and it is ready to get off the ground
M Bangladesh Bank helps the established banks to get off the ground DËi : N
N Without financial support the movie is unlikely to get off the ground.
Explanation : 'Get off the ground' idiom wUi A_© n‡jv wKQz (we‡klZ bZzb cwiKíbv, e¨emv, ev
†Kv‡bv msMVb) mdjZvi mv‡_ Pj‡Z _vKv| myZivs Askb (N) mwVK DËi|
18. The idiom 'break a leg' expresses ⎯
DËi : L
K agony L good wishes M sorrow N curiosity
19. Joyee is the only son of the bank owner, So, he had it on EASY STREET. The hold
faced phrase means ⎯ DËi : K
financial security L effortless M reliable N good outcome
20. 'Smell a Rat' means ⎯
K suspect something L presence of a thief M make difficult N bad smell
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Smell art' GKwU idiom hvi A_© m‡›`n Kiv A_©vr suspect something| mwVK DËi
Ackb (K)
21. Slow and ⎯ wins the race.
DËi : L
K Stidy L Steady M Steedy N Stedy
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : Slow and steady wins the race A_©vr ÔAa¨vemv‡qi d‡jB mvdj¨ jvf N‡UÕ n‡jv
GKwU cÖev` evK¨|
22. 'Prima facie' means ⎯
K At the first sight L Face to face M Face reading N Outlook
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Prima face; GKwU phrase and idiom hv adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges A_©
n‡jv at the first sight A_©vr cÖ_g `k©‡b|
23. 'Come to light' means ⎯
K to be born L To publish M To get published N To discover
DËi : M
Explanation : 'Come to light' GKwU phrase word Ges GUvi A_© n‡jv cÖKvwkZ nIqv| Acgb
(M)- †Z To get published (cÖKvwkZ nIqv) mwVK DËi|
24. Idiom 'A slap on the wrist' means ⎯
K Hard Punishment L Beating Someone
M Warning or Small Punishment N Make someone sad DËi : M
Explanation : A slap on the wrist (g„`y kvw¯Í) A_© warning or small punishment (mZK©xKiY ev g„`y
25. The idiom 'Tie the knot' means ⎯
K Getting married L Criticism M Enmity N Wear a tie
Explanation : GLv‡b, Tie the knot ⎯ GKwU phrase, hvi A_© we‡qi wcuwo‡Z emv ev we‡q Kiv| DËi : K
Ab¨w`‡K Criticism A_© mgv‡jvPbv, Enmity - kÎæZv I Wear a tie - UvB civ| myZivs option (K)
Getting married mwVK DËi|
26. A movement for the world unity is in the offing.
K in the air L about to start M on decline N at the end
e) at a stake DËi : L
Explanation : 'In the offing' phrase wUi A_© wbKU ev A`~i fwel¨‡Z| phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq
about to start Øviv|
27. Those persons who are ready to sail close to the wind can be successful in life.
K to take risk L to manage the situation
M to work hard N to be regular
DËi : K
Explanation : "To all close to the wind" A_© wec¾bK ev KL‡bv KL‡bvB A‰ea †Kvbv wKQz
Kivi Rb¨ SzwuK †bqv| myZivs idom wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq to take risk Øviv|
28. My friend is a couch photo. What does the idiom/ phrase 'couch photo' mean?
K active person L busy person M lazy person N angry person DËi : M
Explanation : 'Couch potato' A_© Avjm e¨w³| myZivs mwVK DËi (M) lazy person |
29. Jeny visits the doctor off and on.
K occasionally L regularly M everyday N never at all
(e) once in a week
Explanation : Ack‡b occasionally A_© gv‡Sg‡a¨, regularly A_© wbqwgZ, everyday A_© DËi : K
cÖwZw`b, never at all A_© KL‡bv bv Ges once in a week A_© mßv‡n GKevi| cÖ`Ë off and on A_©
gv‡S g‡a¨| ZvB occasionally mwVK DËi|
30. Meaning of the idiom 'have one's duck in a rows' is ⎯
K Well organized L being close M full count N do everything
DËi : K
Explanation : 'Have one's suck in a row' idiom wUi A_© to be well prepared or well
31. In Ready Made Garments Bangladesh may be considered to heart the ⎯
K torch L credit M brunt N palm DËi : N
Explanation : Bear the palm A_© weRqx nIqv| Avi palm kãwU weR‡qi cÖZxK wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
nq| Palm †hv‡M cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_©; ˆZwi †cvkvK Lv‡Z evsjv‡`‡k weRq AR©b Ki‡e e‡j we‡ePbv
32. If you can win his attention ⎯ for you.
K the so much better L the better so much M so much the N so much for better
better DËi : M
Explanation : 'So much the better' phrase wUi A_© AwaLZi fv‡jv So much the better †hv‡M
evK¨wUi A_©o hw` Zzwg Zvi `„wó AvKl©Y Ki‡Z cv‡iv, Zvn‡j †Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡bK fv‡jv n‡e|
33. He escaped by ⎯.
K the hair's breadth L the breadth of a ha M a habit's N a breadth of a hair
breadth DËi : M
Explanation : Escape by a hairs breadth †Kv‡bv/ g‡Z/ A‡íi Rb¨ iÿv cvIqv| A hair's
breadth †hv‡M evK¨wUi evsjv, A‡íi Rb¨ iÿv †cj|
34. He was a king who ruled his subject with a high hand.
K oppressively L kindly M conveniently N sympathetically
Explanation : Rule somebody with a high hand A_© KvD‡K DØ„Zfv‡e ev AnsK…Zfv‡e kvmb DËi : K
Kiv ev cwiPvwjZ Kiv| Avi oppressively A_© ˆelg¨g~jKfv‡e, Ab¨vqfv‡e| cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_© Ô‡m
wQj GKRb ivRv †h Zvi cÖRv‡K Ab¨vqfv‡e kvmb KiZ|Õ
35. The idiom 'at one's wit's end's is synonymous to the world ⎯
K perplexed L clear up M explain N enlighten
DËi : K
Explanation : 'At one's wit's end idiom wUi evsjv A_© nZeyw×, nZf¤^| myZivs idiom wUi
synonymous kã n‡jv perplexed (nZf¤^)|
36. The idiom 'To show the white feather' means ⎯
K to act like a gentleman L to cat like a hero
M to act like a coward N to act like a devil DËi : M
Explanation : "To show the white feather' idiom - wUi A_© : f‡qm jÿY cÖ`k©b Kiv ev fxiæi
