Complete Percentage
Complete Percentage
Complete Percentage
tkrh gS vkSj oxZ dh çR;sd Hkqtk esa 40» o`f¼ gks tkrh expenditure remains same. if initially
gS rks oxZ dk {ks=kiQy vk;r ds {ks=kiQy dk yxHkx consumption of family was 15kg. Find the
fdrus çfr'kr gksxk\ consumption of family after increased price.
(a) 100% (b) 50% phuh dh dher esa 37 » dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA ;fn ifjokj
(c) 70% (d) 20% dh vkjafHkd •ir 15 fdxzk Fkh ,oa ;fn O;; leku
jgrk gS] rks ubZ •ir Kkr dhft,A
62. Price of sugar increases by 25% & consumption 67. If the price of sugar increases by 15% then a
increases by 20% then what is % increase in housewife is able to purchase 4.5kg less sugar
expenses ? in Rs 690. find the new and old price of sugar?
phuh dh dher esa 25» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj •ir esa phuh ds ewY; esa 15» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj ,d x`
20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks O;; esa » o`f¼ fdruh gS\ 690 #- esa 4-5fdxzk de phuh •jhnus esa l{ke gS] rks
63. When the price of an item was reduced by 35%, phuh dk u;k vkSj iqjkuk ewY; Kkr dhft;sA
then its sale was increased by 80%. If there is an
increase of x% in the receipt of the revenue, 68. 80 kg cu & Zn mixture contains 90% Cu, some
then the value of x will be: quantity of Zn added to the mixture then Cu
tc fdlh oLrq dh dher 35» de gks xbZ rks mldh becomes 60%. Find added quantity of Zn.
fcØh 80» c<+ xbZA ;fn jktLo çkfIr esa x» dh o`f¼ 80 fdxzk dkWij vkSj ftad ds feJ.k esa 90» dkWij gS]
gksrh gS] rks x dk eku gksxk% ftad dh dqN ek=kk feJ.k esa feyk nh tkrh gS rks
(a) 13 (b) 17
dkWij 60» gks tkrk gSA ftad dh feykbZ xbZ ek=kk Kkr
(c) 19 (d) 15
64. Price of milk increases by 333%. Expenditure
also increases by 10%. What is effect on its 69. Weight of a watermelon is 20kg. It contains
consumption . 90% water after 4 days some of water
nw/ ds ewY; esa 33 » dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj O;; esa evaporated, now water becomes 60%. Find
3 quantity of water evaporated.
Hkh 10» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA bldh •ir ij fdruk
,d rjcwt dk Hkkj 20 fdxzk gSA blesa 90» ikuh gS] 4
çHkko iM+rk gS\
fnuksa ds ckn dqN ikuh ok"ihÑr gks tkrk gS] vc blesa
65. Due to increase of 32% in the price of pulse, a ikuh 60» gks tkrk gSA ok"ihÑr gksus okys ikuh dh
person reduces his consumption in such a way ek=kk Kkr dhft,A
that his expenditure increases only by 10%. If
he consumes 150kg of pulse after the price has
increased then how much pulse was consumed 70. Fresh fruit contains 90% water. Dry fruit
by him initially? contains 60% water. How much kg of dry fruit
nky dh dher esa 32» dh o`f¼ ds dkj.k ,d O;fÙkQ can be obtained from 100 kg of fresh fruits.
viuh •ir bl çdkj de dj nsrk gS fd mldk O;; rkts iQy esa 90» ikuh gSA lw•s iQy esa 60» ikuh gSA
dsoy 10» c<+ tkrk gSA ;fn dher c<+us ds ckn og 100 fdxzk rkts iQyksa ls fdrus fdxzk lw•s iQy çkIr
150 fdyks nky •krk gS rks 'kq#vkr esa mlus fdruh fd, tk ldrs gSa\
nky •kbZ\
(a) 180 kg (b) 175 kg 71. Fresh grapes contain 75% water by weight
(c) 190 kg (d) 200 kg while dried grapes contain 25% water by
weight. What is the weight of dry grapes
66. If the price of sugar decreases by 20% then a available in 60 kg of fresh grapes?
housewife is able to purchase 5kg more sugar in
Rs 100. find the new and old price of sugar?
