v65 NT Requirements For A Frame Towing of Vehicles

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V65 Northern Territory requirements

for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Information Bulletin

“A”-frame towing is the term used to refer to towing a motor vehicle, which has all its wheels on the road
and is connected to the towbar of the towing vehicle by a triangular shaped frame commonly known as an

Persons wishing to undertake “A”-frame towing may need to seek advice from an engineering signatory to
ensure that the “A”-frame device that they intend to use meets the technical requirements of this
information bulletin. It is recommended that a copy of this information bulletin, together with any reports,
approvals or other documentation, are carried in the vehicle at all times.

Persons who tow a registered motor vehicle in accordance with this information bulletin will be able to
tow legally in the Northern Territory (NT).

Rules applicable for towing another motor vehicle

The Australian Road Rules state:-

294 (1) The driver of a motor vehicle must not tow another motor vehicle unless:

a) Either:
i. the driver can control the movement of the towed vehicle; or
ii. the brakes and steering of the towed vehicle are in working order and a person who is
licensed to drive the towed vehicle is sitting in the driver’s seat of the towed vehicle, and is
in control of its brakes and steering; and
b) It is safe to tow the vehicle.
This information bulletin is intended to assist persons who wish to undertake “A”-frame towing of an un-
braked motor vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) up to 4.5 tonnes in a manner that satisfies the
above Rule.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

22 October 2020
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V65 Northern Territory requirements for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Towed mass ratio

The following requirements apply to the towing, with an “A”-frame, of an un-braked motor vehicle where
the unlade mass (or tare mass) of the towing vehicle exceeds 3.5 times the laden mass of the towed vehicle
(3.5:1) – that is, the unladen mass of the towing vehicle must be at least 3.5 times the mass of the laden
towed vehicle. This ratio is to provide for adequate levels of vehicle stability, handling and braking

Persons wishing to tow with a vehicle that has an unlade mass that is less than 3.5 times the laden mass of
the towed vehicle are required to have control of the brakes on the towed vehicle. Such persons must seek
further advice from the Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) or from a recognised Engineering Signatory. Contact
details of recognised NT signatories can be obtained from MVR.

Coupling design
The “A”-frame coupling must:

• be designed and constructed with sufficient strength to hold

the vehicles together in tow and must comply with the
applicable requirements of Australian Design Rule 62
“Mechanical connections between vehicles” relevant to the
laden mass of the towed vehicle
• permit an adequate amount of angular movement between the towing and towed vehicles to cater
for road undulations and curves
• be secured to a substantial body member of the towed vehicle, such as a sub-frame or chassis
member. Connection to the towed vehicle’s bumper, suspension or steering components is not
permitted, unless approved by the manufacturer of the towed vehicle
• be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark and the rated capacity. The “manufacturer”
may include the owner in the case of a privately constructed device
• be marked with the VIN/chassis numbers of both the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle
• maintain a space between the combination not exceeding 2 metres.

Safety chain/cables
The “A”-frame coupling must be equipped with safety chains/cables as detailed below:

• Towed vehicles with a laden mass up to 2.5 tonnes shall be equipped with at least one safety chain
(of size detailed in Table 1) complying with AS 4177.4-2004 “Caravan and light trailer towing
components Part 4: Safety chains up to 3500kg capacity”, or as amended.
• Towed vehicles with a laden mass over 2.5 tonnes shall be equipped with two safety chains (of size
detailed in Table 1) complying with AS 4177.4-2004 or as amended.
• Towed vehicles with a laden mass over 3.5 tonnes require steel chains with a minimum 800 MPa
breaking stress and conforming to the mechanical properties of Grade T chain as specified in AS
2321-2006 ‘Short- Link chain for lifting purposes’ or as amended (refer Table 2).
• Safety cables (fitted in lieu of safety chains) must comply with and be certified to AS 3569 “Steel
wire ropes”. The cable fitted with attachments (i.e. snap hooks and quick link) must be equal in
strength or greater than that specified in Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable.

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V65 Northern Territory requirements for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

22 October 2020
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V65 Northern Territory requirements for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Table 1 - For towed vehicle laden mass up to 3500kg

Towed Minimum Work Load Number of Marking Minimum

Vehicle Chain Link Limit Chains(minimum) (1.5mm for chain Marking
Diameter (kg) < 8.0mm) Frequency
(mm) (2.0mm for chain (link)
≥ 8.0mm)
0 to 1000 6.3 1000 1 4177-10 4th
Up to 1600 8.0 1600 1 4177-16 4th
Up to 2500 10.0 2500 1 4177-25 4th
Up to 3500 13.0 3500 2 4177-35 4th

Table 2 - For towed vehicle laden mass over 3500kg

Towed Vehicle Minimum Break Load Number of Marking Minimum

Laden Mass Chain Link Limit Chains Marking
(kg) Diameter (kg) (minimum) Frequency
(mm) (link)
Up to 4500 6.0 4607 2 (Manufacturer’s 20th or 1m
Mark), “T”, “8”,
“80” or “800”

Towing capacity of towing vehicle

The towing limits specified by the vehicle manufacturer must not be exceeded (most manufacturers
specify towing limits for their vehicles in the vehicle handbook).