gZ AvPiY Kiv A_©vr to act like a coward|
37. His name rings a ⎯ but I am unable to remember him.
K toll L bell M ymbal N chime
DËi : L
Explanation : Ring a bell A_© AveQv AveQv g‡b cov‡bv| Bell †hv‡M cÖ`Ë evK¨xUi A_©- bvi bvg
AveQv AveQv g‡b c‡o‡Q wZš‘ Avwg Zv‡K ¯§iY Ki‡Z Aÿg|
38. Find the correct meaning of the underlined part : Honesty is half the battle in life.
K substantial asset L determined factor
M exaggerated variable N Literary factor DËi : K
Explanation : ev‡K¨j underlined Ask half the battle phrase wUi evsjv A_© ¸iæZec~Y© (substantial
39. To come to the fore' means to become ⎯.
K prominent L aggressive M weak N aware DËi : K
Explanation : To come to the fore A_© AMÖMY¨ nIqv, cÖavb nIqv A_©vr to become prominent
40. In spite of all his brag he had to eat humble pie' means that he had to ⎯.
K apologize L surrender M leave N eat his food
DËi : K
Explanation : To eat humble pie A_© Acgvb nRg K‡i ÿgv nvIqv hv apologize Øviv cÖKvk
cvq hvi A_© (ÎæwU BwZvw`i Rb¨) `ytL cÖKvk ev AbyZß nIqv|
41. Choose the opposite of the following idiomatic expression from the option given : 'To
go to the dogs'
K To turn over a new leaf L oil one's own machine
DËi : K
M Be off one's head N To breathe one's last
Explanation : To go the dogs' A_© †Mvjøvq hvIqv hvi wecixZ idiomatic expression n‡jv 'to
turn over a new leaf; hvi A_© bZzb K‡i ïiæ Kiv ev beRxeb cvIqv|
42. He is such a Good Samaritan. It means ⎯ DËi : M
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
K he is very clever L He is a fool
M He is a helpful person N He is a bad man
Explanation : Good Samaritan A_© †h e¨w³ `y¯’ gvby‡li Rb¨ KiæYv †eva Ki Ges Zvi mvnv‡h¨
GwM‡q Av‡m A_©vr †m GKRb mvnvh¨Kvix e¨w³ (he is a helpful person) |
43. I have a bone to pick with Mita in this matter.
K will join hands L am angry M am i agreement N am indebted
(e) will confide DËi : L
Explanation : cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ have a hone a to pick A_© ZK© Kivi gZ †Kv‡bv e¨vcvi _vKv ev KviI
Dci ivM¦vwš^Z nIqv| ZvB Ackb (L) GLv‡b mwVK DËi|
44. The was no opposition to the new policy by the rank and file of the government.
K the ordinary members L the cabinet ministers
M the parliament N the majority DËi : K
(e) to opposition
Explanation : Rank and file A_© mvaviY ˆmwbK| ZvB DËi wn‡‡e the ordinary members Dchy³|
45. The President of the club believes in the policy of making hay while the sun shines.
K seeking advice from one and all
L helping those who help him
M giving bribes to get his work done DËi : N
N making the best use of a favorable situation
Explanation : Making hay while the sun shine cÖev`wUi A_© †Suvc ey‡S †Kuvc gviv| A_©vr,
making the best use of a favorable situation
46. What is the meaning of 'A piece of cake'?
K Something is very had L Something is very solid
M Something is very essay N Something is very rigid DËi : M
Explanation : 'A piece of cake; phrase A_©wUi A_© AZ¨šÍ mnR I AvivgcÖ` hv something is
over easy Øviv cÖKvk cvh|
47. What is the correct meaning of the phrase "To leave someone is the lurch'?
K To come to compromise with someone
L Constant source of annoyance to someone
M To put someone at case DËi : N
N To desert someone in his difficulties
Explanation : 'To leave someone in the lurch' phrase wUi A_© wec‡`i mgq KvD‡K †Q‡o
hvIqv, hv to desert (†Q‡o cvjv‡bv) someone in his difficulties Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
48. Speed money means ⎯
K Percentage of interest L Bribe
M Black money N Hard-earned money DËi : L
Explanation : Speed money k‡ãi A_© bribe Nyl| Ab©w`‡K Percentage of interest A_© my`nvi;
black money A_© Ae‡a UvKv Ges hard-earned money A_© K‡ó AwR©Z UvKv|
49. The idiomatic expression 'cut back' means
K return to previous position L reducing expenditure
M stop production N reducing interest rate
DËi : L
Explanation : 'Cut back' idiom wUi A_© e¨q ms‡KvPb Kiv A_©vr reducing expenditure|
50. The phrase 'end in smoke' means ⎯
K Come to nothing L Loss sight of M Be confused N Be helpless DËi : K
Explanation : 'End in smoke' A_© e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nIqv ev come to nothing |
51. The idiomatic expression 'hold good' means ⎯ DËi : N
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
K Respectable L Praiseworthy M Up-to-date N Valid
Explanation : 'Hold good' idiomatic expression wUi evOjv A_© mZ¨ n‡q _vKv ev ˆea n‡q _vKv
A_©vr Valid | Ab¨w`‡K respectable / praiseworthy A_© m¤§vb Kiv hvq Ggb, praiseworthy A_©