rkts vaxwj esa otu ls 75» ikuh gksrk gS tcfd lw•s
phuh ds ewY; esa 20» dh deh gksrh gS vkSj ,d x` vaxwj esa otu ls 25» ikuh gksrk gSA 60 fdyksxzke rktk
100 #- esa 5fdxzk vf/d phuh •jhnrh gS] rks phuh dk vaxwj esa miyC/ lw•s vaxwjksa dk otu fdruk gksrk gS\
u;k vkSj iqjkuk ewY; Kkr dhft;sA (a) 30 kg (b) 24 kg
(c) 22.5 kg (d) 20 kg
72. An examinee has to secure 40% marks to pass 76. In an exam, Aman and Bimal scored 43% and
an examination. He secures 180 marks and fails 54% marks respectively. If Aman failed by 34
by equal number of marks. The total number of marks and Bimal failed by 12 marks, what is
marks in the examination is how much? pass marks for the exam?
fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus ds fy, 40» ,d ijh{kk esa] veu vkSj fcey us Øe'k% 43» vkSj
vad çkIr djus gSa A og 180 vad çkIr djrk gS vkSj 54» vad çkIr fd,A ;fn veu 34 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ
cjkcj vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks tkrk gS A ijh{kk esa iw.kkZad gqvk vkSj fcey 12 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gqvk] rks ijh{kk
fdrus gSa ds fy, mÙkh.kZ vad D;k gSa\
(a) 1000 (b) 1050
(c) 800 (d) 900 77. In an exam, Aman and Bimal scored 43% and
54% marks respectively. If Aman scored 12
73. If 35% marks are required to pass. A student got more marks than pass marks and Bimal scored
200 marks but failed in 24 marks. What is the 34 marks more than the pass marks, what is pass
maximum score? marks for the exam?
;fn ikl gksus ds fy, 35» vadksa dh vko';drk gksrh ,d ijh{kk esa] veu vkSj fcey us Øe'k% 43» vkSj
gSA ,d fo|kFkhZ dks 200 vad feys ijrq og 24 uacjksa 54» vad çkIr fd,A ;fn veu us mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls 12
esa iQsy gks x;kA vf/dre vad D;k gS\ vad vf/d çkIr fd, vkSj fcey us mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls
(a) 820 (b) 550 34 vad vf/d çkIr fd,] rks ijh{kk ds fy, mÙkh.kZ
(c) 640 (d) 680 vad D;k gSa\
74. A student got 75 marks in an examination of 78. In a test a student got 30% marks and failed by
300 marks. If he had scored 6 more marks he 25 marks. In the same test another student got
would have achieved the passing percentage. 40% marks and secured 25% marks more than
What is the passing percentage? the essential minimum pass marks. The pass
300 vadksa dh ,d ijh{kk esa ,d Nk=k dks 75 vad marks for the tests were?
feys gSaA vxj mlus 6 vkSj vad ik, gksrs rks og mÙkh.kZ ,d ijh{kk esa ,d Nk=k dks 30» vad feys vkSj og
gksus ;ksX; çfr'kr çkIr dj ysrk gSA mÙkh.kZ ;ksX; çfr'kr 25 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks x;kA mlh ijh{kk esa ,d vU;
D;k gS\ Nk=k us 40» vad çkIr fd, vkSj vko';d U;wure
(a) 25 (b) 30 mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls 25» vf/d vad çkIr fd,A ijh{k.k
(c) 35 (d) 27 ds fy, mÙkh.kZ vad Fks\
(a) 400 (b) 480
75. In an exam, Aman and Bimal scored 43% and
(c) 500 (d) 520
54% marks respectively. If Aman failed by 12
marks and Bimal scored 21 marks more than the
79. If the income tax increases by 19% then net
pass marks, what is pass marks for the exam?
income decreases by 6%. find the rate of
,d ijh{kk esa] veu vkSj fcey us Øe'k% 43» vkSj income tax.
