- Late delivery;
- Insufficient delivery;
- Product change;
The amplification of order variability, also known as bullwhip effect
Uncertainty leads to variability in supply chain
Manufacturer Forecast
Volumes of Sales
Retailer Warehouse Demand
Retailer Orders to Shop
Production Plan
Tom Mc Guffry, Electronic Commerce and Value Chain Management, 1998
What management gets…
Production Plan
Tom Mc Guffry, Electronic Commerce and Value Chain Management, 1998
What managment wants…
Production Plan
Tom Mc Guffry, Electronic Commerce and Value Chain Management, 1998
4. Uncertainty in supply chain
• Buffer stock or extra inventory can exist in all supply chain stages
Stakeholders in supply
chain often have
overreaction when
customer demand increase
or decrease suddenly
without any reasons.
Source: Roberta S. Russel, Bernard W. Taylor III, Operations Management: Creating Value
Along the Supply Chain – 7th edition. John Wigley & Sons, Inc. (2011)
Bullwhip Effect
your objective is to order the good quantity of beer packs each week.
• Each stakeholder has to decide the outgoing order quantity on basis of incoming order
• Make sure you keep a reasonable level of stock and no backlog (= late) order as they
generate costs.
5.1 Overview of forecast
• A forecast is a prediction of what will occur in the future. A forecast of product demand is the
basis for most important planning decisions. Planning decisions regarding scheduling,
inventory, production, facility layout and design, workforce, distribution, purchasing, and so on,
are functions of customer demand. Long-range, strategic plans by top management are based
on forecasts of the type of products consumers will demand in the future and the size and
location of product markets.
• Companies sometimes use qualitative forecast methods based on judgment, opinion, past
experience, or best guesses, to make forecasts. A number of quantitative forecasting methods
are also available to aid management in making planning decisions.
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
Accurate forecasting determines how much inventory a company must keep at various points along its
supply chain.
• A company’s supply chain encompasses all of the facilities, functions, and activities involved in
producing a product or service from suppliers (and their suppliers) to customers (and their customers)
• Supply chain functions include purchasing, inventory, production, scheduling, facility location,
transportation, and distribution.
• Forecasts of product demand determine how much inventory is needed, how much product to make,
and how much material to purchase from suppliers to meet forecasted customer needs. This in turn
determines the kind of transportation that will be needed and where plants, warehouses, and
distribution centers will be located so that products and services can be delivered on time.
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
a) In supply chain management
(2) Insufficient inventory -> service quality is affected negatively (late deliveries and stockouts)
• While accurate forecasts are necessary, completely accurate forecasts are never possible.
Hopefully, the forecast will reduce uncertainty about the future as much as possible, but it
will never eliminate uncertainty. As such, all of the supply chain processes need to be flexible
to respond to some degree of uncertainty .
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
• One trend in supply chain design is continuous replenishment, wherein continuous updating
of data is shared between suppliers and customers.
- In this system, customers are continuously being replenished, daily or even more often, by
their suppliers based on actual sales.
- Continuous replenishment, typically managed by the supplier, reduces inventory for the
company and speeds customer delivery. Variations of continuous replenishment include
quick response, just-in-time (JIT), VMI (vendor-managed inventory), and stockless inventory.
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
a) In supply chain management
• One trend in supply chain design is continuous replenishment, wherein continuous updating of data is
shared between suppliers and customers.
- Such systems rely heavily on accurate short-term forecasts, usually on a weekly basis, of end-use sales
to the ultimate customer. The supplier at one end of a company’s supply chain must forecast the
company’s customer demand at the other end of the supply chain in order to maintain continuous
- The forecast also has to be able to respond to sudden, quick changes in demand. Longer forecasts
based on historical sales data for 6 to 12 months into the future are also generally required to help
make weekly forecasts and suggest trend changes.
5.2. The strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management
b) In quality management
c) In strategic planning
• Short-range)/ mid-range: typically for daily, weekly, or monthly sales demand for up to approximately
two years into the future, depending on the company and the type of industry. They are primarily used
to determine production and delivery schedules and to establish inventory levels
• Long-range: usually encompasses a period of time longer than two years. A long-range forecast is
normally used for strategic planning—to establish long-term goals, plan new products for changing
markets, enter new markets, develop new facilities, develop technology, design the supply chain, and
implement strategic programs.
5.3. Components of forecasting demand
a) Time frame:
VD: Hewlett-Packard monthly forecasts for printers are constructed from 12 to 18 months into
the future, while at Levi Strauss weekly forecasts for jeans are prepared for five years into the
5.3. Components of forecasting demand
b) Demand behavior
Trend Seasonality
types of
5.3. Components of forecasting
b) Demand behavior
• use historical demand data over a period of time to predict future demand.
• Assumption: identifiable historical patterns or trends for demand over time will repeat
Moving averages are computed for specific periods, such as three months or five months,
de- pending on how much the forecaster desires to “smooth” the demand data.
From records of delivery orders, management has accumulated the following data for the past
10 months, from which it wants to compute three- and five-month moving averages.