cÖksmv‡hvM¨ Avi up=to-date A_© AvaywbK|
52. The idiom 'hit pay dirt' is used to mean ⎯
K great attempts but insignificant achievement
L to make futile attempts
M to end up in failures after great labor DËi : N
N to achieve something valuable after an arduous search
Explanation : h_vmva¨ cÖ‡Póvi ci g~j¨evb †Kv‡bv wKQz AR©b Kiv †evSv‡Z 'hit pay dirt' idiom wU
e¨eüZ nq| myZivs mwVK DËi : To achieve something valuable after an arduous search
53. 'In the time of danger, we should try to take the bull by the horns; means ⎯
K Surmount it L Deal the situation decisively
M Overcome it N Control ourselves DËi : L
Explanation : Take the bull by the horns A_© mvn‡mi m‡½ wec` †gvKvwejv Kiv| wec‡`i mgq
Avvg‡`i DwPZ wec`‡K †gvKvwejv Kiv hv deal the situation decisively Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
54. Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks : "To make headway'
is to ⎯
K make progress L make little progress DËi : K
M progress towards collision N processed to travel
Explanation : To make headway A_© AMÖMwZ, DbœwZ jvf Kiv A_©vr make progress
1. 'Keeping a low profile' means ⎯ DËi : K
K avoiding attention L low price items
M longing for attention N profile picture
Explanation : 'keeping a low profile'- Gi A_© n‡jv gvby‡li bRi †_‡K `~‡i _vKv A_ev wb‡R‡K
¸wU‡q ivLv hv Ackb (K)-Gi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y©| myZivs mwVK DËi (K)|
2. 'Hard and fast' means ⎯ DËi : L
K elastic L fixed M tough N strong and speedy
Explanation : Hard and fast idiom wUi A_© n‡jv evavaiv †Kv‡bv wKQz/ evavaiv wbqg hv Ack‡bi
(L)Fixed- †K wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvQvov elastic, tough Ges strong and speedy A_© h_vµ‡g bgbxh,
mwVK Ges k³ I `ªæZ|
3. The costume beggars description. The underlined expression means ⎯ DËi : L
K miserable life L indescribable M the life of a beggar N unimportant
Explanation : 'Beggar description' idiom wUi A_© n‡jv AeY©bxq Ges option- Gi
indescribable (AeY©Yxq) GKB A_© enb K‡i| ZvQvov miserable life, the life of a beggar Ges
unimportant- Gi A_© h_vµ‡g `ytLx RxebZ, wfÿz‡Ki Rxeb Ges ¸iæZ¡nxb|
4. The idiom 'gift of the gab' means ⎯ DËi : N
K Intelligence L Diligence M Independence N Eloquence
Explanation : 'gift of the gab' idiom- wUi A_© evKcUzZv| Ab¨w`‡K intelligence- eyw`agËv,
diligence Aa¨vemvq, independence- ¯^vaxbZv Ges eloquence evwM¥Zv|
5. The phrase 'call a spade a spade' means : DËi : K
K Speak directly L Speak indirectly M Speak bluntly N speak frankly
Explanation : 'Call a spade a spade'- Gi v_© n‡jv mivmwi ejv/ ¯úó K_v ejv| Ack‡bi speak
directly *(mivmwi ejv) GKB A_© enb K‡i weavq GwU mwVK DËi|
6. 'The golden means' refers to ⎯ DËi : K
K a course of action that is not L the best way
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
M an easy way N an opportunity
Explanation : 'The golden means' ej‡Z `ywU Pigcš’x e¨e¯’vi ga¨eZ©x Ae¯’vb‡K eySvq A_©vr the
medium between two extremes| †mB A‡_© option Gi a course of action that is not extreme
n‡e mwVK DËi|
7. The expression 'take into account' means ⎯ DËi : L
K counting numbers L to consider M to access N to think seriously
Explanation : "Take into account" idiom- Gi A_© n‡jv to consider hvi A_© we‡ePbv Kiv,
MÖvn¨ Kiv| evwK¸‡jv msMwZc~Y© bq|
8. 'Look down upon' means ⎯ DËi : L
K love L hate M respect N neglect
Explanation : 'Look down upon' (N„Yv Kiv, L‡Uv K‡i †`L)v- Gi mgv_©K hate (N„Yv Kiv)|
ZvQvov love, respect Ges neglect Gi A_© h_vµ‡g- †¯œnµ‡g- †¯œnggZv, m¤§vb Ges Ae‡njv|
9. "To kick off' means ⎯. DËi : M
K to stop L to end M to begin N to kick
Explanation : "To kick off" (ïiy Kiv) phrase wUi mgv_©K to begin (ïiæ Kiv)| ZvQvov stop,
end Ges kick Gi h_vµ‡g _vgv, mgvß Ges c`vNvZ|
10. Many underprivileged people cannot afford to buy electric fans, ... air conditioners. DËi : L
K let only L let alone M lest N not only
Explanation : ÔKLbI m¤¢e bqÕ Ggb A‡_© 'let alone' e¨eüZ nq| cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ ejv n‡q‡Q
myweavewÂZ gvbyl mvaviY ˆe`¨wZK cvLv e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, †mLv‡b kxZvZc wbqš¿K hš¿ e¨envi
Zv‡`i c‡ÿ Am¤¢e e¨vcvi|
11. His friend accused him of spilling the bears. The bold faced phrase means ⎯ DËi : M
K cooking beans L buying coins
M revealing N spilling a bag of beans
Explanation : 'Spilling the beans' (duvm K‡i †`Iqv) ej‡Z eySvq revealing secrets †McbxqZv
cÖKvk Kiv)| myZivs mwVK DËi ÔMÕ|