54» vad çkIr fd,A vxj veu 12 vadksa ls iQsy gks ;fn vk;dj esa 19» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS rks fuoy vk;
tkrk gS vkSj fcey ikl vadksa ls 21 vad vf/d Ldksj esa 6» dh deh gksrh gSA vk; dj dh nj Kkr dhft,A
djrk gS] rks ijh{kk ds fy, mÙkh.kZ vad D;k gS\
80. A man's annual income has increased by Rs 2 liked watching hockey and 62% liked watching
lakhs but the tax on income that he has to pay basketball. Also, 27% liked watching football
has reduced from 20% to 16%. He now pays the and hockey both, 29% liked watching basketball
same amount of tax as before. What is his and hockey both and 28% liked watching
increased income (in Rs lakhs)? football and basket ball both. 15% liked
,d O;fÙkQ dh okf"kZd vk; 2 yk• # ls c<+h gS] watching all three games. Find how many
ysfdu ml vk; ij VSDl] ftldk mls Hkqxrku djuk gS students liked watching only football.
og 20» ls 16»rd de gks x;k gS A og vc igys ,d dkWyst ds 500 Nk=kksa ds loZs{k.k esa ;g ik;k x;k
dh rjg gh dj dk Hkqxrku djrk gS A mldh c<+h gqbZ fd 49» dks iQqVckWy ns•uk ilan gS] 53» dks gkWdh
vk; (yk• # esa) D;k gS\ ns•uk ilan gS vkSj 62» dks ckLdsVckWy ns•uk ilan gSA
(a) 8 (b) 10 lkFk gh] 27» dks iQqVckWy vkSj gkWdh nksuksa ns•uk ilan
(c) 12 (d) 6 gS] 29» dks ckLdsVckWy vkSj gkWdh nksuksa ns•uk ilan gS
vkSj 28» dks iQqVckWy vkSj ckLdsV ckWy nksuksa ns•uk
81. 50% of students in Hindi and 45% of students in ilan gSA 15» us rhuksa xse ns•uk ilan fd;kA
English were declared pass in an examination. If Kkr dhft, fd fdrus fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dsoy iQqVckWy
22% students were passed in both subjects then
ns•uk ilan gSA
find out the % of students failed in both
84. In a school 40% of the boys have passes, 60%
,d ijh{kk esa 50 » Nk=k fganh esa vkSj 45» Nk=k vaxzsth
of the girls have passed and overall 45%
esa ikl ?kksf"kr fd;s x,A ;fn 22» Nk=k nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa students have passed, find the ratio between the
ikl Fks rks nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa vliQy Nk=kksa dk çfr'kr number of boys and girls.
Kkr dhft;sA ,d Ldwy esa 40» yM+ds mÙkh.kZ gq,] 60» yM+fd;k¡
(a) 22% (b) 78% mÙkh.kZ gqbZa vkSj dqy feykdj 45» Nk=k mÙkh.kZ gq,]
(c) 73% (d) 27% yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k ds chp vuqikr Kkr
82. In a examination of 12th class, 80 % students
passed in the physics , 70% passed in the
85. In a city the population of males increased by
chemistry and 15 % failed in the both subjects.
20% and the population of females increased by
If the 325 students passed in the both the
42.5% as compared to the previous year. If the
subjects then what is the total number of the
total population of the city increased by 30%,
candidates appeared in the examination?
then what was the percentage of female
12 oha d{kk dh ,d ijh{kk esa] 80» Nk=k HkkSfrdh esa
population compared to male population in the
mÙkh.kZ gq,] 70» jlk;u foKku esa vkSj 15» Nk=k nksuksa city last year?
