10 Smart Market Diagnosis Questions

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10 Smart Market Diagnosis Questions

1. What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up their oesophagus, eyes open,
staring at the ceiling?

2. What are they afraid of?

3. What are they angry about? Who are they angry at?

4. What are their top 3 daily frustrations?

5. What trends are occurring and will occur in their business or lives?

6. What do they secretly, ardently desire the most?

7. Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? (example: engineers =
exceptionally analytical)
8. Do they have their own language?

9. Who else is selling something similar to them, and how?

10. Who else has tried selling them something similar and how has the effort failed?

The MVO Worksheet

1. What is the niche?

2. What is their current situation?

3. What is their desired situation?

4. What is it costing them to stay where they are?

5. What would it be worth to get them to their desired situation?

6. What are most niche participants doing to try bridge to their desired situation? How
well is it working for them?

7. What are most niche service providers offering participants to bridge to their desired
situation? How well is it working for the participants and the service providers?

8. What are the niche participants who are crushing it doing? How are they bridging the
gap to their desired situation and how well is it working for them? How is it different?

9. Once you have completed this MVO Worksheet it’s time to craft your first Niche-
Offer-Result Hypothesis.

Message Hypothesis Worksheet

Part One: Pre Market

1. What is the niche?

2. What is the current situation?

3. What is the desired situation?

4. What version # is this hypothesis?

5. Does this niche have their own language/slang and if so what are some of the key
words, phrases and statements that they use?
6. Define your message in a simple sentence or two using the “Message
Equation”. Equation: I help [niche] to [get result] by [your offer]

7. Rate your Message-Hypothesis on a scale of 1 to 10 for how well it resonated with

your prospects before feedback. 1 being no resonance and 10 being crystal clear

Part Two: Live Market Feedback

1. Start crossing off the numbers as you start speaking with the market and testing your
hypothesis by making them the offer stated in this hypothesis worksheet. You
should make at least 20-30 offers before judging your Message Hypothesis.

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2. What words or phrases do you hear your prospects repeating over and over again?

3. What stories do your prospects like to tell that seem to recur across multiple calls?

4. What metaphors or analogies do your prospects use?

5. What things does your prospect appear to be bored or saddened talking about?

6. What things does your prospect appear to be excited and energised talking about?

7. What words, sentences or phrases that you used did NOT resonate with your

8. What words, sentences or phrases that you used DID resonate with your prospects?

9. To emphasise your key points what are some of your best metaphors and analogies?

10. Rate your Message-Hypothesis on a scale of 1 to 10 for how well it resonated with
your prospects after feedback. 1 being no resonance and 10 being crystal clear

11. Based on the above state ways in which you can improve your Message

12. After making at least 20-30 offers to your niche using your Message Hypothesis
collect all the feedback, form ideas for improvement and then move on to form your
next Message Hypothesis and then repeat again.

13. Niche Definition Worksheet

15. Step One: List 5 niches you know or are passionate about
17. 1.

20. Step Two: List 5 skill sets which you currently have

22. Step Three: List the problems, fears and desires of the niches that you


23. Step Four: The most important factor is the “problems and desires”. Out of all
of the problems and desires in step three which one do you believe is the most


25. Step Five: Now take the problem or desire from step four and define how this
looks on the “transformation chart”.


28. Step Six: Do you currently have the skills and knowledge to solve this
problem and help this person make this transformation?

32. If “YES” Awesome! You now have your niche selected.

33. If “NO” Don’t Stress! Most problems when clearly defined and isolated on their own
are very easy to solve and the knowledge needed to do so can be easily acquired.

34. If you selected “NO” please continue to the next step. If you selected “YES” you are
done with this exercise!
38. Step Seven: Let’s work on solving this problem and acquiring the skills and
knowledge necessary to solve it. Start by writing the problem down in one or
two sentences:

40. Has anybody solved this problem? Yes or no?
42. How have they solved this problem? What are they doing?

43. Can you copy this to help solve the problem for your clients? Yes or no?
50. Make a list of the things you need to learn in order to copy the “winning
solution” from people who already have this figured out:


55. What steps are you going to take over the next 7-14 days to learn this?

Niche-Offer-Result Hypothesis Worksheet

Part One: Pre Market

1. What is the niche?

2. What is the current situation?

3. What is the desired situation?

4. What version # is this hypothesis?

5. When it comes to what works and what doesn’t let’s determine signal from noise.
Complete the below table based on your current understanding of the market:


6. Based on the above, what is the minimum work possible that you could do to help
your niche go from their current situation to their desired situation? (If you’re doing “done-
for-you” map out exactly what you will be doing for them and how long it will take. If you’re
doing “coaching” map out a 6-12 week program that would achieve this).

7. What is a fair but still on the high side price that you could charge for this offer? (It
should be at least $1,500 /month for done-for-you and $2,500 for coaching).

8. How certain are you of your niche on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being totally uncertain
and 10 being absolutely certain?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. How painful is the current situation of the niche from their point of view on a scale of
1-10 with 1 being not painful at all to 10 being excruciating pain?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. How urgent is the desire for the niche to achieve their desired situation on a scale of
1-10 with 1 being no desire to 10 being extreme desire?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. How complex is it to offer the solution you are currently offering on a scale of 1-10
with 1 being extremely complex to 10 being simple?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12. How possible do you think it is to truly achieve the desired situation of the niche on a
scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not possible at all to 10 being more than possible?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13. Add your rankings from questions 8 to 12 above. What is your total out of 50?

14. What timeframe do you think it would take to achieve the desired situation in days?

Part Two: Live Market Feedback

1. Start crossing off the numbers as you start speaking with the market and testing your
hypothesis by making them the offer stated in this hypothesis worksheet. You
should make at least 20-30 offers before judging your Niche-Offer-Market

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2. What objections is the market giving you?

3. What things is the market liking or interested in?

4. How are the conversations ending/ what’s the conclusion of each call?

5. What patterns are emerging? What things keep recurring?

6. Based on the above state ways in which you can improve your Niche-Offer-Result

7. After making at least 20-30 offers to your niche using your Niche-Market-Offer
Hypothesis collect all the feedback, form ideas for improvement and then move on to
form your next Niche-Offer-Result Hypothesis and then repeat again.

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