12. Under the weather ⎯ DËi : K
K Slightly unwell L In bad weather M In rainy weather N Feeling happy
Explanation : 'Under the weather'- Gi A_© n‡jv mvgvb¨ Amy¯,’ Ab¨w`‡K slightly unwell A_©
mvgvb¨ Amy¯’ hv GKB A_© enb K‡i|
13. Pull someone's leg ⎯ DËi : M
K Punish someone L Stretch someone's injured leg
M Fool or trick someone N Make life difficult for someone
Explanation : 'Pull some one's leg'- Gi A_© n‡jv KvD‡K †evev ev‡bv Ges Ack‡b (M) fool or
trick someone GKB A_© enb K‡i|
14. What is the meaning of 'The salt of the earth'? DËi : K
K Best people L Good people M Honest people N People near the sea
Explanation : 'The salt of the Earth' GKwU idiom, hv ej‡Z DrK„ó †kÖwYi gvbyl‡`i (best
people) †evSv‡bv nq|
15. He works by fits and starts in the office. Here the words underlined means? DËi : K
K Irregularly L Regularly M Quickly N continuously
Explanation : 'fits and starts' GKwU idiom hvi A_© AwbqwgZ (irregularly) gv‡S gv‡S|
16. He works by fits and starts in the office. Here the words underlined means? DËi : K
K he thinks he is morally better than others
L he is morally better than others
M he thinks others are morally better than him
N others are morally better than him
Explanation : Holier than thou ej‡Z Ggb †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K e‡vSv‡bv nq †h wb‡R‡K Ab¨‡`i †P‡q
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
ˆbwZKfv‡e DËg e‡j g‡b K‡i| myZivs mwVK DËi n‡e (K)|
17. 'To meet one's Waterloo' means ⎯ DËi : L
K to die fighting L To meet one's final defeat
M To meet a strong adversary N To fulfill a strong desire
Explanation : P‚ovšÍ cÖwZØw›ØZvq civwRZ nIqv A_© e¨eüZ nq 'to meet one's waterloo' myZivs mwVK
DËi (L)|
18. The terrorists killed the guard ⎯. DËi : M
K In the wood L Over the wood M in cold blood N On the tray
Explanation : in cold blood' A_© KvD‡K b„kskfv‡e nZ¨v Kiv| The terrorists killed the guard
in cold blood - Rw½iv `v‡ivqvb‡K b„ksmfv‡e nZ¨v K‡iwQj|
19. 'A man of letters' means ⎯ DËi : K
K a learned man L a man who writes letters
M one who reads letters N postmaster
Explanation : A man of letters- Gi A_© n‡jv cwY& WZ e¨w³| myZivs Ack‡bi (K) a learned
man n‡e mwVK DËi|
20. 'At wits' end ⎯ DËi : M
K very witty L delighted M bewildered N patient
Explanation : "At wits' end" A_© nZf¤^ hv bewildered (nZf¤^) Gi mv‡_ wg‡j hvq|
21. The food supply provide to be the nation's Achilles heel in its defense against terrorist DËi : M
attacks. Here ,' Achilles heels; means ⎯
K a strong point L a serious idea
M a weakness or vulnerable point N a funny mater
Explanation : 'Achilles heel' idiom wUi A_© n‡jv `ye©jZv ev ÎæwU| myZivs DËi a weakens or
vulnerable point n‡e|
22. He has been pounding the pavement ever since he was fired. Here, 'pounding the DËi : L
pavement' means
K to work in a street restaurant L to walk the streets for employment
M to be a street vendor N to wait on the pavement for good luck
Explanation : Pounding the pavement (Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ cvqPvix) ej‡Z to walk the streets
for employment †K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| evK¨xUi A_© ÔZi PvKwi P‡j hvIqvi ci †_‡K Kg©ms¯’v‡bi
Rb¨ iv¯Ívq iv¯Ívq Nyi‡Q|Õ
23. This is the last time I'm telling you to arrive on time. Shape up or ship out. Here, 'shape DËi : N
up or ship out' means.
K either come in time or be punished L either build your body or leave this tough job
M either walk or board the ship N either perform better or quit
Explanation : Shape up or ship out ej‡Z †evSv‡bv nq, `vwqZ¡ mnKv‡i †Kv‡bv KvR Kiv bZzev †mwU Z¨vM
24. 'A bolt from the blue' refers to ⎯ DËi : M
K thunder shower L heavenly feeling M heavenly feeling N an introvert person
Explanation : 'A bolt from the blue' cÖevb`wUi A_© AvKw¯§K NUbv| myZivs mwVK DËi n‡e expected
25. The meaning of 'in a nutshell's is ⎯ DËi : K
K in brief L likely M in a fix N in fulfillment
Explanation : 'in a nutshell' A_© ms‡ÿ‡c| GKBfv‡e, in brief A_© ms‡ÿc| Ab¨w`‡K in a fix
A_© gykwK‡j cov likely A_© m¤¢e¨ fulfillment A_© c~Y©Zv|
26. 'To do away with' means ⎯ DËi : K
K to get rid of L to repeat M to drop off N to restart
Explanation : To do away with A_© cwinvi Kiv, to get rid off A_© gy³ _vKv|
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
27. He, being one of the shareholders of the company, is suspected of feathering his own DËi : L
news. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase.