fo"k;ksa esa iQSy gq,A ;fn nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa 325 Nk=k mÙkh.kZ fiNys o"kZ dh rqyuk esa ,d 'kgj esa iq#"kksa dh
gq, gSa] rks ijh{kk esa dqy fdrus vH;FkhZ mifLFkr gq, tula[;k esa 20» dh vkSj efgykvksa dh tula[;k esa
gSa\ 42-5» dh o`f¼ gqbZA ;fn 'kgj dh dqy tula[;k esa
(a) 500 (b) 230 30» dh o`f¼ gqbZ gS] rks fiNys o"kZ 'kgj esa iq#"kksa dh
(c) 250 (d) 325
tula[;k dh rqyuk esa efgykvksa dh tula[;k fdrus
83. In a survey of 500 students of a college, it was çfr'kr Fkh\
found that 49% liked watching football, 53% (a) 60% (b) 80%
(c) 70% (d) 90%
86. In a school, the average passing percentage of ,d ijh{kk esa 140 ç'u gSa] ,d mEehnokj us igys 80
girls in class XII is 80 and the average passing ç'uksa esa ls 70» dk lgh mÙkj fn;kA ijh{kk esa 60»
percentage of boys is 75. The average passing vad çkIr djus djus ds fy, mEehnokj dks 'ks"k ç'uksa
percentage of class XII in that school is 76.5,
esa ls fdrus çfr'kr dk lgh mÙkj nsus dh vko';drk
then what is the percentage of boys in class XII
of the school?
fdlh fo|k;y esa d{kk XII dh yM+fd;k ds mÙkh.kZ (a) 35% (b) 463 %
gksus dk vkSlr çfr'kr 80 vkSj yM+dksa ds mÙkh.kZ gksus (c) 453 % (d) 40%
dk vkSlr çfr'kr 75 gS ml fo|ky; esa d{kk XII dk
vkSlr mÙkh.kZ çfr'kr 76-5 gS] rks fo|ky; dh d{kk 90. Income of a person is Rs 13500 And
XII esa yM+dksa dh la[;k dk çfr'kr fdruk gS\ expenditure is Rs 9000. If income increased by
(a) 70% (b) 65% 14% and expenditure Increased by 7% then
(c) 72% (d) 60% what is the % increased in saving ?
,d O;fÙkQ dh vk; 13500 gS vkSj mldk O;; 9000
87. Population of City is 6000. Male and female #i;s gSA ;fn vk; esa 14» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj O;;
increased by 5% and 9% every year. After 1 esa 7» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks cpr esa » o`f¼ fdruh
year population of city becomes 6500. Find the gS\
population of males initially.
'kgj dh tula[;k 6000 gSA çR;sd o"kZ iq#"k vkSj 91. The monthly income of a person was Rs.
efgyk esa 5» vkSj 9» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA 1 o"kZ ds ckn 40,000. He used to save 25% of his income. If
'kgj dh tula[;k 6500 gks tkrh gSA 'kq#okr esa his income increases by 15% and his
iq#"kksa dh tula[;k Kkr dhft,A expenditure increases by 20%, what is the
percentage of change in his savings?
88. Total population increase in Delaware is 18%, ,d O;fÙkQ dh ekfld vk; Rs- 40]000 FkhA og viuh
whereas the female population increase is 20% vk; dk 25» cpkrk FkkA ;fn mldh vk; esa 15» dh
and the male population increase is 16%, If the o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj mlds O;; esa 20» o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks
total population of Delaware was 24,000, what mldh cpr esa gq, ifjorZu dk çfr'kr fdruk gS\
was the number of males? (a) 10% (b) 7.5%
Msykos;j esa dqy tula[;k o`f¼ 18» gS] tcfd efgyk (c) 5% (d) 0%
tula[;k esa o`f¼ 20» gS vkSj iq#"k tula[;k esa o`f¼
16» gS] ;fn Msykos;j dh dqy tula[;k 24]000 Fkh] 92. Person's monthly income was Rs. 12000 and his
rks iq#"kksa dh la[;k D;k Fkh\ monthly expenditure was Rs. 10000. Next year,
(a) 12000 (b) 13500 his income increased by 12% and his
(c) 13000 (d) 12500 expenditure increased by 5%. Calculate the
percentage increase in his savings.
