Battle Script

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GetPaying Clients Battle


10 minutes before the call make sure you have all the following ready.

• You must be in a quiet room with no potential distractions

• Have your script in front of you on the screen

• Have the prospects survey printed out in front of you or on the screen

• Close-off all applications on your computer and make sure there’s no

noti cations that could go off mid call.

• Put your phone on silent & airplane mode

• Have a pad a paper & a pen handy for taking notes. This is better then typing
because typing can be loud and the prospect will likely hear it

• Make sure your mic is working before the call

• Use headphones to focus in more on the prospects voice

• Release any negative emotions that may be present on your mind

Part One - Small talk

Hey John, how you doing?

Where are you calling from today?

What time is it for you right now?

Alright, well we can dive right in to this call and get started
if you want?

NOTE: This process should be maximum 1-2 minutes.

Part Two - Understand Current Situation

Looking at the last 30 days what’s your revenue?

How many customers did you get in the last 30 days?
Is there 1-2 products/service that make up the majority of your revenue?
What are your margins?
Whats the last 30 days spend and sales of your advertising?
How did you setup your advertising?
How are you currently getting most of your customers?

NOTE: These questions should give you valuable insight into the prospects
current situation and based on their responses and tonality you should be able to
get a feel for which questions cause the most discomfort / pain. If you sense a lot of pain
or discomfort then dig deeper and amplify that pain.

Part Three - Cause Pain & Gather Data

Why are you getting _______ customers currently per month?

“Why are you at the current situation?”

How much money are you making per month with this business right now?

NOTE: You must get a response to both the underlined questions.

For the 1st underlined question, you must get a speci c answer to that question
because this is the question that clearly de nes their current situation with a value
and you’ll be using their response to this question in the future steps. It’s very

You must get a speci c dollar gure per month before moving forward. This is
essential to making the sale close and the prospect associating you and your
service to their income.

NOTE: These questions should cause them a lot of pain and discomfort. These
questions should be all nerve striking causing pain If you sense a lot of pain or
discomfort, then dig deeper and amplify that pain and hold them under the pressure
using silence.
Part Four - De ne Desired Situation

OK John, where do you want to grow this business to in the next 12 months?

NOTE: You NEED to get an answer to this question, hear them out and then get a
speci c dollar gure per month before moving forward. E.g In the weight-loss niche
this could be a target weight.

OK and what’s your primary motivation for getting to $XX?

NOTE: This is a tricky question, some people give obvious answers like “well I want
to make more money, or I want to healthier… the easiest way to dig deeper is to
then ask “why”

How would things be different for you if you achieved your goal of getting to $XX?

NOTE: if again they give you vague high-level answers you’ll need to dig deeper to
really bring out the emotions and reasons. A good probing question is “Would
getting to $XX? affect any other areas of your life?”

NOTE: In this section you’ll be getting them to describe their desired situation and
bring out the emotions they would feel if they got there. The more emotions you can
elicit the more likely you are to close them. Be very supportive of their goals and if
they’re shooting too low kindly tell that that you think they can do much better and
share past client results to back it up. But always be extremely kind and supportive
of their vision and goals in this part.
Part Five - Removing Their Ego

OK John, so you’re currently making $2,000 /month

with your coaching business and you want to get to
$10,000 /month. Tell me what do you feel is stopping
you from achieving that on your own?

Listen for those 3 magic statements before moving


1. Inability to do it on their own.

2. wanting to do it faster.
3. wanting to follow a proven system and have
guidance by somebody who has actually done it.
Part Six - Gain Control

OK well I think I can de nitely help you out. I’ve been in

your position and I know where your at so

what did you want my help with speci cally?


where did you want to take it from here?

NOTE: This is one of the most important pieces of the call. It

may be awkward for you doing it the rst few times but you’ll
eventually come to love it. At this stage you are now giving
them the alpha male role to take control of the call and ask you
questions, to which you will respond and shut up. This is
extremely powerful because it forces them to now take the lead
and ask you exactly what they want to know about what you
have to offer, how it works, how much it costs.. etc
Part Seven - State Your O er & How it Works

If you’ve done everything up to this point correctly, the next step is that your prospect will
ask you how they can work with you or what you have to offer - when they ask, you need to
present what you have in a clear way that does NOT SOLVE their problems.

Here you state what you do and how it works.

You MUST talk about it, only on a high level and keep it vague. Don’t talk about the
processes or the features of your product / service. Do NOT go in the weeds. Because
you’ll trigger the “feature brain” in your prospect which is NOT good. You want to keep their
brain focused on the OUTCOME.

This area of your script you will have to write out yourself because everybody's service and
offer is different. Write it out, and practice saying it in the mirror until you get the delivery to
be perfect.

You're description of how your thing works should be no more than 1-2 minutes and should


Now your prospect will start asking you questions about how it works and they will keep
asking questions until they have a clear understanding of exactly how it works and more
importantly if it will work for them.

When you present your offer in vague detail the prospect then asks you for all the pieces
they need to understand and they keep asking until they have the full picture that THEY

As you answer the questions be careful NOT TO divert the conversation, just answer the
speci c question they asked you and THEN SHUT UP.

Being concise with your words and practicing silence will turn you into a master over
time.Eventually when your prospect has asked all the questions they have regarding the
offer they will ask you for the “Price”
Part Eight - State Your Price & Close The Deal


“Well the everyday price for this is $4,500” but I’ve noticed that the clients who’ve made
decisions quickly always turn out to be the best clients and get great results, so for that
reason I created incentive based pricing where if you make a decision with me on the
call today I can take $2000 off the investment and it’d be just $2,500”



“Well my fee for managing this for you is $2,000 /month and there is a setup fee of
$2,000 but I have found that those who make decisions quickly always turn out to be
the best clients and we do amazing work together so for that reason I have something
called incentive based pricing where if you make a decision on the call with me today I
waive the $2,000 setup fee and it’s just $2,000 /month.” Then shut up.