K neglecting his job L making money unfairly
M giving access to his relatives N taking wrong decisions
Explanation : Feather one's own rest A_© ¯^v_© mvab Kiv; A‰eaev‡e UvKv ˆZwi Kiv| Phrase
wUi A_© cÖKvkK making money unfairly mwVK DËi Ackb (L)|
28. What does the phrase 'at large' mean? DËi : N
K dependent L something big M gigantic N in general
Explanation : At large (¯^vaxb, gy³; mvaviYfv‡e) in general wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq in general Øviv
Dependent A_© wbf©ikxj, something big A_© eo †Kv‡bv KwQz Avi gigantic A_© wekvj|
29. If the gala party is scheduled to go off tomorrow, then it means tomorrow the party ⎯ DËi : L
K ends L takes place M has a break N peaks
Explanation : Go off A_© NUv| myZivs Take place (msNwUZ nIqv) Øviv phrase wUi mwVK A_©
cÖKvk cvq|
30. The phrase 'by the way' is generally used to ⎯ DËi : M
K beg pardon L request M digress N show interest
Explanation : By the way phrase wUi mvaviYZ e¨eüZ nq †jLvq ev fvl‡Y g~j cÖm½ †_‡K Pz¨Z
nIqv A‡_©| Avi phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq digress (AcÖvmw½K nIqv) Øviv|
31. Bob : Everything is in such a means. I can't seem to get things done right. June : Hang in DËi : N
there, Bob, Here, 'hang in there's means ⎯
K to get rid of the unwanted things L to seek kelp from a friend
M to wait for a friend to come and help N to wait and be patient
Explanation : cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ 'Hang in there' ej‡Z A‡cÿv †es ˆaN©¨ aviY Kivi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q|
32. Don't ⎯ just get your bags and let's go! DËi : L
K daily-dilly L dilly-dally M dally-dally N dally-dally
Explanation : Dilly-dally phrase wUi A_© hh_v †`ix Kiv, †hwU cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i mv‡_ msMwZc~Y©|
33. A intriguing item on he news pages caused me ⎯ DËi : M
K raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee L to rise an eyebrow over my morning coffee
M to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee N raise an eyebrow on my morning coffee
Explanation : Raise one's eyebrow A_© †PvL Kcv‡j †Zvjv, mskq|
34. She never lost heart, even in the face of adversity'. Here, lost heart' means. DËi : L
K to feel encouraged L to feel discouraged
M to have a heart attack N to lose one's beloved
Explanation : Loose heart phrase wUi, A_© nZvk nIqv To feel discouraged A_© wbiærmvwnZ
nIqv| myZivs mwVK DËi (L)|
35. The phrase 'top put up with' means ⎯ DËi : N
K to stay together L to live together M to put something N to tolerate
Explanation : to put up with A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz mn¨ Kiv| mwVZK DËi (N)|
36. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students left their hostel ⎯ DËi : K
K bag and baggage L with bag and baggage
M for bag and baggage N by bag and baggage
Explanation : 'Bag and baggage' A_© ZwíZí mn| myZivs Gi Av‡M extra †Kvb preposition-
Gi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|
37. Julius Caesar had nerves of ⎯ DËi : K
K steel L platinum M gold N silver
Explanation : To have nerves of steel' idiom-wUi A_© mwVK ev wec¾bK cwiw¯’wZ‡Z kvšÍ
_vK‡Z mÿg nIqv| myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b steel em‡e|
38. These days people have a tendency to put the cart before that ⎯ DËi : L
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Kcow L horse M lion N donkey
Explanation : To put the cart before the horse A_© ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’v DëvBqA †`Iqv| myZivs
mwVK DËi n‡e (L)|
39. 'En route' means ⎯ DËi : K
K on the way L late M punctual N journey
Explanation : en route GKwU foreign phrase hvi A_© cw_g‡a¨| mwVK DËi (G)|
40. The suffering of the COVID-19 victims ⎯ DËi : K
K is beggar description L beggar description
M beggars description N are beggar description
Explanation : Sentence-Gi subject singular nIqvi Kvi‡Y verb singular n‡e| 'beggar
description' A_© AeY©Yxq|
41. I hope your dream ⎯ true. DËi : K
K comes L seems M looks N turns
Explanation : Come true A_© mZ¨ n‡q Avmv ev ev¯Íe iƒc jvf Kiv| Comes †hv‡M evK¨wUi evsjv
: Avwg Avkv ivwL †Zvgvi ¯^cœ ev¯Íe iƒc jvf Ki‡e|
42. What is the meaning of the phrase 'peer to peer'? DËi : M
K 'Peer to peer' phrase L Individual M Mutual N Social
Explanation : 'Per to peer' phrase wUi A_© m½x‡`i gv‡S K…Z ev we`¨gvb| myZivs phrase wU Øviv
mutual (cvi¯úwiK) Gi A_© cÖKvk cvq|
43. In a fix DËi : M
K In a permanent situation L To get involved with something
M In a difficult situation N In an awkward situation
Explanation : 'In a fix' phrase wUi A_© †Kv‡bv KwVb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z (in a difficult situation) |
44. By and large DËi : M
K beside a big object L In a large scale M On the whole N Convenient job
Explanation : By and large A_© †gvU K_v, mvgwMÖKfv‡e A_©vr on the whole|
45. N. B. Stands for ⎯ DËi : M
K Note before L No bar M Nota bar N Non bar
46. Snorkeling is one kind of ⎯ DËi : K
K diving L driving M walking N shooting
Explanation : Snorkeling n‡jv wUDe ev †Pv‡Oi mvnv‡h¨ mve‡gwib WzešÍ Ae¯’vq evZvm †bIqvi
cÖwµqA hv diving (Wze)-Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z|
47. White elephant DËi : N
K A elephant of white color L A black marketer
M A noarder N a very costly and troublesome possession
Explanation : 'While elephant' phrase wUi A_© Kv‡R Av‡m bv A_P `vwg I AvmyweavRbK|
Phrase wU A_© a very costly and troublesome procession Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
48. Maiden speech DËi : N
K Late speech L Early speech M Final speech N First speech