Moving average
• Solution: Let us assume that it is the end of October. The forecast resulting from either the
three- or five-month moving average is typically for the next month in the sequence,
which in this case is November. The moving average is computed from the demand for
orders for the prior three months in the sequence according to the following formula:
Moving average
• Solution: The five-month moving average is computed from the prior five months of
demand data as follows:
Moving average
the earlier forecasts for prior months allow us to compare the forecast with actual
demand to see how accurate the forecasting method is—that is, how well it does.
Moving average
Both moving average forecasts in the preceding table tend to smooth out the variability
occurring in the actual data
Weighted Moving average
• The moving average method can be adjusted to more closely reflect fluctuations in the data. In
the weighted moving average method, weights are assigned to the most recent data according
to the following formula:
Weighted Moving average
• EX 2: The Heartland Produce Company in Example 1 wants to compute a three-month
weighted moving average with a weight of 50% for the October data, a weight of 33% for
the September data, and a weight of 17% for the August data. These weights reflect the
company’s desire to have the most recent data influence the forecast most strongly.
Weighted Moving average
• This forecast is slightly lower than our previously computed three-month average
forecast of 110 orders, reflecting the lower number of orders in October (the most
recent month in the sequence).
Exponential smoothing
• an averaging method that reacts more strongly to recent changes in demand.
• Exponential smoothing requires minimal data. Only the forecast for the current period,
the actual demand for the current period, and a weighting factor called a smoothing
constant are necessary
Exponential smoothing
Ex 3: HiTek Computer Services repairs and services personal computers at its store, and it makes local service
calls. they need a good forecast of demand for repairs so that they will know how many computer component
parts to purchase and stock, and how many technicians to hire.
The company has accumulated the demand data shown in the accompanying table for repair and service calls
for the past 12 months, from which it wants to consider exponential smoothing forecasts using smoothing
constants (α) equal to 0.30 and 0.50.
Exponential smoothing (San bằng mũ)
The remainder of the monthly forecasts are shown in the following table. The final forecast is
for period 13, January, and is the forecast of interest to HiTek:
Adjusted Exponential smoothing
The adjusted exponential smoothing forecast consists of the exponential smoothing forecast
with a trend adjustment factor added to it:
The trend factor is computed much the same as the exponentially smoothed forecast. It is, in
effect, a forecast model for trend:
Adjusted Exponential smoothing
• The adjusted forecast for February, AF2, is the same as the exponentially smoothed fore-
cast, since the trend computing factor will be zero (i.e., F1 and F2 are the same and T2
0). Thus, we compute the adjusted forecast for March, AF3, as follows, starting with the
determination of the trend factor, T3:
Adjusted Exponential smoothing
• This adjusted forecast value for period 3 is shown in the accompanying table, with all
other adjusted forecast values for the 12-month period plus the forecast for period 13,
computed as follows:
Linear Trend Line
• These parameters of the linear trend line can be calculated using the least squares formulas
for linear regression:
• Ex 5: The data for HiTek Computer Services (shown in the
table for Example 12.3) appears to follow an increasing
linear trend. The company wants to compute a linear
Linear Trend trend line to see if it is more accurate than the
Line exponential smoothing and adjusted exponential
smoothing forecasts developed in Examples 3 and 4.
Linear Trend Line
• The values required for the least squares calculations are as follows:
Linear Trend Line
• Using these values, we can compute the parameters for the linear trend line as follows:
Linear Trend Line
• Therefore, the linear trend line equation is
- To calculate a forecast for period 13, let x 13 in the linear trend line:
• One method for developing a demand for seasonal factors is to divide the demand for each
seasonal period by total annual demand, according to the following formula:
• The resulting seasonal factors between 0 and 1.0 are, in effect, the portion of total annual
demand assigned to each season. These seasonal factors are multiplied by the annual forecasted
demand to yield adjusted forecasts for each season.
EX 6: Wishbone Farms grows turkeys to sell to a meat-processing company throughout the
year. However, its peak season is obviously during the fourth quarter of the year, from
October to December. Wishbone Farms has experienced the demand for turkeys for the
past three years shown in the following table:
• Cumulative error,
• The mean absolute percent deviation is computed according to the following formula:
Mean absolute percent deviation (MAPD)
• Using the data from the table in Example 7 for the exponential smoothing forecast (alpha
= 0.30) for HiTek Computer Services:
• A lower percent deviation implies a more accurate forecast. The MAPD values for other
three forecasts are:
Cumulative error
• Cumulative error is computed simply by summing the forecast errors, as shown in the
following formula.
• The tracking signal is recomputed each period, with updated, “running” values of
cumulative error and MAD. The movement of the tracking signal is compared to control
limits; as long as the tracking signal is within these limits, the forecast is in control.
In Example 7, the mean absolute deviation was computed for the exponential smoothing forecast
(alpha 0.30) for HiTek Computer Services. Using a tracking signal, monitor the forecast accuracy
using control limits of 3 MADs.
• To use the tracking signal, we must recompute MAD each period as the cumulative error is
• Using MAD 3.00, we find that the tracking signal for period 2 is
• Develop a three-period moving average forecast and a three- period weighted moving
average forecast with weights of 0.50, 0.30, and 0.20 for the most recent demand values,
in that order. Calculate MAD for each forecast, and indicate which would seem to be
most accurate.
• A computer software firm has experienced the following