The loaded mass of the towed vehicle must not exceed the towing capacity of any component in the
combination, including the “A”-frame, towbar, coupling and tow-ball.

Braking requirements
The requirement for a 3.5:1 towed mass ratio is designed to give a combination adequate braking without
the need for the brakes of the towed vehicle to be operated by the driver seated in the towing vehicle.

The vehicle combination must have braking of at least the performance in Table 3.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

22 October 2020
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V65 Northern Territory requirements for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Table 3

Stopping distance when Average deceleration Peak deceleration rate

brakes applied at rate from any legal from any legal speed
35km/h speed
Vehicle combination 12.5m 3.8 m/s2 5.8 m/s2
gross mass under
2.5 tonnes
Vehicle combination 16.5m 2.8 m/s2 4.4 m/s2
gross mass
2.5 tonnes or over

The parking brake of the towing vehicle must be able to hold the vehicle combination stationary on a 12%

Lighting requirements
The following lights must be fitted to the rear of the towed vehicle and be operational whilst under tow:

• two amber turn signal lamps;

• two red stop lamps;
• two white reverse lamps;
• one registration plate lamp at the rear of the towed vehicle to illuminate the registration plate; and
• two red tail lamps.
These lamps may be the towed vehicle’s own lights or as an alternative be arranged on a portable light bar
providing it is properly secured to the rear of the towed vehicle.

Steering requirements
The safety of the vehicle combination’s steering is vital. The “A”-frame towing system shall provide safe
and adequate steering control for the towed vehicle, and the overall combination. The stability and
tracking of the vehicle combination and the steer-ability of the towed vehicle must be satisfactorily

The vehicle combination must be capable of turning within a 25m diameter circle, measured at the outer
wheel track.

When travelling in a straight line on a level, smooth surface the towed vehicle must track (follow) in the
path of the towing vehicle without deviating off-line by any more than 100mm.

It is recommended that the tow-ball or hitch position on the towing vehicle is located as close as
practicable to the rear axle. This will reduce the tendency of the towed vehicle to worsen the handling
characteristics of the combination.

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22 October 2020
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V65 Northern Territory requirements for “A”-frame towing of vehicles

Vehicle and towing components manufacturer’s requirements

The vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations must be complied with whilst carrying out “A”-frame towing.
Vehicle owners are advised to check with their manufacturer/dealer to determine whether their towed
vehicle is suitable for “A”-frame towing. Advice given in the “Owner’s Manual” for the towing of the vehicle
should always be followed.

Loads in towed vehicle

Carrying a load in the towed vehicle is not forbidden. However, when carrying such a load it is important
to consider the following points:

• The loaded mass of the towed vehicle must not exceed the capacity of any component in the
• The tare mass of the towing vehicle must remain greater than 3.5 times the mass of the towed
vehicle when the vehicle is loaded.
• Any load carried in the towed vehicle should be placed as low as possible and placed toward the
rear of the vehicle. Loading toward the rear will reduce the load on the front axle, reducing the
tendency of the towed vehicle to worsen the handling characteristics of the combination.

Other requirements
• The overall length of the vehicle combination must not exceed 19.0 metres.
• The “A”-frame, and any attachment which would constitute a dangerous projection, must be
removed from the towed vehicle before it is driven on public roads.
• In most jurisdictions both the towing and the towed vehicle must be legally registered. Owners are
advised to check with their Road Transport Authority to confirm this requirement.
• For the purpose of “A”-frame towing, towing more than one vehicle or trailer at once is prohibited.
• No person must ride in the towed vehicle.

Unless the “A”-frame is a proprietary item that has been designed and is appropriately marked as being
suitable for the make and model of the towed vehicle, the “A”-frames and connecting hardware, including
the connection of the “A”-frame and safety chains to the towed vehicle, must be certified to meet the
requirements of by a recognised engineering signatory as meeting the requirements of Australian Design
Rule 62 “Mechanical connections between vehicles”.

More information
For more information, contact the department on 08 8924 7157 or email [email protected]

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

22 October 2020
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