Explanation : 'Maiden speech' phrase wUi A_© cvj©v‡g‡›U bevMZ m`‡m¨j cÖ_g fvlY| Phrase
wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq| first speech Øviv|
49. Piece of cake DËi : L
K Delicious food L Bay task M Available object N Small thing
Explanation : 'Piece of cake' phrase wUi A_©; AZ¨šÍ mnR I AvivgcÖ` e¯‘| Phrase wUi A_©
cÖKvk cvq easy task Øviv|
50. This furniture becomes dark with ⎯ DËi : K
K times L stage M age N period
Explanation : 'With times' idiom wUi A_© mgq AwZevwnZ nIqvi mv‡_| Times †hv‡M evK¨wi
evsjv : mgq Aw`ZevwnZ nIqvi mv‡_ GB dvwb©PviwU Kv‡iv n‡q D‡V‡Q|
51. What does 'that die is cast' mean? DËi : M
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
K Death behaves indiscriminately
L None can avoid death
M A decision has been made that can not be changed
N Much more difficult to do
Explanation : 'The die is cast' A_© †Kv‡bv msNwUZ NUbv ev M„nwZ wm×všÍ hv cwieZ©b Kiv hvq bv|
myZivs expression wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq A decision ha seen made that can not be changed Øviv|
52. In the sentence, "The rescuers snatched the children from a perfect storm; the underlined DËi : L
phrase means ⎯
K gusty wind L the worst situation M grave illness N a great challenge
Explanation : Underlined phrase 'a perfect storm; A_© me‡P‡q Lvivc cwiw¯’wZ| phrase wUi
A_© cÖKvk cvq the worst situation Øviv|
53. Mhoose the correct idiom. DËi : K
K a woman's work is never done L a woman never does her work
M a woman's work is not done N a woman's work is always done
Explanation : Correct idiom wU n‡jv a woman's' work is never done| IdiomwUi evsjv
Abyev` : gwnjvi KvR KL‡bv †kl nq bv|
54. 'The man is over the moon' means : DËi : L
K he is a mad L He is extremely happy
M He is very tall N He is very wealthy
Explanation : 'Over the moon;' phrase wUi A_© LyeB Avbw›`Z ev cÖdzjøv| myZivs cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi
A_© He is extremely happy|
55. 'Keeping a low profile' means ⎯ DËi : K
K avoiding attention L attracting attention M irregular N unreachable
Explanation : 'Keeping a low profile' A_© wb‡Ri KvR ev wb‡Ri w`‡K `„wó AvKl©‡Yi welqwU
Gwo‡q Pjvq Idiom wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq avoiding attention Øviv|
56. The phrase 'few and far between' means : DËi : K
K not frequent L long distance M irregular N unreachable
Explanation : 'Few and far between' phrase wUi A_© `xN© weiwZ‡Z; A‡bK duvK duvK ¯’v‡b|
Phrase- wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq not frequent (cÖvq msNwUZ nq bv Ggb) Øviv|
57. He told the story ⎯. The right option is : DËi : K
K in a nutshell L in a shell nut M for a nutshell N ion a bullshit
Explanation : Option ¸‡jvi gv‡S mwVK phrase n‡jv in a nutshell (ms‡ÿ‡c) Phrase wU †hv‡M
evK¨wUi evsjv : wZwb MíwU ms‡ÿ‡c ej‡jb|
58. 'You are welcome to order the goods now.' But payment should be made ⎯' DËi : N
K for advance L advancing M to advance N in advance
Explanation : 'In advance' phase wUi A_© AvMvg; c~‡e©B In advance †hv‡M evK¨wUi evsjv : GLb
c‡Y¨j dXigvk †`qvi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K ab¨ev`| wKš‘ Av‡Mi g~j¨ cwi‡kva Ki‡Z n‡e|
59. 'Bad blood' means ⎯. DËi : N
K friendship L blue blood M impure blood N hostility
Explanation : 'Bad blood' phrase wUi A_© Lvivc ¯úK© (hostility - ˆeix m¤úK©; kÎæZv)|
Friendship A_© eÜzZ¡ impure blood KzjwlZ i³ Avi blue blood A_© AwfRvZ|
60. My car won't start, Could you give me a ⎯ to town? DËi : N
K journey L flight M car N lift
Explanation : Give somebody a lift A_© KvD‡K †gvUiMvwo ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv hvbenv‡b †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b
†cuŠ‡Q †`Iqv myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b lift em‡e|
61. 'Across the board' means ⎯ DËi : K
K Everyone or everything is included L face to face
M age N period
Explanation : 'Across the board' phrase wUi A_© †Kv‡bv †ckv ev wk‡íi mvme m`m¨, `j
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
BZ¨vw`mn| myZivs everyone or everything is included (mevB Ges mewKPz AšÍf³
‚© K‡i) Øviv
phrase wUi A_© cÖKvk cvq&
62. The phrase 'give a hand' means ⎯ DËi : K
K To help L To stay M To shake hand N To extended hand
Explanation : 'Give a hand' phrase wUi A_© mvnvh¨ Kiv (to help) wU ev‡K¨ cÖ‡qvM Give a hand
phrase She gave me a hand with the washing up
63. The idiom of 'silver lining' means ⎯ DËi : K
K hope L white line M silver N white color
Explanation : 'Silver lining' phrase wUi A_© g½j; Avkv hvi A_© hope Øviv cÖKvk cvq| Silver
lining Gi ev‡K¨ cÖ‡qvM Every could has a silver lining - g‡›`i wfZ‡iI g½j wbwnZ Av‡Q|
64. The meaning of 'A greenhorn' is ⎯ DËi : M
K tremendous person L outstanding person
M inexperienced person N experienced person
Explanation : 'A greenhorn' phrase wUi evsjv n‡jv AbwfÁ I mn‡R cÖZvwiZ e¨w³ (an
experimented person)
65. A ⎯ of our GNP comes from agriculture. DËi : K
K lion's share L key stone M lay figures N jog trot
Explanation : evK¨wU‡K mwVK A_© cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ k~b¨¯’v‡b lion's share wmsnfvM; m‡e©‡cÿv †ewk
Ask) em‡e| kãwU ewm‡q evK¨wUi evsjv : Avgv‡`i wRGbwci wmsnfvM Av‡m K…wl †_‡K|
66. Rabindranath Tagore is a poet, a dramatist, a song-composer, an essayist and ⎯. DËi : M
K above all L out and out M what not N no more
Explanation : 'And what not' GKwU phrase hvi v_© Ges Ggb Av‡iv KZ Kx| What not ‡hv‡M
evK¨wUi evsjv : iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi GKRb Kwei, bvU¨Kvi, MxwZKvi, cÖeÜKvi Ges Ggb Av‡iv KZ Kx?