This SILENCE here is the most crucial part of your entire call.

You MUST not say a damn word during this silence and you MUST remain silent until
the prospect speaks. Sometimes this silence is longer than 1-2 mins.

continued on the next page…

Part Eight - State Your Price & Close The Deal

Continued from the previous page…

Your now waiting for any words that mean let’s move forward with this:

“What’s the next step?”

“Ok well what’s next?”
“Ok how do we get started?”]
“Ok let’s do it!”

When they are ready to take the next step say:

Awesome! Well let’s get you started right now. We do credit over the phone. Do you prefer
visa or master card?

They might say “Visa” or “mastercard” then BOOM you just right down all the information.

You need to get the Credit card number on the front, the expiry date, and the numbers on
the back!

Once you’ve got the details you can ask them for their best email, and then let them know.

“Alright I’m gonna hop off the call, process the payment, send you a receipt to your email
and then send you an on-boarding email with all the information you need to get started”

Then you end the call and proceed!

Part Eight - State Your Price & Close The Deal

Continued from the previous page…

Your now waiting for any words that mean let’s move forward with this:

“What’s the next step?”

“Ok well what’s next?”
“Ok how do we get started?”]
“Ok let’s do it!”

When they are ready to take the next step say:

Awesome! Well let’s get you started right now. We do credit over the phone. Do you prefer
visa or master card?

They might say “Visa” or “mastercard” then BOOM you just right down all the information.

You need to get the Credit card number on the front, the expiry date, and the numbers on
the back!

Once you’ve got the details you can ask them for their best email, and then let them know.

“Alright I’m gonna hop off the call, process the payment, send you a receipt to your email
and then send you an on-boarding email with all the information you need to get started”

Then you end the call and proceed!

Handling Objections

Objection: How much time do I have to decide?

“How much time do you need to decide?”

“Is there something in particular you need to think about that we can discuss right now?”

Talk that out and It will likely lead to:

Objection: I need time to nd the money and look over my nances. I just don’t
make decisions on the spot. I need to check with partner or spouse.

“Okay great. When speci cally will you be talking with your partner or spouse?”, or
“When will you be looking over your nances”, or
“When will you be sitting down to think about it?”

“Perfect. So you will have spoken with your spouse/partner (or looked over your
nances or had some time to think about it) by noon eastern tomorrow...”

“Awesome, I’ll just make sure were added on Facebook, just reach out to me there and
get enrolled by noon tomorrow and I will hold those savings for you until then.”

If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a speci c TIME and DAY they
need to enrol by to get the incentive price.

Objection: I have no money.

"Okay...”(Silence) “We understand that nances can be a challenge, and we always do

our best to work with people in this scenario.”

“Let me ask you this, is this something you really want to do? Because if it’s not a good
t, that is okay, too.”

(“Oh no, I want to do it.”)

“So how can we make this happen for you?”

Handling Objections
Objection: I can’t afford it.

"Tell me more about that.” (Let them tell you.)

"OK, so you shared with me throughout the call that this is exactly what you need to do to move
forward. So tell me, how is it that you are going to afford to continue without it?" (“I can’t.”)

"So how can we make this a reality for you?"

Objection: I don’t have the money.

“Ok but Isn’t that why you came on the call to begin with!?”

Objection: Once I make some money then I want to work with you.
“So tell me how that would work?” (Let them tell you whatever.)

“Okay, so let me see if I’ve got this right? What you are saying is that you are going to continue to
do what you have told me is building your business slowly, and isn’t even paying your bills. And
you are going to continue to do what’s not working long enough to someday build up a
SURPLUS of cash to invest in what will work? Is that an accurate statement?”

(Well, that sounds silly, I know.)

“So how can we make this work for you?”

Objection: I need some time to think it over.

“I get that... and I encourage that. We want this to be a great t for everyone.”

“Can I ask you this? What haven’t we discussed that you still need to think about? That’s why I
take the time on these calls. I’m here right now to help you make an empowered decision. While
you still have me on the phone here, what questions or concerns do you still have that are
unanswered?” (Discuss those.)

If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a speci c TIME and DAY they need to
enrol by to get the incentive price.
Handling Objections

Objection: It’s not a good time.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question about that?

“When WILL it be a good time for you to start putting the things you said are most important to
you into your life?”


“How will you know when it’s time to start doing and having the things in your life that you just
told me where so important?

Objection: I need to check with partner or spouse.

“Yes, I totally understand. That is very important. So let me clarify here. Are you saying you
are in, and you just need to get a ‘sign-off’ from your spouse/partner, and then we are moving
forward? Or is there something else?”

If yes, say, “Okay great. When speci cally will you guys be able to talk?” “Perfect. So you will
have spoken with your spouse by noon eastern tomorrow...”

“Awesome, I just added you ( or were friends ) on Facebook, just reach out to me there and
get enrolled by noon tomorrow and I will hold those savings for you until then.”

If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a speci c TIME and DAY they need
to enrol by to get the incentive price.

Note: OFFER to get on the phone with the spouse and discuss, too. It works really well when
you do. Just be sure when if they do come on the phone that you don’t start blabbing about

Start the conversation by asking “Great, what questions do you have about us helping your
husband/wife....(grow their business, lose weight, balance their hormones...etc)?” and address
their concerns and questions only.

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