89. In a test consisting of 140 questions, a candidate ,d O;fÙkQ dh ekfld vk; Rs. 12000 Fkh vkSj mldk
correctly answered 70% of the first 80 ekfld O;; Rs. 10000 FkkA vxys o"kZ] mldh vk; esa
questions. What percentage of the remaining 12» vkSj mlds O;; esa 5» dh o`f¼ gqbZA mldh cpr
questions does the candidate need to correctly esa gqbZ çfr'kr o`f¼ dh x.kuk djsaA
answer to score 60% in the test? (a) 48% (b) 47%
(c) 46% (d) 45%
93. A saves 35% of his income. If his income 96. A person could save 10% of his income. But 2
increases by 20.1% and his expenditure years later, when his income increased by 20%,
increases by 20%, then by what percent will his he could save the same amount only as before.
savings increase or decrease?(correct to one By how much percentage has his expenditure
decimal place) increased?
A viuh vk; ds 35» dh cpr djrk gSA ;fn mldh ,d O;fÙkQ viuh vk; dk 10» cpk ldrk gSA ysfdu
vk; esa 20-1» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj mlds O;; esa 2 lky ckn] tc mldh vk; 20» c<+ xbZ] rks og
20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks mldh cpr esa fdrus igys ftruh gh jkf'k cpk ldkA mldk O;; fdrus
çfr'kr dh o`f¼ ;k deh gksxh\ ( n'keyo ds ,d çfr'kr c<+ x;k gS\
2 1
LFkku rd lgh) (a) 229 % (b) 233 %
(a) Decrease by 18.5%/18-5» dh deh 2
(c) 249 %
(d) 259 %
(b) Increase by 21.9%/21-9» dh o`f¼
(c) Increase by 20.3%/20-3» dh o`f¼ 97. Income of a person is Rs 13500 And
expenditure is Rs 9000. If saving increased by
(d) Decrease by 19.75%/19-75» dh deh
28% and expenditure Increased by 7% then by
what % income will increase to maintain the
94. Anu spends 68% of her monthly income. If her increment of saving and expenditure?
monthly income increases by 20% and her
fdlh O;fÙkQ dh vk; 13500 #i;s vkSj O;; 9000
monthly savings increase by 98 % then the
#i;s gSA ;fn cpr esa 28» dh o`f¼ gqbZ vkSj O;; esa
percentage increase in her monthly expenditure
7» dh o`f¼ gqbZ] rks cpr vkSj O;; dh jkf'k dks cuk,
vuq viuh ekfld vk; dk 68» •pZ djrh gSA ;fn j•us ds fy, vk; esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ gksxh\
mldh ekfld vk; esa 20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj
3 98. In an election there were two candidates. first
mldh ekfld cpr esa 98 % dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks candidate gets 84% votes and he wins by 476
mlds ekfld O;; esa fdrus çfr'kr esa o`f¼ gksrh gS% votes. Find total number of votes?
(a) 20% (b) 32% ,d pquko esa 2 mEehnokj Fks igys O;fÙkQ dks 84» oksV
(c) 25% (d) 22% çkIr gq, vkSj og 476 oksVksa ls thrkA oksVksa dh dqy
la[;k Kkr dhft,A
95. Riya spends 663 % of her income. If his income
increases by 16% and savings increase by 17%, 99. In an election between two candidates, a
find the increase in his expenditure. candidate who receives 64% of the votes polled
fj;k] viuh vk; dk 663 % Hkkx •pZ djrh gSA ;fn is elected with a majority of 252 votes. What is
mldh vk; esa 16» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj cpr esa the total number of votes cast?