67. Copy word ⎯ word. DËi : L
K to L for M by N of
Explanation : 'Word for word' phrase wUi A_© †Kv‡bv iKg iƒcvšÍi, cwieZ©b ev eR©b bv K‡i
†Kv‡bv welq wjLb ev K_vi eY©bv| myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b for em‡e|
68. What mood does the phrase 'but are nipped' express? DËi : M
K happy L excited M mournful N jolly
Explanation : 'Buds are nipped' phrase wU Øviv mournful (‡kvKvZ©) fve cÖKvk K‡i KviY nip
*kãwUi A_© bó Kiv; ÿwZmvab Kiv|
79. 'Bon voyage' means ⎯ DËi : N
K Have a sound sleep L Devil's advocate
M Dark horse N Wish you a good trip
Explanation : Bon voyage A_© we`vq m¤¢veY Rvbv‡bv ev fv‡jv åg‡i Kvgbv Kiv| 'Bon voyage'
idiom wU Øviv wish you a good trip A_© cÖKvk cvq|
70. 'Dog days means' ⎯. DËi : N
K a period of being carefree L a period of misfortune
M days when dogs breed N hot weather
Explanation : 'Dog days' phrase wUi A_© eQ‡ii DòZg mgq (hot weather) |
71. 'Lingua Franca' means the DËi : M
K first language L International language
M ommon language N none of these
Explanation : Lingua Franca A_© eû fvlvfvmx A‡j †h fvlv †hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨‡g wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq| Avi G fvlv‡K common language ejv nq|
72. 'By degree' means ⎯ DËi : K
K Gradually L at the end M Incidentally N Graduation
Explanation : 'By degree's phrase wUi A_© µ‡g µ‡g; µgk| By degrees Gi A_© cÖKvk cvq
gradually (ax‡i ax‡i) Øviv|
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
73. 'Pay the piper' means ⎯ DËi : L
K to find fault L to bear the cost
M to steal something N an essential problem
74. What is the meaning of 'run riot'? DËi : K
K Behave in a lawless way, L Behave in a good way
M Behave in a lawful way N Behave in a legal way
75. He is out and out a reactionary. Here out and out means ⎯. DËi : L
K no more L thoroughly M in favor of N deadly against
Explanation : 'Out and out' phrase wUi A_© cy‡ivcywi, m¤ú~Y©iæ‡d hv throughout Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
76. He could not attend the meeting as he was ⎯. DËi : K
K out of sorts L out of the wood M out of date N out to book
77. What do you mean by ht e phrase, 'sit on the fence'? DËi : M
K Watch over he fence L Sit on the line
M Remain neutral in a dispute N Engage in conflict
78. The meaning of the idiom, 'a hot potato' is ⎯. DËi : L
K manipulated issue L most disputed issue M favorite issue N current systems
79. The expression 'devil's advocate' means ⎯. DËi : N
K defining terms L talking about an issue
M agreeing completely N presenting counter argument
80. The idiom 'Put up with' means ⎯ DËi : L
K Stay tog ether L Tolerate M Keep trust N Protect
81. Meaning of the idiom 'Bottom line' is ⎯ DËi : N
K the final step L the end of a point
M The last line of the book N The essential point
Explanation : Bottom line kãmgw÷i A_© ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq A_©vr the essential point.
82. "To teem with' means ⎯ DËi : K
K abundant L empty M of no avail N on good faith
83. Mompanies need to recognize their business and marketing ⎯ the changes in the DËi : N
business environment.
K as a result of L in terms of M in support of N in response to
84. 'To read between lines' means ⎯ DËi : N
K to read slowly L to read only a few lines
M to read quickly N to read carefully to find out meaning
Explanation : "To read between lines' idiom wUi A_© †Kv‡bv k‡ãi A_© Avwe®‹vi Ki‡Z n‡h
†Kv‡bv wKQz g‡bv‡hvM mnKRv‡i cov (to read carefully to find out meaning)
85. The phrase 'In lieu of' is well - matched to ⎯ DËi : K
K in lace of L at the point of M by the side of N at the close of
Explanation : 'In lieu of' phrase wUi A_© cwie‡Z©| Phrase Gi mvh_vh_ wgj nq 'in place of
phrase wUi mv‡_|
86. If we finish our work ⎯ we can go to the movies. DËi : N
K sine L excellent M nice N quickly
Explanation : If Øviv hy³ `ywU clause Gi gv‡S †Kv‡bv conjunction e‡m bvv Avi if clause -Gi
verb †K modify Kivi Rb¨ ev‡K¨ adverb bq word cÖ‡qvRb| myZivs mwVK word n‡jv quickly|
87. All of the sudden, the victim ⎯. DËi : N
K burst in tears L was burst into tears M burst out tears N burst into tears
Explanation : Burst into tears A_©- Kvbœvq †d‡U cov| k~b¨¯’v‡b burst into tears ewm‡q evK¨wUi
evsjv : nVvr ÿwZMÖ¯’ e¨w³ Kvbœvq †d‡U coj|
88. "To see eye to eye with' means ⎯ DËi : L
K to disagree L to agree M to be angry N to be pleased
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
Explanation : To see eye to eye with A_© m¤ú~©iƒ‰c GKgZ nIqv (to agree)
89. 'A foregone conclusion' means ⎯ DËi : L
K a false hope L can anticipated result
M an uneasy situation N a contrary outcome
Explanation : A foregone conclusion A_© †h cwigvYvg cÖ_g †_‡KB Rvbv m¤¢e ev c~e©MZ
cwibvk A_©vr unfofficial survey of public opinion|
90. He is all but ruined, Here 'all but' means ⎯ DËi : N
K in fact L truly M seldom N nearly
Explanation : All but A_© cÖvq (very nearly) cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_©- †m cÖvqB me©kvšÍ|
91. His speech ⎯ upon the audience. DËi : L
K fell though L fell short M fell flat N fell out
Explanation : Fell short em‡e †Kbbv fall short A_© cÖfve we¯Ívi Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqv ev cÖZ¨vkv
c~i‡Y e¨_© nIqv| Fell short †hv‡M cÖ`Ë A_© Zv ie³e¨ †kÖvZv‡`i cÖZ¨vkv c~i‡Y e¨_© n‡jv|
92. My overseas friends visit us ⎯. DËi : L
K of and on L off and on M at time N occasional
Explanation : 'Off and on' phrase wUi A_© gv‡S gv‡S, AwbqwgZfv‡e| Off and on †hvM cÖ`Ë
ev‡K¨i A_© ; Avgvi we‡`wk eÜziv gv‡Sgv‡S Avgv‡`i †`L‡Z Av‡m|
94. So far as hazards of pollution are concerned, the traffic police bear and burnt. Here the DËi :
underlined phrase means⎯ Note
K to enjoy a lot L to run risk
M to suffer the most N to be exposed to danger
Explanation : [Note: Bear and burnt e‡j †Kv‡bv phase †bB Bear and burnt Gi ¯’‡j bear
the burnt n‡j mwVK DËi n‡e to suffer the most †Kbbv bear the burnt A_© n‡jv Pvc mn¨ Kiv ev
†fvMvwšÍ mnh¨ Kiv]
95. The phrase 'Far Cry' means ⎯ DËi : M
K Crying in distance L Crying for attention M Long distance N Short distance
96. 'Man of letter' DËi : K
K Dr. Md. Shahidulah is a man of letter
L A man of later has lots of wealth of help the poor.
M limbing the mount Everest requires a man of latter.
N Do you know any man of letter who can paint the house?
97. 'Hue and cry' DËi : M
K To child had hue and cry amid the garden.
L The person is short signed in the huge and cry
M The was a great hue and cry in the mass protest against price hike
N The hue and cry was the reason of the child's success in the examination
98. 'At large' DËi : N
K At large he is great person
L His GPA in the HSC examination was at large
M You can open the window at large
N Birds fly at large in the sky
99. 'A needle in a haystack' means ⎯ DËi : M
K unusually comfortable to live in L extraordinarily beautiful to look at
M Extremely difficult to find out N forceful entry into a house
100. 'Lose heart' means ⎯ DËi : L
K one type of heart disease L heart attack
M to be disheartened N heart failure
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
101. 'Bring though' means ⎯ DËi : K
K Cure L Publish M Rare N Reduce
102. 'End in smoke' is ⎯ DËi : K
K Come to nothing L Catch fire M Stop smoking N Destruct
Explanation : End in smoke A_© djcÖmy bv nIqA Avi expression wUi A_© come to nothing Øviv
cÖKvk cvq|
103. Antara is always busy as she ⎯ for the entire family DËi : K
K runs errands L moves errand M works after N works hard
Explanation : Run errand A_© Kv‡iv Rb¨ KvR Kiv Avi KvR¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q msev` enb Kiv,
†Kv‡bv wKQz µq Kviv ev cY¨ wewj Kiv| myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b runs errands em‡e|
104. 'To keep an eye on' means ⎯ DËi : M
K To keep clam L To be active M To observe N To look
Explanation : To keep an eye on A_© bRi ivLv Avi observe A_©I jÿ¨ ivLv ch©‡eÿ‡Y ivLv|
105. 'He will finish the work ⎯.' Choose the appropriate word for the gap. DËi : K
K in no time L right then M of his cost N absolutely
Explanation : k~b¨¯’v‡b in no time em‡e †Kbbv in not time A_© kÖxNªB| In no time ewm‡q cÖ`Ë
ev‡K¨j A_©; †m kxNªB KvRwU †kl Ki‡e|
106. She can easily get along with others. The meaning of the bold faced word is ⎯ DËi : L
K walk L adjust M accompany N stay
Explanation : Get alone with A_© gvwb‡q Pjv, wgk‡Z cviv A_©v adjust |
107. She is down and out now. What does the phrase 'down and out' means? DËi : N
K dead L deprived M disturbing N destitute
Explanation : 'Down and out' phrase wUi A_© wbt¯^ hv destitute Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
108. 'Over and out' ⎯ what does the phrase mean? DËi : K
K End of message L End of story M End of poetry N End of passage
Explanation : 'Over and out' phrase wU message cvIqv ev †evSv n‡q †M‡Q Ggb †evSv‡Z
e¨eüZ nq| A_©vr Andover and out phrase wU end of message Gi A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
109. What is the meaning of the idiom 'pins and needless'? DËi : K
K Uncomfortable feeling in a part of the body L Part of a tailor's sewing kit
M Uncomfortable wearing new shoes N Part of a electrician's took it
Explanation : 'Pins and needs idioms wUi A_© †`‡ni i³ PjvPj mvgwqKfv‡e ¯’wMZ _vKvi ci
cybivq mÂvjb Avi¥f n‡j †h Abyf‚wZ m„wó nq ev kix‡ii A¯^w¯ÍKi cwiw¯’wZ A_©vr uncomfortable
feeling in part of the body|
110. "To build a castle in the air" means ⎯ DËi : N
K beautiful fort L real plan M building full of air N absurd imagination
111. The phrase 'cool as a cucumber' means DËi : L
K Cold L Very clam M Distant N Indifferent
Explanation : Phrase 'as cool as cucumber' A_© Lye kvb Í, wPšÍvgy³ A_©vr calm |
112. 'Get your goat' means ⎯ DËi : L
K To pacify someone L To irritate someone M To soothe someone N to hug someone
113. 'Turns head' means ⎯ DËi : K
K Attract a lot of attention L Get angry
M Too pleased N Get acquainted
114. 'Long short' means : DËi : L
K A task that takes unusually long time L Something very difficult to achieve
M A very influential person N A very proud person
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151
115. 'Brevity is the soul of wit', Here the phrase 'the soul of wit' means : DËi : M
K the proof of intelligence L the precondition of intelligence
M the essence of intelligence N the hallmark of humor
116. She was taken by ⎯ when her name was announced for the first prize. Choose the DËi : M
correct word
K pleasure L pride M surprise N loftiness
117. 'To keep the wolf away from the door' means ⎯ DËi : K
K to keep away from extreme poverty
L to keep off an unwanted and undesirable person
M to keep alive
N to keep the difficulties and dangers in check
118. 'Bird's eye view' means ⎯ DËi : N
K A view of the sky L Eyes of a flock of birds
M Eyes of birds N A rough ideas
Explanation : Bird's eye view A_© †Kv‡bv DuPz ¯’vb †_‡K cÖk¯Í `„wó ev Ae‡jvKb, fvjevmv, `„k¨|
Bird's eye view Øviv a rough idea cÖKvk cvq|
119. 'Take the chair' means ⎯ DËi : N
K Bring the chair L make a chair M Taking a chair N Preside
Explanation : "Take the chair' A_© mfvcwZZ¡ Kiv (Preside)
120. K sizeable number of today's student don't read books thoroughly, they just ⎯ DËi : L
K go though them L skim through them
M skim thoroughly them N read them to the syllable
Explanation : AvRKv‡ji QvÎQvÎxi eo AskB cyO& Lvbycy•Lfv‡e eB c‡o bv; Zviv ïay myZivs
k~Y¨¯’v‡b skim through them em‡e †Kbbv through A_©- fvjmvfvmv cov|
Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151