nks mEehnokjksa ds chp ,d pquko esa] ,d mEehnokj
17» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks mldh •pZ esa gqbZ o`f¼ Kkr
ftls Mkys x, erksa dk 64» çkIr gksrs gS] og 252 erksa
ds cgqer ls fuokZfpr gksrk gSA Mkys x, erksa dh dqy
(a) 33% (b) 12.8%
(c) 16.2% (d) 15.5% la[;k fdruh gS\
(a) 850 (b) 900
(c) 800 (d) 950
100.In an election there are two candidates. If total esa dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa ls fdrus çfr'kr fo|kFkhZ
votes are 7500 and 20% of total votes declared
vuqifLFkr gSa\
as invalid, winner candidate get 55% of total 2 1
valid votes. find votes received by 2nd (a) 223 (b) 123
candidates . 2 1
(c) 263 (d) 233
,d pquko esa 2 mEehnokj gSaA ;fn dqy oksV 7500 gSa
vkSj dqy oksV ds 20» dks voS/ ?kksf"kr fd;k tkrk gS] 104. 60% of the students in a school are boys and the
rks fotsrk mEehnokj dks dqy oS/ oksV dk 55» çkIr rest are girls. If 20% boys fail in the
examination and 65% girls pass, then find the
gksrk gSA nwljs mEehnokj dks fdrus oksV çkIr gq,\
percentage of total number of students who
101.In an election there were two candidates, 68 ,d fo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k esa 60» yM+ds gSa
votes declared invalid and winner gets 52% of
total valid votes and he wins by 98 votes. find
vkSj ckdh yM+fd;k¡ gSaA ;fn ijh{kk esa 20» yM+ds
total number of votes. vuqÙkh.kZ gks tkrs gSa vkSj 65» yM+fd;k¡ mÙkh.kZ gks tkrh
,d pquko esa 2 mEehnokj gSa] 68 oksV voS/ ?kksf"kr gksrs gSa] rks mÙkh.kZ gksus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k
gSa vkSj fotsrk dks dqy oS/ oksVksa dk 52» çkIr gksrk gS çfr'kr Kkr dhft,A
vkSj og 98 oksVksa ls thrrk gSA oksVksa dh dqy la[;k (a) 72 (b) 74
Kkr dhft,A (c) 68 (d) 78
103.In a class, out of the total number of students, 106. In a maternity centre, 5% of all the child birth
the number of girls is 833 % and the remaining cases result in twins. What is the approximate
are boys. If 60% boys and 80% girls are present percentage of twins out of total children born?
in this class, then what percentage of the total ,d çlwfr dsaæ esa cPpksa ds tUe ds 5» ekeyksa esa
students in the class are absent? tqM+ok cPps gksrs gSaA tUe ysus okys dqy cPpksa esa ls
,d d{kk esa] dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k esa ls yM+fd;ksa tqM+ok cPpksa dk vuqekfur çfr'kr D;k gS\
dh la[;k 833 % gS vkSj 'ks"k yM+ds gSaA ;fn bl d{kk (a) 5% (b) 7.6%
esa 60» yM+ds vkSj 80» yM+fd;k¡ mifLFkr gSa] rks d{kk (c) 9.5% (d) 10.4%
107.In a party only couples are invited. If 449 % of mangoes rotted over 3 nights then how many
did he start with on the first day?
invited people are vegetarian and 60% of males
are non-vegetarian, then find the number of çR;sd fnu ,d vke foØsrk vius LVkWd dk vk/k
fathers, if 20% of males have children (it is fgLlk csprk gSA jkf=k esa LVkWd dk 10» Hkkx •jkc gks
given that 920 women are non-vegetarian. tkrk gS ;fn 3 jkf=k;ksa esa dqy 1983 vke •jkc gks x,
fdlh ikVhZ esa dsoy fookfgr tksM+ks dks cqyk;k x;k gSA rks Kkr djks fd çkjaHk esa ml ds ikl fdrus vke Fks\
4 (a) 28000 (b) 24000
;fn cqyk;s x, yksxksa esa 449 % yksx 'kkdkgkjh gS rFkk
(c) 40000 (d) 32000
60» iq:"k :"k ekalkgkjh gS rc ikVhZ esa mifLFkr
firkvksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa ;fn 20» iq:"k firk gS 111. In an examination 33.33% of the class secured
(fn;k gS 920 efgyk;s ekalkgkjh gS) B grade, 25 % received B+, 16.66% received B-
and 12.5% failed and remaining got A. What
(a) 360 (b) 270
can the minimum no. of the students in the
(c) 315 (d) 450